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- /*
- * Arbitrary precision decimal arithmetic.
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1984 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, you can either send email to this
- * program's author (see below) or write to: The Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc.; 675 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- /* Some known problems:
- Another problem with decimal_div is found when you try to
- divide a number with > scale fraction digits by 1. The
- expected result is simply truncation, but all sorts of things
- happen instead. An example is that the result of .99999998/1
- with scale set to 6 is .000001
- There are some problems in the behavior of the decimal package
- related to printing and parsing. The
- printer is weird about very large output radices, tending to want
- to output single ASCII characters for any and all digits (even
- in radices > 127). The UNIX bc approach is to print digit groups
- separated by spaces. There is a rather overwrought workaround in
- the function decputc() in bcmisc.c, but it would be better if
- decimal.c got a fix for this. */
- /* For stand-alone testing, compile with -DTEST.
- This DTESTable feature defines a `main' function
- which is a simple loop that accepts input of the form
- number space op space number newline
- where op is +, -, *, /, %, p or r,
- and performs the operation and prints the operands and result.
- `p' means print the first number in the radix spec'd by the second.
- `r' means read the first one in the radix specified by the second
- (and print the result in decimal).
- Divide in this test keeps three fraction digits. */
- #include "decimal.h"
- #define MAX(a, b) (((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)))
- /* Some constant decimal numbers */
- struct decimal decimal_zero = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
- struct decimal decimal_one = {0, 0, 1, 0, 1};
- /*** Assumes RADIX is even ***/
- struct decimal decimal_half = {0, 1, 0, 0, RADIX / 2};
- decimal static decimal_add1 (), decimal_sub1 ();
- static void add_scaled ();
- static int subtract_scaled ();
- /* Create and return a decimal number that has `before' digits before
- the decimal point and `after' digits after. The digits themselves are
- initialized to zero. */
- decimal
- make_decimal (before, after)
- int before, after;
- {
- decimal result;
- if (before >= 1<<16)
- {
- decimal_error ("%d too many decimal digits", before);
- return 0;
- }
- if (after >= 1<<15)
- {
- decimal_error ("%d too many decimal digits", after);
- return 0;
- }
- result = (decimal) malloc (sizeof (struct decimal) + before + after - 1);
- result->sign = 0;
- result->before = before;
- result->after = after;
- result->refcnt = 0;
- bzero (result->contents, before + after);
- return result;
- }
- /* Create a copy of the decimal number `b' and return it. */
- decimal
- decimal_copy (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- decimal result = make_decimal (b->before, b->after);
- bcopy (b->contents, result->contents, LENGTH(b));
- result->sign = b->sign;
- return result;
- }
- /* Copy a decimal number `b' but extend or truncate to exactly
- `digits' fraction digits. */
- static decimal
- decimal_copy_1 (b, digits)
- decimal b;
- int digits;
- {
- if (digits > b->after)
- {
- decimal result = make_decimal (b->before, digits);
- bcopy (b->contents, result->contents + (digits - (int) b->after), LENGTH(b));
- return result;
- }
- else
- return decimal_round_digits (b, digits);
- }
- /* flush specified number `digits' of trailing fraction digits,
- and flush any trailing fraction zero digits exposed after they are gone.
- The number `b' is actually modified; no new storage is allocated.
- That is why this is not global. */
- static void
- flush_trailing_digits (b, digits)
- decimal b;
- int digits;
- {
- int flush = digits;
- int maxdig = b->after;
- while (flush < maxdig && !b->contents [flush])
- flush++;
- if (flush)
- {
- int i;
- b->after -= flush;
- for (i = 0; i < LENGTH (b); i++)
- b->contents[i] = b->contents[flush + i];
- }
- }
- /* Return nonzero integer if the value of decimal number `b' is zero. */
- int
- decimal_zerop (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- return !LENGTH(b);
- }
- /* Compare two decimal numbers arithmetically.
