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- ;
- ; ParM.cd - Copyright © 1991-93 by S.R. & P.C.
- ;
- ; Created: 28 Feb 1993 15:20:51
- ; Modified: 08 May 1993 18:58:27
- ;
- ; Make>> smake
- ;
- ;
- ; This file is absolutly READONLY, if you modify anything in it,
- ; next modify in .ct file will be desastrous
- ;
- ; Messages beginning with MSG1L_ MUST NOT include line feeds (\n)
- ;
- ;
- MSG1L_RequestTitle (//)
- ParM Request
- ;
- MSG_LineTooLong (//)
- Line too long
- ;
- MSG_LineChar (//)
- %s\nLine %ld, Char %ld
- ;
- MSG_UnexpectedMenu (//)
- Unexpected MENU
- ;
- MSG_UnexpectedSubMenu (//)
- Unexpected SUBMENU
- ;
- MSG_UnexpectedEndSubMenu (//)
- Unexpected ENDSUBMENU
- ;
- MSG_UnexpectedItem (//)
- Unexpected ITEM
- ;
- MSG_MissingClosingBrace (//)
- Missing closing '}'
- ;
- MSG_MissingArgument (//)
- Missing argument
- ;
- MSG_AutoCmdNotAllowed (//)
- AUTOCMD not allowed in this tool
- ;
- MSG_WinNotAllowedInWBMode (//)
- WIN not allowed in WB mode
- ;
- MSG_CouldntOpenRead (//)
- Couldn't open/read \"%s\"
- ;
- MSG_CouldntOpenConsole (//)
- Couldn't open console\n\"%s\"
- ;
- MSG_CouldntAccess (//)
- Couldn't access \"%s\"
- ;
- MSG_CouldntExecute (//)
- Couldn't execute \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG_CouldntLoad (//)
- Couldn't load \"%s\"\n%s.
- ;
- MSG1L_EnterCommand (//)
- Enter Command...
- ;
- MSG_Run (//)
- Run...
- ;
- MSG_NoToolFound (//)
- No tool found.
- ;
- MSG_InvalidStack (//)
- Invalid stack
- ;
- MSG_PriOutOfRange (//)
- Priority out of range
- ;
- MSG_WB_RUN_SHELL_CFG_Expected (//)
- WB, RUN, SHELL or CFG Expected
- ;
- MSG_InvalidKey (//)
- Invalid Key
- ;
- MSG_InvalidQualifier (//)
- Invalid qualifier
- ;
- MSG_UnexpectedEndOfLine (//)
- Unexpected end of line
- ;
- MSG_KeywordExpected (//)
- Keyword expected
- ;
- MSG_KeyAlreadyUsed (//)
- Key already used
- ;
- MSG_UnknownFileType (//)
- Unknown file type
- ;
- MSG_Cancel_GAD (//9)
- Cancel
- ;
- MSG_Resume_GAD (//9)
- Resume
- ;
- MSG_OkCancel_GAD (//)
- Ok |Cancel
- ;
- MSG_ShellRunBackCancel_GAD (//)
- Shell|RunBack|Cancel
- ;
- ;
- ; ParM
- ;
- ParM_MSG_CliHelp (50//)
- ParM V4.4 © 1990-93 by S.R. & P.C.\n\
- MYMENU Attach menus to Workbench's (Like MyMenu)\n\
- CLIWINDOW Attach menus to CLI/Shell Window\n\
- OWNWINDOW Open its own window (default)\n\
- LEFTEDGE Left edge of ParM Window (default 0)\n\
- TOPEDGE Top edge of ParM Window (default 0)\n\
- DETAILPEN Detail pen of ParM Window (default 0)\n\
- BLOCKPEN Block pen of ParM Window (default 1)\n\
- DRAGBAR ON|OFF Drag bar (You can't move ParM window) (default on)\n\
- DEPTH ON|OFF Depth gadgets (default off)\n\
- AUTOFRONT ON|OFF Automatic window to front (default on)\n\
- SHOWMEM ON|OFF Show available memory (default off)\n\
- SHOWTIME ON|OFF Show time. (default off)\n\
- REFRESHTIME Interval time for Mem/Time refresh in 0.1s (default 1s)\n\
- MTDETAILPEN DetailPen for Mem/Time (default DetailPen)\n\
- MTBLOCKPEN BlockPen for Mem/Time (default BlockPen)\n\
- MENUCOLOR Color for ParM's main menu (default DetailPen)\n\
- STACKSIZE Default stack size for commands (default: ParM process stack)\n\
- CONFIGFILE Configuration file (default: S:ParM.cfg)\n\
- USENULL ON|OFF Redirect output to NIL: for commands in RUN mode (default off)\n\n
- ;
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ErrorInEnvParMOpt (//)
- Error in ENV:ParMOpt
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ON_OFF_Required (//)
- ON|OFF argument required for %s
- ;
- ParM_MSG_CouldntGetWindow (//)
- Couldn't get window.
