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GNU Info File | 1992-10-31 | 22.4 KB | 446 lines |
- This is Info file ../info/emacs, produced by Makeinfo-1.49 from the
- input file emacs.texi.
- This file documents the GNU Emacs editor.
- Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1988, 1992 Richard M. Stallman.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
- that the sections entitled "The GNU Manifesto", "Distribution" and "GNU
- General Public License" are included exactly as in the original, and
- provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the
- terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions, except that the sections entitled "The GNU Manifesto",
- "Distribution" and "GNU General Public License" may be included in a
- translation approved by the author instead of in the original English.
- File: emacs, Node: Concept Index, Next: Screen, Prev: Variable Index, Up: Top
- Concept Index
- *************
- * Menu:
- * find and Dired: Dired and Find.
- * ispell program (V19): Spell Changes.
- * A and B buffers (Emerge): Overview of Emerge.
- * Abbrev mode: Abbrevs.
- * abbrevs: Abbrevs.
- * aborting: Quitting.
- * Adaptive Fill mode: Filling Changes.
- * againformation: Dissociated Press.
- * American date style (Calendar, V19): European Calendar Style.
- * apropos: Help.
- * arguments (from shell): Command Switches.
- * arguments, prefix and numeric: Arguments.
- * arrow keys: New Commands.
- * ASCII: Characters.
- * Asm mode (V19): Asm Mode.
- * astronomical calendar: Calendar.
- * attribute (Rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * Auto Fill mode: Auto Fill.
- * Auto-Save mode: Auto Save.
- * autoload: Loading.
- * Backtrace mode: Lisp Debug.
- * backup file: Backup.
- * backups, automatic deleting of: Backup Deletion.
- * batch mode: Command Switches.
- * binding: Commands.
- * blank lines: Comments.
- * blank lines: Blank Lines.
- * body lines (Outline mode): Outline Format.
- * boredom: Amusements.
- * buffer locking: Interlocking.
- * buffer menu: Several Buffers.
- * Buffer Menu mode: Several Buffers.
- * Buffer Menu mode (V19): Other New Modes.
- * buffers: Buffers.
- * buggestion: Dissociated Press.
- * bugs: Bugs.
- * byte code: Compiling Libraries.
- * C mode: Program Modes.
- * C++ mode (V19): Other New Modes.
- * C-: Characters.
- * C-g: Quitting.
- * calendar (V19): Calendar.
- * case conversion: Case.
- * case conversion: Fixing Case.
- * case conversion of file names (V19): Dired Case Conversion.
- * centering: Fill Commands.
- * change buffers: Select Buffer.
- * change log: Change Log.
- * character set: Characters.
- * checking in files: Concepts of VC.
- * checking out files: Concepts of VC.
- * choosing a mode: Choosing Modes.
- * clipping text: Killing.
- * command: Key Bindings.
- * command: Commands.
- * command history: Repetition.
- * command line arguments: Command Switches.
- * command name: Key Bindings.
- * comments: Comments.
- * compilation errors: Compilation.
- * completion: Completion.
- * completion (symbol names): Lisp Completion.
- * continuation line: Continuation Lines.
- * Control: Characters.
- * Control-Meta: Lists.
- * copying files: Misc File Ops.
- * copying text: Yanking.
- * crashes: Auto Save.
- * creating files: Visiting.
- * current buffer: Buffers.
- * current stack frame: Lisp Debug.
- * cursor: Basic.
- * cursor: Point.
- * customization: Customization.
- * customization: Lisp Indent.
- * customization: Commands.
- * cutting: Killing.
- * dates, style of writing (Calendar, V19): European Calendar Style.
- * DBX: Debuggers.
- * debugger: Lisp Debug.
- * debuggers: Debuggers.
- * default argument: Minibuffer.
- * defuns: Defuns.
- * deletion: Killing.
- * deletion: Basic.
- * deletion (of files): Dired.
- * deletion (of files): Misc File Ops.
- * deletion (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * diary and Emacs startup (V19): Startup Diary.
