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- XPR Kermit
- Version 2.30
- February 14, 1993
- Frank da Cruz - Columbia University
- Stephen R. Walton - Cal State Northridge
- This is an implentation of an External Protocol (XPR) library for the
- Kermit file transfer protocol. In keeping with the Kermit documents,
- here is a list of the items supported and not supported.
- XPR Kermit Capabilities At A Glance:
- Local operation: Yes
- Remote operation: Yes
- Transfer text files: Yes
- Transfer binary files: Yes
- International text: No
- Wildcard send: Yes, if supported by comm program
- File transfer interruption: Yes
- Filename collision actions: Yes
- Can time out: Yes
- 8th-bit prefixing: Yes
- Repeat count prefixing: Yes
- Alternate block checks: Yes
- Automatic parity detection: No
- Dynamic packet length: Yes
- CONNECT mode: *
- Terminal emulation: *
- Key mapping: *
- Communication settings: *
- Transmit BREAK: *
- Support for dialout modems: *
- TCP/IP support: *
- X.25 support: *
- IBM mainframe communication: *
- Transaction logging: No
- Session logging: No
- Debug logging: No
- Packet logging: No
- Act as server: No
- Talk to server: Yes
- Advanced server functions: No
- Security for server: No
- Local file management: N/A
- Command/Init files: N/A
- Long packets: Yes
- Sliding Windows: Yes
- File attributes packets: Yes, but limited by XPR protocol
- Command macros: *
- Script programming language: *
- Raw file transmit and capture: *
- The items marked with a '*' above are those which are to be provided by
- the calling terminal emulation program. Notice that, although XPR
- Kermit itself cannot be a "Kermit server," often the communication
- program's scripting capability will allow XPR Kermit to be used for the
- unattended transfer of files between the Amiga and a remote machine.
- I. Introduction
- ---------------
- XPR Kermit implements the Kermit file transfer protocol in the form of
- an Amiga External Protocol (XPR) library. This allows the addition of
- an up-to-date version of the Kermit protocol to any communications
- program which supports the XPR specification. For further information
- on Kermit, read the book "Kermit: A File Transfer Protocol" by Frank
- da Cruz, 1986, Digital Press.
- Please note that this document assumes you already have some
- understanding of what the Kermit protocol is, and how to use it. I
- have tried to include a few hints about common problems, but there is
- no substitute for obtaining and using a copy of the documentation for
- the Kermit on the other system to which you will be talking. In
- addition, two commercial books are available. "Kermit: A File
- Transfer Protocol" by Frank da Cruz describes the protocol in some
- detail. While aimed at those writing a Kermit program, it contains a
- good deal of useful information about Kermit itself. "C Kermit" by
- Christine Gianone and Frank da Cruz, is a wealth of good introductory
- information about any version of Kermit. In addition, the latter book
- is also the documentation for the standalone version of C Kermit which
- is available for the Amiga.
- The Kermit protocol, and XPR Kermit, are copyright by Columbia
- University. XPR Kermit is subject to the same restrictions as any
- other version of Kermit. In particular, XPR Kermit may be included as
- part of a commercial package, provided the cost of said package is not
- increased as a result.
- I cannot resist saying a few words in support of Kermit. Unlike many
- other file transfer protocols such as the X/Y/ZMODEM family, the design
- of the Kermit protocol started with the assumption that communication
- lines are unreliable and quirky. Kermit's slightly lower efficiency on
- good lines is more than compensated for by the fact that it can often
- successfully transfer files under conditions where other protocols
- fail. It can transfer binary files over a seven-bit-wide communication
- line, or one which "eats" most control characters; in fact, only two
- binary characters, the start-of-packet and end-of-packet markers, need
- be passed unchanged by the line.
- II. Installation
- -----------------
- To install XPR Kermit, simply copy the file "xprkermit.library" to your
- LIBS: directory, and request your comm program to use XPRKERMIT as its
- external file transfer protocol.
- XPR Kermit supports Version 2.0 of the XPR Protocol specification. For
- more details on this, I recommend that you find a copy of the XPR
- Zmodem library, version 2.0. Its documentation contains a good deal of
- the justification and philosophy of external protocol libraries, which
- I won't repeat here. Among the programs supporting the XPR
- specification are the commercial programs A-Talk III and JRComm and the
- free programs VLT, Term, and NComm.
- III. Setting Options
- --------------------
- XPR Kermit supports the parts of the Kermit protocol outlined in the
- table above. There are currently nine user-settable parameters in XPR
- Kermit, which cover the parameters which are most often necessary to
- customize. If your communications problem is especially severe--for
- example, your method of connection to another system swallows
- characters which are special to Kermit, such as control-A--you may
- need to get a copy of the stand-alone Kermit program, C Kermit for the
- Amiga, distributed via many paths. The current version is 5A(189).
