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GNU Info File | 1994-02-22 | 23.4 KB | 698 lines |
- This is Info file gdbm.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.49 from the input
- file ./gdbm.texinfo.
- This file documents the GNU dbm utility.
- Copyright (C) 1989-1993 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided also
- that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms
- of a permission notice identical to this one.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
- manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
- versions.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Top, Next: Copying, Prev: (dir), Up: (dir)
- GNU `dbm' is a library of functions implementing a hashed database
- on a disk file. This manual documents GNU `dbm' Version 1.7.1
- (`gdbm'). The software was written by Philip A. Nelson. This document
- was originally written by Pierre Gaumond from texts written by Phil.
- * Menu:
- Introduction:
- * Copying:: Your rights.
- * Intro:: Introduction to GNU dbm.
- * List:: List of functions.
- Functions:
- * Open:: Opening the database.
- * Close:: Closing the database.
- * Store:: Inserting and replacing records in the database.
- * Fetch:: Searching records in the database.
- * Delete:: Removing records from the database.
- * Sequential:: Sequential access to records.
- * Reorganization:: Database reorganization.
- * Sync:: Insure all writes to disk have competed.
- * Errors:: Convert internal error codes into English.
- * Options:: Setting internal options.
- Other topics:
- * Variables:: Two useful variables.
- * Compatibility:: Compatibility with UNIX dbm and ndbm.
- * Conversion:: Converting dbm files to gdbm format.
- * Bugs:: Problems and bugs.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Copying, Next: Intro, Prev: Top, Up: Top
- Copying Conditions.
- *******************
- This library is "free"; this means that everyone is free to use it
- and free to redistribute it on a free basis. GNU `dbm' (`gdbm') is not
- in the public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on
- its distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit
- everything that a good cooperating citizen would want to do. What is
- not allowed is to try to prevent others from further sharing any
- version of `gdbm' that they might get from you.
- Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give
- away copies `gdbm', that you receive source code or else can get it if
- you want it, that you can change these functions or use pieces of them
- in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
- To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to
- deprive anyone else of these rights. For example, if you distribute
- copies `gdbm', you must give the recipients all the rights that you
- have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source
- code. And you must tell them their rights.
- Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone
- finds out that there is no warranty for anything in the `gdbm'
- distribution. If these functions are modified by someone else and
- passed on, we want their recipients to know that what they have is not
- what we distributed, so that any problems introduced by others will not
- reflect on our reputation.
- `gdbm' is currently distributed under the terms of the GNU General
- Public License, Version 2. (*NOT* under the GNU General Library Public
- License.) A copy the GNU General Public License is included with the
- distribution of `gdbm'.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Intro, Next: List, Prev: Copying, Up: Top
- Introduction to GNU `dbm'.
- **************************
- GNU `dbm' (`gdbm')is a library of database functions that use
- extendible hashing and works similar to the standard UNIX `dbm'
- functions. These routines are provided to a programmer needing to
- create and manipulate a hashed database. (`gdbm' is *NOT* a complete
- database package for an end user.)
- The basic use of `gdbm' is to store key/data pairs in a data file.
- Each key must be unique and each key is paired with only one data item.
- The keys can not be directly accessed in sorted order. The basic unit
- of data in `gdbm' is the structure:
- typedef struct {
- char *dptr;
- int dsize;
- } datum;
- This structure allows for arbitrary sized keys and data items.
- The key/data pairs are stored in a `gdbm' disk file, called a `gdbm'
- database. An application must open a `gdbm' database to be able
- manipulate the keys and data contained in the database. `gdbm' allows
- an application to have multiple databases open at the same time. When
- an application opens a `gdbm' database, it is designated as a `reader'
- or a `writer'. A `gdbm' database opened by at most one writer at a
- time. However, many readers may open the database open simultaneously.
- Readers and writers can not open the `gdbm' database at the same time.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: List, Next: Open, Prev: Intro, Up: Top
- List of functions.
- ******************
- The following is a quick list of the functions contained in the
- `gdbm' library. The include file `gdbm.h', that can be included by the
- user, contains a definition of these functions.
