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- Startup-Menu v1.00 documentation - OS2+
- AboutThisDoc
- This documentation describes release 1.00 of Startup-Menu. This
- Program is freely distributable. However copyright is retained by the author
- and no more than a nominal fee may be charged for distribution (price of a
- fish disk).
- (* Legal stuff *)
- In short, if any thing happens it's not my fault! You use this program at
- your own risk.
- Introduction
- Startup-Menu is a menu which appears on start-up giving the user a
- choice of which startup-sequence to follow. The menu can have any number of
- gadgets, limited only by the screenmode used and hardware, I've had 700!
- Installation
- The included Install script should be used to install SM. This script
- will copy the main program to C:, the preference editor to SYS:Prefs/,
- Reqtools.library to LIBS: and some example scripts and a prefs file to S:.
- This files will be copied only after confirmation. In order to use SM your
- Startup-Sequence requires to be altered. Relax, I know how people cringe on
- altering their startup-sequence, how it will be non-standard and all but SM
- increases your flexibility at startup. You could install a default
- startup-sequence later as one of the options on the menu.
- Your Startup-Squence requires to be altered to something like this:
- ;**************
- C:SetPatch QUIET ; Patch some bugs
- C:Assign ENV: Sys:Prefs/Env ; Assign ENV:, Reqtools requires this
- IF EXISTS DEVS:Monitors ; Active all monitors
- IF EXISTS DEVS:Monitors/VGAOnly ; so that you can get _any_
- DEVS:Monitors/VGAOnly ; screenmode.
- EndIF
- C:List >NIL: DEVS:Monitors/~(#?.info|VGAOnly) TO T:M LFORMAT "DEVS:Monitors/%s"
- Execute T:M
- C:Delete >NIL: T:M
- EndIF
- Failat 20
- C:Startup-Menu ; execute SM. NOTE : SM can load-in
- IF WARN ; an alternative prefs file, eg
- ; Startup-Menu [prefsfilename]
- execute >NIL: S:Startup-sequence.wb ; what to do if an error occurs
- endcli >NIL:
- ;**************
- The above is for WB3.00 for WB2.0x simply delete the part dealing with
- monitors and replace it with the corresponding section from your original
- startup-sequence.
- This file is copied to S: as startup-sequence.sm by the installation script.
- To use this file simply rename the old startup-sequence as
- "startup-sequence.org" and rename this file to "startup-sequence"
- ReqTools is (c) Nico François.
- Creating_a_Preference_File
- SM requires a preference file in order to work. This file is
- created by SMPrefs. With SMPrefs you create a list of gadgets that will be
- present on the menu the follwoing gadgets are used :
- o Top : Moves the currently selected item in the list to the top.
- o Up : Moves the currently selected item in the list up one place.
- o Down : Moves the currently selected item in the list to the bottom.
- o Sort : Sorts the list into decsending alphabetic order.
- o New : Creates a new item in the list. This item becomes the current
- item
- o Remove : Removes the current item from the list.
- o Copy : Copies the selected item.
- (* Have you understood that! Some information now... *)
- o List : Each item in this list represents a button on the resulting
- menu created by SM.
- o Gadget Text : The text entered into this gadget will be shown on the
- corresponding button in the menu.
- o Command : The command entered into this gadget will be executed by SM
- when the you select the corresponding button on the menu.
- A command of "None" will create a comment box, this ox will
- be a recessed bevelbox and not a gadget on the menu.
- o Command... : Uses a file requester to fill the command gadget instead of
- typing it in.
- o Key : Denotes the key equivalent for this gadget. All entries are
- converted into upper case.
- o Across : Determines how many gadgets there will be horizontally.
- o Down : Displays how many gadgets there will be vertically.
- o Screen... : Brings up a screenmode requester. The mode picked from this
- list will be used by the screen that the menu opens on.
- This mode must be available at boot-time, i.e. execute the
- corresponding monitor file before running SM.
- o Font... : Activates requester from which the font used in the menu
- can be picked, along with its style and size (6..30 point).
- o Palette... : A screen is created, from which you can alter the palette
- that the menu screen will have.
- o Titles... : Two string gadgets will pop-up. The text entered into these
- will be shown on the window and screen titlebars.
- o Save : Saves the preference file as 'S:Startup-Menu.prefs' and
- exits the program.
- o Save As... : Requester allowing user to save a preference file elsewhere.
- o ? : Some information.
- o Open... : Requester allowing the user to load in a new preference
- file. If the name returned by the requester does not exist
- a new list is created.
- o Cancel : Exits the program without saving the preference file.
- Overview
- Various scripts can now be created and entered as the commands in
- SMPrefs. These scripts could be used to create totally different working
- environments, eg shell, WB each with separate ENVARC: drawers etc. SM allows
- greate flexibility over what you can do at startup.
- The_End
- Hi, SM was writtten by me, Lee Kindness in my spare time while
- doing my SCE Highers. I would really like to hear from you if you use this
- program, any suggestions on how to improve it are welcomed, along with tales
- of bugs. I wrote SM due the frustration I had when running memory hungry
- games and applications, having to disable the startup-sequence an' a' that.
- SM does everything that I require it to do, but if the support is large
- enough I may continue to improve it. I'm also considering creating a new
- pogram based on SM, a kind of menu program that does not quit after
- selection, like MenuMaster but they are so many going around.
- I've got one idea on improving SM:
- - Display of a witty catchphrase at the bottom of the menu.
- So if you want to this send me some witty/dirty/funny phrases, eg
- "Never play leapfrog with a unicorn"
- I can be conntacted at the following address :
- Lee Kindness
- 8 Craigmarn Rd.
- Portlethen - i've got no modem, no cash.
- Aberdeen AB1 4QR
- Note if you want the current version of SM send me a disk and money to
- cover return postage. On the disk you send, if you put some PD or some data
- on it eg Mod's, HAM-8's then I'll fill the disk I return. Any ideas about
- programs that _you_ want are also welcome.
- Thanks go out to :
- Nico François : for Reqtools
- Stefan Becker : source for the excellent ToolManager, which was helpful
- Stephan Fuhrmann : the idea for the filliping up of the window,
- baritisation.
- Adam Kindness : Suggestions
- Commodore : Luckily they make better computers than they handle money.
- I'd really like an A3000 or A4000.
- History
- SM is written in HighSpeed Pascal on an Amiga A1200 120MBHD ParNETed to
- an A600 SD.
- Source is included with this distribution.
- o v1.00 : 5.2.94
- - first public release
- - uses ASL/Reqtools requesters
- - Font sensitive
- - SMPrefs opens on frontmost public screen
- - Works!
- \ /
- X Memory loss of 1216 bytes by SMPrefs - help!
- / \