home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- ***** SCSIutil
- *
- * A utility to do some low-level operations to a SCSI disk, e.g.
- *
- * - start/stop motor
- * - read sectors
- * - read disk capacity info
- * - get inquiry info (manufacturers name etc)
- * - seek to a sector's cylinder (use to park heads)
- * - play audio tracks of a CD-DA
- * - eject/insert a medium
- * - read digital data off audio CDs (with Sony 8003 = Apple CD300
- * and Toshiba 3401)
- * - set output volume of a CD-ROM drive
- *
- * NOTE: this program is based on SCSI information taken from
- * the accompanying documentation of a NEC D3841 SCSI disk.
- * I don't know the extent to which SCSI standards are
- * supported by that disk.
- *
- * These commands work on the above disk. But a seek to
- * sector -1 (park on the NEC disk) fails on my Quantum 105.D
- *
- * Program returns:
- * 1 - init didn't work (maybe allocmem failed, etc.)
- * 2 - wrong parameter count
- * 3 - wrong parameter
- *
- ***** Written by Gary Duncan
- *
- * Bug reports etc via e-mail to gduncan@philips.oz.au) , or mail to
- *
- * Gary Duncan
- * Philips PTS
- * 23 Lakeside Dr
- * Tally-Ho Technology Park
- * Burwood East Vic 3151
- * Australia
- *
- * New features and rewrites by:
- *
- * The Software Brewery
- * Heiko Rath
- * Raiffeisenstr.10a
- * D-64331 Weiterstadt
- * Germany
- *
- * EMail: hr@brewhr.swb.de
- *
- ***** Freely distributable for non-commercial purposes
- *
- * Compiles under Lattice 6.50
- * - needs AmigaDos 2.0 #includes
- *
- ***** Thanks to Markus Illenseer for some beta-testing.
- *
- ***** Function List :-
- *
- * breakcheck() by GD, modified by <HR>
- * __chkabort() by <HR>
- * DoScsiCmd () by <HR>
- * err_str() by GD
- * gcomp() by GD
- * finddrivebrand() by <HR>
- * GetDevName() by GD
- * id2string () by <HR>
- * init () by GD, modified by <HR>
- * inquiry() by GD, modified by <HR>
- * medium_removal() by <HR>
- * mode_sense() by <HR>
- * motor () by GD, modified by <HR>
- * play_audio () by <HR>
- * rawahexasciioutput() by <HR>
- * rawhexoutput() by <HR>
- * read_capacity() by GD, modified by <HR>
- * read_cdblockheader() by <HR>
- * read_cddaasync() by <HR>
- * read_sec () by GD, modified by <HR>
- * read_sec_scsi () by GD, modified by <HR>
- * read_subchannel() by <HR>
- * read_toc () by <HR>
- * seek () by GD, modified by <HR>
- * SendScsiCmd() by <HR>
- * sense_errs() by GD
- * set_volume() by <HR>
- * usage() by GD, modified by <HR>
- * WaitScsiCmd() by <HR>
- *
- */
- #define VERSION "2.02"
- /*
- **** Includes
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <devices/trackdisk.h>
- #include <devices/scsidisk.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #ifdef __SASC
- #include <proto/all.h>
- #else
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- /* non-ANSI C macro isascii() */
- #define isascii(a) (((a) & 0x80) == 0)
- #endif
- #include "scsi_priv.h"
- /*
- * string for AmigaDOS Version Command
- */
- char A_vers[] = "\0$VER: SCSIutil " VERSION " (" __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ")";
- /*
- **** Global variables
- */
- UBYTE *ip_buf = NULL;
- UBYTE *scsi_data = NULL;
- UBYTE *toc_buf = NULL;
- UBYTE *dev = "";
- int scsi_id = -1; /* ID of the SCSI device to send commands to */
- UBYTE *pname;
- UBYTE buffer[LINE_BUF];
- int secno = -1;
- DRIVETYPE whatdrive = UNKNOWN; /* what CD-ROM brand */
- UBYTE *cdda_buf[NDBLBUF];
- SCSICMD scsi_cmd[NDBLBUF];
- UBYTE *scsi_sense[NDBLBUF];
- UBYTE scsi_status[NDBLBUF];
- BYTE *mono_buf[NDBLBUF];
- #ifdef USE8SVX
- BYTE write8svx = FALSE; /* convert to 8SVX */
- #endif /* USE8SVX */
- /*
- **** Function descr.
- */
- int breakcheck (void);
- int DoScsiCmd (UBYTE * data, int datasize, UBYTE * cmd, int cmdsize, UBYTE flags);
- UBYTE *err_str (int err);
- void exit (int status);
- void finddrivebrand (void);
- int gcomp (char *p1, char *p2, int len);
- UBYTE *GetDevName (char *grep);
- UBYTE *id2string (int id, IDTOSTRING * idtable);
- BOOLEAN init (void);
- void inquiry (BOOLEAN parsedoutput);
- void medium_removal(BOOLEAN lock);
- void mode_sense (BOOLEAN parsed, UBYTE control, UBYTE page);
- void motor (int motorstatus);
- void play_audio (int starttrack, int startindex, int endtrack, int endindex);
- void rawhexasciioutput (UBYTE *p, UWORD numbytes, UBYTE leadspace);
- void rawhexoutput (UBYTE *p, UWORD numbytes);
- void read_capacity (BOOLEAN parsed);
- void read_cdblockheader (BOOLEAN parsed, ULONG block);
- #ifdef _DCC
- __stkargs
- #endif
- void read_cddaasync (ULONG startblock, ULONG numblocks, BYTE
- whichchannel, BYTE use16bit, unsigned int subcode);
- void read_sec (void);
- void read_sec_scsi (void);
- void read_subchannel (BOOLEAN parsed, UBYTE subchannel, UBYTE subchannelformat, UBYTE track);
- void read_toc (int toclong);
- void seek (void);
- UBYTE *sense_errs (int req, int err);
- void set_volume (int vol0, int vol1, int vol2, int vol3);
- void usage (void);
- int WaitScsiCmd (int req);
- void SendScsiCmd (int req, UBYTE * data, int datasize, UBYTE * cmd, int cmdsize, UBYTE flags);
- #ifdef __SASC
- void __regargs __chkabort (void);
- #endif /* __SASC */
- #ifdef _DCC
- #include <stdlib.h>
- typedef int (*brkfuncptr)();
- int brkhandler() { return(0); }
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * main
- *
- *
- */
- int
- main (int argc, char **argv)
- {
- UBYTE *p;
- int j = 0, i = 0;
- int returnvalue = 0;
- #ifdef _DCC
- int (*oldbrkhandler)() = onbreak(brkhandler);
- #endif
- if (argc == 1)
- {
- usage ();
- exit (1);
- }
- /*
- * see if a SCSI.device specified
- */
- if (strncmp (argv[1], "-d", 2) == 0)
- {
- j = 1;
- dev = argv[1] + 2;
- }
- else if ((dev = GetDevName (SCSI_STRING)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : no *scsi*.device in device list\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- pname = argv[0];
- if (argc < (j + 2))
- {
- usage (); /* help inquiry */
- exit (1);
- }
- if (argc < (j + 3))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Not enough params\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- /*
- * pick up SCSI id ; do a rough check
- */
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 1], "%d", &scsi_id) != 1 || scsi_id < 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Bad scsi id\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- if (*(p = argv[j + 2]) != '-')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- exit (1);
- }
- /*
- * now set up structures etc for SCSI xfer
- */
- if (init () == FALSE)
- {
- returnvalue = 1;
- goto error;
- }
- /*
- ********************** now examine the options
- */
- if (argc == (j + 3))
- /* commands without parameter */
- {
- switch (*++p)
- {
- /*
- **** read capacity
- */
- case 'c':
- if (*++p == 'r')
- {
- read_capacity (FALSE); /* output raw data */
- }
- else
- {
- read_capacity (TRUE); /* output parsed data */
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** inquiry (raw)
- */
- case 'i':
- if (*++p == 'r')
- {
- inquiry (FALSE); /* output raw data */
- }
- else
- {
- inquiry (TRUE); /* output parsed data */
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** read TOC
- */
- case 't':
- if (*(p+1) == 'r')
- {
- read_toc(0); /* output raw data */
- }
- else if (*(p+1) == 'l')
- {
- read_toc(2); /* output long form */
- }
- else
- {
- read_toc(1); /* output short form */
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** show volume settings
- */
- case 'v':
- set_volume (-1, -1, -1, -1);
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- }
- else if (argc == (j + 4))
- /* commands with one parameter */
- {
- switch (*++p)
- {
- /*
- **** change medium
- */
- case 'e':
- {
- int eject = -1;
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &eject) != 1
- || ((eject != 0) && (eject != 1)))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : eject/load control must be 0 or 1\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- motor ((eject | 2)); /* eject/insert */
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** read CD-ROM data block address header
- */
- case 'h':
- {
- ULONG block;
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%lu", &block) != 1)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Bad block no\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*++p == 'r')
- {
- read_cdblockheader (FALSE, block);
- }
- else
- {
- read_cdblockheader (TRUE, block);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** prevent/allow medium removal
- */
- case 'l':
- {
- int lock = -1;
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &lock) != 1
- || ((lock != 0) && (lock != 1)) )
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Medium removal control must be 0 or 1\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- medium_removal (lock); /* prevent/allow medium removal */
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** stop/start motor
- */
- case 'm':
- {
- int motoronoff = -1;
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &motoronoff) != 1
- || ((motoronoff != 0) && (motoronoff != 1)) )
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : motor control must be 0 or 1\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- motor (motoronoff); /* turn on/off motor */
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** read sectors
- */
- case 'r':
- /*
- * get sector #
- */
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &secno) != 1)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Bad sec no\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*++p == 't')
- {
- read_sec (); /* read sector with trackdisk.device */
- }
- else
- {
- read_sec_scsi (); /* read sector with scsi */
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** seek to cylinder containing secno
- */
- case 's':
- /*
- * get sector #
- */
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &secno) != 1)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Bad sec no\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- seek ();
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- }
- else if (argc == (j + 5))
- /* commands with two parameters */
- {
- ULONG startblock, numblocks; /* used by the CDDA commands */
- BYTE whichchannel = -1; /* read left / right channel / stereo */
- switch (*++p)
- {
- /*
- **** read CD-DA (8 bit left|right mono)
- */
- case 'D':
- if ((whichchannel = toupper (*(p + 1))) != 'L'
- && whichchannel != 'R')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : must be either -DL or -DR\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%lu", &startblock) != 1