- * diary display (V19): Displaying Diary.
- * diary entries (V19): Diary Entries.
- * diary entries, inserting (V19): New Entries.
- * digest message: Rmail Digest.
- * directory listing: ListDir.
- * Dired: Dired.
- * Dired in V19: Dired Changes.
- * Dired mode: Dired Enter.
- * Dired multiple file ops (V19): Multiple Files.
- * disabled command: Disabling.
- * disassemble: Compiling Libraries.
- * display of diary (V19): Displaying Diary.
- * display time: Mode Line.
- * Distribution: License.
- * doctor: Total Frustration.
- * drastic changes: Reverting.
- * dribble file: Bugs.
- * dynamic abbrevs: Dynamic Abbrevs.
- * echo area: Echo Area.
- * Edebug mode (V19): Edebug Mode.
- * Edit-Abbrevs mode: Editing Abbrevs.
- * editing binary files (V19): Editing Binary Files.
- * editing level, recursive: Recursive Edit.
- * editing level, recursive: Quitting.
- * EDT: Emulation.
- * Electric Nroff mode: Nroff Mode.
- * Eliza: Total Frustration.
- * Emacs initialization file: Init File.
- * Emacs version: Bugs.
- * Emacs-Lisp mode: Lisp Eval.
- * Emerge (V19): Emerge.
- * entering Emacs: Entering Emacs.
- * environment: Single Shell.
- * error log: Compilation.
- * ESC replacing META key: Characters.
- * etags program: Create Tag Table.
- * European calendar style (V19): European Calendar Style.
- * European date style (Calendar, V19): European Calendar Style.
- * exiting: Exiting.
- * exiting: Recursive Edit.
- * expanded subdirectory (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * expanding subdirectories in Dired (V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * expansion (of abbrevs): Abbrevs.
- * expansion of C macros: Macro Expansion.
- * expression: Lists.
- * expressions, regular: Regexp Search.
- * expunging (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * Fancy Diary mode (V19): Simple and Fancy.
- * file dates: Interlocking.
- * file directory: ListDir.
- * file names: File Names.
- * files: Files.
- * files: Basic.
- * files: Visiting.
- * fill prefix: Fill Prefix.
- * filling: Filling.
- * flow control in V19: New Facilities.
- * formfeed: Pages.
- * Fortran mode: Fortran.
- * forward a message: Rmail Reply.
- * French revolutionary calendar: Calendar.
- * ftp: New Facilities.
- * function: Key Bindings.
- * function: Commands.
- * function keys (V19): Key Sequence Changes.
- * GDB: Debuggers.
- * General Public License: License.
- * global keymap: Keymaps.
- * global substitution: Replace.
- * goal column: Basic.
- * graphic characters: Basic.
- * grinding: Grinding.
- * hardcopy: Hardcopy.
- * header (TeX mode): TeX Print.
- * headerline (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * headers (of mail message): Mail Headers.
- * heading lines (Outline mode): Outline Format.
- * Hebrew calendar: Calendar.
- * help: Help.
- * Hexl mode (V19): Editing Binary Files.
- * hiding in Dired (Dired, V19): Hiding Subdirectories.
- * history of commands: Repetition.
- * history, in minibuffer: New Facilities.
- * hook variable (V19): Hook Changes.
- * hooks for files: Visiting.
- * horizontal scrolling: Horizontal Scrolling.
- * ignoriginal: Dissociated Press.
- * in-situ subdirectory (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * inbox file: Rmail Inbox.
- * Incremental search in V19: Search Changes.
- * indentation: Comments.
- * indentation: Indentation.
- * indentation: Grinding.
- * indentation: Indentation.
- * Indented Text mode: Text Mode.
- * Inferior Lisp mode: External Lisp.
- * inferior process: Compilation.
- * Inferior Scheme mode: Lisp Modes.
- * Info mode in V19: Info Changes.
- * init file: Init File.
- * inserted subdirectory (Dired, V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * insertion: Basic.
- * interlocking buffers: Interlocking.
- * invisible lines: Outline Mode.
