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Text File | 1994-04-05 | 47.9 KB | 1,298 lines |
- Documentation for BrowserII V2.41
- **************************************************************************
- ***************************** ********************************
- ***************************** WARNING ********************************
- ***************************** ********************************
- **************************************************************************
- If you use a previous release of ParM, and tools that makes use of
- parm.library (BrowserII), you _MUST_ replace ALL theses with those given
- in this release. The new parm.library version 7 is not compatable with
- previous ones. It was just not possible to do it. As promised in
- previous release, this new ParM only works with AmigaDOS version 37 or
- higher. ParM no more needs arp nor req libraries. OS 2.0 made it
- possible.
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- Copyright:
- ----------
- ParM and BrowserII are copyrighted; they may not be sold in or together
- with commercial software without written approval by the authors. They
- may be freely distributed for a fee which will not exceed the equivalent
- of French Francs 15.- (this includes the cost of the diskette and the
- postage); they cannot be made available for downloading from a server
- which is a commercial operation. The general principle is that it is
- forbidden to make a profit through the use or distribution of these
- programs without our written consent.
- ParM V3.5 (or higher) and BrowserII V2.0 (or higher) may NOT be duplicated
- for other things than backup. Only Authors are autorized to give it to
- other people.
- -----------
- We accept no responsability for the use or misuse of these programs,
- and for the damage they could produce. Use at your own risks.
- Nevertheless, we think that after several month of intensive use by four
- persons, they have been tested enough to say they are safe.
- History:
- --------
- We wrote BrowserII after having used for 2 years the original Browser
- (version 1.6A) written by Peter Da Silva. We were not fully satisfied
- because of some of its limitations so, as soon as we felt capable of
- writing a program which would overcome those limitations, we made a
- decision to do it. So BrowserII was born ... The Return !
- We felt the overall layout and display mode of Browser were very good, so
- we decided to keep them, as well as the name, so that actual users of
- Browser would immediately feel home with BrowserII.
- As we never had the sources of Browser at hand, we rewrote it from
- scratch.
- Beginners claimed many times that BrowserII was difficult to use and very
- complicated. Really, we don't understand that since BrowserII works
- exactly like workbench. To copy files, you just have to select them and
- to drag them over the destination directory. It's power is far from other
- file manager tools which are able to display only to directories, and are
- full of useless gadgets which cluter up more than the half of the screen
- display. We think that menus are more adapted to commands not often used,
- and keyboard shortcuts quicker than gadgets for regular operations.
- Any way, a special window with parametrable gadgets will be taken into
- consideration in a next release using gadtools.library of new OS 2.0.
- Another advantage of BrowserII is that it is small (80 KBytes !). It has
- the most powerfull copy process, and doesn't include text viewers,
- editors, or any IFF viewers. With this phylosophy, you can use the best
- tools of each kind, text viewer (we use the great MuchMorePoPa 2.7 which
- can be made resident), IFF viewer (we use Mostra which is pure too). You
- are not limited with the number of parametrable menus...
- Finally, BrowserII is the best file manager ! Don't you think so ?
- Another positive thing because other don't do it, is that all disk errors
- are properly reported with a message (not an error number), files can be
- individually skipped, or operation aborted. (some tools continue to write
- files after a 'disk full' error. Nice isn't it!).
- Installation:
- -------------
- While you can put BrowserII in any directory, you must copy parm.library
- and in LIBS:. If you want to take advantage of the parametrable menus of
- BrowserII, don't forget to build a BrowserII.menu file, and to put it in
- S:.
- Since V2.10, BrowserII will recognize file types if you have the
- whatis.library in your LIBS: directory. (See doc for this library).
- The reqtools.library is required for customising screen colors.
- Demo Version:
- -------------
- The registered version and demo version are indentical. When you become a
- registered user, you get a key file, and you'll be registered forever. So
- you can get updates from fish disks, or BBS, without asking directly to
- us. When you are not registered, the About requester appears from time to
- time.
- Tutorial:
- ---------
- Some friends made a tutorial for unexperimented user. The french version
- makes use of a lot of pictures. have a look at them, they are very
- atractive. Note that both tutorials are about using Version 2.04. A few
- things were added since then but the mind didn't change!
- Gadgets:
- --------
- BrowserII windows now have three more gadgets. The first one is the
- iconification gadget, just below the close gadget. If you press this
- gadget, two things can happen:
- 1.
- If it is the main window (the one where appears devices, volumes, and
- assigns), BrowserII will be iconified, that is to say that a small window
- in workbench screen will open, and all BrowserII windows and screen will
- be closed. This small window has a close gadget which enables you to quit
- BrowserII without uniconifying BrowserII. To uniconify BrowserII, press
- right mouse button.
- 2.
- If it is a directory window, the window will be closed, and an entry will
- be added in Alien Window, whether it is open or not. Alien Window can be
- open using F5 or menu 'Window->Open->Alien Window'. To uniconify an
- iconified window, just double click on the corresponding entry in alien
- window. You can uniconify several windows sumultaneously by selecting
- several entries in alien window, and double clicking on one of them.