- The value is < 0 if b1 < b2, > 0 if b1 > b2, 0 if b1 = b2.
- This is the same way that `strcmp' reports the result of comparing
- strings. */
- int
- decimal_compare (b1, b2)
- decimal b1, b2;
- {
- int l1, l2;
- char *p1, *p2, *s1, *s2;
- int i;
- /* If signs differ, deduce result from the signs */
- if (b2->sign && !b1->sign) return 1;
- if (b1->sign && !b2->sign) return -1;
- /* If same sign but number of nonfraction digits differs,
- the one with more of them is farther from zero. */
- if (b1->before != b2->before)
- if (b1->sign)
- return (int) (b2->before - b1->before);
- else
- return (int) (b1->before - b2->before);
- /* Else compare the numbers digit by digit from high end */
- l1 = LENGTH(b1);
- l2 = LENGTH(b2);
- s1 = b1->contents; /* Start of number -- don't back up digit pointer past here */
- s2 = b2->contents;
- p1 = b1->contents + l1; /* Scanning pointer, for fetching digits. */
- p2 = b2->contents + l2;
- for (i = MAX(l1, l2); i >= 0; i--)
- {
- int r = ((p1 != s1) ? *--p1 : 0) - ((p2 != s2) ? *--p2 : 0);
- if (r)
- return b1->sign ? -r : r;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the number of digits stored in decimal number `b' */
- int
- decimal_length (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- return LENGTH(b);
- }
- /* Return the number of fraction digits stored in decimal number `b'. */
- int
- decimal_after (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- return b->after;
- }
- /* Round decimal number `b' to have only `digits' fraction digits.
- Result is rounded to nearest unit in the last remaining digit.
- Return the result, another decimal number. */
- decimal
- decimal_round_digits (b, digits)
- decimal b;
- int digits;
- {
- decimal result;
- int old;
- if (b->after <= digits) return decimal_copy (b);
- if (digits < 0)
- {
- decimal_error ("request to keep negative number of digits %d", digits);
- return decimal_copy (b);
- }
- result = make_decimal (b->before + 1, b->after);
- result->sign = b->sign;
- bcopy (b->contents, result->contents, LENGTH(b));
- old = result->after;
- /* Add .5 * last place to keep, so that we round rather than truncate */
- /* Note this ignores sign of result, so if result is negative
- it is subtracting */
- add_scaled (result, DECIMAL_HALF, 1, old - digits - 1);
- /* Flush desired digits, and any trailing zeros exposed by them. */
- flush_trailing_digits (result, old - digits);
- /* Flush leading digits -- always is one, unless was a carry into it */
- while (result->before > 0
- && result->contents[LENGTH(result) - 1] == 0)
- result->before--;
- return result;
- }
- /* Truncate decimal number `b' to have only `digits' fraction digits.
- Any fraction digits in `b' beyond that are dropped and ignored.
- Truncation is toward zero.
- Return the result, another decimal number. */
- decimal
- decimal_trunc_digits (b, digits)
- decimal b;
- int digits;
- {
- decimal result = decimal_copy (b);
- int old = result->after;
- if (old <= digits) return result;
- if (digits < 0)
- {
- decimal_error ("request to keep negative number of digits %d", digits);
- return result;
- }
- flush_trailing_digits (result, old - digits);
- return result;
- }
- /* Return the fractional part of decimal number `b':
- that is, `b' - decimal_trunc_digits (`b') */
- decimal
- decimal_fraction (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- decimal result = make_decimal (0, b->after);
- bcopy (b->contents, result->contents, b->after);
- return result;
- }
- /* return an integer whose value is that of decimal `b', sans its fraction. */
- int
- decimal_to_int (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- int result = 0;
- int i;
- int end = b->after;
- for (i = LENGTH(b) - 1; i >= end; i--)
- {
- result *= RADIX;
- result += b->contents[i];
- }
- return result;
- }
- /* return a decimal whose value is the integer i. */
- decimal
- decimal_from_int (i)
- int i;
- {
- int log, tem;
- decimal result;
- for (log = 0, tem = (i > 0 ? i : - i); tem; log++, tem /= RADIX);
- result = make_decimal (log, 0);
- for (log = 0, tem = (i > 0 ? i : - i); tem; log++, tem /= RADIX)
- result->contents[log] = tem % RADIX;
- if (i < 0) result->sign = 1;
- return result;
- }
- /* Return (as an integer) the result of dividing decimal number `b' by
- integer `divisor'.
