home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ;
- ; BrowserII.cd - Copyright © 1991-93 by S.R. & P.C.
- ;
- ; Created: 21 Jan 1993 19:26:03
- ; Modified: 17 Oct 1993 22:34:52
- ;
- ; Make>> smake
- ;
- ;
- ; This file is absolutly READONLY.
- ; You may create a .ct skeleton using CatComp or any
- ; PD equivalent before translating it.
- ; Send us your work please. You'll get a free registration.
- ;
- ; Messages beginning with MSG1L_ MUST NOT include line feeds (\n)
- ;
- ;
- MSG_RequestTitle (//)
- BrowserII Request
- ;
- MSG_About (//)
- CopyRight © Sylvain Rougier & Pierre Carrette.\n\
- English version by S.R. & P.C.\n\
- This program is ShareWare.\n\
- If you like it or use it, send $25 to:\n\
- \n\
- Sylvain Rougier\n\
- 39 rue Carnot\n\
- 86000 Poitiers\n\
- France\n\
- \n\
- You will receive the latest registered version.\n\
- Don't forget to give your version number\n\
- and your ROM/KickStart version.
- ;
- MSG_RegisteredTo (//)
- Registered to:
- ;
- MSG_Demo (//)
- Demo version.
- ;
- MSG_AboutTitle (//)
- About BrowserII
- ;
- ;
- MSG_Q_SureDeleteFile (//)
- Really delete ALL marked files%s ?\n\n%lD file(s) and %lD drawer(s)
- ;
- MSG_SkipCancel (//)
- _Skip|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_ReSelectResume (//)
- Re_Select|_Resume
- ;
- MSG_ProjectSkipCancel (//)
- _Project|_Skip|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_ErrReadingDir (//)
- Error reading directory \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_NotADir (//)
- \"%s\" is not a directory
- ;
- MSG_Selected (//)
- There is %lD Bytes %lD Blocks selected\nin %lD files and %lD dirs.
- ;
- MSG_CantCreatIcon (//)
- Couldn't create icon for \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_NoIconDefined (//)
- No icon defined for %s
- ;
- MSG_CantGetIcon (//)
- Couldn't get icon for \"%s\"\nFile Type: \"%s\"\nIcon: \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_UnknownIcon (//)
- Type of \"%s\" is unknown.
- ;
- MSG_CantProtect (//)
- Couldn't protect \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantComment (//)
- Couldn't set comment of \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantTouch (//)
- Couldn't set date \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantRename (//)
- Couldn't rename \"%s\" as \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_RenamingAs (//)
- \"%s\" as \"%s\"
- ;
- MSG_CantRelabel (//)
- Couldn't relabel \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantCreateDirHere (//)
- Can't create a dir in this window.
- ;
- MSG_CantCreateDir (//)
- Couldn't create dir \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_NoFullPathForDuplicate (//)
- Full path name not allowed for Duplicate.
- ;
- MSG_MakeDir_AndSoOn (//)
- Makedir(s)...
- ;
- MSG_Duplicate_AndSoOn (//)
- Duplicate...
- ;
- MSG1L_AddSuffixPrefix_AndSoOn (//)
- Add suffix and/or prefix...
- ;
- MSG_CantDuplicateMultipleVolume (//)
- Can't duplicate multiple volumes.
- ;
- MSG_CantDupMultipleAssignNorVol (//)
- Can't duplicate assigns nor volumes.
- ;
- MSG_AddingIcon_AndSoOn (//)
- Adding Icon...
- ;
- MSG_CantAddIconToAssign (//)
- Can't add icon to assigns.
- ;
- MSG_Deleting_AndSoOn (//)
- Deleting...
- ;
- MSG_AndTheirIcon (//)
- \nand their icon (.info)
- ;
- MSG_DeleteCancel (//)
- _Delete|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_DeleteDeleteAllCancel (//)
- _Delete|Delete _All|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_CantDeleteVolume (//)
- Can't delete Volume.
- ;
- MSG_ReadingSize_AndSoOn (//)
- Reading Size...
- ;
- MSG_CantCheckSizeOfVolume (//)
- Can't check size of Volumes.
- ;
- MSG_SettingProtection (//)
- Setting Protection...
- ;
- MSG_CantProtectVolume (//)
- Can't Protect Volumes.