- || sscanf (argv[j + 4], "%lu", &numblocks) != 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid parameter for startblock of numblocks\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- read_cddaasync (startblock, numblocks, whichchannel,
- FALSE, 0);
- }
- }
- break;
- #ifdef USE8SVX
- /*
- **** read CD-DA (output 8SVX 8 bit left|right|stereo)
- */
- case '8':
- if ((whichchannel = toupper (*(p + 1))) != 'L' && whichchannel != 'R' && whichchannel != 'S')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : must be -8{L|R|S}\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%lu", &startblock) != 1
- || sscanf (argv[j + 4], "%lu", &numblocks) != 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid parameter for startblock of numblocks\n");
- }
- else
- {
- write8svx = TRUE;
- read_cddaasync (startblock, numblocks, whichchannel,
- FALSE, 0);
- }
- }
- break;
- #endif /* USE8SVX */
- /*
- **** mode sense
- */
- case 'o':
- {
- int control, page;
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &control) != 1 || control < 0 || control > 3)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid parameter for control (must be 0-4)\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 4], "%d", &page) != 1 || page < 0 || page > 0x3f)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid parameter for page (must be 0-0x3f)\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*++p == 'r')
- /* raw */
- {
- mode_sense (FALSE, control, page);
- }
- else
- /* parsed */
- {
- mode_sense (TRUE, control, page);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- }
- else if (argc == (j + 6))
- /* commands with 3 parameters */
- {
- ULONG startblock, numblocks; /* used by the CDDA commands */
- BYTE whichchannel = -1; /* read left / right channel / stereo */
- unsigned int subcode = 0;
- switch (*++p)
- {
- /*
- **** read CD-DA (16 bit raw left|right|stereo)
- */
- case 'd':
- if ((whichchannel = toupper (*(p + 1))) != 'L'
- && whichchannel != 'R' && whichchannel != 'S')
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : must be -d{L|R|S}\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%lu", &startblock) != 1
- || sscanf (argv[j + 4], "%lu", &numblocks) != 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid parameter for startblock of numblocks\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 5], "%u", &subcode) != 1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error : invalid parameter for subcode\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- read_cddaasync (startblock, numblocks, whichchannel,
- TRUE, subcode);
- }
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** read sub-channel information
- */
- case 'u': /* raw */
- case 'U': /* parsed */
- {
- int trackno, subchannelformat, subchannel;
- /*
- * get sub-channel #
- */
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &subchannel) != 1
- || subchannel < 0 || subchannel >255)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Sub-channel must be 0-255\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- /*
- * get sub-channel data format #
- */
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 4], "%d", &subchannelformat) != 1
- || subchannelformat < 0 || subchannelformat >255)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Sub-channel data format must be 0-255\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- /*
- * get track #
- */
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 5], "%d", &trackno) != 1 || trackno < 0
- || trackno > 99)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Bad track no (must be 1-99)\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- else
- {
- if (*++p == 'r')
- {
- read_subchannel (FALSE,subchannel, subchannelformat, trackno);
- }
- else
- {
- read_subchannel (TRUE,subchannel, subchannelformat, trackno);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- }
- else if (argc == (j + 7))
- /* commands with 4 parameters */
- {
- switch (*++p)
- {
- /*
- **** play audio
- */
- case 'p':
- {
- int starttrack, startindex, endtrack, endindex;
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3], "%d", &starttrack) != 1
- || (starttrack < 1) || (starttrack > 99))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Starting audio track must be in the range 1-99\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- goto error;
- }
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 4], "%d", &startindex) != 1
- || (startindex < 0) || (startindex > 99))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Starting audio track index must be in the range 1-99\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- goto error;
- }
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 5], "%d", &endtrack) != 1
- || (endtrack < 1) || (endtrack > 99))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Ending audio track must be in the range 1-99\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- goto error;
- }
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 6], "%d", &endindex) != 1
- || (endindex < 0) || (endindex > 99))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Ending audio track index must be in the range 1-99\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- goto error;
- }
- play_audio (starttrack, startindex, endtrack, endindex);
- }
- break;
- /*
- **** change volume settings
- */
- case 'v':
- {
- int i;
- int vol[4];
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- {
- if (sscanf (argv[j + 3 + i], "%d", &vol[i]) != 1
- || (vol[i] < -1) || (vol[i] > 255))
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : Volume %d must be in the range -1 - 255\n", i);
- returnvalue = 3;
- goto error;
- }
- }
- set_volume (vol[0], vol[1], vol[2], vol[3]);
- }
- break;
- default:
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : bad option\n");
- returnvalue = 3;
- }
- error:
- for (i = 0; i < NDBLBUF; i++)
- {
- if (io_ptr[i])
- {
- CloseDevice ((struct IORequest *) io_ptr[i]);
- DeleteStdIO (io_ptr[i]);
- }
- if (cdda_buf[i])
- FreeMem (cdda_buf[i], MAX_CDDALEN);
- if (mp_ptr[i])
- DeletePort (mp_ptr[i]);
- if (scsi_sense[i])
- FreeMem (scsi_sense[i], SENSE_LEN);
- if (mono_buf)
- FreeMem (mono_buf[i], MAX_CDDALEN / 2);
- }
- if (toc_buf)
- FreeMem (toc_buf, MAX_TOC_LEN);
- if (ip_buf)
- FreeMem (ip_buf, TD_SECTOR);
- if (scsi_data)
- FreeMem (scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN);
- #ifdef _DCC
- onbreak(oldbrkhandler);
- #endif
- exit (returnvalue);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * Initialization function
- *
- */
- init (void)
- {
- int i;
- if ((scsi_data = (UBYTE *) AllocMem (MAX_DATA_LEN, MEMF_CHIP | MEMF_CLEAR)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "AllocMem(0) Fail\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((ip_buf = (UBYTE *) AllocMem (TD_SECTOR, MEMF_CHIP)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "AllocMem(2) Fail\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((toc_buf = (UBYTE *) AllocMem (MAX_TOC_LEN, MEMF_CHIP)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "AllocMem(3) Fail\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < NDBLBUF; i++)
- {
- if ((scsi_sense[i] = (UBYTE *) AllocMem (SENSE_LEN, MEMF_CHIP || MEMF_CLEAR)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "AllocMem (scsi_sense[%d]) Fail\n",i);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((cdda_buf[i] = (UBYTE *) AllocMem (MAX_CDDALEN, 0)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "AllocMem (cdda_buf[%d]) Fail\n",i);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((mp_ptr[i] = (MSGPORT *) CreatePort (NULL, 0)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "CreatePort (mp_ptr[%d]) Fail\n",i);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((io_ptr[i] = (IOSTDREQ *) CreateStdIO (mp_ptr[i])) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "CreateStdIO (io_ptr[%d]) Fail\n",i);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (OpenDevice (dev, scsi_id, (struct IORequest *) io_ptr[i], 0) != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr,
- "Error %d while opening SCSI dev \"%s\", unit (%d)\n",
- io_ptr[i]->io_Error, dev, scsi_id, i);
- return FALSE;
- }
- if ((mono_buf[i] = (BYTE *) AllocMem (MAX_CDDALEN / 2, 0)) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "AllocMem (mono_buf[%d]) Fail\n",i);
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read parameter pages from a device
- */
- void
- mode_sense (BOOLEAN parsed, UBYTE control, UBYTE page)
- {
- static SCSICMD6 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_MSE, /* 0x1a MODE SENSE scsi command */
- PAD, /* LUN | rsrvd. | DBD | rsrvd. */
- 0, /* PC | Page Code */
- PAD, /* rsrvd. */
- 0, /* allocation length */
- PAD /* control */
- };
- static IDTOSTRING pagecontrolfield[] =
- {
- 0x00, "Current Values",
- 0x01, "Changeable Values",
- 0x02, "Default Values",
- 0x03, "Saved Values",
- -1, "Illegal value"
- };
- UWORD i,j;
- int err;
- command.b2 = (control<<6) | page;
- command.b4 = MAX_DATA_LEN;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) &command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- else
- {
- if (parsed == TRUE)
- /* output parsed data */
- {
- printf ("%s\n", id2string(control, pagecontrolfield));
- printf ("Mode Parameter Header:\n");
- printf (" Mode Data Length: %hu\n", scsi_data[0]);
- printf (" Medium Type: %hu\n", scsi_data[1]);
- printf (" Device-Specific Parameter: %hu\n", scsi_data[2]);
- printf (" Block Descriptor Length: %hu\n", scsi_data[3]);
- for (i = 0; i < scsi_data[3]; i +=8) /* print block descriptors */
- {
- printf("Block Descriptor Density Code: %hu\n",scsi_data[(i)+4]);
- printf(" Number of Blocks: %lu\n", (scsi_data[(i)+5]<<16) + (scsi_data[(i)+6]<<8) + (scsi_data[(i)+7]) );
- printf(" Byte 4 (reserved): %hu\n", scsi_data[(i)+8]);
- printf(" Block length: %lu\n", (scsi_data[(i)+9]<<16) + (scsi_data[(i)+10]<<8) + (scsi_data[(i)+11]) );
- }
- for (j = (scsi_data[0]+1), i = scsi_data[3] + 4; i < j; i += scsi_data[i+1] + 2)
- {
- printf("Page Code: %hu\n",scsi_data[i] & 0x3f);
- printf(" Page can%s be saved\n", (scsi_data[i] & 0x80) ? "" : " not");
- printf(" Page Length: %hu\n", scsi_data[i+1]);
- printf(" Mode Parameters:\n");
- rawhexasciioutput(&scsi_data[i+2], scsi_data[i+1], 2);
- }
- }
- else
- /* output raw data */
- {
- rawhexasciioutput(scsi_data, scsi_data[0]+1, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read CD-ROM data block address header
- * starting block and number of blocks.