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ThisWindowHasMenus (//)
- This window already have menus.
- ;
- ParM_MSG_MenusAlreadyInWB (//)
- Menus already installed in WorkBench.
- ;
- ParM_MSG_CantFindWorkBench (//)
- Can't find WorkBench.
- ;
- ParM_MSG_Mem_Fmt (//)
- Chip:%6lD Other:%7lD
- ;
- ParM_MSG1L_Open (//)
- Open...
- ;
- ParM_MSG_EnterNewDir (//)
- Enter New Dir...
- ;
- ParM_MSG_PathTooLong (//)
- Path too long
- ;
- ParM_MSG_Busy (//)
- Busy
- ;
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ParM_Open_MENU (//)
- _O Open
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ParM_Update_MENU (//)
- _U Update
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ParM_StdCfg_MENU (//)
- Std Cfg
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ParM_Command_MENU (//)
- _C Command
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ParM_ChangeDir_MENU (//)
- Change Dir
- ;
- ParM_MSG_ParM_Quit_MENU (//)
- Quit
- ;
- ParM_MSG_RequiresAsl (//)
- Requires asl.library V37 or higher.
- ;
- ;
- ; SetMouse
- ;
- SM_MSG_CouldntSaveConfiguration (80//)
- Couldn't save configuration.
- ;
- SM_MSG_InvalidMouseOptsVersion (//)
- Invalid MouseOpts version.
- ;
- ;
- SM_MSG_CheckBoxText1 (//19)
- Window to Front
- ;
- SM_MSG_CheckBoxText2 (//19)
- Window to Back
- ;
- SM_MSG_CheckBoxText3 (//19)
- Screen to Back
- ;
- SM_MSG_CheckBoxText4 (//19)
- Auto Activate
- ;
- SM_MSG_CheckBoxText5 (//19)
- Sun Mouse
- ;
- ;
- SM_MSG_IntegerText1 (//19)
- Screen blank (sec)
- ;
- SM_MSG_IntegerText2 (//19)
- Mouse blank (sec)
- ;
- SM_MSG_IntegerText3 (//19)
- Accel Threshold
- ;
- SM_MSG_IntegerText4 (//19)
- Accel Factor
- ;
- SM_MSG_IntegerText5 (//19)
- SunMouse Threshold
- ;
- SM_MSG_IntegerText6 (//19)
- Handler Priority
- ;
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel1 (//13)
- None
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel2 (//13)
- Control
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel3 (//13)
- Left Shift
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel4 (//13)
- Left Alt
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel5 (//13)
- Left Amiga
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel6 (//13)
- Right Shift
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel7 (//13)
- Right Alt
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel8 (//13)
- Right Amiga
- ;
- SM_MSG_WTFQualLabel9 (//13)
- ;
- ;
- SM_MSG_WindowToFrontQual (//22)
- Window to Front Qual
- ;
- SM_MSG_Save_GAD (//9)
- Save
- ;
- SM_MSG_Use_GAD (//9)
- Use
- ;
- ;
- ;
- ;