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- Documentation for ParM V4.5, SetMouse V2.1, parm.library V10.2
- **************************************************************************
- ***************************** ********************************
- ***************************** WARNING ********************************
- ***************************** ********************************
- **************************************************************************
- If you use a previous release of ParM, and tools that makes use of
- parm.library, you _MUST_ replace ALL theses with those given in this
- release. The new parm.library version 7 is not compatable with previous
- ones. It was just not possible to do it.
- As promised in previous release, this new ParM only works with AmigaDOS
- version 37 or higher.
- ParM no more needs arp nor req libraries. OS 2.0 made it possible.
- **************************************************************************
- **************************************************************************
- ParM stands for Parametrable Menu.
- ParM allows you to build your own menus in order to run all the programs
- you can have on one ore more disks. This is very useful for hard disk
- owners who have programs deeply enclosed in subdirectories. With ParM,
- you can run them without going through directories under either WorkBench
- or CLI.
- With ParM, you can start programs in either WorkBench or CLI mode. The
- advantage of WorkBench mode is that the default directory of the program
- you run is the one in which the program file is. But not all programs can
- be run in this mode.
- ParM now has an integrated SunMouse, screen blank, mouse accelerator...
- We decided to implement this since an input-handler was already present in
- parm.library, and we had 3 windows in the workbench screen's title bar.
- One for sunmouse, one for memory/time display, and the useless ParM's
- window. So now, ParM's window is usefull, and is easier to catch for menu
- access.
- Using ParM:
- -----------
- Reading this documentation can make you being confused with all modes
- you can use to run your favorite tools. So, you will find at the end of
- this text a tutorial about what modes you'd better use.
- Installation:
- -------------
- Put ParM and SetMouse with their icons wherever you want, and just put
- the default config file "ParM.cfg" in S: if you use it. If you
- don't, you'll have to specify the config file in the command line or
- in the tool types of the icon, otherwise, you will have to cancel the
- requester and won't have any menus. Since version 2.6r, you must also
- put parm.library in your LIBS: directory.
- Running:
- --------
- It is recommended to run ParM from CLI if you want your programs to
- have a default path other than the current directory and C: which is
- the case if you start it from WorkBench.
- ParM can work in three ways.
- 1) You can attach ParM to the CLI you are using. In this case, if you
- don't specify any of the window options, the menus will be attached to
- the CLI window you start it from. You may then only "Run" it to
- prevent you from closing the CLI. In this case, commands launched in
- RUN mode will use the cli/shell window for their input/output. If you
- dont want your shell to be trashed by these commands, use the USENULL
- option.
- 2) ParM can have its own window. This is allways the case when it is run
- from WorkBench, but you can also tell it to open it's own window when
- run from CLI using OWNWINDOW option or any of the window options. You
- should then "RunBack" it to be able to close the CLI later.
- 3) ParM can be attached to Workbench, ala MyMenu.
- ParM have some options which are available for most either from
- WorkBench or from CLI. Arguments documentation is now available from
- within ParM itself. Just type ParM ?, and then ? again. Arguments
- with /S are switches, and arguments with /K are keywords and need
- something more (a number, ON or OFF, a filename,...). added /N are for
- numeric arguments.
- From workbench, keywords are the same. You just have to add =TRUE
- for switches, or =Argument for keywords.
- CLIWINDOW and USENULL are not available from WorkBench.
- ParM's CLI Help:
- ParM V4.2 © 1990-92 by S.R. & P.C.
- MYMENU Attach menus to Workbench's (Like MyMenu)
- CLIWINDOW Attach menus to CLI/Shell Window
- OWNWINDOW Open its own window (default)
- LEFTEDGE Left edge of ParM Window (default 0)
- TOPEDGE Top edge of ParM Window (default 0)
- DETAILPEN Detail pen of ParM Window (default 1)
- BLOCKPEN Block pen of ParM Window (default 2)
- DRAGBAR ON|OFF Drag bar (You can't move ParM window) (default on)
- DEPTH ON|OFF Depth gadgets (default off)
- AUTOFRONT ON|OFF Automatic window to front (default: on)
- SHOWMEM ON|OFF Show available memory (default off)
- SHOWTIME ON|OFF Show time. (default off)
- REFRESHTIME Interval time for Mem/Time refresh in 0.1s (default 1s)
- MTDETAILPEN DetailPen for Mem/Time (default: DetailPen)
- MTBLOCKPEN BlockPen for Mem/Time (default: BlockPen)
- MENUCOLOR Color for ParM's main menu (defaut: DetailPen)
- STACKSIZE Default stack size for commands (defaut: ParM process stack)
- CONFIGFILE Configuration file (default: S:ParM.cfg)
- USENULL ON|OFF Redirect output to NULL: (or NIL:) for commands in RUN mode (default: off)
- Environnement variable ParMOpt:
- -------------------------------
- In addition to the command line, your preferences can now be saved in
- the Env:ParMOpt variable. Just snap your cli arguments and paste them
- into your text editor. Then, save the file as Env:ParMOpt. This file
- will be parsed first, and then the CLI/WB arguments, which will
- override the environnement variable. (See example given).