- */
- void
- read_cdblockheader (BOOLEAN parsed, ULONG block)
- {
- static SCSICMD10 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_READHEADER, /* 0x44 READ HEADER scsi command */
- 0, /* LUN | rsrvd. | MSF | rsrvd. */
- 0, 0, 0, 0, /* Logical Block Address (ULONG) */
- PAD, /* reserved */
- 0,0, /* allocated data length */
- PAD /* control */
- };
- static IDTOSTRING udatafieldcont[] =
- {
- 0x00, "All bytes zero",
- 0x01, "User Data",
- 0x02, "User Data",
- -1, "Reserved"
- };
- static IDTOSTRING auxfieldcont[] =
- {
- 0x00, "All bytes zero",
- 0x01, "L-EC symbols",
- 0x02, "User Data",
- -1, "Reserved"
- };
- int err;
- command.b2 = block>>24;
- command.b3 = block>>16;
- command.b4 = block>>8;
- command.b5 = block;
- #if MAX_CDDALEN > 65536
- command.b7 = 255;
- command.b8 = 255;
- #else
- command.b7 = MAX_CDDALEN>>8;
- command.b8 = MAX_CDDALEN & 0xff;
- #endif
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) cdda_buf[0], MAX_CDDALEN,
- (UBYTE *) &command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- else
- {
- if (parsed == TRUE)
- {
- printf("User Data Field Contents (2048 bytes): %d = %s\n",
- (cdda_buf[0])[0], id2string ((cdda_buf[0])[0], udatafieldcont));
- printf("Auxiliary Field Contents ( 288 bytes): %d = %s\n",
- (cdda_buf[0])[0], id2string ((cdda_buf[0])[0], auxfieldcont));
- printf("Byte 1 (reserved): %d\n",(cdda_buf[0])[1]);
- printf("Byte 2 (reserved): %d\n",(cdda_buf[0])[2]);
- printf("Byte 3 (reserved): %d\n",(cdda_buf[0])[3]);
- printf("Absolute CD-ROM Address: %lu\n",
- ((cdda_buf[0])[4] << 24) | ((cdda_buf[0])[5] << 16) | ((cdda_buf[0])[6] << 8) | ((cdda_buf[0])[7]));
- }
- else
- {
- rawhexasciioutput(cdda_buf[0], 8, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read subchannel data audio from Sony CDROM with
- * starting block and number of blocks.
- */
- void
- read_subchannel (BOOLEAN parsed, UBYTE subchannel, UBYTE subchannelformat, UBYTE track)
- {
- static SCSICMD10 command =
- {
- 0, /* LUN | rsrvd. | MSF | rsrvd. */
- 0x40, /* return Sub-Q Channel data */
- 0, /* Sub-channel Data Format */
- PAD,
- PAD,
- 0, /* Track Number 1-99 */
- 0,0, /* allocated data length */
- PAD /* control */
- };
- static IDTOSTRING audiostatus[] =
- {
- 0x00, "Audio status byte not supported or not valid",
- 0x11, "Audio play operation in progress.",
- 0x12, "Audio play operation paused.",
- 0x13, "Audio play operation successfully completed.",
- 0x14, "Audio play operation stopped due to error.",
- 0x15, "No current audio status to return",
- -1, "Reserved, unknown or no audio status"
- };
- static IDTOSTRING Qfield[] =
- {
- 0x00, "Sub-channel Q mode information not supplied.",
- 0x01, "Sub-channel Q encodes current position data.",
- 0x02, "Sub-channel Q encodes media catalog number.",
- 0x03, "Sub-channel Q encodes ISRC.",
- -1, "Reserved"
- };
- int err;
- command.b2 = subchannel;
- command.b3 = subchannelformat;
- command.b6 = track;
- #if MAX_CDDALEN > 65536
- command.b7 = 255;
- command.b8 = 255;
- #else
- command.b7 = MAX_CDDALEN & 0xff;
- command.b8 = MAX_CDDALEN>>8; /* Allocation length = max. data length */
- #endif
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) cdda_buf[0], MAX_CDDALEN,
- (UBYTE *) &command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- else
- {
- if (parsed == TRUE)
- /* parsed output */
- {
- if (subchannel == 0x40)
- {
- if (subchannelformat == 0)
- {
- /* CHANGE - this doesn't work with my Apple CD300!!!!! */
- rawhexoutput(cdda_buf[0], ((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3])+4);
- }
- else if (subchannelformat == 1)
- {
- printf("Byte 0 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[0]);
- printf("Audio status: %s\n",id2string ((cdda_buf[0])[1],audiostatus));
- printf("Sub-Channel Data Length: %d\n",((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3]));
- printf("Sub-Channel Data Format code (should be 0x01!): %d\n",(cdda_buf[0])[4]);
- printf("ADR: %s\n",id2string(((cdda_buf[0])[5]>>4 & 0x0f), Qfield));
- printf("Audio with%s pre-emphasis. ", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x01) ? "" : "out");
- printf("Digital copy %s\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x02) ? "permitted" : "prohibited");
- printf("%s track. ", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x04) ? "Data" : "Audio");
- printf("%s channel audio.\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x08) ? "Four" : "Two");
- printf("Track Number: %d\n", (cdda_buf[0])[6]);
- printf("Index Number: %d\n", (cdda_buf[0])[7]);
- printf("Absolute CD-ROM Address: %lu\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[8] << 24) | ((cdda_buf[0])[9] << 16) | ((cdda_buf[0])[10] << 8) | ((cdda_buf[0])[11]));
- printf("Track Relative CD-ROM Address: %lu\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[12] << 24) | ((cdda_buf[0])[13] << 16) | ((cdda_buf[0])[14] << 8) | ((cdda_buf[0])[15]));
- }
- else if (subchannelformat == 2)
- {
- printf("Byte 0 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[0]);
- printf("Audio status %s\n",id2string ((cdda_buf[0])[1],audiostatus));
- printf("Sub-Channel Data Length %d\n",((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3]));
- printf("Sub-Channel Data Format code (should be 0x02!): %d\n",(cdda_buf[0])[4]);
- printf("Byte 5 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[5]);
- printf("Byte 6 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[6]);
- printf("Byte 7 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[7]);
- printf("Byte 8 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[8] & 0x7f);
- printf("MCVal is %s\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[8] & 0x80) ? "true" : "false");
- printf("Media Catalog Number (UPC/Bar Code):\n");
- rawhexasciioutput(&(cdda_buf[0])[9], 15, 1);
- }
- else if (subchannelformat == 3)
- {
- printf("Byte 0 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[0]);
- printf("Audio status %s\n",id2string ((cdda_buf[0])[1],audiostatus));
- printf("Sub-Channel Data Length %d\n",((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3]));
- printf("Sub-Channel Data Format code (should be 0x03!): %d\n",(cdda_buf[0])[4]);
- printf("ADR: %s\n",id2string(((cdda_buf[0])[5]>>4 & 0x0f) ,Qfield));
- printf("Audio with%s pre-emphasis. ", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x01) ? "" : "out");
- printf("Digital copy %s\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x02) ? "permitted" : "prohibited");
- printf("%s track. ", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x04) ? "Data" : "Audio");
- printf("%s channel audio.\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[5] & 0x08) ? "Four" : "Two");
- printf("Track Number: %d\n", (cdda_buf[0])[6]);
- printf("Byte 7 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[7]);
- printf("Byte 8 (reserved): %02x\n",(cdda_buf[0])[8] & 0x7f);
- printf("TCVal is %s\n", ((cdda_buf[0])[8] & 0x80) ? "true" : "false");
- printf("Track International-Standard-Recording-Code (ISRC):\n");
- rawhexasciioutput(&(cdda_buf[0])[9], 15, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- rawhexasciioutput(cdda_buf[0], ((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3])+4, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- rawhexasciioutput(cdda_buf[0], ((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3])+4, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- /* raw output */
- {
- rawhexasciioutput(cdda_buf[0], ((cdda_buf[0])[2]*256 + (cdda_buf[0])[3])+4, 0);
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * subroutine used to printout raw hex data bytes
- *
- */
- void
- rawhexoutput (UBYTE *p, UWORD numbytes)
- {
- UWORD i;
- for (i = 0; i < numbytes; i++)
- {
- printf (" %02x", p[i]);
- }
- printf ("\n");
