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- /* Declare functions used within Objective C runtime support.
- Copyright (C) 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of GNU CC.
- GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* As a special exception, if you link this library with files
- compiled with GCC to produce an executable, this does not cause
- the resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
- This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
- the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- #ifndef __objc_proto_INCLUDE_GNU
- #define __objc_proto_INCLUDE_GNU
- /* This used to be #ifndef __OBJC__, but it turns out that
- object.m needs these declarations. I don't understand why one
- might want to avoid them in object.m. */
- #if 1
- /*
- * objc_getClass returns the id of the class
- * object for the aClassName class. The class
- * object holds information used by instances of
- * the class.
- *
- * Print a message to the standard error stream if
- * aClassName isn't part of the executable image.
- */
- Class_t objc_getClass (const char *);
- /*
- * objc_getMetaClass returns the id of the
- * meta class object for the aClassName class.
- * The meta class object holds information used
- * by the class object, just as the class
- * object holds information used by instances
- * of the class.
- *
- * Print a message to the standard error stream
- * if aClassName isn't part of the executable image.
- */
- MetaClass_t objc_getMetaClass (const char *);
- /*
- * The compiler converts every message expression into a
- * call on one of these two functions. Messages to
- * super are converted to calls on objc_msgSendSuper;
- * all others are converted to calls on objc_msgSend.
- *
- * These functions return the address of the method
- * implementation. The compiler then generates calls
- * to those methods passing the full argument array.
- *
- * Calls to objc_msgSend and objc_msgSendSuper
- * should be generated only by the compiler. You shouldn't
- * call them directly in the Objective-C code you write.
- */
- IMP objc_msgSend (id, SEL);
- IMP objc_msgSendSuper (Super_t, SEL);
- #endif
- /*
- * Given the name of a variable within a class's
- * definition, return a pointer to a structure that
- * describes it.
- */
- Ivar_t object_getIvarAddress (id obj, const char *variableName);
- /*
- * Given a class and a selector, return a pointer to the method's method
- * structure. Return NULL if not found.
- *
- * This is a method internal to the run-time.
- */
- Method_t searchForMethodInHierarchy (Class_t, SEL);
- /*
- * The first function, sel_getUid, returns a selector that's
- * used at run time to identify the aName method. Whenever
- * possible, you should use the @selector directive to
- * ask the compiler, rather than the run-time system,
- * to provide the selector for a method. This function
- * should be used only if the name isn't known at compile
- * time.
- *
- * The second function, sel_getName, is the inverse
- * of the first. It returns the name that was mapped to
- * aSelector.
- */
- SEL sel_getUid (const STR);
- const STR sel_getName (SEL);
- /*
- * This function returns the number of arguments that METHOD
- * the takes. This will be at least two, since it
- * includes the ªhiddenº arguments, self and _cmd,
- * which are the first two arguments passed to every
- * method implementation.
- */
- unsigned int method_getNumberOfArguments (Method_t method);
- /* This functiontakes an index into METHOD's argument
- * list and returns, by reference, the type of the argument
- * and the offset to the location of that argument in the
- * list. Indices begin with 0. The ªhiddenº arguments
- * self and _cmd are indexed at 0 and 1; method-specific
- * arguments begin at index 2. The offset is measured in
- * bytes and depends on the size of arguments preceding the
- * indexed argument in the argument list. The type is
- * encoded according to the conventions of the @encode
- * compiler directive.
- */
- unsigned int method_getArgumentInfo (Method_t, int indx,
- const char **type, int *offset);
- /*
- * This function is used to support archiving when a unknown class is to read
- * from a archive. This function returns a instantiated object. To further
- * dearchive the object it should be sent: -readFrom:.
- *
- * This function positions the file pointer just past class Object's class
- * data.
- */
- id objc_objectFromFile (int fd);
- /*
- * class_getInstanceMethod returns a pointer
- * to the data structure that describes the method.
- *
- * The selector must identify an
- * instance method.
- *
- * Return a NULL pointer if SEL doesn't
- * identify a method defined in or inherited
- * by CLASS.
- */
- static inline Method_t
- class_getInstanceMethod (Class_t class, SEL sel)
- {
- return searchForMethodInHierarchy (class, sel);
- }
- /*
- * class_getClassMethod returns a pointer to
- * the data structure that describes the method.
- *
- * The selector must identify a class (factory) method.
- *
- * Return a NULL pointer if SEL doesn't
- * identify a method defined in or inherited by CLASS.
- */
- static inline Method_t
- class_getClassMethod (MetaClass_t class, SEL sel)
- {
- return searchForMethodInHierarchy ((Class_t)class, sel);
- }
- /*
- * This function returns the name of OBJ's
- * class. anObject should be an instance
- * object, not a class object.
- */
- static inline const char *
- object_getClassName (id obj)
- {
- return obj->class_pointer->name;
- }
- /*
- * This function returns the name of the
- * class.
- */
- static inline const char *
- class_getClassName (Class_t class)
- {
- return class->name;
- }
- /*
- * Add a class to the class hash table and assign it a class number.
- */
- void addClassToHash (Class_t class);
- /*
- * This function takes a list of methods and adds them to the method list of
- * a class. The method list must remain intact during the lifetime of the
- * class.
- */
- void addMethodsToClass (Class_t, MethodList_t);
- /*
- * This function creates a new instance of CLASS, initializes its class_pointer
- * instance variable to point to the class, and return the new instance.