- Configuration file:
- -------------------
- You will best understand what follows if you have in front of you a
- printout of the config file supplied.
- A configuration file looks like a structured program. You should
- indent your lines to make the file as readable as possible.
- The default configuration file should be in the S: directory and be
- named ParM.cfg.
- The configuration file defines the menus you want, and what commands
- they will run. Comments begin with a #, and continue until the end of
- the line. Upper and lowercase do not make a difference.
- Keywords:
- ---------
- CMDWIN console_name
- This will override the default console used for Command output
- which is "CON:0000/0011/0640/0100/Command window/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT".
- This should be placed anywhere in the file but better be at top of
- it. This console will in 2.0 have a close gadget, a defered open,
- and wait user to hit close gadget before closing window.
- Under 2.0, if you use Command in Simple mode, you MUST specify the
- /WAIT option for your console, or it will close before you could
- read it.
- SHELLWIN console_name
- This will override the default console used for SHELL commands
- which is "CON:0000/0011/0640/0100/Shell/Auto/Close/Wait". This
- should be placed anywhere in the file but better be at top of it.
- This can be used to add keys to access menus short-cuts. For
- example, you can use Left-Amiga, ALT, SHIFT or Ctrl. If you want
- several keys, you just have to add qualifiers listed below:
- Left-Shift 1
- Right-Shift 2
- Ctrl 8
- Left-Alt 16
- Right-Alt 32
- Left-Amiga 64
- If for example you want both left and right ALT keys to work for
- menu shortcuts: ( 16 + 32 = 48 ! )
- If you want shortcuts without a qualifier key, you can use 32768
- (IEQUALIFIER_RELATIVEMOUSE), which is allways present in RAWKEY
- events. (Use with great care).
- This works only when ParM has its own window or when attached to
- Workbench.
- This gives you access to the simple but powerfull parm's library
- input handler. Be carefull, rawkey is the keyboard key code, not
- the ASCII code of the key.
- This gives you the possibility to define one or more hot keys to
- activate parm's window, or any parm.library user, like "The Great
- BrowserII".
- Options:
- The screen which contains ParM's window comes to front.
- This may be hard to understand for non-programmers, but is
- powerfull and quite simple. Let's say that if you don't
- use this option, the hot-key will just activate ParM's
- window, and that's all. If you use it, the event will not
- be removed from list, and as ParM's window has just been
- activated, it will receive the raw key. So, if this raw
- key is also a menu short cut, it will be executed without
- having to activate ParM's window with the mouse.
- Example:
- SHORTCUTQUAL 64 (Left-Amiga)
- Menu System
- Item {X} Xoper RUN Xoper
- This allways runs Xoper, without touching the mouse,
- even if ParM's window is not the active one.
- Another example:
- # Left ALT - Right Mouse Button
- This activate ParM's menus, in a single click. No more
- need to search for little ParM's window.
- The library keeps a list of hot-keys. When you add a new
- hot-key with ACTIVATEKEY command, ParM controls if it is
- not already used. If it is, you will be requested, and it
- will be ignored. If you specify NOCHECK, hot-key will be
- inserted in head of the list, and will take precedence
- over the old one.
- Here is what I do with that: I have a hot-key in ParM to
- load BrowserII. The same hot-key has the NOCHECK flag in
- BrowserII.menu. So, if BrowserII is already loaded, the
- hot-key brings BrowserII's screen to front, else,
- BrowserII is loaded by ParM. Nice, isn't it ?
- ParM.cfg :
- # Left Amiga - Z (Load BrowserII)
- menu Tools
- item {Z} BrowserII RUN HD:Tools/BrowserII
- BrowserII.menu :
- # Left Amiga - Z
- This will set the foreground pen color for new items. You can
- change this as often as you want. The arguments is the pen number
- to use. The default is window detail pen. If the color was
- window block pen, the item would be invisible, in this case, ParM
- replaces the color with window detail pen.
- MENU menu_name
- Creates a new menu. Each menu must have at least one item or
- submenu.
- SUBMENU submenu_name
- Creates a new submenu. Each submenu must have at least one item
- and can't have submenus.
