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- Program : The guru v2.3 (Feb. 3,1994 - document)
- Language: Assembly
- Author : E.Lensink
- Although I (the author) have thoroughly tested 'The Guru' and have done
- everything possible to make the program reliable, you use it at your own
- risk! I am not responsible for any damage caused by using this program,
- either direct or indirect. If this program spontaneously crashes your
- computer, melts your car, blows your nose, or explodes your grandma :-),
- 'The Guru' may be included in PD. libraries, on coverdisks, on CD's etc.
- The files may be archived as long as they are unaltered after dearchieving.
- The only restriction I make is that it may NOT BE SOLD for profit,
- and that you keep all the files together. You should have the following
- files:
- DOS_Err.data 9051
- Guru2.3 10784
- Guru2.3c 38572
- GURU_Err.data 19494
- SimErr 972
- Docs (drawer)
- If your set is not complete, or the filesizes are different you should
- not use the programs. (hacked versions, viruses etc.)
- You'll probably have noticed that there are two versions of 'The Guru'.
- The only difference is that the normal 2.3 version loads its data from
- disk, therefore the files DOS_Err.data and GURU_Err.data must be in the
- same directory as Guru2.3.
- The 2.3c version is an all-in-one version, the data files are hidden
- safe away inside the program. You can put this anywhere you want on your
- disk or hard drive.
- Every amiga owner has seen a guru message or software error as they are
- called in kickstart 2.0 and above at least once in his/her life. That
- nasty red flashing box has a purpose; the two numbers in the box can tell
- you why your amiga crashed. The numbers take the following form:
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | Software failure. Press left mouse button to continue. |
- | |
- | Error: 12345678 Task: 12345678 |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
- You see two numbers here, one behind error and one behind task.
- The one behind task is the address in memory where the crash occurred.
- You can use a monitor and/or dissassembler on that address to see the
- instruction(s) that caused the error. The number behind error is the
- real important one, it tells you precisely what error occurred. (If you
- are a programmer it tells you what stupid error you've made !)
- Unfortunately a number alone doesn't mean much... but this is where
- 'The Guru' comes in. 'The Guru' will decode the message for you into
- a more understandable form. You only have to follow three easy-to-understand
- steps:
- 1- When the software error appears press the left mouse button
- Your computer will reboot.
- 2- Use the workbench or the shell to start the 'The Guru' program.
- 3- Click the LAST button, then the GURU button and a miracle
- happens (well, not quite, but at least you know what has gone
- wrong...)
- To test 'The Guru' you can run the program SimErr, which is included in this
- distribution. Just run SimErr, then start at step 2 above.
- If everything went right you should see something like this in the 'The Guru'
- window:
- 82011234: Deadend Alert
- DESCRIPTION (graphics):
- AN_GfxNoLCM: Emergency memory not
- available
- Clipping graphics in your own program
- might help ?!
- All this means: Your computer crashed because the graphics.library didn't
- have enough memory (mostly for graphics clipping) available.
- Easy eh...
- But that's not all! You can also get help with DOS-errors like
- Couldn't run program x: error 121
- Just use the + and - buttons located above and below the three-digit number
- in the 'The Guru' window to set the number to 121. Then click the DOS
- button.
- You can set the guru number in a similar manner; use the + and - buttons
- above and below the eight digit number to set it. Then click the GURU
- button.
- The ABOUT button gives information about the program, the QUIT button
- quits, and the DEFAULT button resets the program. (not your computer)
- 'The Guru' can be a little bit customized by two tooltypes:
- IMMEDIATE - Guess...
- AUTOTOFRONT - The window pops to front as soon as it's activated.
- (can be useful if the window is obscured by some other windows)
- 'The Guru' should run on any amiga with at least kickstart 1.2 .
- It has been successfully tested on the following configurations:
- A3000 : 2 Mb CHIP, 4 Mb FAST, Kickstart 2.04
- A3000 : 2 Mb CHIP, - Mb FAST, Kickstart 1.3
- A500+ : 2 Mb CHIP, - Mb FAST, Kickstart 2.04
- A500+ : 2 Mb CHIP, - Mb FAST, Kickstart 1.3
- A500 :0.5Mb CHIP,0.5Mb FAST, Kickstart 1.2
- A1200 : 2 Mb CHIP, - Mb FAST, Kickstart 3.0
- version 1.0 (July 28,1993) : - Real crap version with bugs...
- - Released at SHN
- version 1.1 (Aug. 1,1993) : - Fixed all bugs (I guess)
- - Never really released
- version 2.0 (Oct. 31,1993) : This is a complete recode...
- - Better user interface
- - better descriptions
- version 2.1 (Dec. 25,1993) : - Added customization by tooltypes in icon
- version 2.2 (Jan. ?,1994) : Fixed a bug - opened a font but didn't free it
- - Added zoom gadget in window
- version 2.21 (Jan. 6,1994) : - Window is now NOCAREREFRESH (=300% faster)
- - Added RMBTRAP, just looks nicer
- version 2.3 (Feb. 3,1994) : A lot of changes on this one...
- - Looks at screen palette for correct 3d
- buttons. (The buttons looked inversed on
- a kick 1.3 machine with 2.0 color palette)
- - Changed the logo, looks nicer
- - Looks good on a 2-color workbench too !
- (now all text is readable...)
- If you find a bug in The Guru please let me know.
- Write down EXACTLY what you were doing at the time the bug showed up,
- your configuration, and anything else that might be relevant.
- My address is:
- E.Lensink
- Notengaarde 33
- 3992 JR Houten
- Holland
- I will not reply to any mail unless you include a self-addressed envelope
- and stamp(s).