- There are actually two sets of "setup" parameters in XPR Kermit. The
- first set are commands which XPR Kermit can send to a remote Kermit
- server. These are not actually setups, but are in fact commands to XPR
- Kermit which cause it to communicate with a remote Kermit server. The
- fourth command in this group is "Change Options," which causes no
- communication. Instead, you are requested for changes in the current
- values of the parameters which Kermit will use for communication.
- These items can be set in one of two ways. One method is with a simple
- character string which is sent to XPR Kermit by the comm program; this
- string will hereafter be referred to as the "init string." This is
- generally done if an environment variable named XPRKERMIT exists and
- has a value, in which case XPR Kermit is sent the value when you first
- select XPR Kermit as your protocol. Some comm programs also allow an
- initialization string to be sent in other ways, such as from a script;
- VLT, for example, has an INITXPR script command. The format of this
- string is specified by the external protocol.
- The second, more elegant method, is with some type of requester or set
- of requesters. In this case, you will be presented by your comm
- program with a set of Intuition gadgets of some type which allow the
- choice of XPR Kermit commands and the setting of the options.
- However, the string method has the advantage of giving one the ability
- to change external protocol settings non-interactively, such as from a
- script. In the case of XPR Kermit, such a script can actually command
- XPR Kermit to perform communication. One obvious use of this is to
- transfer an entire directory tree from your Amiga to a remote machine:
- you can make the remote Kermit a server and command it to perform the
- appropriate CD commands, then transfer files.
- The currently supported XPR Kermit server commands are listed below.
- The format of the init string is in parentheses, generally simply a
- single letter.
- Kermit Finish (F): Tells a Kermit server that you are done. The
- remote server will stop being a server.
- Kermit Bye (B): Tells a Kermit server that you are done; the server
- will exit and log you off the remote machine.
- Kermit CD (C{dir}): Change the default directory for files sent or
- received by the Kermit server. Examples of the init string would
- be 'C/bin' or 'Cuser:[username.amiga]'.
- For setting options via an init string, the first character of the init
- string must be the letter O (for Options). Following that letter can
- be one or more of the option setting formats listed bellow; these can
- be separated by whitespace and/or commas.
- There are three settings which are either "yes" or "no." Your comm
- program will give you some way of setting them interactively. Simple
- button gadgets will be labeled "yes" and "no;" otherwise, you may see
- a string gadget, into which you should type the word "yes" or "no" by
- hand. This string is case-insensitive. In the init-string, "yes" is
- represented by the single upper-case character Y.
- Convert FileName (C{Y|N}): If "yes," then file names are
- converted from Amiga file names to a "least common denominator"
- form and back again. On files which XPR Kermit sends, this
- means that any leading directory path is stripped, and the file
- name can consist of only upper case letters, numerals, and at
- most one period. Lower case letters are translated to upper
- case, and non-alphanumeric characters, including extra periods,
- are translated to X. Received file names are converted to
- lower case. If "no," then none of these translations occur.
- NOTE: This means that files will often be sent with a complete
- leading Amiga path name, and so you should make sure that you
- send files with the comm program's current directory set to the
- directory containing the file you're sending. Default
- "yes."
- Host Server (G{Y|N}): If "yes," then the host (remote) Kermit is
- assumed to be in server mode. You will be prompted for file
- names when you request an XPR Kermit receive, and this file
- name will be sent to the server in the form of a Kermit GET
- command. Default "no."
- Keep Incomplete (K{Y|N}) If "yes," then incomplete files will be
- kept. An incomplete file can result from either an actual
- error in the transfer, or a user-requested cancellation of
- a transfer in process. Default "no."
- Text File (T{Y|N}): Flags whether the incoming file is text or binary.
- If "yes," then carriage-return/line-feed pairs in the incoming
- packets are converted to a single line-feed before writing the
- packet to a file, and the opposite conversion is made when a file
- is sent to a remote system. Default "yes".
- If your communcations program supports its own text/binary flag
- (that is, if the xpr_finfo() function exists and can tell XPR
- Kermit whether a given file is text or binary), this option will
- not appear. Also, it is possible using attribute packets for the
- sending Kermit to request switching from text to binary and back
- again on a per-file basis. XPR Kermit fully supports this. It
- will switch if requested to by a sending Kermit. When sending,
- XPR Kermit uses the xpr_finfo() function on a per-file basis. The
- Amiga has no real way of determining whether a file is text or
- binary, however, so it is usually up to the user to choose the
- correct mode from a menu item or other setup in the comm
- program.
