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- /* $Header: Activate.c,v 1.16 88/02/02 19:08:46 jim Exp $ */
- /* Copyright Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1985 */
- #include "copyright.h"
- /*
- * XMenu: MIT Project Athena, X Window system menu package
- *
- * XMenuActivate - Maps a given menu to the display and activates
- * the menu for user selection. The user is allowed to
- * specify which pane and selection will be current,
- * the X and Y location of the menu (relative to the
- * parent window) and the mouse button event mask that
- * will be used to identify a selection request.
- *
- * A menu selection is shown to be current by placing
- * a highlight box around the selection as the mouse
- * cursor enters its active region. Inactive selections
- * will not be highlited. As the mouse cursor moved
- * from one menu pane to another menu pane the pane being
- * entered is raised and made current and the pane being
- * left is lowered.
- *
- * Anytime XMenuActivate returns, the p_num and
- * s_num are left at their last known values (i.e.,
- * the last known current pane and selection indices).
- * The following are the defined return states:
- *
- * 1) If at any time an error occurs the data
- * pointer is left untouched and XM_FAILURE
- * is returned.
- *
- * 2) When a selection request is recieved (i.e.,
- * when the specified mouse event occurs) the
- * data pointer will be set to the data
- * associated with the particular selection
- * current at the time of the selection request
- * and XM_SUCCESS is returned.
- *
- * 3) If no selection was current at the time a
- * selection request is made the data pointer
- * will be left untouched and XM_NO_SELECT will
- * be returned.
- *
- * 4) If the selection that was current at the time
- * a selection request is made is not an active
- * selection the data pointer will be left
- * untouched and XM_IA_SELECT will be returned.
- *
- * Since X processes events in an asynchronous manner
- * it is likely that XMenuActivate will encounter
- * a "foreign event" while it is executing. Foreign
- * events are handled in one of three ways:
- *
- * 1) The event is discarded. This is the default
- * mode and requires no action on the part of the
- * application.
- *
- * 2) The application has identified an asynchronous
- * event handler that will be called and the
- * foreign event handed off to it. Note:
- * AEQ mode disables this mode temporarily.
- *
- * 3) The application has enabled asynchronous event
- * queueing mode. In this mode all foreign events
- * will be queued up untill XMenuActivate
- * terminates; at which time they will be
- * returned to the X event queue. As long as
- * AEQ mode is enabled any asynchronous event
- * handler as temporarily disabled.
- *
- * Any events encountered while taking down the menu
- * (i.e., exposure events from occluded windows) will
- * automatically be returned to the X event queue after
- * XMenuActivate has cleaned the queue of any of its own
- * events that are no longer needed.
- *
- * Author: Tony Della Fera, DEC
- * March 12, 1986
- *
- */
- #include "XMenuInt.h"
- int
- XMenuActivate(display, menu, p_num, s_num, x_pos, y_pos, event_mask, data)
- register Display *display; /* Display to put menu on. */
- register XMenu *menu; /* Menu to activate. */
- int *p_num; /* Pane number selected. */
- int *s_num; /* Selection number selected. */
- int x_pos; /* X coordinate of menu position. */
- int y_pos; /* Y coordinate of menu position. */
- unsigned int event_mask; /* Mouse button event mask. */
- char **data; /* Pointer to return data value. */
- {
- int status; /* X routine call status. */
- int orig_x; /* Upper left menu origin X coord. */
- int orig_y; /* Upper left menu origin Y coord. */
- int ret_val; /* Return value. */
- register XMPane *p_ptr; /* Current XMPane. */
- register XMPane *event_xmp; /* Event XMPane pointer. */
- register XMPane *cur_p; /* Current pane. */
- register XMSelect *cur_s; /* Current selection. */
- XMWindow *event_xmw; /* Event XMWindow pointer. */
- XEvent event; /* X input event. */
- XEvent peek_event; /* X input peek ahead event. */
- Bool selection = False; /* Selection has been made. */
- Bool forward = True; /* Moving forward in the pane list. */
- Window root, child;
- int root_x, root_y, win_x, win_y;
- unsigned int mask;
- /*
- * Define and allocate a foreign event queue to hold events
- * that don't belong to XMenu. These events are later restored
- * to the X event queue.
- */
- typedef struct _xmeventque {
- XEvent event;
- struct _xmeventque *next;
- } XMEventQue;
- XMEventQue *feq = NULL; /* Foreign event queue. */
- XMEventQue *feq_tmp; /* Foreign event queue temporary. */
- /*
- * If there are no panes in the menu then return failure
- * because the menu is not initialized.
- */
- if (menu->p_count == 0) {
- _XMErrorCode = XME_NOT_INIT;
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- /*
- * Find the desired current pane.
- */
- cur_p = _XMGetPanePtr(menu, *p_num);
- if (cur_p == NULL) {
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- cur_p->activated = cur_p->active;
- /*
- * Find the desired current selection.
- * If the current selection index is out of range a null current selection
- * will be assumed and the cursor will be placed in the current pane
- * header.
