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- /* xargs -- build and execute command lines from standard input
- Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* Author:
- Mike Rendell Department of Computer Science
- michael@garfield.mun.edu Memorial University of Newfoundland
- ..!uunet!garfield!michael St. John's, Nfld., Canada
- (709) 737-4550 A1C 5S7 */
- #define _GNU_SOURCE
- #include <ctype.h>
- #ifndef isascii
- #define isascii(c) 1
- #endif
- #ifdef isblank
- #define ISBLANK(c) (isascii (c) && isblank (c))
- #else
- #define ISBLANK(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t')
- #endif
- #define ISSPACE(c) (ISBLANK (c) || (c) == '\n' || (c) == '\r' \
- || (c) == '\f' || (c) == '\v')
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <getopt.h>
- #if defined(HAVE_STRING_H) || defined(STDC_HEADERS)
- #include <string.h>
- #if !defined(STDC_HEADERS)
- #include <memory.h>
- #endif
- #define bcopy(source, dest, count) (memcpy((dest), (source), (count)))
- #else
- #include <strings.h>
- #endif
- char *strstr ();
- #ifndef _POSIX_SOURCE
- #include <sys/param.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_LIMITS_H
- #include <limits.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- /* COMPAT: SYSV version defaults size (and has a max value of) to 470. We
- try to make it as large as possible. */
- #if !defined(ARG_MAX) && defined(_SC_ARG_MAX)
- #define ARG_MAX sysconf (_SC_ARG_MAX)
- #endif
- #ifndef ARG_MAX
- #define ARG_MAX NCARGS
- #endif
- #include "wait.h"
- /* States for read_line. */
- #define NORM 0
- #define SPACE 1
- #define QUOTE 2
- #define BACKSLASH 3
- /* A linked list of processes that we have forked off. */
- struct pid_list
- {
- int pl_pid;
- struct pid_list *pl_next;
- };
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #else
- char *malloc ();
- void exit ();
- void free ();
- long strtol ();
- extern int errno;
- #endif
- char *strdup ();
- char *xmalloc ();
- void error ();
- static int read_string ();
- static int read_line ();
- static int print_args ();
- static long env_size ();
- static long parse_num ();
- static void add_proc ();
- static void do_exec ();
- static void do_insert ();
- static void push_arg ();
- static void usage ();
- static void wait_for_proc ();
- extern char **environ;
- /* The name this program was run with. */
- char *program_name;
- /* If nonzero, then instead of putting the args from stdin
- at the end of the command argument list, they are each stuck into the
- initial args, replacing each occurrence of the `replace_pat' in the
- initial args. */
- static char *replace_pat = 0;
- /* If nonzero, when this string is read on stdin it is treated as end of file.
- I don't like this - it should default to NULL. */
- static char *eof_str = "_";
- /* If nonzero, the maximum number of nonblank lines from stdin to use
- per command line. */
- static long lines_per_exec = 0;
- /* The maximum number of arguments to use per command line.
- The default is specified by POSIX. */
- static long nargs_per_exec = 255;
- /* The maximum number of characters that can be used per command line. */
- static long arg_max;
- /* If nonzero, print each command on stderr before executing it. */
- static int print_command = 0;
- /* If nonzero, exit if lines_per_exec or nargs_per_exec is exceeded. */
- static int exit_if_size_exceeded = 0;
- /* If nonzero, query the user before executing each command, and only
- execute the command if the user responds affirmatively. */
- static int query_before_executing = 0;
- /* If nonzero, run the command at least once, even if there is no input. */
- static int always_run_command = 1;
- /* If nonzero, the maximum number of child processes that can be running
- at once. */
- static int proc_max = 1;
- /* Total number of child processes that have been executed. */
- static int processes_executed = 0;
- /* List of child processes currently executing. */
- static struct pid_list *pid_list = 0;
- /* The number of elements in `pid_list'. */
- static int procs_executing = 0;
- /* Default program to run. */
- static char def_prog[] = "/bin/echo";
- /* Buffer for reading arguments from stdin. */
- static char *linebuf;
- /* Temporary copy of each arg with the replace pattern replaced by the
- real arg. */
- static char *insertbuf;
- /* Line number in stdin since the last command was executed. */