- If one entry only is selected in Alien Window, the full path of the
- directory is displayed in the bottom border of this window.
- The other two gadgets are invisible. The first one is the ZOOM gadget and
- is the top half of the jauges, while the second one is the UNZOOM gadget
- and is the bottom half of the jauges. If you ask for a zoom while the
- directory to be zoomed is currently scanning, the zoom is defered at the
- end of scan.
- Menus:
- ------
- * BrowserII
- BrowserII -> Update menus
- Reloads the parametrable menus file "S:BrowserII.menu". This file is an
- ASCII file with the same syntax as the configuration file of ParM. Some
- option has been added: the selected files in BrowserII will be inserted
- at the [] or [:] if any, with full path calculated from current window.
- Example: you have selected "S:" in the main window of BrowserII
- you have defined a menu item as follows:
- ITEM Sizer RUN WIN CON:0/11/400/100/Sizer/Close/Wait Sizer []
- activating the menu item Sizer will be equivalent to
- executing the following command in a shell:
- Sizer S:
- If there are no [], then the names of the selected files are simply
- appended to the end of the command line.
- Have a look at ParM.doc for the WBTF option in menu items to bring
- workbench to front when running commands.
- There is an alternative to get arguments with a full pathname, rather than
- a path relative to the current directory (active window). just put [:]
- instead of [] in the command line.
- But be warned. In most cases, _this is not necessary_, and dangerous!
- Because volume names may not be unique, files passed as parameters may not
- be the ones you selected. Current directory is a lock and IS unique.
- Anyway, it can be usefull when giving file names to and already loaded
- process with a current dir different from the selected files' directory.
- For example, you get two ARexx examples in this archive that need full
- path argument, View.adpro, and DeliPlay.rexx.
- There is another dark side: arguments have longer names, and as a command
- line is limited to 512 bytes long, you cannot give as many arguments to a
- command as with current-dir relative path.
- Since V2.10, you can specify Automatic commands. For that, you must
- have the whatis.library in your LIBS: directory. When you DoubleClick on
- a file, BrowserII search for an automatic command (AUTOCMD) associated
- with the type of the file. If it founds one, it will be executed.
- AUTOCMDs must be specified in the S:BrowserII.menu file with the
- following syntax:
- AUTOCMD <file type> [WITHSUBTYPES][WBTF][REQUEST] <run mode> [STACK] [PRI] [WIN] <command>
- <file type> : the id string you can see when you ask "Window->File
- Info->Type" (i.e: "Text", "Exe", etc...)
- <run mode> : (WB, RUN,...) See ParM.doc
- <command> : The command you want to execute for this type of file.
- Same syntax as ParM's menu items.
- WITHSUBTYPES : AUTOCMD is inherited by subtypes of the type given.
- If an AUTOCMD exists for a subtype of the given
- type, it takes precedence over it.
- Example:
- AUTOCMD "Source C" RUN Ed []
- If you DoubleClick on a file and this file is a text file but not
- C Source file (which is a subtype of Text) then "More" will be run
- with the file as argument. If you DoubleClick on a C Source file,
- then "Ed" will be run instead of "More".
- If you want AUTOCMD for types which are not built-in, don't forget to
- create the new type (managed by whatis.library) in "S:FileTypes" before
- putting an AUTOCMD.
- We strongly recommand to have a look at the complete examples given in
- BrowserII.menu, since the file is easy to understand.
- BrowserII -> Last Error
- This will show you the last message which appeared in screen title bar
- BrowserII -> Screen -> Workbench
- BrowserII opens its windows in the Workbench screen
- BrowserII -> Screen -> Custom
- BrowserII opens its own screen and opens all its windows in that screen.
- The screen is made public and is named "BrowserII". Take care, public
- screen names are case-sensitive. For example, you can open a console in
- the BrowserII screen with the following syntax:
- "CON:0/11/640/100/Window Title/CLOSE/WAIT/AUTO/SCREEN BrowserII"
- This console has defered open (AUTO), will also have a close gadget
- (CLOSE), and will wait for you to hit close gadget before closing (WAIT).
- Note that if another public screen with the same name exists, BrowserII
- will name its screen BrowserII0, then BrowserII1,... (this can happen if
- you have the strange idea to run BrowserII twice)!
- BrowserII -> Screen -> WorkBench Colors
- BrowserII -> Screen -> Custom Colors (needs reqtools.library)
- Do you need an explanation ?
- BrowserII -> Screen Font -> Default Font
- BrowserII -> Screen Font -> Custom Font
- This enables you to choose your prefered screen font. Screen Font
- appears in title bars and in menus. This menu is disabled in workbench
- screen.
- BrowserII -> Window Font -> Default Font
- BrowserII -> Window Font -> Custom Font
- This enables you to choose your prefered window font.
- BrowserII -> Run Mode
- The submenu items of this item will determine the mode according to which
- the files on which you double-click will be opened. If other files were
- selected at the time of the double-click, their names become parameters
- for the double-clicked file.
- If the file has an icon, it will automatically be run in Workbench mode.
- Also note that BrowserII does a CD to the active window before running a
- command, whether you have double-clicked on a file, or activated it
- through a menu selection. This is often VERY useful.