- */
- cur_s = _XMGetSelectionPtr(cur_p, *s_num);
- /*
- * Compute origin of menu so that cursor is in
- * Correct pane and selection.
- */
- _XMTransToOrigin(display,
- menu,
- cur_p, cur_s,
- x_pos, y_pos,
- &orig_x, &orig_y);
- menu->x_pos = orig_x; /* Store X and Y coords of menu. */
- menu->y_pos = orig_y;
- if (XMenuRecompute(display, menu) == XM_FAILURE) {
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- /*
- * Flush the window creation queue.
- * This batches all window creates since lazy evaluation
- * is more efficient than individual evaluation.
- * This routine also does an XFlush().
- */
- if (_XMWinQueFlush(display, menu, cur_p, cur_s) == _FAILURE) {
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- /*
- * Make sure windows are in correct order (in case we were passed
- * an already created menu in incorrect order.)
- */
- for(p_ptr = menu->p_list->next; p_ptr != cur_p; p_ptr = p_ptr->next)
- XRaiseWindow(display, p_ptr->window);
- for(p_ptr = menu->p_list->prev; p_ptr != cur_p->prev; p_ptr = p_ptr->prev)
- XRaiseWindow(display, p_ptr->window);
- /*
- * Make sure all selection windows are mapped.
- */
- for (
- p_ptr = menu->p_list->next;
- p_ptr != menu->p_list;
- p_ptr = p_ptr->next
- ){
- XMapSubwindows(display, p_ptr->window);
- }
- /*
- * Synchronize the X buffers and the event queue.
- * From here on, all events in the queue that don't belong to
- * XMenu are sent back to the application via an application
- * provided event handler or discarded if the application has
- * not provided an event handler.
- */
- XSync(display, 0);
- /*
- * Grab the mouse for menu input.
- */
- status = XGrabPointer(
- display,
- menu->parent,
- True,
- event_mask,
- GrabModeAsync,
- GrabModeAsync,
- None,
- menu->mouse_cursor,
- CurrentTime
- );
- if (status == _X_FAILURE) {
- _XMErrorCode = XME_GRAB_MOUSE;
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- /*
- * Map the menu panes.
- */
- XMapWindow(display, cur_p->window);
- for (p_ptr = menu->p_list->next;
- p_ptr != cur_p;
- p_ptr = p_ptr->next)
- XMapWindow(display, p_ptr->window);
- for (p_ptr = cur_p->next;
- p_ptr != menu->p_list;
- p_ptr = p_ptr->next)
- XMapWindow(display, p_ptr->window);
- XRaiseWindow(display, cur_p->window); /* Make sure current */
- /* pane is on top. */
- cur_s = NULL; /* Clear current selection. */
- /*
- * Begin event processing loop.
- */
- while (1) {
- XNextEvent(display, &event); /* Get next event. */
- switch (event.type) { /* Dispatch on the event type. */
- case Expose:
- event_xmp = (XMPane *)XLookUpAssoc(display,
- menu->assoc_tab,
- event.xexpose.window);
- if (event_xmp == NULL) {
- /*
- * If AEQ mode is enabled then queue the event.
- */
- if (menu->aeq) {
- feq_tmp = (XMEventQue *)malloc(sizeof(XMEventQue));
- if (feq_tmp == NULL) {
- _XMErrorCode = XME_CALLOC;
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- feq_tmp->event = event;
- feq_tmp->next = feq;
- feq = feq_tmp;
- }
- else if (_XMEventHandler) (*_XMEventHandler)(&event);
- break;
- }
- if (event_xmp->activated) {
- XSetWindowBackground(display,
- event_xmp->window,
- menu->bkgnd_color);
- }
- else {
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display,
- event_xmp->window,
- menu->inact_pixmap);
- }
- _XMRefreshPane(display, menu, event_xmp);
- break;
- case EnterNotify:
- /*
- * First wait a small period of time, and see
- * if another EnterNotify event follows hard on the
- * heels of this one. i.e., the user is simply
- * "passing through". If so, ignore this one.
- */
- event_xmw = (XMWindow *)XLookUpAssoc(display,
- menu->assoc_tab,
- event.xcrossing.window);
- if (event_xmw == NULL) break;
- if (event_xmw->type == SELECTION) {
- /*
- * We have entered a selection.
- */
- /* if (XPending(display) == 0) usleep(150000); */
- if (XPending(display) != 0) {
- XPeekEvent(display, &peek_event);
- if(peek_event.type == LeaveNotify) {
- break;
- }
- }
- cur_s = (XMSelect *)event_xmw;
- /*
- * If the pane we are in is active and the
- * selection entered is active then activate
- * the selection.
- */
- if (cur_p->active && cur_s->active) {
- cur_s->activated = 1;
- _XMRefreshSelection(display, menu, cur_s);
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * We have entered a pane.