- static int lineno = 0;
- /* The list of args being built. */
- static char **cmd_argv = 0;
- /* Number of elements allocated for `cmd_argv'. */
- static int cmd_nargv = 0;
- /* Number of valid elements in `cmd_argv'. */
- static int cmd_argc = 0;
- /* Number of chars in `cmd_argv'. */
- static int cmd_ncargs = 0;
- /* Number of initial arguments given on the command line. */
- static int cmd_initial_argc = 0;
- /* Number of chars in the initial args. */
- static int cmd_initial_ncargs = 0;
- /* Nonzero when building up initial arguments in `cmd_argv'. */
- static int static_args = 1;
- /* Nonzero (exit status) if any child process exited with a status of 1-125. */
- static int child_error = 0;
- /* For reading user response to prompting from /dev/tty. */
- static FILE *tty_stream;
- static struct option const longopts[] =
- {
- {"null", 0, NULL, '0'},
- {"eof", 2, NULL, 'e'},
- {"replace", 2, NULL, 'i'},
- {"max-lines", 2, NULL, 'l'},
- {"max-args", 1, NULL, 'n'},
- {"interactive", 0, NULL, 'p'},
- {"no-run-if-empty", 0, NULL, 'r'},
- {"max-chars", 1, NULL, 's'},
- {"verbose", 0, NULL, 't'},
- {"exit", 0, NULL, 'x'},
- {"max-procs", 1, NULL, 'P'},
- {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}
- };
- void
- main (argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- int optc;
- long orig_arg_max;
- char *dummy;
- int (*read_args) () = read_line;
- program_name = argv[0];
- orig_arg_max = arg_max = ARG_MAX;
- /* Sanity check for systems with huge ARG_MAX defines (e.g., Suns which
- have it at 1 meg). Things will work fine with a large ARG_MAX but it
- will probably hurt the system more than it needs to; an array of this
- size is allocated. */
- if (arg_max > 20 * 1024)
- arg_max = 20 * 1024;
- /* Adjust arg_max to take the size of the environment into account. */
- arg_max -= env_size (environ);
- if (arg_max <= 0)
- error (1, 0, "environment is too large for exec");
- while ((optc = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+0e::i::l::n:prs:txP:",
- longopts, (int *) 0)) != -1)
- {
- switch (optc)
- {
- case '0':
- read_args = read_string;
- break;
- case 'e':
- if (optarg)
- eof_str = optarg;
- else
- eof_str = 0;
- break;
- case 'i':
- if (optarg)
- replace_pat = optarg;
- else
- replace_pat = "{}";
- /* -i excludes -n -l. */
- nargs_per_exec = 0;
- lines_per_exec = 0;
- break;
- case 'l':
- if (optarg)
- lines_per_exec = parse_num (optarg, 'l', 1L, -1L);
- else
- lines_per_exec = 1;
- /* -l excludes -i -n. */
- nargs_per_exec = 0;
- replace_pat = 0;
- break;
- case 'n':
- nargs_per_exec = parse_num (optarg, 'n', 1L, -1L);
- /* -n excludes -i -l. */
- lines_per_exec = 0;
- replace_pat = 0;
- break;
- case 's':
- arg_max = parse_num (optarg, 's', 1L, orig_arg_max);
- break;
- case 't':
- print_command++;
- break;
- case 'x':
- exit_if_size_exceeded++;
- break;
- case 'p':
- query_before_executing++;
- break;
- case 'r':
- always_run_command = 0;
- break;
- case 'P':
- proc_max = parse_num (optarg, 'P', 0L, -1L);
- break;
- default:
- usage ();
- }
- }
- if (query_before_executing)
- {
- print_command++;
- tty_stream = fopen ("/dev/tty", "r");
- if (!tty_stream)
- error (1, errno, "/dev/tty");
- }
- if (replace_pat || lines_per_exec)
- exit_if_size_exceeded++;
- linebuf = xmalloc ((unsigned) arg_max + 1);
- if (optind == argc)
- {
- optind = 0;
- argc = 1;
- dummy = def_prog;
- argv = &dummy;
- }
- if (!replace_pat)
- {
- while (optind < argc)
- push_arg (argv[optind++]);
- static_args = 0;
- cmd_initial_argc = cmd_argc;
- cmd_initial_ncargs = cmd_ncargs;
- while ((*read_args) () == 0)
- if (lines_per_exec && lineno >= lines_per_exec)
- {
- do_exec ();
- lineno = 0;
- }
- /* SYSV xargs seems to do at least one exec, even if the
- input is empty. */
- if (cmd_argc != cmd_initial_argc
- || (always_run_command && processes_executed == 0))
- do_exec ();
- }
- else
- {
- int ac;
- char **av;
- insertbuf = xmalloc ((unsigned) arg_max + 1);
- while ((*read_args) () == 0)
- {
- push_arg (argv[optind]); /* Don't do insert on command name. */
- for (ac = argc - optind, av = argv + optind; --ac > 0;)
- do_insert (*++av, linebuf);
- do_exec ();
- }
- }
- wait_for_proc (1);
- exit (child_error);
- }
- /* Read a line of arguments from stdin and add them to the list of
- arguments to pass to the command. Ignore blank lines and initial blanks.