- Each SUBMENU must end with an ENDSUBMENU
- ITEM [{command-char}] item_name [WBTF] [REQUEST] command_def
- Defines a new menu item. Each item definition must have an
- item_name and an associated command. Each item is linked to the
- current menu or submenu. An ENDSUBMENU statement tells ParM to
- attach next items to the current menu rather than to the current
- submenu. If any of the menu, submenu and item names may contain
- whitespaces. In this case, enclose the name in double quotes. A
- command character may be defined for the menu item by putting the
- character after the ITEM keyword and surround it with {}'s.
- WBTF is optional. Brings workbench to front just after running the
- command. REQUEST is also optional. Opens a requester enabling you
- to modify the command before running it. Not available for WB mode
- Command syntax is decribed below.
- command_def
- Programs can be run in three ways: RUN, SHELL, and WB.
- For all modes, STACK and PRI are optionnal. If STACK is less
- than 4000 bytes, or if no stack is specified, the stack will
- be set to the ParM task Stack. That is to say the stack size
- at time ParM was run. There's an exception: If ParM is
- resident, ParM stack will allways be 4000 bytes.
- 1) RUN syntax
- RUN [WIN console_window] [STACK n] [PRI n] command [args][;command [args]]...
- This mode creates a background shell. This mode should be
- used for scripts. If the bit s of your script file is set, it
- is automaticaly sourced (No need of the execute command). In
- this mode, commands won't be detached if ParM is attached to a
- CLI (except if you use USENULL option). Redirection can be
- done in this mode.
- You can specify several commands separated with semicolons ;.
- 2) SHELL syntax
- SHELL [WIN console_window] [STACK n] [PRI n] command [args][;command [args]]...
- This mode now does the same as RUN, but if no window is given,
- the default shell window is taken.
- 3) WB syntax
- WB [STACK n] [PRI n] command
- Execute command in WorkBench mode. No arguments are allowed
- in this mode. Warning: If STACK is specified here, it will
- override the stack specified in the icon of the command. Your
- command may crash if you ask a smaller stack than in the icon.
- Do it at your own risk.
- 5) CFG action
- CFG ConfigFile
- ParM loads the new ConfigFile like ParM->Open in the Menu.
- Very usefull to use different cfg file on different disk to
- choose programs on this disk.
- Adds a bar between last item and next one.
- For all modes but WB, your command is searched first in resident
- list and then in CLI Path at time ParM was run. To know the path in
- which ParM search its commands, just issue the Path command in the
- requester of ParM Command command, or open a newcli or shell from ParM
- and issue the Path command.
- A config file is given with ParM as an example.
- ParM commands:
- --------------
- Open: Pops up a requester asking to select the new config file.
- UpDate: UpDate the menu reloading the config file. Usefull if you
- modify the config file while ParM is running.
- Std Cfg: Load the standard 'S:ParM.cfg' configuration file.
- Usefull to return in your favorite cfg when you are lost
- in one disk cfg.
- Command: Execute cli commands. Your CMDWIN console MUST have the
- /Wait option if you want to be able to read the command
- output.
- Change Dir: Changes ParM current directory. Commands run in all modes
- but WB will inherit ParM's current directory.
- Quit: Why? You don't like it!
- Separated commands:
- -------------------
- End:
- The End command can now close a CLI in which a ParM is attached. End
- needs EndCLI to work. If there is no ParM attached to the CLI, End
- will only do an EndCLI. End and EndCLI can be made resident for
- maximum speed. You can for example put ParM in your CLI-Startup or
- Shell-Startup to have menus in all of your CLI/Shells and you'll be
- able to leave them with the End command without worrying about ParM.
- Don't use this command in a WShell since it loads EndCLI from disk and
- WShell only accept its built in EndCLI command.
- ParMCD:
- The ParMCD change the current directory of the ParM attched to the
- current cli window. Without argument, ParM will take the cli current
- dir. Otherwise, you can specify a directory as an argument to ParMCD.
- Note:
- -----
- These commands do not work if you use the console replacement DHOpts.
- DHOpts doesn't support packet ACTION_DISK_INFO when ParM has installed
- it's menu on the console window. THIS IS NOT A PARM BUG.
- Limitations:
- ------------
- If a command in RUN or SHELL mode can't be started, you will never
- know, except you won't see it working.
- When attached to a CLI, commands executed in RUN mode won't be
- detached, which means that you won't be able to close the cli before
- those commands end. This is the same problem as if you had run your
- command in a CLI with
- 1> Run mycommand
- By the way, theses commands will have their output file handles in
- this window, and advantages can be taken from that. You can redirect
- these to NIL: or use USENULL option to avoid trashing of your cli
- window. In this case, commands will be detached.
