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- /******************************************************************\
- * *
- * <math-68881.h> last modified: 18 May 1989. *
- * *
- * Copyright (C) 1989 by Matthew Self. *
- * You may freely distribute verbatim copies of this software *
- * provided that this copyright notice is retained in all copies. *
- * You may distribute modifications to this software under the *
- * conditions above if you also clearly note such modifications *
- * with their author and date. *
- * *
- * Note: errno is not set to EDOM when domain errors occur for *
- * most of these functions. Rather, it is assumed that the *
- * 68881's OPERR exception will be enabled and handled *
- * appropriately by the operating system. Similarly, overflow *
- * and underflow do not set errno to ERANGE. *
- * *
- * Send bugs to Matthew Self (self@bayes.arc.nasa.gov). *
- * *
- \******************************************************************/
- #include <errno.h>
- #undef HUGE_VAL
- #define HUGE_VAL \
- ({ \
- double huge_val; \
- \
- __asm ("fmove%.d %#0x7ff0000000000000,%0" /* Infinity */ \
- : "=f" (huge_val) \
- : /* no inputs */); \
- huge_val; \
- })
- __inline static const double sin (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fsin%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double cos (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fcos%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double tan (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("ftan%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double asin (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fasin%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double acos (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("facos%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double atan (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fatan%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double atan2 (double y, double x)
- {
- double pi, pi_over_2;
- __asm ("fmovecr%.x %#0,%0" /* extended precision pi */
- : "=f" (pi)
- : /* no inputs */ );
- __asm ("fscale%.b %#-1,%0" /* no loss of accuracy */
- : "=f" (pi_over_2)
- : "0" (pi));
- if (x > 0)
- {
- if (y > 0)
- {
- if (x > y)
- return atan (y / x);
- else
- return pi_over_2 - atan (x / y);
- }
- else
- {
- if (x > -y)
- return atan (y / x);
- else
- return - pi_over_2 - atan (x / y);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (y > 0)
- {
- if (-x > y)
- return pi + atan (y / x);
- else
- return pi_over_2 - atan (x / y);
- }
- else
- {
- if (-x > -y)
- return - pi + atan (y / x);
- else if (y < 0)
- return - pi_over_2 - atan (x / y);
- else
- {
- double value;
- errno = EDOM;
- __asm ("fmove%.d %#0x7fffffffffffffff,%0" /* quiet NaN */
- : "=f" (value)
- : /* no inputs */);
- return value;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- __inline static const double sinh (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fsinh%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double cosh (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fcosh%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double tanh (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("ftanh%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double atanh (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fatanh%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double exp (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fetox%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double expm1 (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fetoxm1%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double log (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("flogn%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double log1p (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("flognp1%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double log10 (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("flog10%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double sqrt (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fsqrt%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double pow (const double x, const double y)
- {
- if (x > 0)
- return exp (y * log (x));
- else if (x == 0)
- {
- if (y > 0)
- return 0.0;
- else
- {
- double value;
- errno = EDOM;
- __asm ("fmove%.d %#0x7fffffffffffffff,%0" /* quiet NaN */
- : "=f" (value)
- : /* no inputs */);
- return value;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- double temp;
- __asm ("fintrz%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (temp) /* integer-valued float */
- : "f" (y));
- if (y == temp)
- {
- int i = (int) y;
- if (i & 1 == 0) /* even */
- return exp (y * log (x));
- else
- return - exp (y * log (x));
- }
- else
- {
- double value;
- errno = EDOM;
- __asm ("fmove%.d %#0x7fffffffffffffff,%0" /* quiet NaN */
- : "=f" (value)
- : /* no inputs */);
- return value;
- }
- }
- }
- __inline static const double fabs (double x)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fabs%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double ceil (double x)
- {
- int rounding_mode, round_up;
- double value;
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %%fpcr,%0"
- : "=dm" (rounding_mode)
- : /* no inputs */ );
- round_up = rounding_mode | 0x30;
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %0,%%fpcr"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "dmi" (round_up));
- __asm volatile ("fint%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %0,%%fpcr"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "dmi" (rounding_mode));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double floor (double x)
- {
- int rounding_mode, round_down;
- double value;
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %%fpcr,%0"
- : "=dm" (rounding_mode)
- : /* no inputs */ );
- round_down = (rounding_mode & ~0x10)
- | 0x20;
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %0,%%fpcr"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "dmi" (round_down));
- __asm volatile ("fint%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %0,%%fpcr"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "dmi" (rounding_mode));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double rint (double x)
- {
- int rounding_mode, round_nearest;
- double value;
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %%fpcr,%0"
- : "=dm" (rounding_mode)
- : /* no inputs */ );
- round_nearest = rounding_mode & ~0x30;
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %0,%%fpcr"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "dmi" (round_nearest));
- __asm volatile ("fint%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "f" (x));
- __asm volatile ("fmove%.l %0,%%fpcr"
- : /* no outputs */
- : "dmi" (rounding_mode));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double fmod (double x, double y)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fmod%.x %2,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "0" (x),
- "f" (y));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double drem (double x, double y)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("frem%.x %2,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "0" (x),
- "f" (y));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static const double scalb (double x, int n)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fscale%.l %2,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "0" (x),
- "dmi" (n));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static double logb (double x)
- {
- double exponent;
- __asm ("fgetexp%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (exponent)
- : "f" (x));
- return exponent;
- }
- __inline static const double ldexp (double x, int n)
- {
- double value;
- __asm ("fscale%.l %2,%0"
- : "=f" (value)
- : "0" (x),
- "dmi" (n));
- return value;
- }
- __inline static double frexp (double x, int *exp)
- {
- double float_exponent;
- int int_exponent;
- double mantissa;
- __asm ("fgetexp%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (float_exponent) /* integer-valued float */
- : "f" (x));
- int_exponent = (int) float_exponent;
- __asm ("fgetman%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (mantissa) /* 1.0 <= mantissa < 2.0 */
- : "f" (x));
- if (mantissa != 0)
- {
- __asm ("fscale%.b %#-1,%0"
- : "=f" (mantissa) /* mantissa /= 2.0 */
- : "0" (mantissa));
- int_exponent += 1;
- }
- *exp = int_exponent;
- return mantissa;
- }
- __inline static double modf (double x, double *ip)
- {
- double temp;
- __asm ("fintrz%.x %1,%0"
- : "=f" (temp) /* integer-valued float */
- : "f" (x));
- *ip = temp;
- return x - temp;
- }