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * subroutine used to printout raw hex data bytes with the
- * corresponding ASCII values and an index
- *
- */
- void
- rawhexasciioutput (UBYTE *p, UWORD numbytes, UBYTE leadspace)
- {
- UWORD i, j;
- UBYTE *boff, *aoff;
- int xxxlen = strlen (" xx"); /* byte */
- buffer[5+leadspace] = '=';
- for (i = 0; i < numbytes; i += BYTES_PER_LINE)
- {
- memset (buffer, ' ', sizeof (buffer)); /* put spaces in buffer */
- boff = &buffer[7+leadspace];
- aoff = boff + (xxxlen * BYTES_PER_LINE) + 1;
- sprintf (buffer+leadspace, "%04X = ", i); /* add offset */
- for (j = 0; (j < BYTES_PER_LINE && (i+j) < numbytes); j++, boff += xxxlen, p++, aoff++)
- {
- sprintf (boff, " %02X", *p);
- *aoff = (isascii (*p) && isprint (*p)) ? *p : '.';
- }
- buffer[strlen (buffer)] = ' ';
- *++aoff = '\n';
- *++aoff = '\0';
- printf ("%s", buffer);
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read digital audio from Sony / Toshiba CD-ROM with
- * starting block and number of blocks.
- * This version uses asynchronous reads.
- *
- * outputs LRLRLR pairs of 16 bit digital stereo audio samples,
- * 2352 / 2368 / 2448 / 96 bytes per CD-ROM block
- *
- * or (depending on 'whichchannel')
- *
- * 8 bit digital audio samples, either the left or right channel.
- */
- #ifdef _DCC
- __stkargs
- #endif
- void
- read_cddaasync (ULONG startblock, ULONG numblocks, BYTE whichchannel,
- BYTE use16bit, unsigned int subcode)
- {
- static struct CMD_RDCDDA
- {
- UBYTE cmd; /* READ CD-DA scsi command 0xD8 */
- UBYTE pad_a; /* Bits 7-5 Logical Unit Number | Bits 4-1 Reserved | Bit 0 EVPD */
- ULONG lba; /* logical block address MSB, , ,LSB */
- ULONG lbn; /* number of blocks to transfer MSB, , ,LSB */
- UBYTE subcode; /* special sub code selector:
- * 0: normal 2352
- * 1: 2368
- * 2: 2448
- * 3: 96 bytes */
- UBYTE cntrl; /* Control */
- } command[NDBLBUF];
- /*
- * TOSHIBA XM3401 specific
- */
- static SCSICMD6 modecommand;
- static struct cddamodedata
- {
- UWORD pad0;
- UBYTE pad1;
- UBYTE bdlength;
- ULONG density; /* = densitycode << 24 */
- ULONG blocklen;
- } newmodedata;
- int err, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, l = 0;
- ULONG nblocks = numblocks, xblocks;
- finddrivebrand(); /* determine CD-ROM drive */
- /*
- * TOSHIBA XM3401 specific
- */
- if (whatdrive == TOSHIBA3401)
- {
- /* Read old mode data */
- modecommand.opcode = SCSI_CMD_MSE;
- modecommand.b1 = 0;
- modecommand.b2 = 1;
- modecommand.b3 = 0;
- modecommand.b4 = MAX_DATA_LEN;
- modecommand.control = 0;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) &modecommand, sizeof (modecommand),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- return;
- }
- /* Write new mode data */
- newmodedata.pad0 = 0;
- newmodedata.pad1 = 0;
- newmodedata.bdlength = 8;
- newmodedata.density = 0x82L << 24;
- newmodedata.blocklen = 2352;
- modecommand.opcode = SCSI_CMD_MSL;
- modecommand.b1 = 0x10;
- modecommand.b2 = 0;
- modecommand.b4 = sizeof(struct cddamodedata);
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) &newmodedata, sizeof(struct cddamodedata),
- (UBYTE *) &modecommand, sizeof (modecommand),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- return;
- }
- } /* TOSHIBA */
- /* reset SCSI status to no command pending
- */
- for (i = 0; i < NDBLBUF; i++)
- scsi_status[i] = 0;
- for (i = 0; ; (++i >= NDBLBUF)? i = 0 : i)
- {
- if (breakcheck ()) /* ^C ? */
- {
- /* wait for pending SCSI commands
- */
- for (j = 0, i++; j < NDBLBUF; j++, (++i >= NDBLBUF)? i = 0 : i)
- {
- if (scsi_status[i] == 1)
- WaitScsiCmd(i);
- }
- return;
- }
- if (nblocks > 0)
- {
- if (scsi_status[i] == 1) /* SCSI command pending? */
- {
- if ((err = WaitScsiCmd (i)) != 0) /* read failed, reschedule */
- {
- scsi_status[i] = 0;
- do
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- if (breakcheck ()) /* ^C ? */
- {
- for (j = 0, i++; j < NDBLBUF; j++, (++i >= NDBLBUF)? i = 0 : i)
- {
- if (scsi_status[i] == 1)
- WaitScsiCmd(i);
- }
- return;
- }
- SendScsiCmd (i, (UBYTE *) cdda_buf[i], MAX_CDDALEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command[i], sizeof (command[i]),
- }
- while ((err = WaitScsiCmd (i)) != 0);
- }
- scsi_status[i] = 0; /* no SCSI command pending anymore */
- if (use16bit == TRUE && whichchannel == 'S')
- /* output 16 bit stereo samples */
- {
- fwrite (cdda_buf[i], scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual, 1, stdout);
- }
- else if (whichchannel == 'L')
- /* output left channel */
- {
- if (use16bit == FALSE)
- /* output raw 8 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4); j++)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[j] = (BYTE) (((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j)] +
- ((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j) + 1] * 256)) / 256);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4), 1, stdout);
- }
- else
- /* output raw 16 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0, k = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual); j += 4)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j]);
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j + 1]);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 2), 1, stdout);
- }
- }
- else
- /* output right channel */
- {
- if (use16bit == FALSE)
- /* output raw 8 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4); j++)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[j] = (BYTE) (((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j) + 2] +
- ((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j) + 3] * 256)) / 256);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4), 1, stdout);
- }
- else
- /* output raw 16 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0, k = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual); j += 4)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j + 2]);
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j + 3]);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 2), 1, stdout);
- }
- }
- } /* (scsi_status[i] == 1) ? */
- if (whatdrive == TOSHIBA3401)
- {
- command[i].cmd = SCSI_CMD_READ12; /* TOSHIBA XM3401 */
- }
- else
- {
- command[i].cmd = SCSI_CMD_READCDDA; /* Sony CDU-5*1 */
- }
- command[i].pad_a = 0;
- command[i].lba = startblock;
- command[i].lbn = xblocks = (nblocks > NUM_OF_CDDAFRAMES)? NUM_OF_CDDAFRAMES : nblocks;
- command[i].subcode = subcode;
- command[i].cntrl = 0;
- startblock += xblocks;
- nblocks -= xblocks;
- scsi_status[i] = 1; /* Status: SCSI command pending */
- SendScsiCmd (i, (UBYTE *) cdda_buf[i], MAX_CDDALEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command[i], sizeof (command[i]),
- }
- else /* nblocks <= 0 */
- {
- /* wait for all pending requests */
- for (l = 0; l < NDBLBUF; l++)
- {
- if (scsi_status[i] == 1) /* SCSI command pending ? */
- {
- if ((err = WaitScsiCmd (i)) != 0) /* SCSI command failed? */
- {
- scsi_status[i] = 0;
- do /* reschedule SCSI command */
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- if (breakcheck ()) /* ^C ? */
- {
- /* wait for pending SCSI commands
- */
- for (j = 0, i++; j < NDBLBUF; j++, (++i >= NDBLBUF)? i = 0 : i)
- {
- if (scsi_status[i] == 1)
- WaitScsiCmd(i);
- }
- return;
- }
- SendScsiCmd (i, (UBYTE *) cdda_buf[i], scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Length,
- (UBYTE *) & command[i], sizeof (command[i]),
- }
- while ((err = WaitScsiCmd (i)) != 0);
- }
- scsi_status[i] = 0; /* Status: no SCSI command pending */
- if (use16bit == TRUE && whichchannel == 'S')
- /* output 16 bit stereo samples */
- {
- fwrite (cdda_buf[i], scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual, 1, stdout);
- }
- else if (whichchannel == 'L')
- /* output left channel */
- {
- if (use16bit == FALSE)