- ;
- MSG_SettingComment_AndSoOn (//)
- Setting Comment...
- ;
- MSG_SetComment_AndSoOn (//)
- Set Comment...
- ;
- MSG_CantCommentVolume (//)
- Can't comment Volumes.
- ;
- MSG_SettingDate_AndSoOn (//)
- Setting Date...
- ;
- MSG_SetDate_AndSoOn (//)
- Set Date...
- ;
- MSG_CantSetDateVolume (//)
- Can't set date Volumes.
- ;
- MSG_Renaming_AndSoOn (//)
- Renaming...
- ;
- MSG_SelectVolumeInMain (//)
- Select volumes in BrowserII window.
- ;
- MSG_CantRenameAssign (//)
- Can't rename an assign.
- ;
- MSG_AskNewName (//)
- Enter new name...
- ;
- MSG_CantRelabelMultipleVolume (//)
- Can't relabel multiple volumes.
- ;
- MSG_FileNameTooLong (//)
- Filename too long: \"%s\"
- ;
- MSG_GiveOneStar (//)
- You MUST keep a single '*' in name.
- ;
- MSG_BytesBlocks (//)
- %lD Bytes %lD Blocks
- ;
- MSG_ReadingIcon_AndSoOn (//)
- Reading Icon...
- ;
- MSG_ReallyMoveInto (//)
- Really move files into\n\"%s\" ?
- ;
- MSG_RequestCopyMode_GAD (//)
- Cop_y|_Move|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG1L_AlienBottomSelect_Fmt (//)
- %lD/%lD Bytes %lD/%lD Blocks %lD/%lD Entries selected
- ;
- MSG1L_AlienBottom_Fmt (//)
- %lD/%lD Icons %lD/%lD Files %lD/%lD Dirs %lD/%lD Bytes %lD/%lD Blocks
- ;
- MSG_RootNoParent (//)
- Root directory\nNo parent.
- ;
- MSG_CantGetParent (//)
- Couldn't get parent dir\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_OpenDir_AndSoOn (//)
- Open Dir...
- ;
- MSG1L_NoProcessRunning (//)
- No child processes currently running.
- ;
- MSG_Mem_Fmt (//)
- Chip:%6lD Other:%7lD
- ;
- MSG_ReallyQuit (//)
- Really quit BrowserII ?
- ;
- ;
- MSG_SelectWindowFont (//)
- Select Window Font...
- ;
- MSG_SelectScreenFont (//)
- Select Screen Font...
- ;
- MSG_RequiresDiskFont (//)
- Requires diskfont.library
- ;
- MSG_CantOpenFont (//)
- Couldn't open \"%s\" %ld.
- ;
- MSG_CantSaveConfig (//)
- Couldn't save configuration.
- ;
- ;
- MSG_CantCreateDirCauseFile (//)
- Can't create dir \"%s\"\nA file already exists.
- ;
- MSG_ErrorWriting (//)
- Error writing \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantOpenWrite (//)
- Couldn't open \"%s\" for writing\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_DirAlreadyExist (//)
- A dir already exists
- ;
- MSG_OverWrtOverWrtAllSkipCancel (//)
- _Overwrite|Overwrite _All|_Update|_Skip|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_FileXAlreadyExist (//)
- File \"%s\" already exists\n\
- Old: %lD Bytes %s\n\
- New: %lD Bytes %s
- ;
- MSG_Q_DeleteBadCopy (//)
- File \"%s\" couldn't be copied\nDelete bad copy ?
- ;
- MSG_Writing_AndSoOn (//)
- Writing...
- ;
- MSG_ErrorReadingX (//)
- Error reading \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantOpenXReading (//)
- Couldn't open \"%s\" for reading\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_Reading_AndSoOn (//)
- Reading...
- ;
- MSG_RetryOverwriteSkipCancel (//)
- _Retry|_Overwrite|_Skip|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_CantMoveX (//)
- Couldn't move \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CantDelete (//)
- Couldn't delete \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_Moving_AndSoOn (//)
- Moving...
- ;
- MSG_Q_DeleteSourceAnyway (//)
- One or more file(s) not copied\nDelete source(s) anyway ?