- This is used in printing decimal numbers in other radices. */
- int
- decimal_int_rem (b, divisor)
- decimal b;
- int divisor;
- {
- int len = LENGTH(b);
- int end = b->after;
- int accum = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = len - 1; i >= end; i--)
- {
- accum %= divisor;
- accum *= RADIX;
- accum += b->contents[i];
- }
- return accum % divisor;
- }
- /* Convert digit `digit' to a character and output it by calling
- `charout' with it as arg. */
- static void
- print_digit (digit, charout)
- int digit;
- void (*charout) ();
- {
- if (digit < 10)
- charout ('0' + digit);
- else
- charout ('A' + digit - 10);
- }
- /* print decimal number `b' in radix `radix', assuming it is an integer.
- `r' is `radix' expressed as a decimal number. */
- static
- decimal_print_1 (b, r, radix, charout)
- decimal b, r;
- int radix;
- void (*charout) ();
- {
- int digit = decimal_int_rem (b, radix);
- decimal rest = decimal_div (b, r, 0);
- if (!decimal_zerop (rest))
- decimal_print_1 (rest, r, radix, charout);
- print_digit (digit, charout);
- free (rest);
- }
- /* User entry: print decimal number `b' in radix `radix' (an integer),
- outputting characters by calling `charout'. */
- void
- decimal_print (b, charout, radix)
- decimal b;
- void (*charout) ();
- int radix;
- {
- if (b->sign) charout ('-');
- if (radix == RADIX)
- {
- /* decimal output => just print the digits, inserting a point in
- the proper place. */
- int i;
- int before = b->before;
- int len = before + b->after;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- if (i == before) charout ('.');
- /* Broken if RADIX /= 10
- charout ('0' + b->contents [len - 1 - i]); */
- print_digit (b->contents [len - 1 - i], charout);
- }
- if (!len)
- charout ('0');
- }
- else
- {
- /* nonstandard radix: must use multiply and divide to determine the
- digits of the number in that radix. */
- int i;
- extern double log10 ();
- /* Compute the number of fraction digits we want to have in the
- new radix. They should contain the same amount of
- information as the decimal digits we have. */
- int nfrac = (b->after / log10 ((double) radix) + .99);
- decimal r = decimal_from_int (radix);
- decimal intpart = decimal_trunc_digits (b, 0);
- /* print integer part */
- decimal_print_1 (intpart, r, radix, charout);
- free (intpart);
- /* print fraction part */
- if (nfrac)
- {
- decimal tem1, tem2;
- tem1 = decimal_fraction (b);
- charout ('.');
- /* repeatedly multiply by `radix', print integer part as one digit,
- and flush the integer part. */
- for (i = 0; i < nfrac; i++)
- {
- tem2 = decimal_mul (tem1, r);
- free (tem1);
- print_digit (decimal_to_int (tem2), charout);
- tem1 = decimal_fraction (tem2);
- free (tem2);
- }
- free (tem1);
- }
- free (r);
- }
- }
- static int
- decode_digit (digitchar)
- char digitchar;
- {
- if ('0' <= digitchar && digitchar <= '9')
- return digitchar - '0';
- if ('a' <= digitchar && digitchar <= 'z')
- return digitchar - 'a' + 10;
- if ('A' <= digitchar && digitchar <= 'Z')
- return digitchar - 'A' + 10;
- return -1;
- }
- /* Parse string `s' into a number using radix `radix'
- and return result as a decimal number. */
- decimal
- decimal_parse (s, radix)
- char *s;
- int radix;
- {
- int i, len, before = -1;
- char *p;
- char c;
- decimal result;
- int negative = 0;
- int excess_digit = 0;
- if (*s == '-')
- {
- s++;
- negative = 1;
- }
- /* First scan for valid characters.
