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- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Filename : TeXPrt.c *
- * *
- * Description : A front-end for DVI printer driver. *
- * *
- * Return Codes : 0 - Program finished without errors. *
- * 1 - Error abort. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Modification History *
- * *
- * Date Author Comments *
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *
- * 3.3.92 R.Bödi Created. *
- * 5.3.92 R.Bödi Added Printout-requester and config file. *
- * 29.6.92 R.Bödi Added 'No of Copies' string gadget. *
- * Changed log shell. *
- * 24.9.92 R.Bödi Added ability to use the DVILJ2P printer driver *
- * as an alternative to the PasTeX DVIPrint. *
- * Disadvantage : No metafont call if a font is *
- * not available. *
- * 25.9.92 R.Bödi Added AREXX-Port. *
- * 24.10.92 R.Bödi Few changes for SAS/C 6.0 *
- * 25.10.92 R.Bödi Now fetches the actual filename of the DVI file *
- * from the ShowDVI previewer if possible. This *
- * needs the ARexx script file TeXPrtPrint.tpr to *
- * work. *
- * 28.10.92 R.Bödi Added NOREQ option to the AREXX print command *
- * which suppresses the confirmation requester. *
- * 22.5.93 R.Bödi Now multiple TeX printer driver are supported *
- * via driver description files (ASCII). *
- * 19.6.93 R.Bödi Added Boopsi gadget for calling file requester. *
- * Thanks to Jan van den Baard for supporting it. *
- * Added AppIcon and AppWindow. *
- * 2.11.93 R.Bödi Changed structure TeXDriver, see TeXPrt.h *
- * 12.2.94 R.Bödi Turned TeXPrt into a MUI application. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Copyright © 1992-1994 Richard Bödi, All rights reserved. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- /*----------------------------- INCLUDES ----------------------------------*/
- #include "TeXPrt.h"
- #include "TexPrt_protos.h"
- #include "TexPrt_globals.h"
- /*-------------------------- GLOBAL DATA ----------------------------------*/
- char AppName[] = "TeXPrt";
- char Version[] = "$VER: TeXPrt"VERSION""__AMIGADATE__;
- char Title[] = "TeXPrint";
- char TempFileName[] = "t:TeXPrint.tmp";
- char DefaultShell[] = "newshell CON:0/0/640/150/TeXPrint-Output";
- char DriverDrawer[] = "TeXDrivers";
- char DriverLogo[] = "TeXPrt printer driver spec file";
- char TeXPrintEnv[] = "TeXPrint";
- char RexxPrintMacro[] = "run sys:Rexxc/rx TexPrtPrint.tpr";
- char RexxStartupMacro[] = "run sys:Rexxc/rx TexPrtInit.tpr";
- struct Args Args;
- struct AvailDrivers Drivers;
- struct TeXDriver TeXDriver;
- struct RawSettings RawSettings;
- struct ParsedSettings ParsedSettings;
- struct DefaultSettings DefaultSettings;
- struct MUIPointers MUIPointers;
- struct StructPointers StructPointers;
- USHORT ActualDriver;
- ULONG IDCMPFlag = 0;
- struct MsgPort *AppMsgPort = NULL;
- struct DiskObject *AppIconObj = NULL;
- struct AppIcon *AppIcon = NULL;
- struct Library *MUIMasterBase = NULL;
- struct NewMenu *Menu = NULL;
- struct EasyStruct
- ConfirmReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"Confirm Printout",
- (UBYTE *)"\n Start Printing ? \n\n Printer : %s \n \n Print %s \n",
- (UBYTE *)"Confirm|Cancel" },
- AboutReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"About",
- (UBYTE *)"\n %s \n\n A front end for the DVI printer driver \n\n\
- (c) 1993-1994 by Richard Bödi\n\n\
- Mathematisches Institut\n\
- Universität Tübingen\n\
- Auf der Morgenstelle 10\n\
- 72076 Tübingen\n\
- Germany\n\n\
- e-mail :\n\
- mmisa01@mailserv.zdv.uni-tuebingen.de\n",
- (UBYTE *)"OK" },
- AppIconReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"About",
- (UBYTE *)"\n This is the AppIcon of the TeXPrt program.\
- \n To select a DVI-File for printing, \n\
- simply drag its icon over this one. \n",
- (UBYTE *)"Fine|Quit TeXPrt" },
- LoadErrorReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"Load Error",
- (UBYTE *)"\n Error in TeXDriver specification file \n %s\n Last line read: %ld\n",
- (UBYTE *)"Accept" },
- SaveErrorReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"Save Error",
- (UBYTE *)"\n Couldn't save TeXDriver specification file \n\n %s \n",
- (UBYTE *)"Accept" },
- NoDVIFileReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"No DVI file specified",
- (UBYTE *)"\n Please select a DVI file to print.\n", (UBYTE *)"of course" },
- QuitReq = { sizeof (struct EasyStruct), 0, (UBYTE *)"Quit Program",
- (UBYTE *)"\n Really quit the program ?\n", (UBYTE *)"Yes|No" };
- /*------------------------------- CODE ------------------------------------*/
- main (int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- int Error = 1;
- USHORT Line;
- long Signals = 0;
- char RexxPortName[NAMELENGTH];
- BPTR OldDirectory, OwnDirectory;
- struct MsgPort *PortFound;
- OwnDirectory = GetProgramDir ();