- #include <gdbm.h>
- GDBM_FILE gdbm_open(name, block_size, flags, mode, fatal_func);
- void gdbm_close(dbf);
- int gdbm_store(dbf, key, content, flag);
- datum gdbm_fetch(dbf, key);
- int gdbm_delete(dbf, key);
- datum gdbm_firstkey(dbf);
- datum gdbm_nextkey(dbf, key);
- int gdbm_reorganize(dbf);
- void gdbm_sync(dbf);
- int gdbm_exists(dbf, key);
- char *gdbm_strerror(errno);
- int gdbm_setopt(dbf, option, value, size)
- The `gdbm.h' include file is often in the `/gnu/include'
- directory. (The actual location of `gdbm.h' depends on your local
- installation of `gdbm'.)
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Open, Next: Close, Prev: List, Up: Top
- Opening the database.
- *********************
- Initialize `gdbm' system. If the file has a size of zero bytes, a
- file initialization procedure is performed, setting up the initial
- structure in the file.
- The procedure for opening a `gdbm' file is:
- GDBM_FILE dbf;
- dbf = gdbm_open(name, block_size, flags, mode, fatal_func);
- The parameters are:
- char *name
- The name of the file (the complete name, `gdbm' does not append any
- characters to this name).
- int block_size
- It is used during initialization to determine the size of various
- constructs. It is the size of a single transfer from disk to
- memory. This parameter is ignored if the file has been previously
- initialized. The minimum size is 512. If the value is less than
- 512, the file system blocksize is used, otherwise the value of
- `block_size' is used.
- int flags
- If `flags' is set to GDBM_READER, the user wants to just read the
- database and any call to `gdbm_store' or `gdbm_delete' will fail.
- Many readers can access the database at the same time. If `flags'
- is set to GDBM_WRITER, the user wants both read and write access
- to the database and requires exclusive access. If `flags' is set
- to GDBM_WRCREAT, the user wants both read and write access to the
- database and if the database does not exist, create a new one. If
- `flags' is set to GDBM_NEWDB, the user want a new database
- created, regardless of whether one existed, and wants read and
- write access to the new database. For all writers (GDBM_WRITER,
- GDBM_WRCREAT and GDBM_NEWDB) the value GDBM_FAST can be added to
- the `flags' field using logical or. This option causes `gdbm' to
- write the database without any disk file synchronization. This
- allows faster writes, but may produce an inconsistent database in
- the event of abnormal termination of the writer. Any error
- detected will cause a return value of NULL and an appropriate
- value will be in `gdbm_errno' (see Variables). If no errors occur,
- a pointer to the `gdbm' file descriptor will be returned.
- int mode
- File mode (see chmod(2) and open(2) if the file is created).
- void (*fatal_func) ()
- A function for `gdbm' to call if it detects a fatal error. The only
- parameter of this function is a string. If the value of NULL is
- provided, `gdbm' will use a default function.
- The return value, `dbf', is the pointer needed by all other
- functions to access that `gdbm' file. If the return is the NULL pointer,
- `gdbm_open' was not successful. The errors can be found in `gdbm_errno'
- for `gdbm' errors and in `errno' for file system errors (for error
- codes, see `gdbm.h').
- In all of the following calls, the parameter `dbf' refers to the
- pointer returned from `gdbm_open'.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Close, Next: Store, Prev: Open, Up: Top
- Closing the database.
- *********************
- It is important that every file opened is also closed. This is
- needed to update the reader/writer count on the file. This is done by:
- gdbm_close(dbf);
- The parameter is:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- Closes the `gdbm' file and frees all memory associated with the file
- `dbf'.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Store, Next: Fetch, Prev: Close, Up: Top
- Inserting and replacing records in the database.
- ************************************************
- The function `gdbm_store' inserts or replaces records in the
- database.
- ret = gdbm_store(dbf, key, content, flag);
- The parameters are:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- datum key
- The `key' data.
- datum content
- The data to be associated with the key.