- Count total num digits, and count num before the decimal point. */
- p = s;
- i = 0;
- while (c = *p++)
- {
- if (c == '.')
- {
- if (before >= 0)
- decimal_error ("two decimal points in %s", s);
- before = i;
- }
- else if (c == '0' && !i && before < 0)
- s++; /* Discard leading zeros */
- else if (decode_digit (c) >= 0)
- {
- i++;
- if (decode_digit (c) > RADIX)
- excess_digit = 1;
- }
- else
- decimal_error ("invalid number %s", s);
- }
- len = i;
- if (before < 0) before = i;
- p = s;
- /* Now parse those digits */
- if (radix != RADIX || excess_digit)
- {
- decimal r = decimal_from_int (radix);
- extern double log10 ();
- int digits = (len - before) * log10 ((double) radix) + .99;
- result = decimal_copy (DECIMAL_ZERO);
- /* Parse all the digits into an integer, ignoring decimal point,
- by multiplying by `radix'. */
- while (i > 0 && (c = *p++))
- {
- if (c != '.')
- {
- decimal newdig = decimal_from_int (decode_digit (c));
- decimal prod = decimal_mul (result, r);
- decimal newresult = decimal_add (newdig, prod);
- free (newdig); free (prod); free (result);
- result = newresult;
- i--;
- }
- }
- /* Now put decimal point in right place
- by dividing by `radix' once for each digit
- that really should have followed the decimal point. */
- for (i = before; i < len; i++)
- {
- decimal newresult = decimal_div (result, r, digits);
- free (result);
- result = newresult;
- }
- free (r);
- }
- else
- {
- /* radix is standard - just copy the digits into a decimal number. */
- int tem;
- result = make_decimal (before, len - before);
- while (i > 0 && (c = *p++))
- {
- if ((c != '.') &&
- ((tem = decode_digit (c)) >= 0))
- result->contents [--i] = tem;
- }
- }
- if (negative) result->sign = 1;
- flush_trailing_digits (result, 0);
- return result;
- }
- /* Add b1 and b2, considering their signs */
- decimal
- decimal_add (b1, b2)
- decimal b1, b2;
- {
- decimal v;
- if (b1->sign != b2->sign)
- v = decimal_sub1 (b1, b2);
- else
- v = decimal_add1 (b1, b2);
- if (b1->sign && !decimal_zerop (v))
- v->sign = !v->sign;
- return v;
- }
- /* Add b1 and minus b2, considering their signs */
- decimal
- decimal_sub (b1, b2)
- decimal b1, b2;
- {
- decimal v;
- if (b1->sign != b2->sign)
- v = decimal_add1 (b1, b2);
- else
- v = decimal_sub1 (b1, b2);
- if (b1->sign && !decimal_zerop (v))
- v->sign = !v->sign;
- return v;
- }
- /* Return the negation of b2. */
- decimal
- decimal_neg (b2)
- decimal b2;
- {
- decimal v = decimal_copy (b2);
- if (!decimal_zerop (v))
- v->sign = !v->sign;
- return v;
- }
- /* add magnitudes of b1 and b2, ignoring their signs. */
- static decimal
- decimal_add1 (b1, b2)
- decimal b1, b2;
- {
- int before = MAX (b1->before, b2->before);
- int after = MAX (b1->after, b2->after);
- int len = before+after+1;
- decimal result = make_decimal (before+1, after);
- int i;
- char *s1 = b1->contents;
- char *s2 = b2->contents;
- char *p1 = s1 + b1->after - after;
- char *p2 = s2 + b2->after - after;
- char *e1 = s1 + b1->before + b1->after;
- char *e2 = s2 + b2->before + b2->after;
- char *pr = result->contents;
- int accum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++, p1++, p2++)
- {
- accum /= RADIX;
- if (p1 >= s1 && p1 < e1) accum += *p1;
- if (p2 >= s2 && p2 < e2) accum += *p2;
- *pr++ = accum % RADIX;
- }
- if (!accum)
- (result->before)--;
- flush_trailing_digits (result, 0);
- return result;
- }
- /* subtract magnitude of b2 from that or b1, returning signed decimal