- BrowserII -> Run Mode -> RunBack
- Launches the program on which you have double-clicked as a background
- Process.
- BrowserII -> Run Mode -> Shell
- Same as RunBack except BrowserII will open the default SHELLWIN console
- for the program output. If this console has defered open, you wont see it
- immediately if program does not output anything.
- BrowserII -> Run Mode -> Request
- If this option is activated, a requester will appear before the
- double-clicked program is actually launched, so you can confirm or cancel.
- (except for Workbench)
- Remember though, that a program which has an icon, will be launched in WB
- mode il all cases.
- BrowserII -> Run Mode -> WBToFront
- WorkBench screen is brought to front after running the program.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Context
- If you move a file, BrowserII will in fact perform a rename if the source
- and destination files are on the same volume. Across volumes, BrowserII
- will perform a copy.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Always Copy
- BrowserII will systematically make a copy of the file.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Always Move
- BrowserII will copy the file to the destination directory and then delete
- the source file.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Request
- You'll asked if you want to move or copy files each time you drag some.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Update
- BrowserII will copy the file only if the source file is more recent than
- the destination file, or if the destination file does not exist.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Don't overwrite files
- BrowserII will not overwrite an existing file. If there exists a
- destination file with the name you gave for the destination, the copy will
- not be performed.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Ask before Overwrite
- BrowserII asks for confirmation before overwriting. This option is
- naturally mutually exclusive with the former one.
- BrowserII -> Copy Mode -> Copy Empty Dirs
- This option will enable to re-create empty directories in the destination
- directory. It is particularly useful in its disabled mode, so empty
- directories are not copied.
- BrowserII -> Copy Flags
- BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Clone
- All attributes of the file will be copied (date, comment, protection
- bits).
- BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Date
- The destination file inherits the date of the source file.
- BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Protect
- The destination file inherits the protection bits of the source file.
- BrowserII -> Copy Flags -> Comment
- The destination file inherits the comment of the source file.
- BrowserII -> Display
- BrowserII -> Display -> Devices
- BrowserII -> Display -> Volumes
- BrowserII -> Display -> Assigns
- BrowserII 's main window shows the appropriate list.
- BrowserII -> Options -> Keep Selected
- After an action ( copy, delete, etc ) the selected entry is not
- automatically deselected.
- BrowserII -> Options -> Toggle selection
- If this option is activated, clicking on a name will alternately select
- and deselect it. If this option is not activated, the selected entry will
- not be deselected.
- BrowserII -> Options -> Move files into subdirectories
- Once this option is set, BrowserII will put the selected entries in the
- subdirectory un which you release the left mouse button. Otherwise it
- will put them in the window which contains this directory.
- BrowserII -> Options -> Ask before moving into subdirectories
- BrowserII asks for confirmation before moving the entries.
- BrowserII -> Options -> Asynchronous Actions
- You will love that one or I'll eat my tie (as I never wear one, the risk
- is limited). When this option in on, any action requested executes in the
- background, and the next action can be started without a delay. Like for
- the multitasking, you will wonder how you could live without it before!
- Switching it off has been made possible mainly for debug purpose.
- BrowserII -> Options -> Open process status window
- Each process will open its own window telling what it is currently doing,
- and giving you the possibility to pause or cancel the process.
- BrowserII -> AutoCmds override icons's default tool
- BrowserII will not look at the tools types of the icon of the file if an
- AUTOCMD is defined for this type of file.
- BrowserII -> Examine file on DoubleClick (for AutoCmd)
- BrowserII will ask whatis.library for a deep scan (the most sure)
- regardless you specify in "Window->Options->Find Type by scan" or not,
- before searching an AutoCmd. We encourage you to use this option since
- in fact, it will not slow down operation because the tool will open this
- file too will already be in the drive's buffers.
- BrowserII -> Option -> Install backdrop pattern
- Put a backdrop window with a pleasent pattern, for your eyes only ! In a
- future release, you'll be able to change this pattern.
- BrowserII -> Option -> Use window font in requesters
- By default, Screen font are used in requesters. You may prefer to use
- your window font for requesters. This option is done for that.
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Display directory disk usage.
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Display proportion of visible data.
- See documentation for jauges at the end of this file.
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Windows AutoZoom
- At the end of directory scan, the window will be automatically zoomed to
- show as many entries as possible.
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Windows AutoZoom dirs only
- Same as before but show only directories. (You must have the option "Sort
- by Type" set).
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Main Window AutoZoom
- Now Main window can be AutoZoom.
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Zoom Main Window on startup
- Main window will be zoomed only on BrowserII startup.
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Main Window position
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Main Window size
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Alien Window position
- BrowserII -> Window Options -> Capture Alien Window size
- Size or position are stored so they will be saved on next "Save Config".
- BrowserII -> Save Config
- Saves all your options in the file "DEVS:BrowserII.cfg" (don't confuse it
- with the file "S:BrowserII.menu" which contains the definition of your
- personal menus). Saves the contents of the selection requester and the
- options of the current window as well.