- int flag
- Defines the action to take when the key is already in the
- database. The value GDBM_REPLACE (defined in `gdbm.h') asks that
- the old data be replaced by the new `content'. The value
- GDBM_INSERT asks that an error be returned and no action taken if
- the `key' already exists.
- The values returned in `ret' are:
- -1
- The item was not stored in the database because the caller was not
- an official writer or either `key' or `content' have a NULL dptr
- field. Both `key' and `content' must have the dptr field be a
- non-NULL value. Since a NULL dptr field is used by other functions
- to indicate an error, a NULL field cannot be valid data.
- +1
- The item was not stored because the argument `flag' was
- GDBM_INSERT and the `key' was already in the database.
- 0
- No error. `content' is keyed by `key'. The file on disk is updated
- to reflect the structure of the new database before returning from
- this function.
- If you store data for a `key' that is already in the data base,
- `gdbm' replaces the old data with the new data if called with
- GDBM_REPLACE. You do not get two data items for the same `key' and you
- do not get an error from `gdbm_store'.
- The size in `gdbm' is not restricted like `dbm' or `ndbm'. Your data
- can be as large as you want.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Fetch, Next: Delete, Prev: Store, Up: Top
- Searching for records in the database.
- **************************************
- Looks up a given `key' and returns the information associated with
- that key. The pointer in the structure that is returned is a pointer
- to dynamically allocated memory block. To search for some data:
- content = gdbm_fetch(dbf, key);
- The parameters are:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- datum key
- The `key' data.
- The datum returned in `content' is a pointer to the data found. If
- the dptr is NULL, no data was found. If dptr is not NULL, then it points
- to data allocated by malloc. `gdbm' does not automatically free this
- data. The user must free this storage when done using it. This
- eliminates the need to copy the result to save it for later use (you
- just save the pointer).
- You may also search for a particular key without retrieving it,
- using:
- ret = gdbm_exists(dbf, key);
- The parameters are:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- datum key
- The `key' data.
- Unlike `gdbm_fetch', this routine does not allocate any memory, and
- simply returns true or false, depending on whether the `key' exists, or
- not.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Delete, Next: Sequential, Prev: Fetch, Up: Top
- Removing records from the database.
- ***********************************
- To remove some data from the database:
- ret = gdbm_delete(dbf, key);
- The parameters are:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- datum key
- The `key' data.
- The ret value is -1 if the item is not present or the requester is a
- reader. The ret value is 0 if there was a successful delete.
- `gdbm_delete' removes the keyed item and the `key' from the database
- `dbf'. The file on disk is updated to reflect the structure of the new
- database before returning from this function.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Sequential, Next: Reorganization, Prev: Delete, Up: Top
- Sequential access to records.
- *****************************
- The next two functions allow for accessing all items in the
- database. This access is not `key' sequential, but it is guaranteed to
- visit every `key' in the database once. The order has to do with the
- hash values. `gdbm_firstkey' starts the visit of all keys in the
- database. `gdbm_nextkey' finds and reads the next entry in the hash
- structure for `dbf'.
- key = gdbm_firstkey(dbf);
- nextkey = gdbm_nextkey(dbf, key);
- The parameters are:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- datum `key'
- datum nextkey
- The `key' data.
- The return values are both datum. If `key'.dptr or nextkey.dptr is
- NULL, there is no first `key' or next `key'. Again notice that dptr
- points to data allocated by malloc and `gdbm' will not free it for you.
- These functions were intended to visit the database in read-only
- algorithms, for instance, to validate the database or similar
- operations.
- File `visiting' is based on a `hash table'. `gdbm_delete'
- re-arranges the hash table to make sure that any collisions in the
- table do not leave some item `un-findable'. The original key order is
- NOT guaranteed to remain unchanged in ALL instances. It is possible
- that some key will not be visited if a loop like the following is
- executed:
- key = gdbm_firstkey ( dbf );
- while ( key.dptr ) {
- nextkey = gdbm_nextkey ( dbf, key );
- if ( some condition ) {
- gdbm_delete ( dbf, key );
- free ( key.dptr );
- }
- key = nextkey;
- }
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Reorganization, Next: Sync, Prev: Sequential, Up: Top
- Database reorganization.
