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- /* GNU Objective C Runtime class related functions
- Copyright (C) 1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Author: Kresten Krab Thorup, Dennis Glatting
- This file is part of GNU CC.
- GNU CC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
- Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.
- GNU CC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
- details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
- GNU CC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- /* As a special exception, if you link this library with files compiled with
- GCC to produce an executable, this does not cause the resulting executable
- to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. */
- #include "runtime.h" /* the kitchen sink */
- #include "sarray.h"
- /* The table of classname->class. Used for objc_lookup_class and friends */
- static cache_ptr __objc_class_hash = 0;
- /* This is a hook which is called by objc_get_class and
- objc_lookup_class if the runtime is not able to find the class.
- This may e.g. try to load in the class using dynamic loading */
- Class* (*_objc_lookup_class)(const char* name) = 0;
- /* True when class links has been resolved */
- BOOL __objc_class_links_resolved = NO;
- /* Initial number of buckets size of class hash table. */
- #define CLASS_HASH_SIZE 32
- void __objc_init_class_tables()
- {
- /* Allocate the class hash table */
- if(__objc_class_hash)
- return;
- __objc_class_hash
- = hash_new (CLASS_HASH_SIZE,
- (hash_func_type) hash_string,
- (compare_func_type) compare_strings);
- }
- /* This function adds a class to the class hash table, and assigns the
- class a number, unless it's already known */
- void
- __objc_add_class_to_hash(Class* class)
- {
- Class* h_class;
- /* make sure the table is there */
- assert(__objc_class_hash);
- /* make sure it's not a meta class */
- assert(CLS_ISCLASS(class));
- /* Check to see if the class is already in the hash table. */
- h_class = hash_value_for_key (__objc_class_hash, class->name);
- if (!h_class)
- {
- /* The class isn't in the hash table. Add the class and assign a class
- number. */
- static unsigned int class_number = 1;
- CLS_SETNUMBER(class, class_number);
- CLS_SETNUMBER(class->class_pointer, class_number);
- ++class_number;
- hash_add (&__objc_class_hash, class->name, class);
- }
- }
- /* Get the class object for the class named NAME. If NAME does not
- identify a known class, the hook _objc_lookup_class is called. If
- this fails, nil is returned */
- Class* objc_lookup_class (const char* name)
- {
- Class* class;
- /* Make sure the class hash table exists. */
- assert (__objc_class_hash);
- class = hash_value_for_key (__objc_class_hash, name);
- if (class)
- return class;
- if (_objc_lookup_class)
- return (*_objc_lookup_class)(name);
- else
- return 0;
- }
- /* Get the class object for the class named NAME. If NAME does not
- identify a known class, the hook _objc_lookup_class is called. If
- this fails, an error message is issued and the system aborts */
- Class*
- objc_get_class (const char *name)
- {
- Class* class;
- /* Make sure the class hash table exists. */
- assert (__objc_class_hash);
- class = hash_value_for_key (__objc_class_hash, name);
- if (class)
- return class;
- if (_objc_lookup_class)
- class = (*_objc_lookup_class)(name);
- if(class)
- return class;
- fprintf(stderr, "objc runtime: cannot find class %s\n", name);
- abort();
- }
- /* Resolve super/subclass links for all classes. The only thing we
- can be sure of is that the class_pointer for class objects point
- to the right meta class objects */
- void __objc_resolve_class_links()
- {
- node_ptr node;
- Class* object_class = objc_get_class ("Object");
- assert(object_class);
- /* Assign subclass links */
- for (node = hash_next (__objc_class_hash, NULL); node;
- node = hash_next (__objc_class_hash, node))
- {
- Class* class1 = node->value;
- /* Make sure we have what we think we have. */
- assert (CLS_ISCLASS(class1));
- assert (CLS_ISMETA(class1->class_pointer));
- /* The class_pointer of all meta classes point to Object's meta class. */
- class1->class_pointer->class_pointer = object_class->class_pointer;
- if (!(CLS_ISRESOLV(class1)))
- {
- CLS_SETRESOLV(class1);
- CLS_SETRESOLV(class1->class_pointer);
- if(class1->super_class)
- {
- Class* a_super_class
- = objc_get_class ((char *) class1->super_class);