- BrowserII -> About
- A little word about the fantastic, Mega-Super-Extra authors of this
- wonderfull piece of software.
- BrowserII -> Quit
- We did not plan for implementing this option, but a few crazy guys
- screamed for it, so here it is... Anyway, you won't be surprised to read
- that you won't be able to quit BrowserII as long as one of the
- Asynchronous Actions is still running.
- * Window
- Window -> Rescan
- BrowserII rescans the content of the directory which corresponds to the
- active window. Since version 2.0, BrowserII scans directories
- asynchronously. You can iconify a directory while scanning. If you close
- a window while directory is being scanned, scan is aborted.
- Window -> Open
- Window -> Open -> Open Parent
- Opens a window for the parent directory (if any).
- Window -> Open -> Open Dir...
- Opens a particular directory, for which you type the full pathname.
- Window -> Open -> Open Alien
- Opens Alien Window. This window is called Alien and not (Iconify Window)
- because in a futur release, this window will receive other entries, such
- as LeaveOut and Aliases, to have easy access to most often used files.
- Window -> Open -> Open Status
- Tells background processes to open their status window. This will display
- a message in title bar if no processes are currently running.
- Window -> Select Match
- Selects, in the current window, the entries which match criteria which you
- have given. See below the paragraph on the Requesters.
- Window -> Select all
- Selects all entries in the active window.
- Window -> Filters
- Another important feature of BrowserII. Only the files which match the
- criteria you set will be displayed, but all will be counted (look at the
- bottom string on the lower border of the window).
- Window -> Filters -> Set...
- Calls the filters requester and enables you to set your filters.
- Window -> Filters -> Prefs
- Set the filter that was saved in "DEVS:BrowserII.cfg" .
- Window -> Filters -> No .info
- Hides the icon files. This filter comes on top of the other filters.
- Window -> Filters -> Clear
- Removes all filters, all files and dirs will be visible.
- Window -> Filters -> Invert
- Reverses the action of all filters, so all visible files will be hidden
- and vice-versa. Useful for checking wether a file which you expect to be
- there has not been hidden through the action of one of the filters.
- Window -> File info
- Window -> File Info -> Size in Bytes
- Gives file sizes in bytes.
- Window -> File Info -> Size in blocks
- Gives file sizes in blocks.
- Window -> File Info -> Protection
- Shows protection bits.
- Window -> File Info -> Date
- Shows date according to Amigados idiosyncrasies.
- Window -> File Info -> Disk Key
- Shows the disk key of the entry (i.e. the block number of the file
- header block).
- Window -> File Info -> Type
- Show the file type. (Need whatis.library)
- Window -> Sort by ->
- Window -> Sort by -> Name
- Window -> Sort by -> Date
- Window -> Sort by -> Size
- Window -> Sort by -> Key
- Sorts entries by name (alpha), date (most recent first), size (smallest
- first), disk key.
- Window -> Sort by -> Entry Type
- This does not really refer to a sort type. If this option is set, files
- and directories are listed separately (directories first).
- Window -> Sort by -> FileType
- Sort by file type ! (dir, ilbm, text, exe, etc...). You must have
- whatis.library.
- Window -> Options -> Find type by name
- whatis.libray try to detect the type of file (exe, ilbm, text, etc...)
- only by scanning the name. Fast but not very safe since names are not
- allways meaningfull for file types.
- Disabled when whatis.library couldn't be opened.
- Window -> Options -> Find type by scan
- whatis.library opens and scan the first few bytes of each file to
- discover what type of file is this. Much powerfull than previous option
- but slow down directory scan.
- Disabled when whatis.library couldn't be opened.
- Window -> Options -> Keep Window
- This is the normal mode. A new window is open when you double-click
- on a directory.
- This mode is forced if the double-click with the MMB or if you hold the
- shift key while the default 'keep mode' is 'Auto Iconify' or 'Auto Close'.
- Window -> Options -> Auto Iconify
- When you Double-Click on a subdirectory, the current directory is
- iconified and the new one is open in the same window.
- This mode is forced if the double-click with the MMB or if you hold the
- shift key while the default 'keep mode' is 'Keep Window'.
- Window -> Options -> Auto Close
- When you Double-Click on a subdirectory, the current directory is
- flushed from memory and the new one is open in the same window.
- Window -> Options -> Turbo Scan
- Scans the directory using dos.library/ExAll() instead of ExNext().
- This is faster, and minimize disk trashing for concurent acces.
- I presume it should be even more faster on remote network directories.
- The dark side:
- You don't get size in blocks for files. (ExAll() limitation)
- (So you get a computed size using size in bytes)
- You don't get file types. (For speed condition).
- Anyway, types are examined on double-click.
- Links are not recognized actually. This a system bug.
- It will be fixed in WB3.1 (KickStart/ROM V40).
- Window -> Affect Volume
- The preferences set for the active window will be propagated to all
- windows relative to this volume.
- Window -> Affect all
- The preferences set for the active window will be propagated to for all
- windows.
- * Actions
- Actions -> Rename
- Renames the selected entry. If several entries are selected, you can
- rename them with jokers "à la ARP". If you are not familiar with this,
- exercise on some files of no value before using this action for good.
