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- MultiTool II
- V2.0
- 28.02.1994
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This file is a "quick and dirty" translation of the German history file.
- It contains a list of all changes performed to MTool since V1.4.
- The names of the people that suggested a feature or found a bug are
- noticed in brackets.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Future enhancements/suggestions:
- - other archivers (Harald Schneider)
- - automatic installation of disks
- - find a pattern in a directory tree (Jochen Schiller)
- - sort by file size or date (Marc Duponcheel)
- - palette requester (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - directory history, including selections.
- - Compare files (Gregor Wenkelewski)
- - Intelligent screen shuffling (Gregor Wenkelewski)
- - Show only version number instead of complete version string in
- copy requester (Gregor Wenkelewski)
- - use middle mouse button (Mikael Silfver)
- - POPKEY brings MTool Screen/Window to front even if it's already
- open (Mikael Silfver)
- - MakeDir: Selection, if a icon should be created or not (A. Baum)
- - Timer for updating screen title (avoid flicker) (M. Silfver)
- - Show protection bits of MUFS and Envoy (Jan Holler)
- Other suggestions and bug reports are welcome...
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.0a - 28.02.1994 first bugfix
- NEW:
- - Norwegian Catalog
- - If MTool is told to run on a non-existant pubscreen, it opens an
- own screen.
- - POPKEY brings MTool to front, even if its window was already open
- (M. Silfver)
- - No about requester at startup in registered version
- - ASCII filter isn't case sensitive any more (R. Debusmann)
- - Notify on dir lists removed. Now MTool checks permanently, if the
- datestamps of the two dirs change.
- - Refresh of the screen title only if it has changed. Avoids
- flickering (M. Silfver)
- - No alert, if pubscreen could not be locked.
- - No guru, if you hide MTool via CX (M. Mutschler)
- - No guru, if you hide MTool after having removed a disk that had been
- displayed (R. Debusmann)
- - Second try to fix the "no custom screen checkmark"-bug (A. Kutterer,
- A. Baum, M. Hank, C. Ellerbeck)
- - If no LHA is installed, there are no strange effects any more if
- you try to read the contents of an archive (M. Silfver)
- - If MTool can't close its screen, it will continue to try to close
- it twice a second until it succeeds. (A. Sjøgren)
- - If you cancel the parameter string requester while executing a
- command, the command will be cancelled (J. Billing)
- - No lost locks any more, if you remove a disk that had been displayed.
- - If a file requester is cancelled, its action is cancelled, too.
- So you won't loose all settings if you cancel the "load prefs"
- requester. (M. Hank)
- - Keyboard shortcuts not yet implemented
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.0 - 06.02.1994 released
- NEW:
- - Notify on prefs file. MTool adapts immediately to changes.
- - Close=Hide => ESC=Hide
- - Protection bits stay unchanged in copied files (M.Silfver)
- - Notify changed. Only working, while MTool waits for user
- interaction. -> Dirs are no longer scanned twice in some cases.
- - Dirs are only scanned if they actually changed (datestamp)
- - String requester accepts 80 chars now. (J. Billing)
- - Cancel small copy window by closing it or pressing any key
- (C. Krenner)
- - Screen title and pubscreen title are correct now (A. Baum,
- M. Silfver, J. Bönisch)
- - Version string changed (date is now DD.MM.YY) (A. Baum)
- - Checkmark "Custom Screen" works now. (all ;-))
- - No delete requester while scanning dirs for "Info" (A. Baum,
- M. Silfver)
- - Destination display in copy requester reenabled (A. Baum)
- - Small bugs in display fixed (A. Baum)
- - Wrong background color in status display after keyboard
- control of device list (M. Silfver)
- - Changes of protection bits are updated immediately (M.
- Silfver)
- - Pattern matching isn't case sensitive any more. Sometimes,
- it didn't work at all (M. Silfver)
- - Error message, if you try to delete a file that's protected
- from deletion
- - Improved display of version strings in copy and analyze
- requesters (A. Baum)
- - AutoDir checkmark works now. (A. Baum)
- - No system crash if an error occurs during startup.
- - No alert if public screen can't be locked
- - device list optically responds to mouse clicks (J. Bönisch)
- - No enforcer hit if you move files within a device (J. Bönisch)
- - Copy requester works now if you move files within a davice
- - Device list is sorted case-independent (J. Bönisch)
- - End of status line could be trashed in some localized
- versions (J. Billing)
- - Flags weren't set in copy requester sometimes (M. Silfver)
- NEW:
- - Window opens on same screen as MTool and makes this screen the
- frontmost
- - Included menus
- - Lists can be sorted
- - String gadgets don't have to be "returned" any more
- - File requester in "Icons" now shows icon files and not everything
- except icon files ;-)
- - topaz 8 in listview
- - Number of colors in screenmode requester initialized correctly
- - During path selections via file requester, only drawers are
- displayed
- - default path "SYS:" in file requesters
- - removed enforcer hits during startup
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V2.0ß - 12.09.1993 internal version
- NEW:
- - Preferences editor. New prefs file format.