- /* output raw 8 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4); j++)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[j] = (BYTE) (((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j)] +
- ((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j) + 1] * 256)) / 256);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4), 1, stdout);
- }
- else
- /* output raw 16 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0, k = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual); j += 4)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j]);
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j + 1]);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 2), 1, stdout);
- }
- }
- else
- /* output right channel */
- {
- if (use16bit == FALSE)
- /* output raw 8 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4); j++)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[j] = (BYTE) (((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j) + 2] +
- ((cdda_buf[i])[(4 * j) + 3] * 256)) / 256);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 4), 1, stdout);
- }
- else
- /* output raw 16 bit left channel */
- {
- for (j = 0, k = 0; j < (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual); j += 4)
- {
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j + 2]);
- (mono_buf[i])[k++] = (BYTE) ((cdda_buf[i])[j + 3]);
- }
- fwrite (mono_buf[i], (scsi_cmd[i].scsi_Actual / 2), 1, stdout);
- }
- } /* output right channel */
- scsi_status[i] = 0;
- } /* (scsi_status[i] == 1) ? */
- (++i >= NDBLBUF)? i = 0 : i;
- } /* for (l = 0; l < NDBLBUF; l++) */
- break;
- }
- }
- if (whatdrive == TOSHIBA3401)
- {
- /*
- * TOSHIBA XM3401 specific
- */
- /* Write old mode data */
- newmodedata.density = ((struct cddamodedata *) scsi_data)->density;
- newmodedata.blocklen = ((struct cddamodedata *) scsi_data)->blocklen;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) &newmodedata, sizeof(struct cddamodedata),
- (UBYTE *) &modecommand, sizeof (modecommand),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read sectors from a starting sector #
- * - similar adjacent lines are suppressed on printout.
- *
- * - uses trackdisk.device
- */
- void
- read_sec (void)
- {
- UBYTE *sec_click_ptr; /* click = 16 bytes */
- UBYTE *pref;
- UBYTE *p;
- UWORD j;
- UWORD k;
- int err;
- /*
- * keep printing sectors until ^C , or until error
- */
- io_ptr[0]->io_Command = CMD_READ;
- io_ptr[0]->io_Length = TD_SECTOR;
- io_ptr[0]->io_Data = (APTR) ip_buf;
- io_ptr[0]->io_Offset = secno * TD_SECTOR; /* will be updated... */
- /*
- * keep reading sectors : stop on ^C on bad sector #
- */
- for (;; ++secno)
- {
- UBYTE *ss;
- UWORD m_sec_offs;
- if (breakcheck ()) /* ^C ? */
- break;
- io_ptr[0]->io_Offset = secno * TD_SECTOR; /* sector offset */
- DoIO ((struct IORequest *) io_ptr[0]);
- if ((err = io_ptr[0]->io_Error) == 0)
- {
- printf ("\n");
- /*
- * scan this sector ...
- */
- for (sec_click_ptr = pref = ip_buf, m_sec_offs = 0;
- m_sec_offs < TD_SECTOR;
- m_sec_offs += BYTES_PER_LINE, sec_click_ptr += BYTES_PER_LINE)
- {
- int xxxlen = strlen (" xx"); /* byte */
- /*
- * don't print line if same contents as previous
- */
- if (gcomp (sec_click_ptr, pref, BYTES_PER_LINE) == TRUE)
- {
- if (m_sec_offs > 1)
- continue; /* same */
- }
- memset (buffer, ' ', sizeof (buffer)); /* put spaces in buffer */
- sprintf (buffer, "%05X:%03X = ", secno, m_sec_offs);
- /* set up for loop */
- k = strlen (buffer);
- ss = buffer + k;
- k += (BYTES_PER_LINE * xxxlen) + 1;
- for (p = sec_click_ptr, j = 0;
- ss += xxxlen, ++j, ++k)
- {
- UBYTE dd = *p++;
- UBYTE que = (isascii (dd) && isprint (dd)) ? dd : '.';
- sprintf (ss, " %02X", dd); /* 2 hex charas */
- buffer[k] = que;
- }
- buffer[strlen (buffer)] = ' ';
- buffer[k++] = '\n';
- buffer[k++] = '\0';
- printf ("%s", buffer);
- pref = sec_click_ptr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* else DoIO error */
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err = %ld , sec = %ld dec , $%lX , [%s]\n",
- err, secno, secno, sense_errs (0, err));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read sectors from a starting sector #
- * - similar adjacent lines are suppressed on printout.
- *
- * - uses scsi device directly
- */
- void
- read_sec_scsi (void)
- {
- static struct CMD_XREAD
- {
- UBYTE cmd;
- UBYTE lba[3];
- UBYTE numb_secs;
- UBYTE pad;
- } command =
- {
- 0, 0, 0,
- 0,
- };
- UBYTE *sec_click_ptr; /* click = 16 bytes */
- UBYTE *pref;
- UBYTE *p;
- UWORD j;
- UWORD k;
- int err;
- /*
- * keep printing sectors until ^C , or until error
- */
- /*
- * keep reading sectors : stop on ^C on bad sector #
- */
- for (;; ++secno)
- {
- UBYTE *ss;
- UWORD m_sec_offs;
- command.lba[2] = secno;
- command.lba[1] = secno >> 8;
- command.lba[0] = (secno >> 8) & 0x1F;
- command.numb_secs = 1;
- if (breakcheck ()) /* ^C ? */
- break;
- io_ptr[0]->io_Offset = secno * TD_SECTOR; /* sector offset */
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) ip_buf, 512,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- printf ("\n");
- /*
- * scan this sector ...
- */
- for (sec_click_ptr = pref = ip_buf, m_sec_offs = 0;
- m_sec_offs < TD_SECTOR;
- m_sec_offs += BYTES_PER_LINE, sec_click_ptr += BYTES_PER_LINE)
- {
- int xxxlen = strlen (" xx"); /* byte */
- /*
- * don't print line if same contents as previous
- */
- if (gcomp (sec_click_ptr, pref, BYTES_PER_LINE) == TRUE)
- {
- if (m_sec_offs > 1)
- continue; /* same */
- }
- memset (buffer, ' ', sizeof (buffer)); /* put spaces in buffer */
- sprintf (buffer, "%05X:%03X = ", secno, m_sec_offs);
- /* set up for loop */
- k = strlen (buffer);
- ss = buffer + k;
- k += (BYTES_PER_LINE * xxxlen) + 1;
- for (p = sec_click_ptr, j = 0;
- ss += xxxlen, ++j, ++k)
- {
- UBYTE dd = *p++;
- UBYTE que = (isascii (dd) && isprint (dd)) ? dd : '.';
- sprintf (ss, " %02X", dd); /* 2 hex charas */
- buffer[k] = que;
- }
- buffer[strlen (buffer)] = ' ';
- buffer[k++] = '\n';
- buffer[k++] = '\0';
- printf ("%s", buffer);
- pref = sec_click_ptr;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* else DoIO error */
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : sec = %ld dec , $%lX , [%s]\n",
- secno, secno, sense_errs (0, err));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to prevent/allow allow medium removal
- *
- */
- void
- medium_removal(int lock)
- {
- static SCSICMD6 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_PAMR, /* 0x1E SCSI Prevent Allow Medium Removal */
- 0, /* Bit 765 = LUN */
- PAD, /* reserved */
- PAD, /* reserved */
- 0, /* Bit 0 = prevent */
- PAD, /* reserved */
- };
- int err;
- command.b4 = lock;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd (0, 0,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , [%s]\n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to stop/start motor on SCSI device
- * or eject/insert a medium
- *
- */
- void
- motor (int motorstatus)
- {
- static SCSICMD6 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_SSU, /* 0x1B SCSI Start / Stop Unit */
- 0,
- PAD,
- PAD,
- 0, /* start/stop eject/insert */
- PAD,
- };
- int err;
- command.b4 = motorstatus;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd (0, 0,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , [%s]\n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to seek to a cylinder
- *
- */
- void
- seek (void)
- {
- static struct CMD_SEEK
- {
- UBYTE cmd;
- UBYTE pad_a;
- ULONG lba;
- UBYTE pad[4];
- } command =
- {
- PAD,
- 0,
- };
- int err;
- /*
- * load sector # (log block addr)
- */
- command.lba = secno;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd (0, 0,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err = %ld , sec = %ld dec , $%lX , [%s]\n",
- err, secno, secno, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * what CD-ROM drive?