- Actions -> Makedir
- Creates subdirectories in the active window. You can create several of
- them by separating the names with a space.
- Example: Work Games Work/Src
- Warning: Games Work/Src Work would not be valid because you attempt to
- create a subdirectory of Work before having created Work itself.
- Actions -> Duplicate
- Makes a copy of a file, you will be prompted for a new name.
- Actions -> Set Date
- Changes the date of the selected entry (entries) to the actual date.
- Since 2.20, date can be modified.
- Actions -> Set Comment
- Will enable you to write a new comment for the entry. If there was
- already a comment, it will be displayed. 80 chars only, this is a
- limitation of AmigaDOS.
- Actions -> Set Protect
- Enables you to change the protection bits of the selected entry.
- You cannot set the C bit, as it is not really a protection bit, it just
- tells you that the selected entry has a comment, but you can set this
- pseudo-C bit to " - ", this will delete the comment. Handle with care, it
- is easy to get a lot of comments gone forever in no time.
- Action -> Add Icon
- Add an icon to file(s) you have selected. The Icon name is given by
- whatis.library depending on file type. BrowserII will search default
- icons files in ENV:Sys/ like WorkBench 2.0. Need whatis.library to work.
- Action -> Check Size
- Scans selected files and dirs to compute total size in bytes and blocks of
- all of them. If you choose to reselect entries, context of selection will
- be restored (including 'Affect subdirs') so that next action will be done
- on same files and dirs. Directories will get their size set, until next
- deselection. This way, it makes it possible, using rightmost main window
- jauge, to determine if a list of files and dirs will fit on destination
- volume.
- Actions -> WB Info
- Brings up Workbench's info requester. (AmigaDOS 3.0 and higher).
- Note that currently, workbench must be loaded or nothing will happen.
- Actions -> Delete
- Deletes the selected entries. You will (fortunately) be asked to confirm.
- If at least one directory is selected, "Delete" will delete only empty
- dirs, while "Delete All" will delete non-empty selected directories as
- well.
- The Requesters:
- ---------------
- * Filters:
- BrowserII tests all files against the criteria set in this requesters, and
- shows those for which the test is positive.
- Files: Can be set to Yes, No or Match.
- If Match is selected, files will checked against
- the following criteria.
- Dirs: same thing for directories.
- Pattern: This must be a valid AmigaDOS pattern.
- examples:
- #?.doc shows only the xxxx.doc files
- ~(#?.(o|dbg)) hides the xxx.o and xxx.dbg files
- Since : shows files with more recent date than the date
- entered ( AmigaDOS Date format )
- Before : same thing in the other direction
- Min Size: if the file is smaller, it is hidden
- Max Size: if the file is bigger, it is hidden
- Protection bits: shows only the files with the specified bits.
- Example:
- L C H S P A R W E D
- - hides files which have the hide bit set
- + shows only files with the archive bit set
- If you have installed the whatis.library, you'll be able to match
- files by type. If one or more positive file types are selected
- (without the exclude option), entries must match one of them. If no
- positive file types are selected, all files types are valid except
- excluded file types. For each file type, you can select associated
- subtypes.
- * Select Match:
- This requester is the same as precedent one, but with one gadget more,
- "Affect subdirs". This enables you to virtually select files in selected
- directories.
- As we say in french, a good example is better than a long speech.
- Suppose you want to clear archive bit of all files you have in a disk.
- 1. Open volume's window.
- 2. Call Select Match.
- 3. Put Files to ? and Dirs to N.
- 4. Clear all protection bits and set A to +.
- 5. Switch on Affect subdirs.
- 6. Validate the requester.
- Result: All files which have their archive bit set are selected, but any
- directories are selected since you set Dirs to N. Now:
- 7. Hold <Shift> key while selecting all dirs of this window.
- 8. Call Set Protect.
- 9. Switch protection bits to:
- L C H S P A R W E D
- _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _
- 10. Validate.
- Et voilà!
- Each time you click left mouse button over a BrowserII window, if you
- DON'T hold <Shift> at the same time, the file under the mouse pointer, if
- any, becomes selected, all others are deselected, and Affect subdirs bit
- is cleared. That is to say after each operation with affect subdirs, this
- option is reset (except if you allways hold shift key), and must be set
- again if you want to do another action with this option.
- Within actions with affect subdirs, if a directory pass through the
- filters, the action will take place also on the directory itself once it
- has been examined. But even if the directory doesn't pass through the
- filters, it will be entered, and files within this dir may be affected by
- the action.
- This is a bit different for Copy action. If a directory doesn't pass
- through the filters, it won't be entered, and files within this dir will
- never be copied. But read carefully: Empty directories may be considered
- useless. So you can decide not to copy them by switching off this option.
- But Copy process is even more powerfull. If for example, you decide not
- to copy empty dirs, if you copy a directory with affect subdirs and any
- entries of this dir pass through the filters, the directory will be
- considered as empty and won't be created in destination path. This makes
- it possible to make selective backups, without useless directories in
- destination volume.