- ************************
- The following function should be used very seldom.
- ret = gdbm_reorganize(dbf);
- The parameter is:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- If you have had a lot of deletions and would like to shrink the space
- used by the `gdbm' file, this function will reorganize the database.
- `gdbm' will not shorten the length of a `gdbm' file (deleted file space
- will be reused) except by using this reorganization.
- This reorganization requires creating a new file and inserting all
- the elements in the old file `dbf' into the new file. The new file is
- then renamed to the same name as the old file and `dbf' is updated to
- contain all the correct information about the new file. If an error is
- detected, the return value is negative. The value zero is returned
- after a successful reorganization.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Sync, Next: Errors, Prev: Reorganization, Up: Top
- Database Synchronization
- ************************
- If your database was opened with the GDBM_FAST flag, `gdbm' does not
- wait for writes to the disk to complete before continuing. This allows
- faster writing of databases at the risk of having a corrupted database
- if the application terminates in an abnormal fashion. The following
- function allows the programmer to make sure the disk version of the
- database has been completely updated with all changes to the current
- time.
- gdbm_sync(dbf);
- The parameter is:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- This would usually be called after a complete set of changes have
- been made to the database and before some long waiting time.
- `gdbm_close' automatically calls the equivalent of `gdbm_sync' so no
- call is needed if the database is to be closed immediately after the
- set of changes have been made.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Errors, Next: Options, Prev: Sync, Up: Top
- Error strings.
- **************
- To convert a `gdbm' error code into English text, use this routine:
- ret = gdbm_strerror(errno)
- The parameter is:
- gdbm_error errno
- The `gdbm' error code, usually `gdbm_errno'.
- The appropiate phrase for reading by humans is returned.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Options, Next: Variables, Prev: Errors, Up: top
- Seting options.
- ***************
- `Gdbm' now supports the ability to set certain options on an already
- open database.
- ret = gdbm_setopt(dbf, option, value, size)
- The parameters are:
- The pointer returned by `gdbm_open'.
- int option
- The option to be set.
- int *value
- A pointer to the value to which `option' will be set.
- int size
- The length of the data pointed to by `value'.
- The only legal option currently is GDBM_CACHESIZE, which sets the
- size of the internal bucket cache. This option may only be set once on
- each GDBM_FILE descriptor, and is set automatically to 100 upon the
- first access to the database.
- The return value will be -1 upon failure, or 0 upon success. The
- global variable `gdbm_errno' will be set upon failure.
- For instance, to set a database to use a cache of 10, after opening
- it with `gdbm_open', but prior to accessing it in any way, the following
- code could be used:
- int value = 10;
- ret = gdbm_setopt(dbf, GDBM_CACHESIZE, &value, sizeof(int));
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Variables, Next: Compatibility, Prev: Options, Up: Top
- Two useful variables.
- *********************
- The following two variables are variables that may need to be used:
- gdbm_error gdbm_errno
- The variable that contains more information about `gdbm' errors
- (`gdbm.h' has the definitions of the error values).
- char * gdbm_version
- The string containing the version information.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Compatibility, Next: Conversion, Prev: Variables, Up: Top
- Compatibility with standard `dbm' and `ndbm'.
- *********************************************
- GNU `dbm' files are not `sparse'. You can copy them with the UNIX
- `cp' command and they will not expand in the copying process.
- There is a compatibility mode for use with programs that already use
- UNIX `dbm' and UNIX `ndbm'.
- GNU `dbm' has compatibility functions for `dbm'. For `dbm'
- compatibility functions, you need the include file `dbm.h'.
- In this compatibility mode, no `gdbm' file pointer is required by
- the user, and Only one file may be opened at a time. All users in
- compatibility mode are assumed to be writers. If the `gdbm' file is a
- read only, it will fail as a writer, but will also try to open it as a
- reader. All returned pointers in datum structures point to data that
- `gdbm' WILL free. They should be treated as static pointers (as
- standard UNIX `dbm' does). The compatibility function names are the
- same as the UNIX `dbm' function names. Their definitions follow:
- int dbminit(name);
- int store(key, content);
- datum fetch(key);
- int delete(key);
- datum firstkey();
- datum nextkey(key);
- int dbmclose();
- Standard UNIX `dbm' and GNU `dbm' do not have the same data format
- in the file. You cannot access a standard UNIX `dbm' file with GNU
- `dbm'! If you want to use an old database with GNU `dbm', you must use
- the `conv2gdbm' program.
