home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "spooler.h"
- #include "/include/memory.h"
- enum templateArgs {
- ARG_sizeof
- };
- int DoGroup(STRPTR target, STRPTR pageText)
- {
- ULONG line = 0;
- BPTR fh;
- STRPTR ptr;
- STRPTR *targets;
- BOOL foundGroup, leave;
- LONG groupCount;
- int result = 0;
- struct RDArgs *ArgsPtr, *MyArgs;
- char *ArgArray[ARG_sizeof];
- foundGroup = FALSE;
- groupCount = 0;
- if (fh = Open("pager:groups", MODE_OLDFILE)) {
- /* loop reading lines looking for a group that matches */
- leave = FALSE;
- while (!result && !leave && FGets(fh, inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer) - 1)) {
- line++;
- /*
- * check to make sure the line isn't all blank
- */
- ptr = inputBuffer;
- while (isspace(*ptr))
- ptr++;
- if (!*ptr)
- continue;
- /*
- * check for comment character at beginning of line
- */
- if (*ptr == ';')
- continue;
- /* setup to call ReadArgs() to parse the line */
- if (MyArgs = (struct RDArgs *)AllocDosObject(DOS_RDARGS, TAG_DONE)) {
- MyArgs->RDA_Flags |= RDAF_NOPROMPT;
- MyArgs->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = inputBuffer;
- MyArgs->RDA_Source.CS_Length = strlen(inputBuffer);
- MyArgs->RDA_Source.CS_CurChr = 0L;
- memset((char *)ArgArray, 0, sizeof(ArgArray));
- if (ArgsPtr = ReadArgs(TEMPLATE, (LONG *)&ArgArray, MyArgs)) {
- /*
- * if we are inside the group we are
- * looking for and find a line with a
- * new GROUP entry then we know we
- * are at the end of the list and
- * should return. otherwise we need
- * to check if this is the group we
- * are looking for.
- */
- if (ArgArray[ARG_GROUP]) {
- if (foundGroup)
- leave = TRUE;
- else if (stricmp(target, ArgArray[ARG_GROUP]) == 0)
- foundGroup = TRUE;
- }
- if (!leave && foundGroup && ArgArray[ARG_TARGET]) {
- targets = (STRPTR *)ArgArray[ARG_TARGET];
- while (*targets && !result)
- if (!(result = DoDest(*targets++, pageText)))
- groupCount++;
- }
- FreeArgs(ArgsPtr);
- }
- else {
- Fault(IoErr(), NULL, inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer) - 1);
- ErrorMsg("Error in groups file - line %ld: %s", line, inputBuffer);
- ULog(ph, -1, "Error in groups file - line %ld: %s", line, inputBuffer);
- result = 15;
- }
- FreeDosObject(DOS_RDARGS, MyArgs);
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("out of memory!");
- result = 15;
- }
- }
- Close(fh);
- }
- else {
- if (IoErr() != ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) {
- ErrorMsg("Error trying to open groups file.");
- ULog(ph, -1, "Error trying to open groups file.");
- }
- }
- if (!result)
- if (foundGroup) {
- if (groupCount == 0) {
- ErrorMsg("warning - no members in group \"%s\"", target);
- ULog(ph, 0, "warning - no members in group \"%s\"", target);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * if the target doesn't exist as a group entry then
- * call DoDest() on it to process it as an
- * alias/non-alias
- */
- result = DoDest(target, pageText);
- }
- return result;
- }