home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include "spooler.h"
- #include "/include/memory.h"
- /* our memory pool header */
- #define POOLSIZE 4096
- APTR pool;
- /* storage for library bases */
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- struct Library *PagerSupportBase;
- /* our pager-support.library handle */
- APTR ph;
- enum ReadArgsArray {
- ARG_sizeof
- };
- static UBYTE dialCommand[1024];
- static void DoUrgent(LONG *logLevel)
- {
- STRPTR urgentModem;
- urgentModem = FindPagerConfigDefault(ph, "URGENTMODEM", "0");
- sprintf(dialCommand, "Run DialIXO modem %s", urgentModem);
- if (logLevel)
- sprintf(&dialCommand[strlen(dialCommand)], " loglevel %ld", *logLevel);
- ULog(ph, 0, dialCommand);
- SystemTags(dialCommand, SYS_UserShell, TRUE, TAG_DONE);
- }
- static STRPTR GetPageText(STRPTR pageText)
- {
- STRPTR messagePtr, newPtr;
- ULONG messageLen, inputLen;
- if (pageText) {
- messageLen = strlen(pageText);
- /* remove white space at end of message */
- while (messageLen && isspace(pageText[messageLen - 1]))
- pageText[--messageLen] = '\0';
- if (messagePtr = MyAllocVec(messageLen + 1)) {
- CopyMem(pageText, messagePtr, messageLen);
- messagePtr[messageLen] = '\0';
- return messagePtr;
- }
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- else {
- messageLen = 0;
- if (messagePtr = MyAllocVec(1)) {
- messagePtr[0] = '\0';
- while (FGets(Input(), inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer) - 1)) {
- inputLen = strlen(inputBuffer);
- if (!(newPtr = MyAllocVec(messageLen + inputLen + 1))) {
- MyFreeVec(messagePtr);
- return NULL;
- }
- CopyMem(messagePtr, newPtr, messageLen);
- MyFreeVec(messagePtr);
- messagePtr = newPtr;
- CopyMem(inputBuffer, &messagePtr[messageLen], inputLen);
- messageLen += inputLen;
- messagePtr[messageLen] = '\0';
- }
- /* remove white space at end of message */
- while (messageLen && isspace(messagePtr[messageLen - 1]))
- messagePtr[--messageLen] = '\0';
- }
- return messagePtr;
- }
- }
- int DoDest(STRPTR to, STRPTR pageText)
- {
- PagerAlias_t *als, nonAls;
- int result = 0;
- STRPTR ptr;
- UBYTE c;
- ptr = to;
- /* check to see if this is a non-alias specification */
- while (c = *ptr++) {
- if (c == ':') {
- if (nonAls.als_Service = MyAllocVec(strlen(to) + 1)) {
- strcpy(nonAls.als_Service, to);
- nonAls.als_Service[ptr - to - 1] = '\0';
- nonAls.als_Name = to;
- nonAls.als_PIN = &nonAls.als_Service[ptr - to];
- nonAls.als_MaxMessageLen = 0;
- nonAls.als_MaxPageLen = 0;
- SetLogWho(ph, to);
- result = DoPage(&nonAls, pageText);
- SetLogWho(ph, NULL);
- return result;
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("out of memory!");
- return 5;
- }
- }
- }
- /* it's not a non-alias so try and read it as an alias */
- if (!(als = FindPagerAlias(ph, to))) {
- ErrorMsg("couldn't find \"%s\" alias.", to);
- ULog(ph, -1, "couldn't find \"%s\" alias.", to);
- result = 5;
- }
- if (!result) {
- SetLogWho(ph, als->als_Name);
- result = DoPage(als, pageText);
- SetLogWho(ph, NULL);
- FreePagerAlias(als);
- }
- return result;
- }
- static int DoArgs(void)
- {
- struct RDArgs *RArgs;
- STRPTR ArgArray[ARG_sizeof];
- int result = 0;
- STRPTR alwaysUrgent;
- STRPTR pageText;
- STRPTR *destList;
- /* do the stuff needed to call ReadArgs to parse the command line */
- memset(ArgArray, 0, sizeof(ArgArray));
- if (RArgs = ReadArgs(ARG_TEMPLATE, (LONG *)&ArgArray, NULL)) {
- if (ArgArray[ARG_LOGLEVEL])
- SetLogLevel(ph, *((LONG *)ArgArray[ARG_LOGLEVEL]));
- destList = (STRPTR *)ArgArray[ARG_DEST];
- if (!destList) {
- ErrorMsg("no destinations specified.");
- }
- else {
- if (pageText = GetPageText(ArgArray[ARG_PAGE])) {
- if (pageText[0]) {
- while (*destList && !result)
- result = DoGroup(*destList++, pageText);
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("no message specified - page not spooled");
- }
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("out of memory!");
- result = 5;
- }
- if (!result)
- if (ArgArray[ARG_URGENT])
- DoUrgent((LONG *)ArgArray[ARG_LOGLEVEL]);
- else if (alwaysUrgent = FindPagerConfig(ph, "ALWAYSURGENT")) {
- if (PagerConfigYesNo(alwaysUrgent))
- DoUrgent((LONG *)ArgArray[ARG_LOGLEVEL]);
- FreePagerConfig(alwaysUrgent);
- }
- }
- FreeArgs(RArgs);
- }
- else {
- PrintFault(IoErr(), PROGNAME);
- result = 5;
- }
- return result;
- }
- void __regargs main(char *cmdptr, int cmdlen, struct WBStartup *WBMsg)
- {
- int result;
- /* punt if started from Workbench */
- if (WBMsg)
- XCEXIT(20);
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #define SUPPORT_LIB "pager:libs/pager-support-debug.library"
- #else
- #define SUPPORT_LIB "pager:libs/pager-support.library"
- #endif
- if (UtilityBase = OpenLibrary("utility.library", 37)) {
- if (PagerSupportBase = OpenLibrary(SUPPORT_LIB, 0)) {
- if (pool = CreatePool(MEMF_CLEAR, POOLSIZE, POOLSIZE / 2)) {
- if (ph = AllocPagerHandle(PROGNAME)) {
- result = DoArgs();
- FreePagerHandle(ph);
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("couldn't allocate support library handle.");
- result = 10;
- }
- DeletePool(pool);
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("out of memory!");
- result = 20;
- }
- CloseLibrary(PagerSupportBase);
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("couldn't open %s.\n", SUPPORT_LIB);
- result = 20;
- }
- CloseLibrary(UtilityBase);
- }
- else {
- ErrorMsg("couldn't open %s.\n", "utility.library");
- result = 20;
- }
- XCEXIT(result);
- }