- assert (a_super_class);
- DEBUG_PRINTF ("making class connections for: %s\n",
- class1->name);
- /* assign subclass links for superclass */
- class1->sibling_class = a_super_class->subclass_list;
- a_super_class->subclass_list = class1;
- /* Assign subclass links for meta class of superclass */
- if (a_super_class->class_pointer)
- {
- class1->class_pointer->sibling_class
- = a_super_class->class_pointer->subclass_list;
- a_super_class->class_pointer->subclass_list
- = class1->class_pointer;
- }
- }
- else /* a root class, make its meta object */
- /* be a subclass of Object */
- {
- class1->class_pointer->sibling_class
- = object_class->subclass_list;
- object_class->subclass_list = class1->class_pointer;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Assign superclass links */
- for (node = hash_next (__objc_class_hash, NULL); node;
- node = hash_next (__objc_class_hash, node))
- {
- Class* class1 = node->value;
- Class* sub_class;
- for (sub_class = class1->subclass_list; sub_class;
- sub_class = sub_class->sibling_class)
- {
- sub_class->super_class = class1;
- if(CLS_ISCLASS(sub_class))
- sub_class->class_pointer->super_class = class1->class_pointer;
- }
- }
- }
- #define CLASSOF(c) ((c)->class_pointer)
- Class*
- class_pose_as (Class* impostor, Class* super_class)
- {
- if (!CLS_ISRESOLV (impostor))
- __objc_resolve_class_links ();
- /* preconditions */
- assert (impostor);
- assert (super_class);
- assert (impostor->super_class == super_class);
- assert (CLS_ISCLASS (impostor));
- assert (CLS_ISCLASS (super_class));
- assert (impostor->instance_size == super_class->instance_size);
- {
- Class **subclass = &(super_class->subclass_list);
- BOOL super_is_base_class = NO;
- /* move subclasses of super_class to impostor */
- while (*subclass)
- {
- Class *nextSub = (*subclass)->sibling_class;
- /* this happens when super_class is a base class */
- if (*subclass == CLASSOF (super_class))
- {
- super_is_base_class = YES;
- }
- else if (*subclass != impostor)
- {
- Class *sub = *subclass;
- /* classes */
- sub->sibling_class = impostor->subclass_list;
- sub->super_class = impostor;
- impostor->subclass_list = sub;
- /* meta classes */
- CLASSOF (sub)->sibling_class = CLASSOF (impostor)->subclass_list;
- CLASSOF (sub)->super_class = CLASSOF (impostor);
- CLASSOF (impostor)->subclass_list = CLASSOF (sub);
- }
- *subclass = nextSub;
- }
- /* set subclasses of superclass to be impostor only */
- super_class->subclass_list = impostor;
- CLASSOF (super_class)->subclass_list = CLASSOF (impostor);
- /* set impostor to have no sibling classes */
- impostor->sibling_class = 0;
- CLASSOF (impostor)->sibling_class = 0;
- /* impostor has a sibling... */
- if (super_is_base_class)
- {
- CLASSOF (super_class)->sibling_class = 0;
- impostor->sibling_class = CLASSOF (super_class);
- }
- }
- /* check relationship of impostor and super_class */
- assert (impostor->super_class == super_class);
- assert (CLASSOF (impostor)->super_class == CLASSOF (super_class));
- /* by now, the re-organization of the class hierachy
- is done. We only need to update various tables. */
- /* First, we change the names in the hash table.
- This will change the behavior of objc_get_class () */
- {
- char* buffer = (char*) __objc_xmalloc(strlen (super_class->name) + 2);
- strcpy (buffer+1, super_class->name);
- buffer[0] = '*';
- /* keep on prepending '*' until the name is unique */
- while (hash_value_for_key (__objc_class_hash, buffer))
- {
- char *bbuffer = (char*) __objc_xmalloc (strlen (buffer)+2);
- strcpy (bbuffer+1, buffer);
- bbuffer[0] = '*';
- free (buffer);
- buffer = bbuffer;
- }
- hash_remove (__objc_class_hash, super_class->name);
- hash_add (&__objc_class_hash, buffer, super_class);
- hash_add (&__objc_class_hash, super_class->name, impostor);
- /* Note that -name and +name will still respond with
- the same strings as before. This way any
- -isKindOfGivenName: will always work. */
- }
- /* next, we update the dispatch tables... */
- {
- Class *subclass;
- for (subclass = impostor->subclass_list;
- subclass; subclass = subclass->sibling_class)
- {
- /* we use the opportunity to check what we did */
- assert (subclass->super_class == impostor);
- assert (CLASSOF (subclass)->super_class == CLASSOF (impostor));
- __objc_update_dispatch_table_for_class (CLASSOF (subclass));
- __objc_update_dispatch_table_for_class (subclass);
- }
- }
- return impostor;
- }