- Known bugs:
- -----------
- See notes for external commands.
- RUN PRI 1 NewShell does not work. Pri is allways 0. Not a ParM bug.
- Future plans:
- -------------
- Localization.
- Release notes:
- --------------
- 1.0: Internal. Major MyMenu rework.
- 1.1: First official release. (Sent to Fred Fish)
- Old CLI option changed to RB (stands for RunBack).
- New CLI option added.
- Config file syntax changed. (Old was MyMenu's one).
- 1.4: Internal. Option -l -d and WBRun enhanced.
- Now you can run projects icons which have no file. For example
- Serial, Pointer and Printer in the Prefs drawer.
- 1.6: Second official realease. 29/09/90
- Code Cleanup
- New CFG option added.
- New 'Std cfg' menu added.
- 1.7: Internal
- No more uses c16.lib, but use my owns instead.
- Code size about 1.5K smaller.
- 2.0: Third Official release. 13/10/90.
- ParM can now be made resident.
- End command created.
- Directory path string built in 'Change Dir'.
- 2.1: ParMCD command created.
- 2.1r: This version uses the great req.library (r for req!)
- 2.2r: No more RB and CLI modes. New modes are ARUN, RUN, and SHELL.
- STACK and PRI available in all modes but WB now.
- No more need of the Run command in your C: directory.
- Syntax errors in config file will now be reported with a line
- and char number.
- 2.3r: You will never see again 'Workbench processes still active'.
- ParM now creates a public MsgPort to handle workbench replies
- and leave it if there's still messages to be replied.
- Now, if your console has a close gadget, ParM will end if you
- hit it. This is usefull for lucky owners of WShell.
- Characters of ascii value over 127 now supported. (accents)
- WAITCMD added.
- 2.4r: WB mode rewriten. STACK and PRI available in all modes now.
- WB mode no more crashes if command not found. You can now run
- tools that haven't an associated icon.
- Memory for menus items is allocated by 1 K blocks to decrease
- fragmentation.
- 2.5r: -s and -o option added.
- -s (stack) is specially usefull when ParM is resident because
- in this case ParM stack is allways 4000 bytes whereas it takes
- the default stack size of your cli when it is not resident. As
- all commands run from ParM take as default the ParM stack size
- you can specify a higher stack with this option.
- 2.51r: Minor update. Bug fixes.
- ParM no more crashes when run from workbench if arp.library
- cannot be found.
- 2.6r: ParM now implemented as a shared library. This allow BrowserII
- to take advantage of ParM's parsing and creating parametrables
- menus. Put "parm.library" in LIBS:, and ParM at the same place
- as before.
- When ParM is used with it's own window, menus short-cuts can
- be accessed with Left-Amiga as well as standard Right-Amiga
- key, except for M and N which are intuition private.
- ParM window is now autofront. (user request).
- 2.7: -o option now attempt to use NULL: rather than NIL:, which
- allow to really redirect output for RUN commands to NIL: or
- better to say NULL: ! This prevent programs which open "*"
- after the cli from which ParM was run to crash if cli has been
- closed. With NULL:, RUN mode is now perfectly safe and should
- work in all cases. If NULL: isn't found, NIL: will be used.
- 'r' removed from version number. Making a version which
- doesn't use req.library is no more planned.
- 2.8: Bug fixes.
- Qualifier for menu short-cuts now parametrable.
- 2.9: Implementation of an input handler in parm.library. It makes
- possible to run a command with a hot-key, without touching the
- mouse, or to activate ParM's menus without activating ParM's
- window.
- 3.0: As a user request, ParM can now be attached to Workbench, just
- like MyMenu. (Code stolen from MyMenu once again). Sorry and
- thanks, Darin and John.
- ParM now works with Console-Buffer. With some limitations. You
- MUST run ParM AFTER CB, and leave ParM BEFORE CB.
- You can now put several commands, separated by a ; in RUN mode
- and in Command, like in SHELL mode.
- 3.1: Bug fix in workbench menus coordinates.
- 3.2: First version of SunMouse/Accelerator...
- SetMouse V1.0 for Mouse Opts settings.
- Optionnal Mem/Time display in ParM's window.
- ParM arguments now handled with GADS() (amiga standard style).
- 3.3: InputHandler rewritten. Intuition calls done from a separate
- process rather than from input-handler (prevent dead locks).
- 3.4: InputHandler and RUN mode now works under KickStart 2.0.
- VGA and SuperHires video modes not yet supported.