- Numerical or alphabetic settings are as follows. Here, the init string
- key letter should be followed by a numerical or alphabetic value, as
- indicated.
- Packet Length (P{length}): The Long Packets extension to Kermit is
- fully supported. The longest possible packet is 9024;
- the default value is 94, the longest standard Kermit packet.
- Block Check (B{type}): This can have the value of 1, 2, or 3, and
- chooses successively more stringent types of error checking on
- the incoming data: 6-bit checksum, 12-bit checksum, and 16-bit
- CRC, respectively. Default is 1 (6-bit checksum).
- Timeout (O{seconds}): The length of time the remote Kermit should wait
- for a packet from XPR Kermit before assuming it isn't coming. The
- default is 10 seconds. See the extended discussion of timeouts
- below.
- (O is for Out, as in TimeOut; T is already taken by the Text flag.)
- Retry Limit (R{number}): The number of times XPR Kermit will attempt
- to send or receive the next packet of data before quitting. Notice
- that if the remote end simply stops sending, a length of time equal
- to the retry limit times the timeout will elapse before XPR Kermit
- actually exits. Default 5 retries.
- Window Size (W{number}): The number of windows to use in the
- sliding window extension to the protocol. This is the number
- of packets which XPR Kermit will send without waiting for an
- acknowledgement from the other end. Default 1, meaning sliding
- windows are not used by default.
- File Name Collision action (N{X|A|D|R}): What action to take if
- a received file has the same name as an already existing file.
- Each letter is a possible action, as follows:
- X - Replace. Unconditionally replace the old file with the
- new one.
- A - Append. Append the incoming file to the end of the old
- file.
- D - Discard. Refuse to accept the incoming file.
- R - Rename. Rename the incoming file to a unique name by appending
- a tilde followed by a sequence number to its name.
- The default is Replace.
- Send Packet Size and Send Timeout (SPn and SOn): These values
- override the ones requested by the Kermit at the other end for
- the packet size and timeout, respectively, for XPR Kermit to
- use when sending files to the other Kermit. They should only
- be used if there is good reason to believe that the values
- requested by the other Kermit are not working well: for
- example, that you know more about the connection than the other
- end does. If these are zero, then the other end's requested
- packet size and timeout are used. The default is zero.
- Setting a packet length larger than 94 (the default) enters long packet
- mode automatically. If you use long packets, it is *strongly*
- recommended that you use block check 2 or 3 if the host Kermit supports
- them. In addition, if binary files are to be transmitted, a higher
- block check than 1 should be used as well.
- All of the above parameters, except the Send Overrides, correspond to
- the numbers set in a typical standalone Kermit program via the SET
- RECEIVE command. In the initial setup transaction for a Kermit file
- transfer, these values are sent to the Kermit at the other end as a
- request for it to use them when receiving packets from XPR Kermit. The
- values for block check, timeout, window size, and packet length which
- XPR Kermit actually uses depend, in turn, on the ones requested by the
- Kermit at the other end. The block check, packet size, and window size
- used in the transaction will be the smaller of the values requested by
- the other Kermit and the values set by you in the XPR Kermit
- initialization.
- Timeout settings are handled differently and are a bit confusing, I've
- found. The timeout set via XPR Kermit's requester is the length of time
- which XPR Kermit will request the other end to wait before assuming
- that XPR Kermit is not sending any response to the most recently sent
- packet. The length of time XPR Kermit should wait for a packet from the
- remote end is requested by the remote end, and is generally set by a
- SET RECEIVE TIMEOUT command typed by the user to the remote Kermit.
- With long packets at low baud rates (say, 2048 bytes at 1200 baud),
- both these times should be long enough to ensure an entire packet can
- be transferred in this time. The symptom if it is too short is that
- each packet will be sent exactly twice. The same symptom can occur
- even if the connection between the remote Kermit and XPR Kermit is fast
- but has long transmission delays; this is often the case when
- connected to a distant site via the Internet.
- If you have problems such as these, try using the Send Overrides to change
- the values which XPR Kermit uses when sending packets.
- Options can be mixed and matched. For instance, to talk to a Kermit
- server with 750-byte packets, block check 2, keep incomplete files,
- binary files, five windows, and a 10-second timeout, the init string
- could be "OP750,B2,KY,TN,W5,O10".
