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- /* as.h - global header file
- Copyright (C) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GAS, the GNU Assembler.
- GAS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GAS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GAS; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #ifndef asH
- #define asH /* Don't declare things twice. */
- #if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(const)
- #define const /* ignore */
- #endif
- #ifdef USG
- #define index strchr
- #define bzero(s,n) memset((s),0,(n))
- #define bcopy(from,to,n) memcpy((to),(from),(n))
- #define setbuffer(a,b,c)
- #endif
- /*
- * CAPITALISED names are #defined.
- * "lowercaseH" is #defined if "lowercase.h" has been #include-d.
- * "lowercaseT" is a typedef of "lowercase" objects.
- * "lowercaseP" is type "pointer to object of type 'lowercase'".
- * "lowercaseS" is typedef struct ... lowercaseS.
- *
- * #define SUSPECT when debugging.
- * #define DUMP to include data-structure dumpers.
- * #define COMMON as "extern" for all modules except one, where you #define
- * COMMON as "".
- * If TEST is #defined, then we are testing a module: #define COMMON as "".
- */
- /* These #defines are for parameters of entire assembler. */
- /* #define SUSPECT JF remove for speed testing */
- /* #define DUMP */
- #define NDEBUG /* JF disable asserts */
- /* These #includes are for type definitions etc. */
- /* #include "style.h" */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #define obstack_chunk_alloc xmalloc
- #define obstack_chunk_free xfree
- /* These defines are potentially useful */
- #define FALSE (0)
- #define TRUE (!FALSE)
- #define ASSERT assert
- #define BAD_CASE(value) \
- { \
- as_fatal ("Case value %d unexpected at line %d of file \"%s\"\n", \
- value, __LINE__, __FILE__); \
- }
- /* These are assembler-wide concepts */
- #ifndef COMMON
- #ifdef TEST
- #define COMMON /* declare our COMMONs storage here. */
- #else
- #define COMMON extern /* our commons live elswhere */
- #endif
- #endif
- /* COMMON now defined */
- #ifdef SUSPECT
- #define register /* no registers: helps debugging */
- #define know(p) ASSERT(p) /* know() is less ugly than #ifdef SUSPECT/ */
- /* assert()/#endif. */
- #else
- #define know(p) /* know() checks are no-op.ed */
- #endif /* #ifdef SUSPECT */
- char *xmalloc(); /* keep C compilers happy */
- char *xrealloc(); /* " */
- void free(); /* " */
- #define xfree free
- /* input_scrub.c */
- /*
- * Supplies sanitised buffers to read.c.
- * Also understands printing line-number part of error messages.
- */
- /* Line number things. */
- int seen_at_least_1_file();
- void bump_line_counters();
- void new_logical_line();
- void as_where();
- void as_perror();
- void as_howmuch();
- /* Sanitising things. */
- void input_scrub_begin();
- void input_scrub_end();
- char *input_scrub_new_file();
- char *input_scrub_next_buffer();
- /* subsegs.c Sub-segments. Also, segment(=expression type)s.*/
- /*
- * This table describes the use of segments as EXPRESSION types.
- *
- * X_seg X_add_symbol X_subtract_symbol X_add_number
- * SEG_NONE no (legal) expression
- * SEG_PASS1 no (defined) "
- * SEG_BIG * > 32 bits const.
- * SEG_DATA * 0
- * SEG_TEXT * 0
- * SEG_BSS * 0
- *
- * The blank fields MUST be 0, and are nugatory.
- * The '0' fields MAY be 0. The '*' fields MAY NOT be 0.
- *
- * SEG_BIG: X_add_number is < 0 if the result is in
- * generic_floating_point_number. The value is -'c' where c is the
- * character that introduced the constant. e.g. "0f6.9" will have -'f'
- * as a X_add_number value.
- * X_add_number > 0 is a count of how many littlenums it took to
- * represent a bignum.
- * If segments of both symbols are known, they are the same segment.
- * X_add_symbol != X_sub_symbol (then we just cancel them, => SEG_ABSOLUTE).