- *
- */
- void
- finddrivebrand (void)
- {
- static SCSICMD6 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_INQ, /* 0x12 INQUIRY */
- PAD, /* Bits 7-5 Logical Unit Number | Bits 4-1 Reserved | Bit 0 EVPD */
- PAD, /* Page Code */
- PAD, /* Reserved */
- 0, /* Allocation length */
- PAD /* Control */
- };
- int err;
- command.b4 = MAX_DATA_LEN; /* Allocation length = max. data length */
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- int rem = scsi_cmd[0].scsi_Actual;
- if (rem >= 8)
- {
- if (!memcmp("SONY CD-ROM CDU-8003",
- &scsi_data[8], strlen("SONY CD-ROM CDU-8003")))
- {
- whatdrive = APPLECD300;
- }
- else if (!memcmp("SONY CD-ROM CDU-8002",
- &scsi_data[8], strlen("SONY CD-ROM CDU-8002")))
- {
- whatdrive = APPLECD150;
- }
- else if (!memcmp("TOSHIBA",
- &scsi_data[8], strlen("TOSHIBA")))
- {
- whatdrive = TOSHIBA3401;
- }
- }
- else
- whatdrive = UNKNOWN;
- }
- else
- /* error */
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s\n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to set the output volume of a CD-ROM drive
- *
- * if (vol0 = vol1 = vol2 = vol3) == -1
- * display current volume settings, don't change anything
- *
- */
- void
- set_volume (int vol0, int vol1, int vol2, int vol3)
- {
- static int err, i, j;
- static SCSICMD6 modecommand;
- static struct volmodedata
- {
- UBYTE head[4];
- UBYTE page; /* page code 0x0E */
- UBYTE plength; /* page length */
- UBYTE b2; /* bit 2: Immed, bit 1: SOTC */
- UBYTE b3; /* reserved */
- UBYTE b4; /* reserved */
- UBYTE b5; /* bit 7: APRVal, bit 3-0: format of LBAs / Sec. */
- UWORD bps; /* logical blocks per second audio playback */
- UBYTE out0; /* lower 4 bits: output port 0 channel selection */
- UBYTE vol0; /* output port 0 volume */
- UBYTE out1; /* lower 4 bits: output port 1 channel selection */
- UBYTE vol1; /* output port 1 volume */
- UBYTE out2; /* lower 4 bits: output port 2 channel selection */
- UBYTE vol2; /* output port 2 volume */
- UBYTE out3; /* lower 4 bits: output port 3 channel selection */
- UBYTE vol3; /* output port 3 volume */
- } modedata;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- modedata.head[i] = 0;
- modecommand.opcode = SCSI_CMD_MSE;
- modecommand.b1 = 0;
- modecommand.b2 = 0x0E;
- modecommand.b3 = 0;
- modecommand.b4 = MAX_DATA_LEN;
- modecommand.control = 0;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) &modecommand, sizeof (modecommand),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- return;
- }
- for (j = (scsi_data[0]+1), i = scsi_data[3] + 4; i < j; i += scsi_data[i+1] + 2)
- {
- if (vol0 == -1 && vol1 == -1 && vol2 == -1 && vol3 == -1)
- {
- if ((scsi_data[i] & 0x3f) == 0x0e)
- {
- printf ("Immed : %s\n", (scsi_data[i+2] & 4)? "yes" : "no");
- printf ("SOTC : %s\n", (scsi_data[i+2] & 2)? "yes" : "no");
- printf ("APRVal : %svalid\n", (scsi_data[i+5] & 0x80)? "" : "in");
- if (scsi_data[i+5] & 0x80)
- {
- printf ("LBA Format: ");
- if ((scsi_data[i+5] & 0x0f) == 0)
- printf ("1 second\n");
- else if ((scsi_data[i+5] & 0x0f) == 8)
- printf ("1/256 second\n");
- else
- printf ("%hu (reserved)\n", scsi_data[i+5] & 0x0f);
- printf ("LBPS : %u\n", scsi_data[i+6]<<8 + scsi_data[i+7]);
- }
- }
- if (scsi_data[i+8] & 0x0f)
- printf ("Output 0 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+8] & 0x0f);
- else
- printf ("Output 0 : muted\n");
- printf ("Volume 0 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+9]);
- if (scsi_data[i+10] & 0x0f)
- printf ("Output 1 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+10] & 0x0f);
- else
- printf ("Output 1 : muted\n");
- printf ("Volume 1 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+11]);
- if (scsi_data[i+12] & 0x0f)
- printf ("Output 2 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+12] & 0x0f);
- else
- printf ("Output 2 : muted\n");
- printf ("Volume 2 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+13]);
- if (scsi_data[i+14] & 0x0f)
- printf ("Output 3 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+14] & 0x0f);
- else
- printf ("Output 3 : muted\n");
- printf ("Volume 3 : %hu\n", scsi_data[i+15]);
- }
- /* should be 16 bytes */
- memcpy (&modedata.page, &scsi_data[i], 16);
- }
- if (vol0 > -1 || vol1 > -1 || vol2 > -1 || vol3 > -1)
- {
- modedata.page = 0x0e;
- modedata.plength = 0x0e;
- if (vol0 >= 0)
- modedata.vol0 = vol0;
- if (vol1 >= 0)
- modedata.vol1 = vol1;
- if (vol2 >= 0)
- modedata.vol2 = vol2;
- if (vol3 >= 0)
- modedata.vol3 = vol3;
- modecommand.opcode = SCSI_CMD_MSL;
- modecommand.b1 = 0x10;
- modecommand.b2 = 0;
- modecommand.b3 = 0;
- modecommand.b4 = sizeof (modedata);
- modecommand.control = 0;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) &modedata, sizeof(modedata),
- (UBYTE *) &modecommand, sizeof (modecommand),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to make an inquiry
- *
- */
- void
- inquiry (BOOLEAN parsedoutput)
- {
- static SCSICMD6 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_INQ, /* 0x12 INQUIRY */
- PAD, /* Bits 7-5 Logical Unit Number | Bits 4-1 Reserved | Bit 0 EVPD */
- PAD, /* Page Code */
- PAD, /* Reserved */
- 0, /* Allocation length */
- PAD /* Control */
- };
- static int err;
- command.b4 = MAX_DATA_LEN; /* Allocation length = max. data length */
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- int rem = scsi_cmd[0].scsi_Actual;
- if (parsedoutput == FALSE)
- {
- rawhexasciioutput (scsi_data, rem, 0);
- }
- else
- /* parsed output */
- {
- static IDTOSTRING devicetype[] =
- {
- 0x00, "Direct-access device (e.g., magnetic disk)",
- 0x01, "Sequential-access device (e.g., magnetic tape)",
- 0x02, "Printer device",
- 0x03, "Processor device",
- 0x04, "Write-once device (e.g., some optical disks)",
- 0x05, "CD-ROM device",
- 0x06, "Scanner device",
- 0x07, "Optical memory device (e.g., some optical disks)",
- 0x08, "Medium Changer device (e.g., jukeboxes)",
- 0x09, "Communications device",
- 0x0A, "Defined by ASC IT8 (Graphic Arts Pre-Press Devices)",
- 0x0B, "Defined by ASC IT8 (Graphic Arts Pre-Press Devices)",
- -1, "Reserved, unknown or no device type"
- };
- static IDTOSTRING ansiversion[] =
- {
- 0x00, "The device might or might not comply to an ANSI-approved standard.",
- 0x01, "The device complies to ANSI X3.131-1986 (SCSI-1).",
- 0x02, "The device complies to (SCSI-2).",
- -1, "Reserved",
- };
- static IDTOSTRING responseformat[] =
- {
- 0x00, "SCSI-1",
- 0x01, "CCS",
- 0x02, "SCSI-2",
- -1, "Reserved",
- };
- printf ("Peripherial qualifier: %ld\n", (scsi_data[0] & 0xE0) >> 5);
- printf ("Peripherial device type: $%lx, %s\n", (scsi_data[0] & 0x1F), id2string ((scsi_data[0] & 0x1F), devicetype));
- printf ("Removable medium: %s\n", (scsi_data[1] & 0x80) ? "yes" : "no");
- printf ("Device type modifier: %lx\n", scsi_data[1] & 0x7F);
- printf ("ISO Version: %lx\n", (scsi_data[2] & 0xC0) >> 6);
- printf ("ECMA Version: %lx\n", (scsi_data[2] & 0x38) >> 3);
- printf ("ANSI-Approved Version: %ld, %s\n", scsi_data[2] & 0x07, id2string ((scsi_data[2] & 0x07), ansiversion));
- printf ("AENC: %s\n", (scsi_data[3] & 0x80) ? "yes" : "no");