- number. */
- static decimal
- decimal_sub1 (b1, b2)
- decimal b1, b2;
- {
- int before = MAX (b1->before, b2->before);
- int after = MAX (b1->after, b2->after);
- int len = before+after;
- decimal result = make_decimal (before, after);
- int i;
- char *s1 = b1->contents;
- char *s2 = b2->contents;
- char *p1 = s1 + b1->after - after;
- char *p2 = s2 + b2->after - after;
- char *e1 = s1 + b1->before + b1->after;
- char *e2 = s2 + b2->before + b2->after;
- char *pr = result->contents;
- int accum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++, p1++, p2++)
- {
- if (p1 >= s1 && p1 < e1) accum += *p1;
- if (p2 >= s2 && p2 < e2) accum -= *p2;
- if (accum < 0 && accum % RADIX)
- *pr = RADIX - (- accum) % RADIX;
- else
- *pr = accum % RADIX;
- accum -= *pr++;
- accum /= RADIX;
- }
- /* If result is negative, subtract it from RADIX**length
- so that we get the right digits for sign-magnitude
- rather than RADIX-complement */
- if (accum)
- {
- result->sign = 1;
- pr = result->contents;
- accum = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- {
- accum -= *pr;
- if (accum)
- *pr = accum + RADIX;
- else
- *pr = 0;
- accum -= *pr++;
- accum /= RADIX;
- }
- }
- /* flush leading nonfraction zero digits */
- while (result->before && *--pr == 0)
- (result->before)--;
- flush_trailing_digits (result, 0);
- return result;
- }
- /* multiply b1 and b2 keeping `digits' fraction digits */
- decimal
- decimal_mul_rounded (b1, b2, digits)
- decimal b1, b2;
- int digits;
- {
- decimal tem = decimal_mul (b1, b2);
- decimal result = decimal_round_digits (tem, digits);
- free (tem);
- return result;
- }
- /* multiply b1 and b2 keeping the right number of fraction digits
- for the `dc' program with precision = `digits'. */
- decimal
- decimal_mul_dc (b1, b2, digits)
- decimal b1, b2;
- int digits;
- {
- decimal tem = decimal_mul (b1, b2);
- decimal result
- = decimal_round_digits (tem, MAX (digits, MAX (b1->after, b2->after)));
- free (tem);
- return result;
- }
- /* multiply b1 and b2 as decimal error-free values;
- keep LENGTH(b1) plus LENGTH(b2) significant figures. */
- decimal
- decimal_mul (b1, b2)
- decimal b1, b2;
- {
- decimal result = make_decimal (b1->before + b2->before, b1->after + b2->after);
- int i;
- int length2 = LENGTH(b2);
- char *pr;
- for (i = 0; i < length2; i++)
- add_scaled (result, b1, b2->contents[i], i);
- /* flush leading nonfraction zero digits */
- pr = result->contents + LENGTH(result);
- while (result->before && *--pr == 0)
- (result->before)--;
- flush_trailing_digits (result, 0); /* flush trailing zeros */
- /* Set sign properly */
- if (b1->sign != b2->sign && LENGTH(result))
- result->sign = 1;
- return result;
- }
- /* Modify decimal number `into' by adding `from',
- multiplied by `factor' (which should be nonnegative and less than RADIX)
- and shifted left `scale' digits at the least significant end. */
- static void
- add_scaled (into, from, factor, scale)
- decimal into, from;
- int factor, scale;
- {
- char *pf = from->contents;
- char *pi = into->contents + scale;
- int lengthf = LENGTH(from);
- int lengthi = LENGTH(into) - scale;
- int accum = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < lengthi; i++)
- {
- accum /= RADIX;
- if (i < lengthf)
- accum += *pf++ * factor;
- accum += *pi;
- *pi++ = accum % RADIX;
- }
- }
- /* Divide decimal number `b1' by `b2', keeping at most `digits'
- fraction digits.