- Jauges:
- -------
- All windows except Alien has two jauges on their left border. The leftmost
- one allways displays the disk percentage of occupied space. And the
- second one, to the right, displays the directory disk usage or the
- percentage of visible data depending on the option you choose (See menu
- BrowserII->Options).
- 1. Directory disk usage
- If this option is selected, the rightmost jauge displays the proportion of
- used disk space used by this directory. For example, is you have a volume
- with no directories (all files are in the root directory), this jauge will
- say that the directory contains 100% of data present on this disk.
- 2. Percentage of visible data.
- If this option is selected, the rightmost jauge displays the proportion of
- visible data (in blocks) in this window (If filters hide some entries of
- this dir, not all entries are visible !). This is usefull for example when
- you hide .info files, a quick look at this jauge help you remembering that
- some files are not visible and you should not forget them.
- Jauges of main window:
- ----------------------
- The leftmost jauge of main window is a copy of the same jauge of active
- window. If the active window is the main or alien, both main window
- jauges are empty.
- The other jauge will help you to determine if selected files would fit on
- active volume (volume of active window) if a copy/duplicate operation
- would be performed. Imagine you want to copy some files on a floppy disk,
- and you don't know if there is enough free space on this disk for your
- selected files. You can examine informations in bottom border of windows
- of course but there is an easier way. Activate the destination window
- (without deselecting your files), and the second jauge of main window will
- tell you everything: The leftmost jauge shows the actual disk usage, and
- the other one what it will become after the copy. Then there is two
- possibilities. Your files fit on the disk: no problem. Or there's not
- enough free space: then, the second jauge shows of how much selected
- files exceeds disk space by displaying a dash (-). The jauge height
- allways means the disk size.
- Note: In this release, selected directories are not entrered, so
- BrowserII knows size of selected files only.
- Block size between source and destination volumes are assumed to
- be the same.
- Workbench Support:
- ------------------
- If Workbench is loaded when you start BrowserII, an AppIcon is installed.
- This icon will be used to iconify BrowserII, instead of creating a small
- window. You can also drop icons over it, and the corresponding directory
- will be open in BrowserII.
- When BrowserII is used in Workbench screen, directory windows, as well as
- Alien and Devices windows are AppWindows. If you release an icon over a
- BrowserII window, the corresponding directory will be open in that window,
- and the preceding directory will be iconified.
- Drag selection:
- ---------------
- If you have a standard 2 button mouse, you must now release the Shift key
- to be able to copy/move files. Moving the mouse over files while pressing
- the shift key now does drag selection. It's a bit confusing (even for us)
- if you are used keeping shift key pressed. You'll have to adapt yourself.
- It's not easy, ok, but you won't regret.
- 3 Buttons Mouse handling:
- -------------------------
- For lucky owners of a 3 button mouse, some goodies are available.
- For most of the feature, the mid button acts like the shift key, so
- it may not conflict with utilities that does MMB->Shift.
- - Extended Selection hitting MMB or LMB with MMB Pressed.
- - MMB DoubleClick (or Shift-LMB) on a dir toggle AutoIconify
- mode:
- - if AutoIconify is on, Dbl-Clk-MMB keeps window
- - if AutoIconify is off, Dbl-Clk-MMB iconifies window
- - Dragging files with MMB does the contrary of LMB.
- (If 'Always Copy' on, MMB always move, else MMB always copy)
- - Pressing MMB & Hit Close-Gadget closes all directories for the volume
- - The same for Iconify Gadget.
- Function Keys:
- --------------
- The first five function keys have the following effects:
- F1 : UnZoom current window.
- F2 : Zoom current window to see all files and dirs.
- F3 : Zoom current window to see all directories only.
- F4 : Iconify current window, or BrowserII if main window is active.
- F5 : Opens Alien Window.
- F6 : Opens status window of prcesses currently running.
- ESC: Pauses all processes and open their status window.
- Buffer size for copy:
- ---------------------
- BrowserII will test wether destination and one of source concerned volumes
- are mounted, i.e. one of source and destination volume are simultaneously
- present to the system (a diskette with a given volume name may not be in a
- drive), in which case BrowserII will make use of a 200 K max buffer.
- If any source or destination volume is mounted (you have only one drive
- for instance), BrowserII will use 880 K max for buffers if enough memory
- is available. This way, in order to copy some files from a diskette into
- another one, you don't need to go through the RAM DISK. Buffers are
- allocated during copy, and in any case BrowserII will not use more than
- 80% of the available memory for its buffers.
- Note for menus colors with WB 3.0:
- ----------------------------------
- For people who have WB3.0 and have 8 or more colors in their WB Screen,
- you should read this note.
- With WB 3.0, you can edit the color of the screen's titlebar and menus.
- If you have a 8 or more color workbench, then you edit these pens using
- the MultiColored palette. If you don't use standard pens, (Black text on
- white background), and you run BrowserII in it's own screen, you won't get
- the same colors for BrowserII's menu. To get the same colors, you have to
- edit the pens in the system preferences in 4 color mode, since until now,
- BrowserII screen is a 4 color screen.
- Modifying the 4 color pens will not modify the layout of your 8+ color
- workbench, but will modify BrowserII's.