- ;
- MSG_CantAccessX (//)
- Couldn't access \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG1L_MainBottomSelected_Fmt (//)
- %lD Bytes %lD Blocks %lD Entries selected
- ;
- MSG1L_MainBottom_Fmt (//)
- %s %lD KBytes %lD Blocks Free
- ;
- MSG1L_DirBottomSelected_Fmt (//)
- %lD/%lD Bytes %lD/%lD Blocks %lD/%lD Entries selected
- ;
- MSG1L_DirBottom_Fmt (//)
- %lD/%lD Files %lD/%lD Dirs %lD/%lD Bytes %lD/%lD Blocks
- ;
- MSG_CantMoveFileHere (//)
- Can't move files into this window.
- ;
- MSG_RetryCancel (//)
- _Retry|_Cancel
- ;
- MSG_CantDeleteBadCopy (//)
- Couldn't delete bad copy of \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_Q_DeleteIncompleteX (//)
- File \"%s\" wasn't completly copied\nDelete bad copy ?
- ;
- MSG_Q_HiddenSelectedContinue (//)
- Some hidden entries were selected\nContinue anyway ?
- ;
- MSG_CantOpenWindow (//)
- Couldn't open window.
- ;
- MSG_NotEnoughMemory (//)
- Not enough memory.
- ;
- MSG_CantCreateProcess (//)
- Couldn't create process.\n%s.
- ;
- MSG1L_TryLaunch (//)
- BrowserII: Attempting to load \"%s\"...
- ;
- MSG1L_WaitChildReply (//)
- Waiting for process replies. Cancel requesters...
- ;
- MSG_CommandTooLong (//)
- Command line too long.
- ;
- MSG1L_Run_FileType (//)
- Run... File Type: %s
- ;
- ;
- MSG_Resume (//)
- _Resume
- ;
- MSG_YesNoWay (//)
- _Yes|_No Way
- ;
- MSG_RetrySkipCancel (//)
- _Retry|_Skip|_Cancel
- ;
- ;
- MSG1L_BrowserActionStatus (//)
- BrowserII Action status
- ;
- MSG_Stop_GAD (//6)
- _Stop
- ;
- MSG_Pause_GAD (//6)
- _Pause
- ;
- MSG_CantOpenScreen (//)
- Couldn't open screen.
- ;
- MSG_CloseVisitorWindow (//)
- Close ALL visitor windows first!
- ;
- MSG_CantOpenMain (//)
- Couldn't open main window.
- ;
- MSG_AlienWindow (//)
- Alien Window
- ;
- MSG_AdjustColors (//)
- Adjust Colors
- ;
- MSG_Dir (/3/9)
- (dir)
- ;
- MSG_Icon (/3/9)
- (icon)
- ;
- MSG_RequiresAsl (//)
- Requires asl.library V38 or higher.
- ;
- MSG_RequiresParM (//)
- Requires parm.library V%ld or higher.
- ;
- MSG_RequiresReqTools (//)
- Requires reqtools.library.
- ;
- ;
- MSG1L_SetProtectAndSoOn (//)
- Set Protect...
- ;
- MSG1L_SetFiltersAndSoOn (//)
- Set Filters...
- ;
- MSG1L_SelectAndSoOn (//)
- Select...
- ;
- MSG_StringGadsLabel1 (//10)
- Pattern
- ;
- MSG_StringGadsLabel2 (//10)
- Since
- ;
- MSG_StringGadsLabel3 (//10)
- Before
- ;
- MSG_StringGadsLabel4 (//10)
- Min size
- ;
- MSG_StringGadsLabel5 (//10)
- Max size
- ;
- MSG_TypeFlagsLabel1 (//10)
- Exclude
- ;
- MSG_TypeFlagsLabel2 (//10)
- & Subtypes
- ;
- MSG_FilesDirsGadLabel1 (//6)
- No
- ;
- MSG_FilesDirsGadLabel2 (//6)
- Yes
- ;
- MSG_FilesDirsGadLabel3 (//6)
- Match
- ;
- MSG_Files_GAD (//11)
- Files
- ;
- MSG_Dirs_GAD (//11)
- Dirs
- ;
- MSG_AffectSubdirs_GAD (//17)
- Affect Subdirs
- ;
- MSG_Clear_GAD (//6)
- Clear
- ;
- MSG_FileTypes_GAD (//12)
- File Types
- ;
- MSG_Selected_GAD (//12)
- Selected
- ;
- MSG_DEL_GAD (//3)
- ;
- MSG_Ok_GAD (//7)
- Ok
- ;
- MSG_Cancel_GAD (//7)
- Cancel
- ;
- MSG_Reset_GAD (//7)
- Reset
- ;
- MSG1L_Protection (//12)
- Protection:
- ;
- MSG_MaximumReached (//)
- Maximum reached.