- Returns the result as a decimal number.
- When division is not exact, the quotient is truncated toward zero. */
- decimal
- decimal_div (b1, b2, digits)
- decimal b1, b2;
- int digits;
- {
- decimal result = make_decimal (MAX(1, (int) (1 + b1->before - b2->before)), digits);
- /* b1copy holds what is left of the dividend,
- that is not accounted for by the quotient digits already known */
- decimal b1copy = decimal_copy_1 (b1, b2->after + digits);
- int length1 = LENGTH(b1copy);
- int length2 = LENGTH(b2);
- int lengthr = LENGTH(result);
- int i;
- /* leading_divisor_digits contains the first two divisor digits, as
- an integer */
- int leading_divisor_digits = b2->contents[length2-1]*RADIX;
- if (length2 > 1)
- leading_divisor_digits += b2->contents[length2-2];
- if (decimal_zerop (b2))
- {
- decimal_error ("divisor is zero", 0);
- return decimal_copy (DECIMAL_ZERO);
- }
- if (lengthr <= (length1 - length2))
- abort(); /* My reasoning says this cannot happen, I hope */
- for (i = length1 - length2; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- /* Guess the next quotient digit (in order of decreasing significance)
- using integer division */
- int guess;
- int trial_dividend = b1copy->contents[length2+i-1]*RADIX;
- if (i != length1 - length2)
- trial_dividend += b1copy->contents[length2+i]*RADIX*RADIX;
- if (length2 + i > 1)
- trial_dividend += b1copy->contents[length2+i-2];
- guess = trial_dividend / leading_divisor_digits;
- /* Remove the quotient times this digit from the dividend left */
- /* We may find that the quotient digit is too large,
- when we consider the entire divisor.
- Then we decrement the quotient digit and add the divisor back in */
- if (guess && 0 > subtract_scaled (b1copy, b2, guess, i))
- {
- guess--;
- add_scaled (b1copy, b2, 1, i);
- }
- if (guess >= RADIX)
- {
- result->contents[i + 1] += guess / RADIX;
- guess %= RADIX;
- }
- result->contents[i] = guess;
- }
- free (b1copy);
- result->sign = (b1->sign != b2->sign);
- /* flush leading nonfraction zero digits */
- {
- char *pr = result->contents + lengthr;
- while (result->before && *--pr == 0)
- (result->before)--;
- }
- flush_trailing_digits (result, 0); /* Flush trailing zero fraction digits */
- return result;
- }
- /* The remainder for the above division.
- Same as `b1' - (`b1' / `b2') * 'b2'.
- Note that the value depends on the number of fraction digits
- that were kept in computing `b1' / `b2';
- the argument `digits' specifies this.
- The remainder has the same sign as the dividend.
- The divisor's sign is ignored. */
- decimal
- decimal_rem (b1, b2, digits)
- decimal b1, b2;
- int digits;
- {
- decimal b1copy = decimal_copy_1 (b1, b2->after + digits);
- int length1 = LENGTH(b1copy);
- int length2 = LENGTH(b2);
- int i;
- int leading_divisor_digits = b2->contents[length2-1]*RADIX;
- if (length2 > 1)
- leading_divisor_digits += b2->contents[length2-2];
- if (decimal_zerop (b2))
- {
- decimal_error ("divisor is zero", 0);
- return decimal_copy (DECIMAL_ZERO);
- }
- /* Do like division, above, but throw away the quotient.