- */
- /* if (XPending(display) == 0) usleep(150000); */
- if (XPending(display) != 0) {
- XPeekEvent(display, &peek_event);
- if (peek_event.type == EnterNotify) break;
- }
- XQueryPointer(display,
- menu->parent,
- &root, &child,
- &root_x, &root_y,
- &win_x, &win_y,
- &mask);
- event_xmp = (XMPane *)XLookUpAssoc(display,
- menu->assoc_tab,
- child);
- if (event_xmp == NULL) break;
- if (event_xmp == cur_p) break;
- if (event_xmp->serial > cur_p->serial) forward = True;
- else forward = False;
- p_ptr = cur_p;
- while (p_ptr != event_xmp) {
- if (forward) p_ptr = p_ptr->next;
- else p_ptr = p_ptr->prev;
- XRaiseWindow(display, p_ptr->window);
- }
- if (cur_p->activated) {
- cur_p->activated = False;
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display,
- cur_p->window,
- menu->inact_pixmap);
- _XMRefreshPane(display, menu, cur_p);
- }
- if (event_xmp->active) event_xmp->activated = True;
- cur_p = event_xmp;
- }
- break;
- case LeaveNotify:
- event_xmw = (XMWindow *)XLookUpAssoc(
- display,
- menu->assoc_tab,
- event.xcrossing.window
- );
- if (event_xmw == NULL) break;
- if(cur_s == NULL) break;
- /*
- * If the current selection was activated then
- * deactivate it.
- */
- if (cur_s->activated) {
- cur_s->activated = False;
- _XMRefreshSelection(display, menu, cur_s);
- }
- cur_s = NULL;
- break;
- case ButtonPress:
- case ButtonRelease:
- *p_num = cur_p->serial;
- /*
- * Check to see if there is a current selecion.
- */
- if (cur_s != NULL) {
- /*
- * Set the selection number to the current selection.
- */
- *s_num = cur_s->serial;
- /*
- * If the current selection was activated then
- * we have a valid selection otherwise we have
- * an inactive selection.
- */
- if (cur_s->activated) {
- *data = cur_s->data;
- ret_val = XM_SUCCESS;
- }
- else {
- ret_val = XM_IA_SELECT;
- }
- }
- else {
- /*
- * No selection was current.
- */
- ret_val = XM_NO_SELECT;
- }
- selection = True;
- break;
- default:
- /*
- * If AEQ mode is enabled then queue the event.
- */
- if (menu->aeq) {
- feq_tmp = (XMEventQue *)malloc(sizeof(XMEventQue));
- if (feq_tmp == NULL) {
- _XMErrorCode = XME_CALLOC;
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- feq_tmp->event = event;
- feq_tmp->next = feq;
- feq = feq_tmp;
- }
- else if (_XMEventHandler) (*_XMEventHandler)(&event);
- }
- /*
- * If a selection has been made, break out of the event loop.
- */
- if (selection == True) break;
- }
- /*
- * Unmap the menu.
- */
- for ( p_ptr = menu->p_list->next;
- p_ptr != menu->p_list;
- p_ptr = p_ptr->next)
- {
- XUnmapWindow(display, p_ptr->window);
- }
- /*
- * Ungrab the mouse.
- */
- XUngrabPointer(display, CurrentTime);
- /*
- * Restore bits under where the menu was if we managed
- * to save them and free the pixmap.
- */
- /*
- * If there is a current selection deactivate it.
- */
- if (cur_s != NULL) cur_s->activated = 0;
- /*
- * Deactivate the current pane.
- */
- cur_p->activated = 0;
- XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap(display, cur_p->window, menu->inact_pixmap);
- /*
- * Synchronize the X buffers and the X event queue.
- */
- XSync(display, 0);
- /*
- * Dispatch any events remaining on the queue.
- */
- while (QLength(display)) {
- /*
- * Fetch the next event.
- */
- XNextEvent(display, &event);
- /*
- * Discard any events left on the queue that belong to XMenu.
- * All others are held and then returned to the event queue.
- */
- switch (event.type) {
- case Expose:
- case EnterNotify:
- case LeaveNotify:
- case ButtonPress:
- case ButtonRelease:
- /*
- * Does this event belong to one of XMenu's windows?
- * If so, discard it and process the next event.
- * If not fall through and treat it as a foreign event.
- */
- event_xmp = (XMPane *)XLookUpAssoc(
- display,
- menu->assoc_tab,
- event.xbutton.window
- );
- if (event_xmp != NULL) continue;
- default:
- /*
- * This is a foreign event.
- * Queue it for later return to the X event queue.
- */
- feq_tmp = (XMEventQue *)malloc(sizeof(XMEventQue));
- if (feq_tmp == NULL) {
- _XMErrorCode = XME_CALLOC;
- return(XM_FAILURE);
- }
- feq_tmp->event = event;
- feq_tmp->next = feq;
- feq = feq_tmp;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Return any foreign events that were queued to the X event queue.
- */
- while (feq != NULL) {
- feq_tmp = feq;
- XPutBackEvent(display, &feq_tmp->event);
- feq = feq_tmp->next;
- free((char *)feq_tmp);
- }
- /*
- * Return successfully.
- */
- _XMErrorCode = XME_NO_ERROR;
- return(ret_val);
- }