- - Reworked analyzing and actions.
- - Selection of a drawer by simply dropping its icon in the window
- of MTool. (AppWindow) (Christian Krenner)
- - Keyboard control of the device listview. Use "Del" to switch cursor
- keys to devlist control.
- - Configurable action list that can be displayed in the device listview.
- (Christian Krenner)
- - Copy requester waited for one IntuiTick for every file. fixed.
- (Jens Bönisch)
- - Max. block size for copying of 65KB. Fixes problems with IDE drives
- on A1200.
- - Display date/time in file lists. (Marc Duponcheel)
- - very simple requester for copy/move/delete on request.
- - Small gadget "?" or "!" besides the gadgets for copy, move, delete,
- Select All, Select Nothing and Icon.
- - Double click on a file in an archive is now possible (everybody asked
- me to do it ;-), Mikael Silfver persuaded me)
- - Activate string gadget above the active file list by pressing Return
- (Mikael Silfver, Adam Sjøgren)
- - Notification
- - If you change the parameters in the copy requester, copying stops
- and must be re"start"ed. (Mikael Silfver)
- - A file can be given an icon according to its file type.
- - MTool can open its window on public screens (Mikael Silfver)
- - Close gadget can be used to hide MTool (Mikael Silfver)
- - small graphics bug in string requester when big fonts are used
- (Jens Bönisch)
- - Triple clicking in file list makes dir change twice (Jens Bönisch)
- - "Amiga A" symbols are scaled wrong sometimes (OS3.0+) (Robert Peter
- Poole)
- - AutoDir checkmark in menus gets lost during closing and reopening
- MTools window (Mikael Silfver)
- - Enforcer hits when no config file was loaded (Robert Peter Poole)
- - If an options request is canceled during menu action, the action
- should be cancelled, too. (Jens Bönisch)
- - Bugs in Copy requester (Gregor Wenkelewski)
- - Sometimes enforcer hits during move.
- NEW:
- everything :-)
- - Keyboard control
- - Menus
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- V1.5 - 08.09.1993 released
- NEW:
- - MTool is a commodity now (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - You can't work with two MTools simultanously. Starting a second one
- will open the window of the first one (if it was closed) and bring
- to front its screen/window.
- - Improved English texts (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - Barlines in menus (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - NewLookMenus with OS3.0 (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - Proportional fonts for gadgets (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - Maximum font size is 50 pixels now (was 20)
- - Straight insertion instead of bubblesort (faster)
- - New "about"-window (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - Abort rename of multiple files via close gadget (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - Jump to beginning of the file list if you reach the end of the list
- with the cursor keys. (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - Spanish catalog file (José Garcia)
- - new key words to control analyzing: TYPE, FILT and HFIL. (C. J.
- Ellerbeck)
- - Configuable device list with new key word CDEV (Markus Mönig,
- Reinhard Kunter)
- - Thicker frame on gadgets, that can be activated by pressing Return.
- - Parent of assigns works now. (Parent of DEVS: will give you WB_2.x:)
- - If MTool is displayed on the Workbench screen, Parent can be reached
- by clicking on the broad right window frame. (Holger Trapp)
- - Changed manual to AmigaGuide (C. J. Ellerbeck, Andreas Baum)
- - Visible response of the Gadgets if you use the Keyboard shortcuts
- (Brian Jacobson, thanks for your code!)
- - Jump to beginning/end of a file list with Ctrl-Cursor (Matthias Hank)
- - Screen mode requester enables selection of number of colours. (C. J.
- Ellerbeck)
- - MTool is shareware now
- - No guru if you open archives with path names with more than 80 chars
- length.
- - No error message if you select Info without having selected a file.
- (C. J. Ellerbeck)
- - No trashing of the title bar of the string requester if you are using
- a big screen font. (Christian Krenner)
- - Font requester always opened on the Workbench screen on OS2.0 (Marc
- Necker)
- - No false "Disk full" messages any more during copy.
- - "Change Name" in the copy requester now works.
- - If an error occured during "Move", the original file was deleted
- anyway. Fixed. (Bernd Johannes)
- - If an error occured on resizing the window, MTool didn't free all
- resources (memory loss). Fixed. (Bernd Johannes)
- none.