- Keep only the final `rest of dividend', which becomes the remainder. */
- for (i = length1 - length2; i >= 0; i--)
- {
- int guess;
- int trial_dividend = b1copy->contents[length2+i-1]*RADIX;
- if (i != length1 - length2)
- trial_dividend += b1copy->contents[length2+i]*RADIX*RADIX;
- if (length2 + i > 1)
- trial_dividend += b1copy->contents[length2+i-2];
- guess = trial_dividend / leading_divisor_digits;
- if (guess && 0 > subtract_scaled (b1copy, b2, guess, i))
- {
- guess--;
- add_scaled (b1copy, b2, 1, i);
- }
- /* No need to check whether guess exceeds RADIX
- since we are not saving guess. */
- }
- /* flush leading nonfraction zero digits */
- {
- char *pr = b1copy->contents + length1;
- while (b1copy->before && *--pr == 0)
- (b1copy->before)--;
- }
- flush_trailing_digits (b1copy, 0);
- return b1copy;
- }
- /* returns negative number if we chose factor too large */
- static int
- subtract_scaled (into, from, factor, scale)
- decimal into, from;
- int factor, scale;
- {
- char *pf = from->contents;
- char *pi = into->contents + scale;
- int lengthf = LENGTH(from);
- int lengthi = LENGTH(into) - scale;
- int accum = 0;
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < lengthi && i <= lengthf; i++)
- {
- if (i < lengthf)
- accum -= *pf++ * factor;
- accum += *pi;
- if (accum < 0 && accum % RADIX)
- *pi = RADIX - (- accum) % RADIX;
- else
- *pi = accum % RADIX;
- accum -= *pi++;
- accum /= RADIX;
- }
- return accum;
- }
- /* Return the square root of decimal number D, using Newton's method.
- Number of fraction digits returned is max of FRAC_DIGITS
- and D's number of fraction digits. */
- decimal
- decimal_sqrt (d, frac_digits)
- decimal d;
- int frac_digits;
- {
- decimal guess;
- int notdone = 1;
- if (decimal_zerop (d)) return d;
- if (d->sign)
- {
- decimal_error ("square root argument negative", 0);
- return decimal_copy (DECIMAL_ZERO);
- }
- frac_digits = MAX (frac_digits, d->after);
- /* Compute an initial guess by taking the square root
- of a nearby power of RADIX. */
- if (d->before)
- {
- guess = make_decimal ((d->before + 1) / 2, 0);
- guess->contents[guess->before - 1] = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Arg is less than 1; compute nearest power of RADIX */
- char *p = d->contents + LENGTH(d);
- char *sp = p;
- while (!*--p); /* Find most significant nonzero digit */
- if (sp - p == 1)
- {
- /* Arg is bigger than 1/RADIX; use 1 as a guess */
- guess = decimal_copy (DECIMAL_ONE);
- }
- else
- {
- guess = make_decimal (0, (sp - p) / 2);
- guess->contents[0] = 1;
- }
- }
- /* Iterate doing guess = (guess + d/guess) / 2 */
- while (notdone)
- {
- decimal tem1 = decimal_div (d, guess, frac_digits + 1);
- decimal tem2 = decimal_add (guess, tem1);
- decimal tem3 = decimal_mul_rounded (tem2, DECIMAL_HALF, frac_digits);
- notdone = decimal_compare (guess, tem3);
- free (tem1);
- free (tem2);
- free (guess);
- guess = tem3;
- if (decimal_zerop (guess)) return guess; /* Avoid divide-by-zero */
- }
- return guess;
- }
- /* Raise decimal number `base' to power of integer part of decimal
- number `expt'.
- This function depends on using radix 10.