- */
- typedef enum
- {
- SEG_NONE, /* Mythical Segment: NO expression seen. */
- SEG_PASS1, /* Mythical Segment: Need another pass. */
- SEG_GOOF, /* Only happens if AS has a logic error. */
- /* Invented so we don't crash printing */
- /* error message involving weird segment. */
- SEG_BIG, /* Bigger than 32 bits constant. */
- SEG_DIFFERENCE /* Mythical Segment: absolute difference. */
- } segT;
- typedef unsigned char subsegT;
- COMMON subsegT now_subseg;
- /* What subseg we are accreting now? */
- COMMON segT now_seg;
- /* Segment our instructions emit to. */
- /* Only OK values are SEG_TEXT or SEG_DATA. */
- extern char *const seg_name[];
- extern const int seg_N_TYPE[];
- extern const segT N_TYPE_seg[];
- void subsegs_begin();
- void subseg_change();
- void subseg_new();
- /* relax() */
- typedef enum
- {
- rs_fill, /* Variable chars to be repeated fr_offset */
- /* times. Fr_symbol unused. */
- /* Used with fr_offset == 0 for a constant */
- /* length frag. */
- rs_align, /* Align: Fr_offset: power of 2. */
- /* 1 variable char: fill character. */
- rs_org, /* Org: Fr_offset, fr_symbol: address. */
- /* 1 variable char: fill character. */
- rs_machine_dependent,
- rs_broken_word, /* JF: gunpoint */
- #endif
- }
- relax_stateT;
- /* typedef unsigned char relax_substateT; */
- /* JF this is more likely to leave the end of a struct frag on an align
- boundry. Be very careful with this. */
- typedef unsigned long int relax_substateT;
- typedef unsigned long int relax_addressT;/* Enough bits for address. */
- /* Still an integer type. */
- /* frags.c */
- /*
- * A code fragment (frag) is some known number of chars, followed by some
- * unknown number of chars. Typically the unknown number of chars is an
- * instruction address whose size is yet unknown. We always know the greatest
- * possible size the unknown number of chars may become, and reserve that
- * much room at the end of the frag.
- * Once created, frags do not change address during assembly.
- * We chain the frags in (a) forward-linked list(s). The object-file address
- * of the 1st char of a frag is generally not known until after relax().
- * Many things at assembly time describe an address by {object-file-address
- * of a particular frag}+offset.
- BUG: it may be smarter to have a single pointer off to various different
- notes for different frag kinds. See how code pans out.
- */
- struct frag /* a code fragment */
- {
- long unsigned int fr_address; /* Object file address. */
- struct frag *fr_next; /* Chain forward; ascending address order. */
- /* Rooted in frch_root. */
- long int fr_fix; /* (Fixed) number of chars we know we have. */
- /* May be 0. */
- long int fr_var; /* (Variable) number of chars after above. */
- /* May be 0. */
- struct symbol *fr_symbol; /* For variable-length tail. */
- long int fr_offset; /* For variable-length tail. */
- char *fr_opcode; /*->opcode low addr byte,for relax()ation*/
- relax_stateT fr_type; /* What state is my tail in? */
- relax_substateT fr_subtype;
- /* These are needed only on the NS32K machines */
- char fr_pcrel_adjust;
- char fr_bsr;
- char fr_literal [1]; /* Chars begin here. */
- /* One day we will compile fr_literal[0]. */
- };
- ((int)zero_address_frag.fr_literal-(int)&zero_address_frag)
- /* We want to say fr_literal[0] above. */
- typedef struct frag fragS;
- COMMON fragS * frag_now; /* -> current frag we are building. */
- /* This frag is incomplete. */
- /* It is, however, included in frchain_now. */
- /* Frag_now->fr_fix is bogus. Use: */
- /* Virtual frag_now->fr_fix==obstack_next_free(&frags)-frag_now->fr_literal.*/
- COMMON fragS zero_address_frag; /* For foreign-segment symbol fixups. */
- COMMON fragS bss_address_frag; /* For local common (N_BSS segment) fixups. */
- void frag_new();
- char * frag_more();
- char * frag_var();
- void frag_wane();
- void frag_align();
- /* main program "as.c" (command arguments etc) */
- COMMON char
- flagseen[128]; /* ['x'] TRUE if "-x" seen. */
- COMMON char *
- out_file_name; /* name of emitted object file */
- COMMON int need_pass_2; /* TRUE if we need a second pass. */
- #endif /* #ifdef asH */
- /* end: as.h */