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- From smtp Sat Mar 5 14:39 MST 1994
- >From Boris Thu Mar 3 22:56:47 +0100 1994 remote from alice.tynet.sub.org
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- Received: from alice.tynet.sub.org by fishpond.cygnus.com; Sat, 5 Mar 94 14:39 MST
- Date: Thu, 3 Mar 1994 22:56:47 +0100
- Content-Length: 1784
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- Message-Id: <9403032156.AA004pr@alice.tynet.sub.org>
- From: alice.tynet.sub.org!Boris (Boris Jakubaschk)
- To: fishpond.cygnus.com!fnf
- Subject: MultiTool II
- Status: RO
- Hi Fred!
- Here's a short description of a program I wrote. Perhaps it's
- interesting material for your fish disks or CDs?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- MultiTool II is a directory utility resembling DMaster V1.4
- (cosmetically only). It offers all basic functions (copy, delete,
- ...), special features can be configured using external programs.
- LH-Archives can be double clicked like directories causing MTool to
- display the archive contents in the directory list. Now you can
- copy files into the archive (add), out of the archive (extract) or
- delete them. MTool supports different screenmodes, localization,
- fonts, it opens an appwindow and works as a commodity. Everything
- is set up with a very user friendly prefs editor. MTool needs OS2.0
- (or higher). V2.0a. Shareware. Author: Boris Jakubaschk
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- I'd like it very much if you include it to any of your distributions - Floppy
- or CD. You can get it from Aminet ("MTool20a.LHA"). Please check if the
- install script is working correctly. If not, please rename the file MTool/
- Prefs/Env-Archive/MTool/MTool_GB.prefs to .../MTool.prefs. (I did a bugfix
- in the last second but I fear the version on AmiNet is not fixed yet:-( )
- For questions about omitting files or changing the archive please contact me.
- Thanks for your great work!
- Ciao - Boris.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Boris Jakubaschk | Internet: jakubab@ind.e-technik.uni-stuttgart.de
- Neue Strasse 14/1 | UseNet: Boris@alice.tynet.sub.org
- 70186 Stuttgart | FIDO: Boris Jakubaschk 2:246/1115.2
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------