- III. Transferring Files
- -----------------------
- Once XPR Kermit is set up, transferring files is as simple as with any
- of the protocols built in to your communication program. Typically,
- you will log into a remote computer, start up its Kermit program, and
- issue the "send filename" or "receive" command to the remote Kermit. A
- message will be printed, something like "Escape back to your local
- system and give a RECEIVE command" if you told the remote to send a
- file. Issue the Receive File command to your terminal program;
- frequently, this is Right-Amiga-R. Sit back and watch the file be
- transferred.
- The files received by XPR Kermit are placed in the comm program's idea
- of its current directory; that is, XPR Kermit asks the comm program to
- create a file of the same name as the file on the sending system, but
- leaves the directory in which the creation is to occur up to the comm
- program. For sending files, path information is stripped from the file
- name before it is sent to the remote.
- XPR Kermit supports multiple files on both send and receive. Multiple
- received files are handled by the sending Kermit. One almost always
- issues a wildcard send command, for example "send *.for" to send all
- Fortran files. For sending multiple files, XPR Kermit queries the
- calling communication program for the names of the files to send, one
- at a time. Check your program documentation for its method of
- supporting this. Two common possibilities are simply the ability to
- type a wildcard into a string requester specifying the files to send,
- and being able to check multiple files in a list on a file requester.
- If the "Host is Server" flag is set on the XPR Kermit options, it is
- assumed that you started the remote Kermit and issued the "SERVER"
- command to it. When a remote Kermit is a server, it accepts incoming
- requests of a special format about which file to send. On a
- command-line oriented version of Kermit, the command "GET filename"
- would be typed to the local Kermit, which would request the remote
- Kermit server to send that file.
- XPR Kermit uses the protocol behind the Kermit GET command as well. If
- the comm program sends XPR Kermit the name of a file or files to GET,
- for example from a script command, then that filename is used. In the
- case of VLT, for example, the script command 'XPR RECEIVE "file"' will
- result in the file named "file" being used in XPR Kermit's GET command,
- provided the "Host is Server" flag is set. If no file name is sent to
- XPR Kermit by the comm program in this manner, the file or files to GET
- is requested interactively by XPR Kermit through the comm program. This
- will almost always happen when you issue an interactive "Receive File"
- command to the comm program. A string requester is almost always used
- here to prompt for the files to receive. Note that this should be in
- the format of the *remote* system, not the Amiga. This is important for
- wildcards; SENDing a batch of Amiga files will generally use AmigaDOS
- wildcards (#?.for for all Fortran files), while a Unix, VAX/VMS, or
- MS/DOS system would use *.for for the same operation.
- Most comm programs supply a nice status display, which XPR Kermit will
- update regularly to keep the user apprised of the transfer's progress.
- The name of the sent or received file will be shown. If file name
- conversion is on, the converted name will appear after the word "as;"
- for example, 'Sending S:Startup-Sequence as STARTUPXSEQUENCE.' The
- current packet count, packet length, packet type, timeout count, error
- count, number of file bytes transferred, elapsed time, and estimated
- total time are all updated after each attempt to transfer file data,
- whether the attempt is successful or not. After the transfer
- completes, the total number of files, number of file bytes, elapsed
- time, and character-per-second (cps) transfer rate will be shown.
- XPR Kermit supports three levels of transfer abort, out of the 33 which
- can be part of an XPR-supporting comm program. The lowest level of an
- XPR abort is treated by XPR Kermit as a file abort, meaning that, if a
- batch transfer is in effect, the current file's transfer is interrupted
- but the protocol proceeds with the next file. This is most useful in a
- wildcard transfer, where the wildcard matches a long file which you
- don't actually want transferred. The next higher level is treated as a
- batch abort, meaning that all files are cancelled. Both of these
- aborts happen in a "graceful" way, which will not generally result in
- the remote Kermit exiting with an error status. The highest level XPR
- Kermit abort, which is all many programs provide, is treated as an
- immediate stop-dead. An error packet containing the string "User
- cancelled." is sent to the remote Kermit, the same message is echoed on
- the comm program status display, and XPR Kermit exits. In addition, if
- the "Keep Incomplete Files" flag is OFF, the most recently received
- file will be deleted, if the cancelled transfer was a receive.
- IV. Credits
- ------------
- The following people had a hand in this code. In chronological order,
- they are:
- -- Frank DaCruz of Columbia University, who deserves most of the credit
- here. The system-independent code in the ckcfn?.c files is his,
- and XPR Kermit is really just an interface to these files, which are
- identical to the ones used in every other C language implementation
- of Kermit.
- -- Marco Papa of Felsina Software, for the first beta XPR version
- -- Steve Walton, for second and subsequent XPR Kermit's.
