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- /*
- * Script to send mail to an IXO paging service via ixo.
- *
- * Copyright 1992, Mike W. Meyer
- * All Rights Reserved
- *
- * Modified by Christopher A. Wichura for use with spoolpage.
- *
- * Usage: mailpage [dest] [format]
- *
- * Format specifies what format the page should take. It is a REXX
- * expression that is evaluated to determine the string to send to
- * the pager. If the string is "", then no page is sent. When format
- * is evaluated, the following variables are defined:
- *
- * message.field- the value of all the header line <field>.
- * message.body - the body of the message, with newlines and tabs
- * replaced by spaces.
- * message. - is "" for any other indices.
- * who - the user name (stripped of machine and routing info)
- * of the sender.
- * what - the subject, stripped of all initial "Re:"'s
- * text - the text of the body, with lines starting with ">"
- * deleted.
- *
- * Note: By using external functions, this can be a *very* powerfull facility!
- */
- debug = 0 /* set to 1 to enable debugging messages */
- if ~debug then trace Background
- /* Arrange things so signals send us somewhere reasonable */
- signal on ioerr
- signal on halt
- signal on syntax
- /* Argument processing */
- parse arg dest format
- if dest = "" then do
- say "no destination specified"
- exit
- end
- if format = "" then format = "who'/'what'/'text"
- /* Read in the header */
- message. = ""
- field = ""
- do until eof(stdin)
- line = translate(readln(stdin), ' ', '09'x)
- /* Save field information for possible future use */
- select
- when line = "" then leave
- when left(line, 1) ~= " " then do
- parse var line field ':' data
- field = upper(field)
- message.field = strip(data)
- end
- when field = "" then do
- if debug then say "Broken header line:" line", ignored"
- end
- otherwise message.field = message.field strip(line)
- end
- end
- /* Skip to the body. */
- do while line = "" & ~eof(stdin)
- line = readln(stdin)
- end
- /* Read in the body */
- line = strip(translate(line, ' ', '09'x))
- text = ""
- message.body = ""
- do while ~eof(stdin)
- if line ~= "" then do
- message.body = message.body || line || d2c(10)
- if left(line, 1) ~= '>' then text = text || line || d2c(10)
- end
- line = strip(translate(readln(stdin), ' ', '09'x))
- end
- message.body = message.body || line || d2c(10)
- if left(line, 1) ~= '>' then text = text || line || d2c(10)
- text = strip(text)
- /* Set up the magic variables: inverse of text */
- message.body = text
- /* Who, stripped down to the user name */
- who = message.from
- parse var who '<' mail '>'
- if mail = "" then do
- firstpar = pos('(', who)
- lastpar = lastpos(')', who)
- if firstpar = 0 | lastpar = 0 then mail = who
- else mail = delstr(who, firstpar, lastpar - firstpar + 1)
- end
- parse var mail who '@'
- parse var who who '%'
- bangdex = lastpos('!', who)
- if bangdex ~= 0 then who = substr(who, bangdex + 1)
- who = strip(who)
- /* subject, stripped of Re:'s */
- what = message.subject
- do while upper(left(what, 3)) = "RE:"
- what = strip(substr(what, 4), 'Leading')
- end
- /* Get the date the user wants, in a clean room */
- data = builddata(format)
- if data = "" then exit 0
- /* Run the command, exiting properly if it fails */
- options failat 21
- rc = 0
- if debug then say data
- else do
- tempname = 't:mailpage.' || time('s')
- if open(dataout, tempname, 'W') then do
- call writech(dataout, data)
- call close(dataout)
- address command 'pager:bin/spoolpage' dest '<' || tempname
- address command 'delete' tempname 'quiet force'
- end
- exit rc
- /* Catch errors and exit in that mode */
- ioerr:
- halt:
- syntax:
- exit 20
- /* create a lexical scope with only the advertized variables visible. */
- builddata: procedure expose message. who what text
- interpret "return" arg(1)