- Single and double quotes and backslashes quote metacharacters and blanks
- as they do in the shell.
- Return -1 if eof (either physical or logical) is reached, 0 otherwise. */
- static int
- read_line ()
- {
- static int eof = 0;
- /* Start out in mode SPACE to always strip leading spaces (even with -i). */
- int state = SPACE; /* The type of character we last read. */
- int lastc; /* The previous value of c. */
- int quotc; /* The last quote character read. */
- int c = EOF;
- int first = 1; /* Nonzero if reading first arg on the line. */
- char *p = linebuf;
- char *endbuf = linebuf + arg_max - 1;
- if (eof)
- return -1;
- while (1)
- {
- lastc = c;
- c = getc (stdin);
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- /* COMPAT: SYSV seems to ignore stuff on a line that
- ends without a \n; we don't. */
- eof = 1;
- if (p == linebuf)
- return -1;
- *p = '\0';
- if (eof_str && first && !strcmp (eof_str, linebuf))
- return -1;
- if (!replace_pat)
- push_arg (linebuf);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (state)
- {
- case SPACE:
- if (ISSPACE (c))
- continue;
- state = NORM;
- /* aaahhhh.... */
- case NORM:
- if (c == '\n')
- {
- if (!ISBLANK (lastc))
- lineno++; /* For -l. */
- if (p == linebuf)
- {
- state = SPACE;
- continue;
- }
- *p = '\0';
- if (eof_str && !strcmp (eof_str, linebuf))
- {
- eof = 1;
- return first ? -1 : 0;
- }
- if (!replace_pat)
- push_arg (linebuf);
- return 0;
- }
- if (!replace_pat && ISSPACE (c))
- {
- *p = '\0';
- if (eof_str && !strcmp (eof_str, linebuf))
- {
- eof = 1;
- return first ? -1 : 0;
- }
- p = linebuf;
- push_arg (p);
- state = SPACE;
- first = 0;
- continue;
- }
- switch (c)
- {
- case '\\':
- state = BACKSLASH;
- continue;
- case '\'':
- case '"':
- state = QUOTE;
- quotc = c;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- case QUOTE:
- if (c == '\n')
- error (1, 0, "%s quote did not end before line did",
- quotc == '"' ? "double" : "single");
- if (c == quotc)
- {
- state = NORM;
- continue;
- }
- break;
- state = NORM;
- break;
- }
- if (p >= endbuf)
- error (1, 0, "argument line too long");
- *p++ = c;
- }
- }
- /* Read a null-terminated string from stdin and add it to the list of
- arguments to pass to the command.
- Return -1 if eof (either physical or logical) is reached, 0 otherwise. */
- static int
- read_string ()
- {
- static int eof = 0;
- int c;
- char *p = linebuf;
- char *endbuf = linebuf + arg_max - 1;
- if (eof)
- return -1;
- while (1)
- {
- c = getc (stdin);
- if (c == EOF)
- {
- eof = 1;
- if (p == linebuf)
- return -1;
- *p = '\0';
- if (eof_str && !strcmp (eof_str, linebuf))
- return -1;
- if (!replace_pat)
- push_arg (linebuf);
- return 0;
- }
- if (c == '\0')
- {
- lineno++; /* For -l. */
- *p = '\0';
- if (eof_str && !strcmp (eof_str, linebuf))
- {
- eof = 1;
- return -1;
- }
- if (!replace_pat)
- push_arg (linebuf);
- return 0;
- }
- if (p >= endbuf)
- error (1, 0, "argument line too long");
- *p++ = c;
- }
- }
- /* Print the arguments of the command to execute.