- Default Shell Command is now NewShell (for OS 2.0).
- Default Shell/Command window have 2.0 specifications.
- Command in Simple mode is asynchronous under 2.0 and handle
- inputs and CTRL-C properly.
- SetMouse V1.1. Added Qualifier for WindowToFront.
- 3.5: Bug fix. (incompatibility between USENULL and CLIWINDOW).
- 3.6: Bug fix in workbench startup.
- ParM can now be attached to Workbench 2.0 menus.
- You no more need NULL: under 2.0
- Under 2.0, you can specify a console window for the RUN mode.
- 4.0: Internal. First 2.0 only version.
- No more arp nor req libraries.
- Handler for SetMouse handle all screen resolutions now.
- parm.library NOT compatible with previous releases. You MUST
- replace all utilities which use parm.library with new ones.
- SHELLCMD, WAITCMD, TMPDIR removed. Remove these commands from
- your S:ParM.cfg and S:BrowserII.menu if any.
- External command WaitReturn no more needed with /Wait consoles
- ParM can no more be made resident. Who used this ?
- 4.1: Still internal. BarLabel available.
- Better handling of ASCII chars > 127 in parse.
- 4.2: Added REQUEST flag, and WBTF handled in ParM.
- Bug fixes.
- Tags for NewCreateProc same as Workbench in WBRun().
- (More V37.4 crashed in WB mode)
- Input Handler initialised in ParMHandlerTask.
- CliArg CONFIGFILE/K didn't work.
- Added /N for all numerical args in command line.
- First special 2.0 release.
- 4.3: Localized. (Only French available for now).
- 4.4: Handle Stack in Project icons for WB Startup.
- New option NEWLOOKMENUS for AmigaDOS 3.0. This turns off the
- possibility to have individual colors for items, but enhance
- item highlightening for multicolored screens.
- 4.5: SHOWMEM now shows Retina available memory if you have such
- a board! :-)
- 4.6: ParM gets a copy of the Workbench's Path when started from
- workbench. You can now put it in your WBStartup drawer and
- it will run without loosing your path.
- Recompiled using SAS 6.50.
- Tutorial:
- ---------
- Now you read about all ParM was able to do, I think you'd like to
- know which mode you should use to run your favorite tools.
- First, when you want to add a manu item, you should know:
- 1) Does your tool support workbench run ?
- 2) Do you want your tool to inherit ParM's current dir, or have its own ?
- 3) Do you want your tool to inherit ParM's CLI Path ?
- 4) Do you want your tool to use a console window for its output ?
- SHELL mode is now the same as RUN but with a default console
- if not specified.
- So, choice between RUN and WB is easy.
- If you need a console or the Path, use RUN mode.
- Else, you can use WB mode.
- SetMouse:
- ---------
- SetMouse is self explanatory.
- WToFront Qual:
- Key to be hold while double clicking to bring window to front.
- Screen Blank is done by turning off DMA.
- Mouse Blank is done by turning off DMA Sprites.
- Handler Pri can be changed for eventual compatibility problems with
- other input handlers. It is 51 by default. If changed, it will become
- active next reset. (Or parm.library must be flushed then reopen)
- Note: Mouse utility will be active as long as parm.library has a user.
- (BrowserII, ParM, or SetMouse actually).
- Acknowledgements:
- -----------------
- The first release (internal) of ParM was a major rework of MyMenu by
- Darin Johnson. The problem was that it wasn't possible to have MyMenu
- without workbench, and program started from MyMenu didn't have a Path.
- So, lots of thanks to Darin Johnson for menu allocations and workbench
- run. The idea of attaching menus to the CLI and some other ideas came
- from a friend who also made a menu but wasn't easy to configure.
- Thanks to S.R. and P.C. for ParM!
- Thanks to Darin Johnson for MyMenu.
- Thanks to William S. Hawes for ARexx and WShell.
- Thanks to Pierre Ardichvili for his help to me and to Amiga.
- Thanks to CygnusSoft and ASDG for their GREAT CygnusEd 2.
- Signature:
- ----------
- S.R. & P.C.
- This is not Status Register and Program Counter but
- Sylvain Rougier & Pierre Carrette.
- We are Frenchies so we hope the documentation is readable. We put our
- work in making english language comments, but it isn't allways easy,
- so be fair with us.
- Donations:
- ----------
- This program is not public domain. This program is ShareWare. If you
- use it or if you want the last revision, send $10 ($25 for both ParM
- and BrowserII) and/or bugs report to:
- Sylvain Rougier
- 39 rue Carnot
- 86000 Poitiers
- France.