- ;
- MSG_ProcessesStillRunning (//)
- Processes still running.
- ;
- MSG_ScanningAndSoOn (//)
- Scanning...
- ;
- MSG_OkWithIconCancel_GAD (//)
- Without Icon|With Icon|Cancel
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ; Menus
- ;
- MSG_Bro_UpdateMenu_MENU (//)
- Update Menus
- ;
- MSG_Bro_LastError_MENU (//)
- Last Error
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Command_MENU (//)
- _C Command
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Scrn_MENU (//)
- Screen
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Scrn_Workbench_MENU (//)
- Workbench Screen
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Scrn_Custom_MENU (//)
- Custom Screen
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Scrn_WBColor_MENU (//)
- Workbench Colors
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Scrn_CustomColors_MENU (//)
- Custom Colors
- ;
- MSG_Bro_ScreenFont_MENU (//)
- Screen Font
- ;
- MSG_Bro_ScreenFont_DefFont_MENU (//)
- Default Font
- ;
- MSG_Bro_ScreenFont_CstFont_MENU (//)
- Custom Font
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WindowFont_MENU (//)
- Window Font
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WindowFont_DefFont_MENU (//)
- Default Font
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WindowFont_CstFont_MENU (//)
- Custom Font
- ;
- MSG_Bro_RunMode_MENU (//)
- Run Mode
- ;
- MSG_Bro_RunMode_RunBack_MENU (//)
- RunBack
- ;
- MSG_Bro_RunMode_Shell_MENU (//)
- Shell
- ;
- MSG_Bro_RunMode_Request_MENU (//)
- Request
- ;
- MSG_Bro_RunMode_WBToFront_MENU (//)
- WBToFront
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_MENU (//)
- Copy Mode
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_Context_MENU (//)
- Context
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_AlwCopy_MENU (//)
- Always Copy
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_AlwMove_MENU (//)
- Always Move
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_Request_MENU (//)
- Request
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_Update_MENU (//)
- Update
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_DontOverwFile_MENU (//)
- Don't overwrite files
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_AskBeforeOver_MENU (//)
- Ask before overwrite
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_CopyEmptyDir_MENU (//)
- Copy Empty Dirs
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CpyM_CopyHierarchy_MENU (//)
- Copy Hierarchy
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CopyFlags_MENU (//)
- Copy Flags
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CopyFlags_Clone_MENU (//)
- Clone
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CopyFlags_Dates_MENU (//)
- Dates
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CopyFlags_Protect_MENU (//)
- Protect
- ;
- MSG_Bro_CopyFlags_Comment_MENU (//)
- Comment
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Display_MENU (//)
- Display
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Display_Device_MENU (//)
- Devices
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Display_Volumes_MENU (//)
- Volumes
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Display_Assigns_MENU (//)
- Assigns
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_MENU (//)
- Options
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_KeepSelected_MENU (//)
- Keep selected
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_ToggleSelect_MENU (//)
- Toggle selections
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_MoveFileInto_MENU (//)
- Move files into subdirectories
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_ABefMoveInto_MENU (//)
- Ask before moving into subdirectories
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_ASynchronous_MENU (//)
- ASynchronous actions
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_OpenStatus_MENU (//)
- Open process status window
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_ACOverDefTool_MENU (//)
- AutoCmds override icon's default tool
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_ExFOnDblClick_MENU (//)
- Examine file on DoubleClick (for AutoCmds)
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_BdropPattern_MENU (//)
- Install backdrop pattern
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Opts_WinFontInReq_MENU (//)
- Use window font in requesters
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_MENU (//)
- Window Options
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_DDUsage_MENU (//)
- Display directory disk usage
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_PofVData_MENU (//)
- Display proportion of visible data
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_AutoZ_MENU (//)
- Windows AutoZoom
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_AutoZDir_MENU (//)
- Windows AutoZoom dirs only
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_MainAutoZ_MENU (//)
- Main Window AutoZoom
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_ZSMain_MENU (//)
- Zoom Main Window on startup
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_CapMPos_MENU (//)
- Capture Main Window position
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_CapMSize_MENU (//)
- Capture Main Window size
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_CapAlnPos_MENU (//)
- Capture Alien Window position
- ;
- MSG_Bro_WOptions_CapAlnSiz_MENU (//)
- Capture Alien Window size
- ;
- MSG_Bro_SaveConfig_MENU (//)
- Save Config
- ;
- MSG_Bro_About_MENU (//)
- About
- ;
- MSG_Bro_Quit_MENU (//)
- Quit
- ;
- MSG_Window_MENU (//)
- Window
- ;
- MSG_Window_Rescan_MENU (//)
- _S Rescan
- ;
- ;
- MSG_Window_Open_MENU (//)
- Open
- ;
- MSG_Window_Open_Parent_MENU (//)
- _P Open Parent
- ;
- MSG_Window_Open_Dir_MENU (//)
- _O Open Dir...