- Other acknowledgements go to Willy Langeveld for developing the XPR
- spec, and to Rick Huebner, several of whose ideas in XPR Zmodem were
- taken over into XPR Kermit by Steve Walton. Thank you all!
- V. Gripes
- ----------
- The current author and babysitter of this code is:
- Stephen Walton
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- Cal State Northridge
- 18111 Nordhoff St.
- Northridge, CA 91330 USA
- (818) 885-2775
- E-mail can go to:
- swalton@solar.stanford.edu (Internet)
- Thanks and congratulations gratefully accepted; bug fixes and enhancements
- even more so!
- VII. Changes
- -------------
- The following changes and improvements have been made to XPR Kermit since
- the release of version 1.111:
- 1. Attribute packets, file name collision handling, and sliding
- windows are all new in this version.
- 2. The system-independent C Kermit code is now used. This means that,
- absent changes in the system-dependent routines required, XPR Kermit
- will automatically share in any improvements made to its big sister, C
- Kermit 5A(189).
- 3. The file transfer display code has been completely rewritten. This
- was only possible because C Kermit already contains a system-dependent
- screen() function specification, which describes how to update the file
- transfer status display. In fact, the screen() function in XPR Kermit
- is largely copied from the screenc() function in the Unix and Amiga
- versions of C Kermit.
- The following improvements were made between version 1.5, the first
- release of XPR Kermit, and the second release, version 1.111.
- 1. The library is now re-entrant. This re-entrancy uses a bit of a "trick"
- which depends on the mechanism used by Manx Aztec C to set up small
- model programs. I have successfully run two simultaneous file
- transfers in XPR Kermit.
- 2. The timeout code has been improved; in fact, it appears that it may
- not have worked at all in version 1.5.
- 3. Block check type 2 did not work in version 1.5.
- 3. A buffer overflow which could trash the high byte of an address on
- an Amiga 3000 or other 68030-based machine was fixed. This would
- only be seen, normally, when sending a file with many repeated
- characters.
- 4. The "Keep incomplete file" feature is new.
- 5. The file status display has been cleaned up somewhat; in particular,
- the previous file's final display should no longer show up when a
- new transfer is started. Timeouts are now counted separately from
- other errors.
- 6. Local buffers (that is, within XPR Kermit) have been added for both file
- and communication line I/O. This substantially reduces the number of
- callbacks between XPR Kermit and the comm program, improving performance
- under heavy multitasking. [Note added 3 Dec 1991: an actual trial
- on the local buffer for serial I/O indicated *worse* performance, so
- the code is only compiled if the symbol MYREAD is #define'd in
- kermitproto.c. This is not the case in the distributed binary.]
- 7. xpr_chkmisc() and xpr_chkabort() are now called properly.
- -------------------------
- The file transfer cancellation button doesn't seem to work in Olaf
- Barthel's Term 3.2. I have sent him e-mail about it.
- The XPR protocol does not allow for the XPR to rename existing files.
- If it did, a "backup" option for file name collision detection would be
- possible. In this case, if an existing file has the same name as a
- received file, the existing file is renamed to a unique name and the
- received file is stored under its own name. This is my personal
- preferred option, and is the default action with C Kermit.
- The XPR protocol also does not allow one to find or set the
- modification date of a file. If it did, then several additional
- features would become possible. One would be an "Update" option for
- filename collision, which would replace the existing file but only if
- the incoming file was newer. XPR Kermit could also tell the receiving
- Kermit the modification date of a sent file, and set the modification
- date of a received file to agree with that on the sending system.
- XPR Kermit is the largest of the XPR libraries, by a factor of three.
- Because of this size, I have chosen not to implement one of the other
- major improvements of the most recent version of the Kermit protocol,
- namely support for international character sets. If you need this
- feature, for example if you regularly transfer text files between
- machines in different countries, I recommend setting XPR Kermit to
- binary mode and setting the sending Kermit to use "ISO Latin-1" as its
- transfer character set. Since the file character set of the Amiga is
- ISO Latin-1, this should result in a file transfer with all
- international characters intact, at the cost of a carriage return/line
- feed pair at the end of each text line, which can be trimmed after the
- file transfer. If the remote system is a Unix system, or another
- Amiga, a binary-to-binary transfer of text files should work also.
- XPR Kermit uses more memory than is strictly necessary, because both
- read-only and read-write data are copied for each comm program using
- XPR Kermit. However, all file and communication buffers are allocated
- when needed, so this is not as important as it might first seem. If
- international character sets were implemented, the large translation
- tables required would probably require an extensive rewrite of XPR
- Kermit to keep its memory usage reasonable.