- *
- * All other instance variables are initialized to 0.
- */
- static inline id
- class_createInstance (Class_t class)
- {
- return (*_alloc)(class);
- }
- /*
- * object_dispose frees the memory occupied by OBJ after setting its
- * class_pointer instance variable to nil, and returns nil. The function it calls to
- * do this work can be changed by reassigning the _dealloc variable.
- */
- static inline id
- object_dispose (id obj)
- {
- return (*_dealloc)(obj);
- }
- /*
- * object_copy creates a new object that's an exact copy of anObject and
- * return the new object. The second argument, indexedIvarBytes, specifies
- * the number of additional bytes that should be allocated for the copy to
- * accommodate indexed instance variables; it serves the same purpose as the
- * second argument to class_createInstance. The function that
- * object_copy calls to do this work can be changed by reassigning the
- * _copy variable.
- */
- static inline id
- object_copy (id obj)
- {
- return (*_copy)(obj);
- }
- /*
- * object_realloc reallocates storage for anObject, adding numBytes if
- * possible. The memory previously occupied by anObject is freed if it can't
- * be reused, and a pointer to the new location of anObject is returned. The
- * function that object_realloc calls to do this work can be changed by
- * reassigning the _realloc variable.
- */
- static inline id
- object_realloc (id obj, unsigned int size)
- {
- return (*_realloc)(obj, size);
- }
- /*
- * This function causes one class to pose as its super class. Messages sent
- * to the super class will actually be sent to the posing class.
- *
- * Instance variables should not be declared in the posing class. The posing
- * class can add new methods to the class or override existing methods in the
- * super class.
- */
- Class_t class_poseAs (Class_t, Class_t);
- /* These functions set and return the class version number. */
- static inline void
- class_setVersion (Class_t class, long version)
- {
- class->version = version ;
- class->class_pointer->version = version ;
- }
- static inline long
- class_getVersion (Class_t class)
- {
- return class->version ;
- }
- /*
- * Class numbers are stored in the class's info variable. This is temporary.
- * Eventually we will allocate a member to the class so that some efficiency
- * can be gained by not shifting.
- */
- static inline void
- setClassNumber (Class_t class, unsigned long number)
- {
- class->info |= number << CLASS_LOCATION_SHIFT;
- }
- static inline unsigned long
- getClassNumber (Class_t class)
- {
- return class->info >> CLASS_LOCATION_SHIFT;
- }
- /*
- * class_addInstanceMethods adds methods that can be
- * used by instances of the class and class_addClassMethods
- * adds methods used by the class object. Before adding a
- * method, both functions check for duplicates. A warning
- * is sent to the standard error stream if any ambiguities exist.
- *
- * The passed structure and its contents must exist for the the
- * duration of the program. These functions don't support
- * linked structures.
- */
- static inline void
- class_addInstanceMethods (Class_t class, MethodList_t method_list)
- {
- addMethodsToClass (class, method_list);
- }
- static inline void
- class_addClassMethods (Class_t class, MethodList_t method_list)
- {
- addMethodsToClass ((Class_t)class->class_pointer, method_list);
- }
- /*
- * This function returns the number of bytes that all of METHOD's
- * arguments, taken together, would occupy on the stack.
- */
- static inline unsigned int
- method_getSizeOfArguments (Method_t method)
- {
- return atoi (&method->method_types[1]);
- }
- /*
- * This function returns the size in bytes of a
- * instance of OBJ.
- */
- static inline long
- objc_classSize (id obj)
- {
- return obj->class_pointer->instance_size;
- }
- /* Some functions that I've been told are useful by Henry Flurry */
- /* Returns a C string representing the ASCII rep of the selector. */
- static inline const char *
- {
- return sel_getName (sel);
- }
- /*
- * Converts a C string to a SEL that can be used in perform: methods,
- * objc_msgSend, etc.
- */
- static inline SEL
- SELUID (const STR str)
- {
- return sel_getUid (str);
- }
- /*
- * Returns the class name of the object (or meta class name of a class
- * object), or some _nilName if obj is nil.
- */
- static inline const char *
- NAMEOF (id obj)
- {
- const char *name = 0;
- if (obj)
- {
- if (obj->class_pointer->info & CLS_CLASS)
- name = object_getClassName (obj);
- else if (((Class_t)obj)->class_pointer->info & CLS_META)
- name = class_getClassName ((Class_t)obj);
- }
- return name;
- }
- /*
- * These functions add and remove methods in a list from a class. These
- * functions perform the actual work required for those functions.
- *
- * The appropriate run-time is to provide the user callable functions to
- * perform these functions. Typically those functions perform something
- * specific to their run-time type and call these functions to perform the
- * actual work.
- */
- void class_removeMethods (Class_t class, MethodList_t method_list);
- /*
- * Find the named method in a linked list of methods.
- */
- Method_t searchForMethodInList (MethodList_t list, const char *name);
- /*
- * printf is used if we're debugging. If DEBUG isn't defined then this
- * def isn't defined thereby causing the compiler to eliminate the parameter
- * decl.
- */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define DEBUG_PRINTF printf
- #else
- #define DEBUG_PRINTF
- #endif
- /*
- * Function that dumps information about all of the classes to stdout.
- */
- void debug_dump_classes (void);
- #endif /* not __objc_proto_INCLUDE_GNU */