- Hints and tips:
- ---------------
- * Pressing CTRL while selecting files forces Toggle-Select mode.
- This is important if you do not use the 'Toggle Selections' options.
- This allow to de-select an entry without de-selecting all.
- * If you hold the shift key down while closing the window corresponding to
- a volume, all windows corresponding to directories of that volume will
- close at once, except iconified windows. If you want to get rid
- of iconified windows too, press SHIFT-ALT while closing window.
- * In the same way, you can iconify all directories of the same volume by
- 'shift iconifying' a window.
- * You can uniconify multiple windows at once with extended selection.
- * The unmounted volumes appear in boldface.
- * The write-protected volumes appear in italic.
- * Files which have just been deleted appear in italic and are unselectable
- * Icons (in Alien Window) are directories like any other directories in
- standard windows, that is to say they support all actions. You can
- select icons and release them over directories, you can also use icons
- as destination of a copy, or even rename or why not protect an icon.
- * BrowserII defines two more customs protection bits named C and L.
- If bit C is set, file/dir has a comment.
- If bit L is set, file/dir is a link.
- External command BD:
- --------------------
- An external command named BD is given with BrowserII. This is an
- interface between shells and BrowserII. Running BD with no arguments will
- run BrowserII if it is not yet running, and make BrowserII open and scan
- your current shell directory. You can also specify one or more
- directories as argument to BD.
- BD has now 3 optional argument:
- Note: BrowserII must be in your shell Path if it is not yet running.
- BD can also be run from workbench. If you double-click on the Tool BD,
- BrowserII will open the directory containing BD. But you can also have
- project icons with BD as default Tool. In this case, if your project has
- no Tool-Types, the current dir will be open, otherwise, you can edit your
- project Tool-Types, and specify as many directories as you want. You
- should also specify in the BD Tool Tool-Types the full path to BrowserII,
- that is to say in which directory you have BrowserII.
- In example given, BrowserII should be in SYS:Utilites directory.
- BD has 6 flags.
- Dirs: Several dirs can be asked to be (re)scanned
- RESCAN: Allways scans dir. Even if already open.
- ZOOMALL: Zoom window, even with AutoZoom is not active.
- ZOOMDIRS: Same as ZOOMALL, but for dirs only.
- QUIET: Do not activate window, nor bring screen to front.
- SCANDEVS: Rescan main window (the one with devices/volumes/assigns)
- SYNC: Operate synchronously to prevent disk trashing if more than
- one dir asked on the same device unit.
- Release notes:
- --------------
- 1.0: First Release (30-jul-91)
- 1.1: Bug fixes.
- Added DiskCopy ability.
- Moving a device over another device calls SYS:System/DiskCopy,
- and Duplicate a single device too.
- Cli arguments are now quoted only when needed.
- A lot of little invisible improvements.
- 1.11: Bug fixes.
- With parm.library 3.4 and higher, RUN modes work under 2.0.
- 2.0: Iconification, Zoom, Jauges, Workbench 2.0 look (under 2.0),
- Parametrable Fonts, ASynchronous dir scan, and bug fixes.
- External command BD.
- 2.03: Minor bug fix.
- 2.04: "Copy->Move" bug fix. (won't delete source file)
- 2.05: Bug Fix: A CurrentDir was missing which can cause crash,
- bug in copy when skiping big file. Removed trash of
- prop gadget with autozoom under 2.0
- 2.10: 29/5/1992
- Optional whatis capability: recognize some files (ILBM, PPDATA,
- doc,...), You can define new type ( see docs of whatis.library).
- Auto command (custom command for each filetype ).
- BrowserII can work without whatis.library.
- AddIcon and CheckSize action added, Back pattern option added
- (KS2.x only), should be custom in future. Optional automatic
- main window Zoom. Optional save Main window size/position
- BD has now 3 new option.
- 2.11 RunMode was not printed in GetString() title bar when double
- clicking on a file. fixed.
- When changing Sort mode for a window, window was not updated.
- fixed.
- 2.12 RunMode on double-click was always Shell with WB 2.0. fixed.
- After closing a window, check-marks for new current window
- was not udated. fixed.
- WBToFront now supported for WBRun too.
- A TAG_DONE was missing for backdrop window open (Pattern Option)
- ****************************************************************
- ****************************************************************
- 2.20: For KS 2.0 only, sorry.
- arp and req libraries no more needed.
- New lovely requesters (Underscored chars are shortcuts).
- Bold gadget is default response (Return key).
- ESC cancels all requesters.
- Processes status windows.
- New screen modes available.
- Virtual autoscroll screens.
- New wonderful Select/Filters requester with file types criteria.
- New look in menus.
- FileInfo options for alien window entries saved in config file.
- OpenDir done relative to current dir (enables opening
- of // for example)
- ShortCuts available when pattern's backdrop window is active.
- BrowserII can be iconified even when processes are running.
- Touch action changed in SetDate (like AmigaDOS command). You
- can then modify the date.
- Added new internal protection bit L to identify links.
- Saving Size/Position of main and alien windows made easier.
- 2.21: No more truncate french dates.