- If ASK is nonzero, prompt the user for a response, and
- if the user responds affirmatively, return 1.
- Otherwise, return 0. */
- static int
- print_args (ask)
- int ask;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < cmd_argc - 1; i++)
- fprintf (stderr, "%s ", cmd_argv[i]);
- if (ask)
- {
- int c, savec;
- fputs ("?...", stderr);
- fflush (stderr);
- c = savec = getc (tty_stream);
- while (c != EOF && c != '\n')
- c = getc (tty_stream);
- if (savec == 'y' || savec == 'Y')
- return 1;
- }
- else
- putc ('\n', stderr);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the value of the number represented in STR.
- OPTION is the command line option to which STR is the argument.
- If the value does not fall within the boundaries MIN and MAX,
- Print an error message mentioning OPTION and exit. */
- static long
- parse_num (str, option, min, max)
- char *str;
- int option;
- long min;
- long max;
- {
- char *eptr;
- long val;
- val = strtol (str, &eptr, 10);
- if (eptr == str || *eptr)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: invalid number for -%c option\n",
- program_name, option);
- usage ();
- }
- else if (val < min)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: value for -%c option must be >= %d\n",
- program_name, option, min);
- usage ();
- }
- else if (max >= 0 && val > max)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "%s: value for -%c option must be < %ld\n",
- program_name, option, max);
- usage ();
- }
- return val;
- }
- /* Add ARG to the end of the list of arguments `cmd_argv' to pass
- to the command.
- If this brings the list up to its maximum size, execute the command. */
- static void
- push_arg (arg)
- char *arg;
- {
- if (arg)
- {
- int len = strlen (arg) + 1;
- if (cmd_ncargs + len > arg_max)
- {
- if (static_args || cmd_argc == cmd_initial_argc)
- error (1, 0, "can not fit single argument within argument list size limit");
- if (replace_pat
- || (exit_if_size_exceeded && (lines_per_exec || nargs_per_exec)))
- error (1, 0, "argument list too long");
- do_exec ();
- }
- if (!static_args && nargs_per_exec &&
- cmd_argc - cmd_initial_argc == nargs_per_exec)
- do_exec ();
- cmd_ncargs += len;
- }
- if (cmd_argc >= cmd_nargv)
- {
- char **new_argv;
- if (!cmd_argv)
- cmd_nargv = 50;
- new_argv = (char **)
- xmalloc ((unsigned) (sizeof (char *) * cmd_nargv * 2));
- cmd_nargv *= 2;
- if (cmd_argv)
- {
- bcopy ((char *) cmd_argv, (char *) new_argv,
- sizeof (char *) * cmd_argc);
- free ((char *) cmd_argv);
- }
- cmd_argv = new_argv;
- }
- if (!arg)
- cmd_argv[cmd_argc++] = 0;
- else
- {
- cmd_argv[cmd_argc] = strdup (arg);
- if (!cmd_argv[cmd_argc++])
- error (1, 0, "virtual memory exhausted");
- }
- }
- /* Execute the command that has been built in `cmd_argv'. This may involve
- waiting for processes that were previously executed.
- Also free the memory used by the command's arguments.
- COMPAT: since we don't wait for the process to complete before returning,
- it is possible that we won't notice a command failing until the next
- time do_exec is called. This is only noticeable when xargs is run
- interactivly. It can be fixed by adding
- if (proc_max == 1)
- wait_for_proc (0)
- after the add_proc call. */
- static void
- do_exec ()
- {
- int child;
- push_arg ((char *) 0); /* Null terminate the arg list. */
- if (!query_before_executing || print_args (1))
- {
- if (proc_max && procs_executing >= proc_max)
- wait_for_proc (0);
- if (!query_before_executing && print_command)
- print_args (0);
- /* If we run out of processes, wait for a child to return and
- try again. */
- while ((child = vfork ()) < 0 && errno == EAGAIN && procs_executing)
- wait_for_proc (0);
- switch (child)
- {
- case -1:
- error (1, errno, "cannot fork");
- case 0: /* Child. */
- execvp (cmd_argv[0], cmd_argv);
- error (0, errno, "%s", cmd_argv[0]);
- _exit (errno == ENOENT ? 127 : 126);
- }
- add_proc (child);
- processes_executed++;
- }
- --cmd_argc; /* For the trailing null. */
- while (--cmd_argc > cmd_initial_argc)
- free (cmd_argv[cmd_argc]);
- cmd_ncargs = cmd_initial_ncargs;
- }
- /* If ALL is nonzero, wait for all child processes to finish;
- otherwise, wait for one child process to finish.