- OldDirectory = CurrentDir (OwnDirectory);
- stpcpy (RexxPortName, AppName);
- strupr (RexxPortName);
- strcat (RexxPortName, ".1");
- Forbid ();
- PortFound = FindPort (RexxPortName);
- Permit ();
- if (!PortFound)
- {
- stpcpy (Args.ArgStr[KW_SHELL], DefaultShell);
- if (argc == 0)
- ParseWB ((struct WBStartup *)argv);
- if (argc > 1)
- ParseShell (argc, argv);
- if (OpenLibs ())
- printf ("Error opening library.\n");
- else
- {
- Drivers.NoOfDrivers = ScanDrivers (&Drivers);
- if (Drivers.NoOfDrivers <= 0)
- {
- if (Drivers.NoOfDrivers == 0)
- printf ("No TeX printer drivers found in drawer %s.\n", DriverDrawer);
- else
- printf ("DOS error or no memory for pattern matching. \n");
- }
- else
- {
- if (!(Menu = BuildMenuStructure (&Drivers, &ActualDriver)))
- printf ("Couldn't build up menu.\n");
- else
- {
- if (!BuildMUIApp (&MUIPointers, Menu))
- printf ("Couldn't create MUI application.\n");
- else
- {
- StructPointers.AvailDrivers = &Drivers;
- StructPointers.TeXDriver = &TeXDriver;
- StructPointers.RawSettings = &RawSettings;
- StructPointers.ParsedSettings = &ParsedSettings;
- StructPointers.DefaultSettings = &DefaultSettings;
- StructPointers.DriverNumber = ActualDriver;
- StructPointers.MUIPointers = &MUIPointers;
- if (Line = LoadDriverSpec (&StructPointers, ActualDriver))
- EasyRequest (MUIPointers.MainWindow, &LoadErrorReq, &IDCMPFlag,
- Drivers.DriverFiles + ActualDriver * NAMELENGTH, Line);
- else
- UpdateGUI (&MUIPointers, &DefaultSettings, &ParsedSettings);
- SetAttrs (MUIPointers.STR_DVIFile, MUIA_String_Contents, Args.ArgStr[KW_FILE], TAG_DONE);
- Forbid ();
- PortFound = FindPort (RexxPortName);
- Permit ();
- if (PortFound) StructPointers.ARexxAvailable = TRUE;
- else StructPointers.ARexxAvailable = FALSE;
- if (Args.ArgStr[KW_APPICON][0])
- if (BuildAppIcon (&AppMsgPort, &AppIconObj, &AppIcon, Args.ArgStr[KW_APPICON]))
- Signals = 1L<<AppMsgPort->mp_SigBit;
- ProcessIDCMP (&StructPointers, Signals);
- Error = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- system (RexxStartupMacro);
- CurrentDir (OldDirectory);
- Cleanup ();
- return (0);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function name : CallPrinterDriver *
- * *
- * Description : Creates the parameter list for the printer driver and *
- * calls the appropriate printer driver. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Synopsis : CallPrinterDriver (Pointers, NoReq) *
- * *
- * Parameters : *
- * (struct Structures *) Pointers: *
- * A structure consisting of APTRs to various data structures. *
- * (BOOL) NoReq : *
- * TRUE, if a confirmation requester should appear, *
- * FALSE, otherwise *
- * *
- * Return value : None *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- void CallPrinterDriver (struct StructPointers *Pointers, BOOL NoReq)
- {
- int OptionCount, Cnt;
- ULONG GetInt, From, To, Copies;
- char *DVIFile;
- char PrinterName[NAMELENGTH], Pages[NAMELENGTH],
- BOOL Print;
- FILE *TmpFp;
- set (Pointers->MUIPointers->app, MUIA_Application_Sleep, TRUE);
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Integer, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_From, &From);
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Integer, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_To, &To);
- if (GetVar ("DVIPrint", PrinterName, sizeof (PrinterName), GVF_GLOBAL_ONLY) == -1)
- stpcpy (PrinterName, "printer=generic");
- GetAttr (MUIA_Radio_Active, Pointers->MUIPointers->RAD_FromTo, &GetInt);
- if (GetInt == DOCUMENT)
- stpcpy (Pages, "whole document");
- else
- if (From == To) sprintf (Pages, "page %d", From);
- else sprintf (Pages, "pages %d to %d", From, To);
- GetAttr (MUIA_Radio_Active, Pointers->MUIPointers->RAD_OddEven, &GetInt);
- if (GetInt == ODD) strcat (Pages, " (odd pages)");
- if (GetInt == EVEN) strcat (Pages, " (even pages)");
- if (NoReq) Print = TRUE;
- else Print = EasyRequest (Pointers->MUIPointers->MainWindow, &ConfirmReq, &IDCMPFlag, &PrinterName[8], Pages);
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Contents, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_DVIFile, &GetInt);
- DVIFile = (char *)GetInt;
- if ((strlen (DVIFile) == 0) && Print)
- {
- EasyRequest (Pointers->MUIPointers->MainWindow, &NoDVIFileReq, &IDCMPFlag, NULL);
- Print = FALSE;
- }
- if (Print)
- {
- stpcpy (Command, Pointers->TeXDriver->ProgramNode);
- strcat (Command, Pointers->ParsedSettings->Misc);
- GetAttr (MUIA_Radio_Active, Pointers->MUIPointers->RAD_FromTo, &GetInt);
- if (GetInt == FROMTO)
- {
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%d", Pointers->ParsedSettings->From, From);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- if (strcmp (Pointers->ParsedSettings->To, " "))
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%d", Pointers->ParsedSettings->To, To);
- else