- It is too hard to write it to work for any value of RADIX,
- so instead it is simply not available if RADIX is not ten. */
- #if !(RADIX - 10)
- decimal
- decimal_expt (base, expt, frac_digits)
- decimal base, expt;
- int frac_digits;
- {
- decimal accum = decimal_copy (DECIMAL_ONE);
- decimal basis1 = base;
- int digits = expt->before;
- int dig = 0; /* Expt digit being processed */
- if (expt->sign)
- /* If negative power, take reciprocal first thing
- so that fraction digit truncation won't destroy
- what will ultimately be nonfraction digits. */
- basis1 = decimal_div (DECIMAL_ONE, base, frac_digits);
- while (dig < digits)
- {
- decimal basis2, basis4, basis8, basis10;
- int thisdigit = expt->contents[expt->after + dig];
- /* Compute factors to multiply in for each bit of this digit */
- basis2 = decimal_mul_rounded (basis1, basis1, frac_digits);
- basis4 = decimal_mul_rounded (basis2, basis2, frac_digits);
- basis8 = decimal_mul_rounded (basis4, basis4, frac_digits);
- /* Now accumulate the factors this digit value selects */
- if (thisdigit & 1)
- {
- decimal accum1 = decimal_mul_rounded (accum, basis1, frac_digits);
- free (accum);
- accum = accum1;
- }
- if (thisdigit & 2)
- {
- decimal accum1 = decimal_mul_rounded (accum, basis2, frac_digits);
- free (accum);
- accum = accum1;
- }
- if (thisdigit & 4)
- {
- decimal accum1 = decimal_mul_rounded (accum, basis4, frac_digits);
- free (accum);
- accum = accum1;
- }
- if (thisdigit & 8)
- {
- decimal accum1 = decimal_mul_rounded (accum, basis8, frac_digits);
- free (accum);
- accum = accum1;
- }
- /* If there are further digits, compute the basis1 for the next digit */
- if (++dig < digits)
- basis10 = decimal_mul_rounded (basis2, basis8, frac_digits);
- /* Free intermediate results */
- if (basis1 != base) free (basis1);
- free (basis2);
- free (basis4);
- free (basis8);
- basis1 = basis10;
- }
- return accum;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef TEST
- fputchar (c)
- char c;
- {
- putchar (c);
- }
- /* Top level that can be used to test the arithmetic functions */
- main ()
- {
- char s1[40], s2[40];
- decimal b1, b2, b3;
- char c;
- while (1)
- {
- scanf ("%s %c %s", s1, &c, s2);
- b1 = decimal_parse (s1, RADIX);
- b2 = decimal_parse (s2, RADIX);
- switch (c)
- {
- default:
- c = '+';
- case '+':
- b3 = decimal_add (b1, b2);
- break;
- case '*':
- b3 = decimal_mul (b1, b2);
- break;
- case '/':
- b3 = decimal_div (b1, b2, 3);
- break;
- case '%':
- b3 = decimal_rem (b1, b2, 3);
- break;
- case 'p':
- decimal_print (b1, fputchar, RADIX);
- printf (" printed in base %d is ", decimal_to_int (b2));
- decimal_print (b1, fputchar, decimal_to_int (b2));
- printf ("\n");
- continue;
- case 'r':
- printf ("%s read in base %d is ", s1, decimal_to_int (b2));
- decimal_print (decimal_parse (s1, decimal_to_int (b2)), fputchar, RADIX);
- printf ("\n");
- continue;
- }
- decimal_print (b1, fputchar, RADIX);
- printf (" %c ", c);
- decimal_print (b2, fputchar, RADIX);
- printf (" = ");
- decimal_print (b3, fputchar, RADIX);
- printf ("\n");
- }
- }
- decimal_error (s1, s2)
- char *s1, *s2;
- {
- printf ("\n");
- printf (s1, s2);
- printf ("\n");
- }
- static void
- pbi (b)
- int b;
- {
- decimal_print ((decimal) b, fputchar, RADIX);
- }
- static void
- pb (b)
- decimal b;
- {
- decimal_print (b, fputchar, RADIX);
- }
- #endif