- Remove the processes that finish from the list of executing processes. */
- static void
- wait_for_proc (all)
- int all;
- {
- struct pid_list **pl_prev;
- struct pid_list *pl;
- int pid;
- int status;
- while (procs_executing)
- {
- do
- {
- pid = wait (&status);
- if (pid < 0)
- error (1, 0, "error waiting for child process");
- /* Find the entry in `pid_list' for the child process that exited. */
- pl_prev = &pid_list;
- pl = pid_list;
- while (pl != 0 && pl->pl_pid != pid)
- {
- pl_prev = &pl->pl_next;
- pl = pl->pl_next;
- }
- }
- while (pl == 0); /* A child died that we didn't start? */
- /* Remove the child from the list. */
- *pl_prev = pl->pl_next;
- free ((char *) pl);
- procs_executing--;
- if (WEXITSTATUS (status) == 126 || WEXITSTATUS (status) == 127)
- exit (WEXITSTATUS (status)); /* Can't find or run the command. */
- if (WEXITSTATUS (status) == 255)
- error (124, 0, "%s: exited with status 255; aborting", cmd_argv[0]);
- if (WIFSTOPPED (status))
- error (125, 0, "%s: stopped by signal %d", cmd_argv[0], WSTOPSIG (status));
- if (WIFSIGNALED (status))
- error (125, 0, "%s: terminated by signal %d", cmd_argv[0], WTERMSIG (status));
- if (WEXITSTATUS (status) != 0)
- child_error = 123;
- if (!all)
- break;
- }
- }
- /* Add the process with id PID to the list of processes that have
- been executed. */
- static void
- add_proc (pid)
- int pid;
- {
- struct pid_list *pl;
- pl = (struct pid_list *) xmalloc (sizeof (struct pid_list));
- pl->pl_pid = pid;
- pl->pl_next = pid_list;
- pid_list = pl;
- procs_executing++;
- }
- /* Replace all instances of `replace_pat' in ARG with LINE, and add the
- resulting string to the list of arguments for the command to execute.
- COMPAT: insertions on the SYSV version are limited to 255 chars per line,
- and a max of 5 occurences of replace_pat in the initial-arguments. These
- restristrions do not exist here. */
- static void
- do_insert (arg, line)
- char *arg;
- char *line;
- {
- char *p = insertbuf;
- char *s;
- int cnt = arg_max - 1; /* Bytes left on the command line. */
- int len; /* Length of ARG before `replace_pat'. */
- int ilen = strlen (replace_pat);
- int llen = strlen (line);
- do
- {
- s = strstr (arg, replace_pat);
- if (s)
- len = s - arg;
- else
- len = strlen (arg);
- cnt -= len;
- if (cnt <= 0)
- break;
- strncpy (p, arg, len);
- p += len;
- arg += len;
- if (s)
- {
- cnt -= llen;
- if (cnt <= 0)
- break;
- strcpy (p, line);
- arg += ilen;
- p += llen;
- }
- }
- while (*arg);
- if (*arg)
- error (1, 0, "command too long");
- *p = '\0';
- push_arg (insertbuf);
- }
- /* Return how much of ARG_MAX is used by the environment. */
- static long
- env_size (envp)
- char **envp;
- {
- long len = 0;
- while (*envp)
- len += strlen (*envp++) + 1;
- return len;
- }
- static void
- usage ()
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "\
- Usage: %s [-0prtx] [-e[eof-str]] [-i[replace-str]] [-l[max-lines]]\n\
- [-n max-args] [-s max-chars] [-P max-procs] [--null] [--eof[=eof-str]]\n\
- [--replace[=replace-str]] [--max-lines[=max-lines]] [--interactive]\n\
- [--max-chars=max-chars] [--verbose] [--exit] [--max-procs=max-procs]\n\
- [--max-args=max-args] [--no-run-if-empty] [command [initial-arguments]]\n",
- program_name);
- exit (1);
- }