- * Islamic calendar: Calendar.
- * ISO commercial calendar: Calendar.
- * Julian calendar: Calendar.
- * Julian day number: Calendar.
- * justification: Fill Commands.
- * key: Keys.
- * key rebinding, permanent: Init File.
- * key rebinding, this session: Rebinding.
- * key sequence changes (V19): Key Sequence Changes.
- * keyboard macros: Keyboard Macros.
- * keymap: Commands.
- * keymap: Keymaps.
- * kill ring: Yanking.
- * killing: Killing.
- * killing Emacs: Exiting.
- * label (Rmail): Rmail Labels.
- * LaTeX: TeX Mode.
- * libraries: Lisp Libraries.
- * license to copy Emacs: License.
- * line number: Position Info.
- * Lisp Interaction mode: Lisp Interaction.
- * Lisp mode: Lisp Modes.
- * Lisp mode: Program Modes.
- * list: Lists.
- * listing a directory: ListDir.
- * loading Lisp code: Lisp Libraries.
- * local keymap: Keymaps.
- * local variables: Locals.
- * local variables and Auto Fill: File Variables.
- * local variables in files: File Variables.
- * locking and version control: Concepts of VC.
- * locking buffers: Interlocking.
- * M-: Characters.
- * macro expansion in C: Macro Expansion.
- * mail: Sending Mail.
- * mail arrival: Mode Line.
- * Mail mode: Mail Mode.
- * Mail mode in V19: Mail Changes.
- * major modes: Major Modes.
- * make: Compilation.
- * margin position: Variables.
- * mark: Mark.
- * mark ring: Mark Ring.
- * Markov chain: Dissociated Press.
- * Marks in Dired (V19): Marks in Dired.
- * master file: Concepts of VC.
- * matching parentheses: Matching.
- * Mayan calendar: Calendar.
- * merge buffer (Emerge): Overview of Emerge.
- * merging files (V19): Emerge.
- * message: Sending Mail.
- * message: Rmail.
- * message number: Rmail.
- * Meta: Characters.
- * Meta: Words.
- * minibuffer: M-x.
- * minibuffer: Minibuffer.
- * minibuffer: Keymaps.
- * minibuffer history: New Facilities.
- * minor modes: Minor Modes.
- * mistakes, correcting: Undo.
- * mistakes, correcting: Fixit.
- * mocklisp: Mocklisp.
- * mode hook: Program Modes.
- * mode line: Mode Line.
- * mode line: Minor Modes.
- * mode selection: Choosing Modes.
- * modified (buffer): Visiting.
- * mouse buttons (V19): Key Sequence Changes.
- * moving text: Yanking.
- * Multiple file ops, Dired (V19): Multiple Files.
- * named configurations (RCS): Snapshot Caveats.
- * narrowing: Narrowing.
- * newline: Basic.
- * nonincremental search: Nonincremental Search.
- * normal hook (V19): Hook Changes.
- * nroff: Nroff Mode.
- * Nroff mode: Nroff Mode.
- * numeric arguments: Arguments.
- * option: Examining.
- * option: Variables.
- * Options mode: Edit Options.
- * other editors: Emulation.
- * Outline mode: Outline Mode.
- * outlines: Outline Mode.
- * outragedy: Dissociated Press.
- * Overwrite mode: Minor Modes.
- * pages: Pages.
- * paragraphs: Paragraphs.
- * parentheses: Matching.
- * pasting: Yanking.
- * per-buffer variables: Locals.
- * Picture mode: Picture.
- * pictures: Picture.
- * point: Basic.
- * point: Point.
- * prefix arguments: Arguments.
- * prefix key: Keys.
- * presidentagon: Dissociated Press.
- * primary mail file: Rmail.
- * Printing diary (V19): Printing Diary.
- * prompt: Minibuffer.
- * properbose: Dissociated Press.
- * query replace: Query Replace.
- * quitting: Quitting.
- * quitting: Quitting.
- * quitting (in search): Incremental Search.
- * quoting: Basic.
- * RCS: Concepts of VC.