- Also, GNU `dbm' has compatibility functions for `ndbm'. For `ndbm'
- compatibility functions, you need the include file `ndbm.h'.
- Again, just like `ndbm', any returned datum can be assumed to be
- static storage. You do not have to free that memory, the `ndbm'
- compatibility functions will do it for you.
- The functions are:
- DBM *dbm_open(name, flags, mode);
- void dbm_close(file);
- datum dbm_fetch(file, key);
- int dbm_store(file, key, `content', flags);
- int dbm_delete(file, key);
- datum dbm_firstkey(file);
- datum dbm_nextkey(file);
- int dbm_error(file);
- int dbm_clearerr(file);
- int dbm_dirfno(file);
- int dbm_pagfno(file);
- int dbm_rdonly(file);
- If you want to compile an old C program that used UNIX `dbm' or
- `ndbm' and want to use `gdbm' files, execute the following `cc' command:
- cc ... -L /gnu/lib -lgdbm
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Conversion, Next: Bugs, Prev: Compatibility, Up: Top
- Converting `dbm' files to `gdbm' format.
- ****************************************
- The program `conv2gdbm' has been provided to help you convert from
- `dbm' databases to `gdbm'. The usage is:
- conv2gdbm [-q] [-b block_size] dbm_file [gdbm_file]
- The options are:
- -q
- Causes `conv2gdbm' to work quietly.
- block_size
- Is the same as in `gdbm_open'.
- dbm_file
- Is the name of the `dbm' file without the `.pag' or `.dir'
- extensions.
- gdbm_file
- Is the complete file name. If not included, the `gdbm' file name
- is the same as the `dbm' file name without any extensions. That is
- `conv2gdbm' `dbmfile' converts the files `dbmfile.pag' and
- `dbmfile.dir' into a `gdbm' file called `dbmfile'.
- File: gdbm.info, Node: Bugs, Prev: Conversion, Up: Top
- Problems and bugs.
- ******************
- If you have problems with GNU `dbm' or think you've found a bug,
- please report it. Before reporting a bug, make sure you've actually
- found a real bug. Carefully reread the documentation and see if it
- really says you can do what you're trying to do. If it's not clear
- whether you should be able to do something or not, report that too; it's
- a bug in the documentation!
- Before reporting a bug or trying to fix it yourself, try to isolate
- it to the smallest possible input file that reproduces the problem. Then
- send us the input file and the exact results `gdbm' gave you. Also say
- what you expected to occur; this will help us decide whether the
- problem was really in the documentation.
- Once you've got a precise problem, send e-mail to:
- Internet: `bug-gnu-utils@prep.ai.mit.edu'.
- UUCP: `mit-eddie!prep.ai.mit.edu!bug-gnu-utils'.
- Please include the version number of GNU `dbm' you are using. You
- can get this information by printing the variable `gdbm_version' (see
- Variables).
- Non-bug suggestions are always welcome as well. If you have questions
- about things that are unclear in the documentation or are just obscure
- features, please report them too.
- You may contact the author by:
- e-mail: phil@cs.wwu.edu
- us-mail: Philip A. Nelson
- Computer Science Department
- Western Washington University
- Bellingham, WA 98226
- Tag Table:
- Node: Top768
- Node: Copying2198
- Node: Intro3979
- Node: List5395
- Node: Open6324
- Node: Close9215
- Node: Store9650
- Node: Fetch11443
- Node: Delete12691
- Node: Sequential13356
- Node: Reorganization15036
- Node: Sync15991
- Node: Errors16951
- Node: Options17311
- Node: Variables18430
- Node: Compatibility18854
- Node: Conversion21227
- Node: Bugs22041
- End Tag Table