- Works fine with 4000 bytes of stack. (2.20 needed 4500 bytes).
- Uses new asl.library V38 screen mode requester.
- 2.22: New look menus under AmigaDOS 3.0.
- New action 'WB Info' under AmigaDOS 3.0.
- Bug fix: Mem jauge layout was not correctly handled under V39.
- Backdrop pattern now implemented as a layer hook, and no more
- uses precious chip memory.
- 2.23: Bug fix. Replaced ExNext() with MatchNext() to fix problems
- with new V39 DirCache FileSystem.
- 2.30: Localized.
- Screen's bitmap made Interleaved under 3.0 (scrolling much nicer)
- Bug fix in WB Info. Did not handle properly .info files.
- You can now run a tool by double-clicking on it's icon. Makes
- it possible to run projects made of only an icon (for example:
- clicking on English.info to run software install in english).
- Uses system busy pointer under WB3.0.
- Bug fix in LoadConfig(). Config revisions were not properly
- handled.
- 2.31: Pooled memory under WB3.0
- BrowserII's screen now inherits Workbench3.0's properties.
- (Your prefered pens,...) See note about pens for 3.0 users.
- 2.32 Fixed a MungWall hit.
- Added 'Keep Window' features, asked by Gilles Soulet.
- 2.33 Bug Fixes. Files where not unghosted on unmounted volumes.
- Memory pools semaphore protected.
- Deleting directories in RAM: was not possible under V37 since
- version 2.23 (due to modif for DCFS). Worked under V39. Fixed.
- 2.34 Pooled memory under all system versions, including 2.0!
- 2.35 Font & ScreenMode requesters resized.
- Added DEL key as a short-cut for Delete.
- 2.36 Deleting links to dirs no more deletes dir contents. Only the
- link is removed.
- Added 'Update' button when asking before overwriting a file.
- BD 'file' now opens file's parent dir.
- Added Affect Volume possibility.
- You can now make a directory (MakeDir) with an icon.
- Turbo directory scan.
- 2.37 Drag Selection. (release Shift key to copy/move files).
- Menus available when backdrop window is active.
- Keep modes now keep the same window rather than opening a new
- one and then closing parent.
- 2.38 Middle button handling.
- New request mode for copying/moving files (Copy Mode/Request)
- Colors saved in 32 bits under V39 for AGA machines.
- This is usefull only if you edit the palette with a special
- utility. We'll soon release a palette.library which will
- edit colors in 24 bits, using the colorwheel.
- Command line length increased to 512. (You can select more
- files for External Commands in RUN/SHELL mode).
- Added an AppIcon in Workbench.
- 2.39 AppWindows. (See 'Workbench Support').
- Keeps window size after checksize. (will become optional)
- Enhanced (faster) scrolling for big windows.
- Added a safety check. If you drag a file and you release
- it less than 350 ms after selecting it, you will be asked
- a confirmation for the copy/move operation. You must be a
- zombie to be faster!
- Arrows associated with scrollbar. Not yet functionnal.
- Another bug fix in LoadConfig().
- 2.40 New iconify gadget image.
- Page scrolling (jump) now keeps one common entry between pages.
- Scrolling with new arrows.
- Menu layout no more locks backgroung actions when status
- windows are open.
- When started from WB, BrowserII's process get a copy of the WB
- Path, just like if it were started from a shell.
- Scrolling support in drag-selection.
- Added '[:]' to get full path arguments.
- Pressing MMB while holding LMB no more forces toggle-selection.
- Uses palette.library under V39 if available.
- Better window placement for big screens.
- Added Doc for CTRL key usage. (never been documented before!).
- Bug fix in realtime scroll. (window top and/or bottom borders
- might be trashed).
- Fixed several bugs WB Info.
- Various other optimisations/bug fixes.
- Code cleanup.
- 2.41 Minor fixes.
- Futur Plans:
- ------------
- LeaveOut, Aliases, parametrable Fast Menu (docks) for gadget lovers,
- Tree window, Separate Prefs Editor, help using amigaguide, and more.
- ShareWare / distribution :
- --------------------------
- BrowserII and ParM are both shareware. If you use them consistently, you
- ought to send us a contribution or your conscience will itch.
- Any contributor for at least $25 will become a registered user and will
- automatically receive one non-demo update. Don't fail to mention the
- version number of your copy. If there is no newer version, you will be
- put on a list and receive one update whenever it becomes available.
- Many thanks to:
- Michel Jouanne for the tutorial and guide (in progress...).
- ASDG for CED (a fantastic (the best :-)) text editor).
- W.S. Hawes for ARexx.
- Pierre Ardichvili for his kindness and his support to the Amiga.
- Cedric Beust, Philippe Brand, Gilles Soulet, Gael Marziou, Jean-Bastiste
- Yunes, Olaf Gschweng, Alessandro Galassi, and all other traductors,
- contributors, beta testers.
- Sylvain Rougier and Pierre Carrette.
- Send donnations and bug reports to:
- -----------------------------------
- Sylvain Rougier
- 39 rue Carnot
- 86000 Poitiers
- France.
- Don't forget to give your version of BrowserII and System.