- ;
- MSG_Window_Open_Alien_MENU (//)
- Open Alien
- ;
- MSG_Window_Open_Status_MENU (//)
- Open Status
- ;
- MSG_Window_Zoom_MENU (//)
- Zoom
- ;
- MSG_Window_Zoom_UnZoom_MENU (//)
- UnZoom F1
- ;
- MSG_Window_Zoom_ZoomAll_MENU (//)
- Zoom All F2
- ;
- MSG_Window_Zoom_ZoomDirs_MENU (//)
- Zoom Dirs F3
- ;
- MSG_Window_SelectMatch_MENU (//)
- _? Select Match
- ;
- MSG_Window_SelectAll_MENU (//)
- _A Select All
- ;
- MSG_Window_Flts_MENU (//)
- Filters
- ;
- MSG_Window_Flts_Set_MENU (//)
- _F Set...
- ;
- MSG_Window_Flts_Prefs_MENU (//)
- _= Prefs
- ;
- MSG_Window_Flts_NoInfo_MENU (//)
- _. No .info
- ;
- MSG_Window_Flts_Clear_MENU (//)
- _- Clear
- ;
- MSG_Window_Flts_Invert_MENU (//)
- _/ Invert
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_MENU (//)
- File Info
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_Bytes_MENU (//)
- Size in Bytes
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_Blocks_MENU (//)
- Size in Blocks
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_Prtct_MENU (//)
- Protection
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_Date_MENU (//)
- Date
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_DskKey_MENU (//)
- Disk Key
- ;
- MSG_Window_FileInfo_Type_MENU (//)
- Type
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_MENU (//)
- Sort by
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_Name_MENU (//)
- Name
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_Date_MENU (//)
- Date
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_Size_MENU (//)
- Size
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_Key_MENU (//)
- Key
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_EntryTp_MENU (//)
- Entry Type
- ;
- MSG_Window_SortBy_FileTp_MENU (//)
- File Type
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_MENU (//)
- Options
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_FindTpName_MENU (//)
- Find Type by Name
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_FindTpScan_MENU (//)
- Find Type by Scan
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_KeepWin_MENU (//)
- Keep Window
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_IconifyWin_MENU (//)
- Auto Iconify
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_CloseWin_MENU (//)
- Auto Close
- ;
- MSG_Window_Opts_TurboScan_MENU (//)
- Turbo Scan
- ;
- MSG_Window_AffectVolume_MENU (//)
- Affect Volume
- ;
- MSG_Window_AffectAll_MENU (//)
- Affect All
- ;
- MSG_Actions_MENU (//)
- Actions
- ;
- MSG_Actions_Rename_MENU (//)
- _R Rename
- ;
- MSG_Actions_MakeDir_MENU (//)
- _M MakeDir
- ;
- MSG_Actions_Duplicate_MENU (//)
- _2 Duplicate
- ;
- MSG_Actions_SetDate_MENU (//)
- Set Date
- ;
- MSG_Actions_SetComment_MENU (//)
- Set Comment
- ;
- MSG_Actions_SetProtect_MENU (//)
- Set Protect
- ;
- MSG_Actions_AddIcon_MENU (//)
- Add Icon
- ;
- MSG_Actions_CheckSize_MENU (//)
- Check Size
- ;
- MSG_Action_WBInfo_MENU (//)
- _I WB Info
- ;
- MSG_Actions_Delete_MENU (//)
- _D Delete
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;