- * read-only buffer: Misc Buffer.
- * reading netnews: GNUS.
- * rebinding keys, permanently: Init File.
- * rebinding keys, this session: Rebinding.
- * rebinding keys, this session: Rebinding.
- * rectangles: Rectangles.
- * rectangles and Picture mode: Rectangles in Picture.
- * recursive editing level: Quitting.
- * recursive editing level: Recursive Edit.
- * recursive minibuffer: Minibuffer Edit.
- * regexp: Regexp Search.
- * region: Case.
- * region: Mark.
- * registered file: Concepts of VC.
- * registers: Registers.
- * regular expression: Regexp Search.
- * remote file access: New Facilities.
- * replacement: Replace.
- * reply to a message: Rmail Reply.
- * restriction: Narrowing.
- * right margin position: Variables.
- * Rmail: Rmail.
- * Rmail in V19: Mail Changes.
- * Rmail mode: Rmail.
- * Rmail Summary mode: Rmail Summary Edit.
- * saving: Visiting.
- * SCCS: Concepts of VC.
- * Scheme mode: Program Modes.
- * Scheme mode: Lisp Modes.
- * scratch buffer: Lisp Interaction.
- * screen: Screen.
- * scrolling: Scrolling.
- * SDB: Debuggers.
- * searching: Search.
- * selected buffer: Buffers.
- * selected window: Basic Window.
- * selection of mode: Choosing Modes.
- * selective display: Outline Mode.
- * self-documentation: Help.
- * sentences: Sentences.
- * setting variables: Examining.
- * sexp: Lists.
- * shell commands: Shell.
- * shell commands, Dired V19: Shell Commands in Dired.
- * Shell mode: Shell Mode.
- * Shell mode in V19: Shell Changes.
- * Simple Diary mode (V19): Simple and Fancy.
- * simultaneous editing: Interlocking.
- * snapshots and version control: Snapshots.
- * sorting: Sorting.
- * sparse keymap: Keymaps.
- * Spell checking in V19: Spell Changes.
- * spelling: Spelling.
- * string substitution: Replace.
- * subdirectories in Dired (V19): Subdirectories in Dired.
- * subscribe newsgroups (V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * subshell: Shell.
- * subtree (Outline mode): Outline Visibility.
- * summaries in Rmail: Rmail Summary Edit.
- * summary (Rmail): Rmail Summary.
- * suspending: Exiting.
- * switch buffers: Select Buffer.
- * syntax table: Syntax.
- * syntax table: Words.
- * tag table: Tags.
- * tags in V19: Tags Changes.
- * techniquitous: Dissociated Press.
- * television: Appending Kills.
- * termscript file: Bugs.
- * TeX: TeX Mode.
- * TeX mode: TeX Mode.
- * Tex mode in V19: TeX Mode Changes.
- * Texinfo mode: Texinfo Mode.
- * text: Text.
- * Text mode: Text Mode.
- * time displayed in mode line: Mode Line.
- * top level: Mode Line.
- * transposition: Transpose.
- * transposition: Words.
- * transposition: Lists.
- * truncation: Continuation Lines.
- * typos: Fixit.
- * undeletion (Rmail): Rmail Deletion.
- * undigestify: Rmail Digest.
- * undo: Undo.
- * universal argument: Arguments.
- * unsubscribe newsgroups (V19): Summary of GNUS.
- * variables: Variables.
- * version control: Version Control.
- * version of Emacs: Bugs.
- * versions, keeping old: Backup Deletion.
- * vi: Emulation.
- * VI mode: Emulation.
- * View mode: Misc Buffer.
- * viewing: Misc File Ops.
- * visiting: Visiting.
- * visiting files: Visiting.
- * widening: Narrowing.
- * windows: Windows.
- * word search: Word Search.
- * words: Words.
- * words: Case.
- * words: Fixing Case.
- * WordStar mode (V19): Other New Modes.
- * work file: Concepts of VC.
- * wrapping: Filling.
- * xon-xoff in V19: New Facilities.
- * yanking: Yanking.