- printf ("TrmIOP: does%s support TERMINATE I/O PROCESs message\n", (scsi_data[3] & 0x40) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("Response data format: $%lx, conforms to %s\n", scsi_data[3] & 0x0F, id2string ((scsi_data[3] & 0x0F), responseformat));
- printf ("Additional length: $%lx\n", scsi_data[4]);
- printf ("INQUIRY[5-6] (Reserved): $%lx, $%lx\n", scsi_data[5], scsi_data[6]);
- printf ("RelAdr: does%s support relative addressing\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x80) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("WBus32: does%s support 32 wide data transfers\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x40) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("WBus16: does%s support 16 wide data transfers\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x20) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("Sync: does%s support synchronous transfers\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x10) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("Linked: does%s support linked commands\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x08) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("CmdQue: does%s support tagged command queueing\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x02) ? "" : "n't");
- printf ("SftRe: responds to RESET condition with %s RESET alternative\n", (scsi_data[7] & 0x01) ? "soft" : "hard");
- printf ("Vendor identification: %.8s\n", &scsi_data[8]);
- printf ("Product identification: %.16s\n", &scsi_data[16]);
- printf ("Product revision level: %.4s\n", &scsi_data[32]);
- printf ("Vendor specific: %.20s\n", &scsi_data[36]);
- printf ("Reserved: %.35s\n", &scsi_data[56]);
- }
- }
- else
- /* error */
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s\n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read disk capacity
- *
- */
- void
- read_capacity (BOOLEAN parsed)
- {
- static struct CMD_READ_CAPACITY
- {
- UBYTE cmd;
- UBYTE pad_a;
- ULONG lba;
- UBYTE pad_b[2];
- UBYTE pmi;
- UBYTE pad_c;
- } command =
- {
- PAD, /* LUN | rsrvd. | RelAddr */
- 0, /* start from sec 0 */
- 0, /* PMI */
- };
- int err;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- if (parsed == TRUE)
- /* output parsed data */
- {
- ULONG sec_no = *((ULONG *) & scsi_data[0]);
- ULONG sec_size = *((ULONG *) & scsi_data[4]);
- printf ("Max Sec = %7ld , sec size = %4ld (capacity = %7ld KB)\n",
- sec_no, sec_size, (sec_no * sec_size) / 1024);
- }
- else
- /* output raw data */
- {
- rawhexasciioutput (scsi_data, 8, 0);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to read audio CD TOC (table of contents)
- *
- */
- void
- read_toc (int toclong)
- {
- static IDTOSTRING Qfield[] =
- {
- 0x00, "Sub-channel Q mode information not supplied.",
- 0x01, "Sub-channel Q encodes current position data.",
- 0x02, "Sub-channel Q encodes media catalog number.",
- 0x03, "Sub-channel Q encodes ISRC.",
- -1, "Reserved"
- };
- static IDTOSTRING Qfieldshort[] =
- {
- 0x00, "not.suppl.",
- 0x01, "cur.posdt.",
- 0x02, "med.cat.#.",
- 0x03, "ISRC",
- -1, "reserved"
- };
- static SCSICMD10 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_READTOC, /* SCSI command read table of contents */
- 0,
- 0, /* starting track */
- 0x03, 0x24, /* max. TOC data length on current CD-ROMs 804 bytes
- or 100 TOC track descriptors */
- };
- int err, tocsize;
- UBYTE *tocptr;
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) toc_buf, MAX_TOC_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- tocsize = (toc_buf[0] << 8) | toc_buf[1]; /* first word encodes length */
- if (toclong == 0)
- /* display TOC raw form */
- {
- rawhexasciioutput(toc_buf, (toc_buf[0]<<8 | toc_buf[1]), 0);
- }
- else if (toclong == 1)
- /* display TOC short form */
- {
- printf ("TOC len: %d\n", tocsize);
- printf ("First/last track: %d, %d\n", toc_buf[2], toc_buf[3]);
- if (tocsize >= 2) /* TOC Data Length - FTN - LTN */
- tocsize -= 2;
- for (tocptr = &toc_buf[4]; tocptr < (&toc_buf[4] + tocsize); tocptr += 8)
- {
- printf ("#%3.3d: ADR:%10.10s %-15.15s Dig.copy.%5.5s. %-9.9s %cChan. %ld\n",
- tocptr[2],
- id2string (((tocptr[1] >> 4) & 0x0F), Qfieldshort),
- (tocptr[1] & 0x01) ? "pre-emphasis" : "no-pre-emphasis",
- (tocptr[1] & 0x02) ? "prmtd" : "prohb.",
- (tocptr[1] & 0x04) ? "Data tr." : "Audio tr.",
- (tocptr[1] & 0x08) ? '4' : '2',
- ((tocptr[4] << 24) | (tocptr[5] << 16) | (tocptr[6] << 8) | (tocptr[7]))
- );
- }
- }
- else if (toclong == 2)
- /* display TOC long form */
- {
- printf ("TOC len: %d\n", tocsize);
- printf ("First/last track: %d, %d\n", toc_buf[2], toc_buf[3]);
- if (tocsize >= 2) /* TOC Data Length - FTN - LTN */
- tocsize -= 2;
- for (tocptr = &toc_buf[4]; tocptr < (&toc_buf[4] + tocsize); tocptr += 8)
- {
- printf ("Track number: %d\n", tocptr[2]);
- printf (" ADR: $%lx: %s\n", ((tocptr[1] >> 4) & 0x0F), id2string (((tocptr[1] >> 4) & 0x0F), Qfield));
- printf (" Audio with%s pre-emphasis. ", (tocptr[1] & 0x01) ? "" : "out");
- printf (" Digital copy %s\n", (tocptr[1] & 0x02) ? "permitted" : "prohibited");
- printf (" %s track. ", (tocptr[1] & 0x04) ? "Data" : "Audio");
- printf (" %s channel audio. ", (tocptr[1] & 0x08) ? "Four" : "Two");
- printf (" Absolute address: %ld\n", ((tocptr[4] << 24) | (tocptr[5] << 16) | (tocptr[6] << 8) | (tocptr[7])));
- }
- }
- else
- /* toclong is neither 0,1 or 2 - this should never happen! */
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : internal error in read_toc!\n");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to play audio
- *
- */
- void
- play_audio (int starttrack, int startindex, int endtrack, int endindex)
- {
- static SCSICMD10 command =
- {
- SCSI_CMD_PLAYAUDIOTRACKINDEX, /* Play audio track */
- PAD, /* LUN */
- PAD, /* Reserved */
- PAD, /* Reserved */
- 0, /* Starting Track */
- 0, /* Starting Index */
- PAD, /* Reserved */
- 0, /* Ending Track */
- 0, /* Ending Index */
- PAD /* Control */
- };
- int err;
- command.b4 = starttrack; /* set audio track to play */
- command.b5 = startindex;
- command.b7 = endtrack; /* ending track */
- command.b8 = endindex;
- finddrivebrand (); /* figure out drivetype */
- if (whatdrive == APPLECD150)
- {
- command.opcode = 0xC9; /* Apple CD-150 / Pioneer Opcode for playing audio tracks */
- }
- if ((err = DoScsiCmd ((UBYTE *) scsi_data, MAX_DATA_LEN,
- (UBYTE *) & command, sizeof (command),
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "Error : err=%ld , %s \n", err, sense_errs (0, err));
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to compare two binary strings
- *
- * returns FALSE if different
- */
- int
- gcomp (char *p1, char *p2, int len)
- {
- while (len--)
- {
- if (*p1++ != *p2++)
- return (FALSE);
- }
- return (TRUE);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * searches DeviceList for a device name with a given string in it.
- * - if found returns with a pointer to it, else NULL
- */
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- GetDevName (char *grep)
- {
- LIST *lh = (LIST *) SysBase->DeviceList.lh_Head;
- NODE *ln;
- for (ln = lh->lh_Head; ln->ln_Succ; ln = ln->ln_Succ)
- {
- UBYTE *p = ln->ln_Name;
- while (*p != '.')