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%d", Pointers->ParsedSettings->NoOfPages, To - From + 1);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- }
- if (strcmp(Pointers->ParsedSettings->Copies, " "))
- {
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Integer, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_Copies, &Copies);
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%d", Pointers->ParsedSettings->Copies, Copies);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- }
- GetAttr (MUIA_Radio_Active, Pointers->MUIPointers->RAD_OddEven, &GetInt);
- switch (GetInt)
- {
- case ALL:
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->AllPages);
- break;
- case ODD:
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->OddPages);
- break;
- case EVEN:
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->EvenPages);
- break;
- }
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- GetAttr (MUIA_Radio_Active, Pointers->MUIPointers->RAD_Orientation, &GetInt);
- if (GetInt == PORTRAIT)
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->Portrait);
- else
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->LandScape);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- if (strcmp(Pointers->ParsedSettings->HOffset, " "))
- {
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Integer, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_X, &GetInt);
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%d%s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->HOffset,
- GetInt + Pointers->DefaultSettings->AdjHOffset,
- Pointers->ParsedSettings->HOffsetUnit);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- }
- if (strcmp(Pointers->ParsedSettings->VOffset, " "))
- {
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Integer, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_Y, &GetInt);
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%d%s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->VOffset,
- GetInt + Pointers->DefaultSettings->AdjVOffset,
- Pointers->ParsedSettings->VOffsetUnit);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- }
- for (OptionCount = 0; OptionCount < OPTIONS; OptionCount++)
- {
- GetAttr (MUIA_Selected, Pointers->MUIPointers->CHM_Option[OptionCount], &GetInt);
- if (GetInt)
- {
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s", Pointers->ParsedSettings->Option[OptionCount]);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- }
- }
- GetAttr (MUIA_String_Contents, Pointers->MUIPointers->STR_OutFile, &GetInt);
- sprintf (TempBuffer, " %s%s ", Pointers->ParsedSettings->Device, GetInt);
- strcat (Command, TempBuffer);
- strcat (Command, Pointers->ParsedSettings->DVIFile);
- strcat (Command, DVIFile);
- if (TmpFp = fopen (TempFileName, "w"))
- {
- fprintf (TmpFp, "failat 999\n");
- fprintf (TmpFp, "stack 50000\n");
- if (strcmp (Pointers->ParsedSettings->Copies, " ")) Copies = 1;
- for (Cnt = 0; Cnt < Copies; Cnt++) fprintf (TmpFp, "%s\n", Command);
- fprintf (TmpFp, "Wait 5\n");
- fprintf (TmpFp, "endcli\n");
- fclose (TmpFp);
- Delay (10);
- stpcpy (Console, Args.ArgStr[KW_SHELL]);
- strcat (Console, " from ");
- strcat (Console, TempFileName);
- system (Console);
- }
- }
- set (Pointers->MUIPointers->app, MUIA_Application_Sleep, FALSE);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function name : OpenLibs *
- * *
- * Description : Opens the following libraries: *
- * muimaster.library *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Synopsis : OpenLibs () *
- * *
- * Parameters : None *
- * *
- * Return value : (int) *
- * 0, if opening of all libraries succeeded. *
- * >0, if a library couldn't be openend. *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- int OpenLibs (void);
- int OpenLibs ()
- {
- int Error = 0;
- Error++;
- return (Error);
- }
- /***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Function name : Cleanup *
- * *
- * Description : Frees all allocated memory, closes all used libraries, *
- * closes all screens and windows. *
- * *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Synopsis : Cleanup () *
- * *
- * Parameters : None *
- * *
- * Return value : None *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************
- * *
- * Copyright © 1992 Richard Bödi, All rights reserved. * *
- * *
- ***************************************************************************/
- void Cleanup ()
- {
- DeleteFile (TempFileName);
- if (AppIconObj) FreeDiskObject (AppIconObj);
- if (AppIcon) RemoveAppIcon (AppIcon);
- if (AppMsgPort) DeleteMsgPort (AppMsgPort);
- if (MUIPointers.app) MUI_DisposeObject (MUIPointers.app);
- if (Menu) free (Menu);
- if (MUIMasterBase) CloseLibrary (MUIMasterBase);
- }
- /*---------------------------- END OF FILE --------------------------------*/