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- ; **** Installscript written by Markus Illenseer ****
- ; **** Does various checks now. Please report any error ****
- ; **** to markus@techfak.uni-bielefeld.de ****
- ; **** This script requires the Installer from Commodore
- ; **** which is available for free.
- ; **** setting up some global variables
- (set ProductName "ASwarm II") ; product name
- (set ProductBaseName "ASwarm") ; product base name
- (set VersionNum "2.0") ; product version number
- (set GuideFile "ASwarm.guide") ; AmigaGuide File
- (set OSVersion (/ (getversion) 65536))
- (set WBVersion (/ (getversion "version.library" (resident)) 65536))
- (set Dirpath "SYS:WBStartup")
- (set @dest-dir "SYS:WBStartup")
- (set MUIVersion 6)
- (set Options 1) ; 1=english, 2=german, 3=e+g
- (set LocLang1 "english")
- (set LocLang2 "german")
- (set Lang1 "english")
- (set Lang2 "deutsch")
- (transcript "Installing %s Commodity..." ProductName)
- (complete 0)
- ; **** Check last chance
- (message "\nShall I proceed with the installation?\n (see help for more)"
- (help ("Once you press the Proceed button, \"%s\" will be installed. This is your last chance " ProductName)
- ("to abort this procedure without partially installing the selected files.\n")
- ("\n")
- ("After you press Proceed, you can use the Esc key to abort the installation procedure.\n")
- )
- )
- ; **** Check OSVersion
- (if (< OSVersion 36)
- (
- (message ("Looks like you are running WB 1.3. If this is true, ")
- ("please consider to update to WB 2.1 real soon. ")
- ("\"%s\" does not work with WB 1.3 and below." ProductName)
- )
- )
- )
- ; **** something very subtle :-)
- (if (> OSVersion 39)
- (
- (message ("Dear Amiga Developer, \"%s\" hasn't been tested on your " ProductName)
- ("installed Workbench version V%ld.\n Please test it and report any " OSVersion)
- ("Bugs to us, when this Workbench is available to the community, thanks!")
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 10)
- ; **** Check MUI System
- (if (exists ("Libs:MUIMASTER.library"))
- (
- (set muiver (/ (getversion "Libs:MUIMASTER.library") 65536))
- (if (< muiver MUIVersion)
- (message ("Sorry, your MUI System seems to be too old. " )
- ("\"%s\" needs at least MUI 1.4 with library version 6.x " ProductName)
- ("You seem to have installed a MUI library version %ld." muiver)
- ("Of course you can continue the intallation, but don't forget to ")
- ("update your MUI System.")
- )
- )
- )
- (
- (message ("Sorry, you don't seem to have MUI installed on your ")
- ("system. Remember that \"%s\" needs it in order to " ProductName)
- ("work full flavoured. " ProductName)
- ("Of course you can continue the intallation, but don't forget to ")
- ("update to MUI.")
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 20)
- ; **** Copy Commodity
- (copylib
- (help @copylib-help)
- (prompt ("Installing %s %s..." ProductName VersionNum))
- (confirm)
- (source ProductBaseName)
- (infos)
- (noposition)
- (set DirPath
- (askdir
- (prompt
- ("Please select a place for \"%s\".\n (See help for more)" ProductName)
- )
- (help
- ("\n")
- ("About 20K is required for complete installation. ")
- ("You may install over an older copy of \"%s\" " ProductName)
- ("to update to this new version - your current ")
- ("configuration which is stored in the Icon will be deleted though. ")
- ("\"%s\" and the Icon will be installed in the directory " ProductName)
- ("of your choice. You may wish to create a new directory ")
- ("for \"%s\" by using the 'Make New Drawer' gadget. " ProductName)
- ("Best place for \"%s\" is SYS:WbStartup, as \"%s\" will " ProductName ProductName)
- ("be started automatically on boot time as Commodity.")
- ("\n\n")
- @askdir-help
- )
- (default "SYS:WBstartup")
- (newpath)
- )
- )
- (dest DirPath)
- )
- (complete 50)
- ; **** Ask GuideFiles
- (set Options
- (askoptions
- (prompt
- ("Select the localized Guidefiles you want to install at this time\n")
- )
- (help
- ("You click on the desired language to install the selected Guidefiles.\n\n")
- @askoptions-help
- )
- (choices
- ("English Online Manual")
- ("Deutsche Sofort-Anleitung")
- (default Options)
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 60)
- (if (IN Options 0)
- (
- (if (<> (exists "libs:amigaguide.library"))
- (message "I couldn't locate \"amigaguide.libary\" on your system, you probably won't be able to use online help.")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Installing the %s online help..." LocLang1)
- (source ("%s/%s" Lang1 GuideFile))
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (dest
- (set manpath (askdir
- (prompt "Please select a place for the english online help.\n")
- (help
- ("The Guidefile \"%s\" will be copied to the appropriate place, " GuideFile)
- ("which normally is the HELP: directory on your SYS: partition.")
- ("You may want to install the package into a directory of its own, ")
- ("but then you need to enhance the search parth for AmigaGuide. Please refer to the Manual.")
- ("\n")
- @askdir-help
- )
- (default ("HELP:%s" Lang1))
- (newpath)
- ))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 70)
- ; **** Copy GuideFiles
- (if (IN Options 1)
- (
- (if (<> (exists "libs:amigaguide.library"))
- (message "I couldn't locate \"amigaguide.libary\" on your system, you probably won't be able to use online help.")
- )
- (copyfiles
- (prompt "Installing the %s online help..." LocLang2)
- (source ("%s/%s" Lang2 GuideFile))
- (help @copyfiles-help)
- (dest
- (set manpath (askdir
- (prompt "Please select a place for the german help.\n")
- (help
- ("The Guidefile \"%s\" will be copied to the appropriate place, " GuideFile)
- ("which normally is the HELP: directory on your SYS: partition.")
- ("You may want to install the package into a directory of its own, ")
- ("but then you need to enhance the search parth for AmigaGuide. Please refer to the Manual.")
- ("\n")
- @askdir-help
- )
- (default ("HELP:%s" Lang2))
- (newpath)
- ))
- )
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 90)
- ; **** Check installation
- (if (exists (("SYS:WBstartup/%s" ProductBaseName)))
- (
- (message
- ("Looks like you have installed \"%s\" in the SYS:WbStartup-Drawer, fine.\n" ProductName)
- ("This means we don't have to bother about how \"%s\" is started." ProductName)
- )
- )
- (
- (startup
- (prompt
- (("Add \"Run >NIL: %s/%s\" to \"S:user-startup\"? (see help for more)" DirPath ProductBaseName))
- )
- (ProductBaseName)
- (help
- ("Select the Proceed button to add the Line\n")
- ("\"Run >NIL: %s/%s\" " DirPath ProductBaseName)
- ("This will start \"%s\" automatically on boot time. " ProductName)
- ("You are requested to do this, because it looks like ")
- ("you don't have \"%s\" installed in the SYS:WBstartup-drawer." ProductName)
- ("\n\n")
- @startup-help)
- (command ("Run >NIL: %s/%s" DirPath ProductBaseName))
- )
- )
- )
- (complete 99)
- ; **** Ready
- (exit)