- {
- if (strncmp (p, grep, 4) == 0)
- {
- return (ln->ln_Name);
- }
- ++p;
- }
- }
- return (NULL); /* not found */
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * Break (^C) function
- *
- */
- int
- breakcheck (void)
- {
- int zz = SetSignal (0L, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C) & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C;
- if (zz)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "\n***BREAK: ^C\n");
- }
- return (zz);
- }
- #ifdef __SASC
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * tell SAS to turn of CTRL-C checking
- */
- void __regargs
- __chkabort (void)
- {
- }
- #endif
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to send a scsi command (uses asynchronous I/O)
- *
- */
- void
- SendScsiCmd (int req, UBYTE * data, int datasize, UBYTE * cmd, int cmdsize, UBYTE flags)
- {
- io_ptr[req]->io_Length = sizeof (SCSICMD);
- io_ptr[req]->io_Data = (APTR) & scsi_cmd[req];
- io_ptr[req]->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_Data = (APTR) data;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_Length = datasize;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseActual = 0;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseData = scsi_sense[req];
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseLength = SENSE_LEN;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_Command = cmd;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_CmdLength = cmdsize;
- scsi_cmd[req].scsi_Flags = flags;
- (void) SendIO ((struct IORequest *) io_ptr[req]);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to wait for an asynchronous scsi command
- *
- */
- int
- WaitScsiCmd (int req)
- {
- int i;
- WaitIO ((struct IORequest *) io_ptr[req]);
- if (scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseActual)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "SENSE_DATA:");
- for (i = 0; i < scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseActual; i++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, " %02x", scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseData[i]);
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- return (io_ptr[req]->io_Error);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to use a scsi command
- *
- */
- int
- DoScsiCmd (UBYTE * data, int datasize, UBYTE * cmd, int cmdsize, UBYTE flags)
- {
- int i;
- io_ptr[0]->io_Length = sizeof (SCSICMD);
- io_ptr[0]->io_Data = (APTR) & scsi_cmd[0];
- io_ptr[0]->io_Command = HD_SCSICMD;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_Data = (APTR) data;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_Length = datasize;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_SenseActual = 0;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_SenseData = scsi_sense[0];
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_SenseLength = SENSE_LEN;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_Command = cmd;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_CmdLength = cmdsize;
- scsi_cmd[0].scsi_Flags = flags;
- (void) DoIO ((struct IORequest *) io_ptr[0]);
- if (scsi_cmd[0].scsi_SenseActual)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "SENSE_DATA:");
- for (i = 0; i < scsi_cmd[0].scsi_SenseActual; i++)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, " %02x", scsi_cmd[0].scsi_SenseData[i]);
- }
- fprintf (stderr, "\n");
- }
- return (io_ptr[0]->io_Error);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * function to return an error string
- *
- *
- */
- err_str (int err)
- {
- static UBYTE *errors[] =
- {
- " cannot issue SCSI command to self ",
- " DMA error ",
- " illegal or unexpected SCSI phase ",
- " SCSI parity error ",
- " Select timed out ",
- " status and/or sense error "
- };
- err -= 40;
- if ((err < 0) || (err > 5))
- return ("Error out-of-range");
- else
- return (errors[err]);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * usage function
- *
- *
- */
- void
- usage (void)
- {
- static char *zz[] =
- {
- "Usage: SCSIutil [-dscsi_dev] <scsi_id> <command>\n",
- " -c[r] : Read capacity [raw]\n",
- " -d<l|r|s> sec blks sc : Read 16 bit digital audio(start sector/# blocks)(2)\n",
- " -D<l|r> sec blks : Read 8 bit digital audio(left or right channel)(3)\n",
- " -e <0|1> : Change medium (0=eject, 1=load)\n",
- " -i[r] : Inquiry [raw]\n",
- " -h[r] blk : Read CD-ROM data block address header\n",
- " -l <0|1> : Allow/Prevent medium removal\n",
- " -m <0|1> : Stop/Start motor {0=stop, 1=start}\n",
- " -o[r] contr page : Mode sense (contr = 0-3))\n",
- " -p st si et ei : Play audio CD track (1-99), index (1-99)\n",
- " -r[t] sec_no : Read sectors [use trackdisk.device]\n",
- " -s sec_no : Seek to sector (5)\n",
- " -t[r|l] : Display TOC of an audio CD [raw|long]\n",
- " -u[r] chan fmt track : Read CD sub-channel information [raw] (6)\n",
- " -v [vl0 vl1 vl2 vl3] : Set output volume channels 0-3 (7)\n",
- #ifdef USE8SVX
- " -8<l|r|s> sec blks : Read digital audio -> 8SVX (left, right or stereo) (7)\n",
- #endif /* USE8SVX */
- "\n",
- "Note 1: usually scsi_id = (BOARD * 100) + (LUN * 10) + SCSI_TARGET_ID\n",
- " 2: with 's' returns LRLRLR pairs of stereo audio, 2352 bytes per block\n",
- " sc = Apple subcode (0=2352, 1=2368, 2=2448, 3=96 byte/block)\n",
- " 3: converted to 8 bit audio (-d and -D work with Sony CDU 561 & 8003)\n",
- " 4: contr 0: current, 1: changeable, 2: default, 3: saved values\n",
- " 5: to park heads, try sec_no of -1\n",
- " 6: Q-channel = 64, fmt: 0=Sub-Q Channel data,1=current CD-ROM pos.,\n",
- " 2=Media Catalog Number (UPC/Bar Code),3=Track ISRC\n",
- " 7: use -1 to leave volume of channel as it is, without argument shows\n",
- " current volume settings\n",
- #ifdef USE8SVX
- " 8: output 8SVX IFF (in case of stereo needs to read the CD twice)\n",
- #endif /* USE8SVX */
- "" /* TERM */
- };
- int j = 0;
- fprintf (stderr, "SCSIutil V%s [%s : %s] - written by Gary Duncan\n",
- VERSION, __DATE__, __TIME__, pname);
- fprintf (stderr, " (gduncan@philips.oz.au) and Heiko Rath (hr@brewhr.swb.de)\n");
- while (*zz[j++])
- fprintf (stderr, "%s", zz[j - 1]);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * sense_errs function ; prints sense errors
- *
- *
- */
- sense_errs (int req, int err)
- {
- typedef struct
- {
- BYTE code;
- BYTE sense;
- UBYTE *ptr;
- } S_ERRS;
- /*
- * only the likely, interesting ones filled in, e.g media errors
- */
- static S_ERRS x[] =
- {
- 0x00, 0x00, "No error",
- 0x01, 0x04, "?",
- 0x02, 0x04, "?",
- 0x03, 0x04, "?",
- 0x04, 0x02, "?",
- 0x06, 0x04, "?",
- 0x09, 0x04, "?",
- 0x10, 0x03, "?",
- 0x10, 0x04, "?",
- 0x11, 0x03, "?",
- 0x12, 0x03, "?",
- 0x13, 0x03, "?",
- 0x14, 0x03, "?",
- 0x15, 0x04, "Seek error ",
- 0x17, 0x01, "?",
- 0x18, 0x01, "?",
- 0x19, 0x03, "?",
- 0x1A, 0x05, "?",
- 0x20, 0x05, "Invalid command op code",
- 0x21, 0x05, "Illegal sector address",
- 0x24, 0x05, "?",
- 0x25, 0x05, "Invalid LUN",
- 0x26, 0x05, "Invalid field in parameter list",
- 0x29, 0x06, "?",
- 0x2A, 0x06, "?",
- 0x31, 0x03, "?",
- 0x32, 0x01, "?",
- 0x32, 0x03, "?",
- 0x40, 0x04, "?",
- 0x41, 0x04, "?",
- 0x42, 0x04, "Power-on diagnostic failure",
- 0x43, 0x04, "?",
- 0x45, 0x04, "Select / reselect failure ",
- 0x47, 0x04, "SCSI Interface Parity Error",
- 0x48, 0x0B, "?",
- 0x49, 0x0B, "Illegal message drive can't support",
- -1, -1, "ILLEGAL sense!!"
- };
- int j = 0;
- UBYTE *p;
- char sense;
- char code;
- /*
- * verify that sense data looks valid
- */
- if (((scsi_cmd[req].scsi_Status & 2) == 0) ||
- (scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseActual < OFFS_KEY))
- {
- return ("");
- }
- sense = scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseData[OFFS_KEY] & 0xF;
- code = scsi_cmd[req].scsi_SenseData[OFFS_CODE];
- do
- {
- p = x[j].ptr;
- if ((x[j].code == code) && (x[j].sense == sense))
- break;
- } while (x[j++].code != -1);
- return (p);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * id2string function ; return pointer to string for matching id
- *
- */
- id2string (int id, IDTOSTRING * idtable)
- {
- int j = 0;
- UBYTE *p;
- do
- {
- p = idtable[j].ptr;
- if (idtable[j].code == id)
- break;
- } while (idtable[j++].code != -1);
- return p;
- }