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- /* mpn_mul -- Multiply two natural numbers.
- Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
- The GNU MP Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- any later version.
- The GNU MP Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with the GNU MP Library; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "gmp.h"
- #include "gmp-impl.h"
- #include "longlong.h"
- #ifdef DEBUG
- #define MPN_MUL_VERIFY(res_ptr,res_size,op1_ptr,op1_size,op2_ptr,op2_size) \
- mpn_mul_verify (res_ptr, res_size, op1_ptr, op1_size, op2_ptr, op2_size)
- #include <stdio.h>
- static void
- mpn_mul_verify (res_ptr, res_size, op1_ptr, op1_size, op2_ptr, op2_size)
- mp_ptr res_ptr, op1_ptr, op2_ptr;
- mp_size res_size, op1_size, op2_size;
- {
- mp_ptr tmp_ptr;
- mp_size tmp_size;
- tmp_ptr = alloca ((op1_size + op2_size) * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
- if (op1_size >= op2_size)
- tmp_size = mpn_mul_classic (tmp_ptr,
- op1_ptr, op1_size, op2_ptr, op2_size);
- else
- tmp_size = mpn_mul_classic (tmp_ptr,
- op2_ptr, op2_size, op1_ptr, op1_size);
- if (tmp_size != res_size
- || mpn_cmp (tmp_ptr, res_ptr, tmp_size) != 0)
- {
- fprintf (stderr, "GNU MP internal error: Wrong result in mpn_mul.\n");
- fprintf (stderr, "op1{%d} = ", op1_size); mpn_dump (op1_ptr, op1_size);
- fprintf (stderr, "op2{%d} = ", op2_size); mpn_dump (op2_ptr, op2_size);
- abort ();
- }
- }
- #else
- #define MPN_MUL_VERIFY(a,b,c,d,e,f)
- #endif
- /* Multiply the natural numbers u (pointed to by UP, with USIZE limbs)
- and v (pointed to by VP, with VSIZE limbs), and store the result at
- PRODP. USIZE + VSIZE limbs are always stored, but if the input
- operands are normalized, the return value will reflect the true
- result size (which is either USIZE + VSIZE, or USIZE + VSIZE -1).
- NOTE: The space pointed to by PRODP is overwritten before finished
- with U and V, so overlap is an error.
- Argument constraints:
- 1. USIZE >= VSIZE.
- 2. PRODP != UP and PRODP != VP, i.e. the destination
- must be distinct from the multiplier and the multiplicand. */
- /* If KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD is not already defined, define it to a
- value which is good on most machines. */
- #endif
- /* The code can't handle KARATSUBA_THRESHOLD smaller than 4. */
- #endif
- mp_size
- #ifdef __STDC__
- mpn_mul (mp_ptr prodp,
- mp_srcptr up, mp_size usize,
- mp_srcptr vp, mp_size vsize)
- #else
- mpn_mul (prodp, up, usize, vp, vsize)
- mp_ptr prodp;
- mp_srcptr up;
- mp_size usize;
- mp_srcptr vp;
- mp_size vsize;
- #endif
- {
- mp_size n;
- mp_size prod_size;
- mp_limb cy;
- {
- /* Handle simple cases with traditional multiplication.
- This is the most critical code of the entire function. All
- multiplies rely on this, both small and huge. Small ones arrive
- here immediately. Huge ones arrive here as this is the base case
- for the recursive algorithm below. */
- mp_size i, j;
- mp_limb prod_low, prod_high;
- mp_limb cy_limb;
- mp_limb v_limb;
- if (vsize == 0)
- return 0;
- /* Offset UP and PRODP so that the inner loop can be faster. */
- up += usize;
- prodp += usize;
- /* Multiply by the first limb in V separately, as the result can
- be stored (not added) to PROD. We also avoid a loop for zeroing. */
- v_limb = vp[0];
- if (v_limb <= 1)
- {
- if (v_limb == 1)
- MPN_COPY (prodp - usize, up - usize, usize);
- else
- MPN_ZERO (prodp - usize, usize);
- cy_limb = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- cy_limb = 0;
- j = -usize;
- do
- {
- umul_ppmm (prod_high, prod_low, up[j], v_limb);
- add_ssaaaa (cy_limb, prodp[j], prod_high, prod_low, 0, cy_limb);
- j++;
- }
- while (j < 0);
- }
- prodp[0] = cy_limb;
- prodp++;
- /* For each iteration in the outer loop, multiply one limb from
- U with one limb from V, and add it to PROD. */
- for (i = 1; i < vsize; i++)
- {
- v_limb = vp[i];
- if (v_limb <= 1)
- {
- cy_limb = 0;
- if (v_limb == 1)
- cy_limb = mpn_add (prodp - usize,
- prodp - usize, usize, up - usize, usize);
- }
- else
- {
- cy_limb = 0;
- j = -usize;
- do
- {
- umul_ppmm (prod_high, prod_low, up[j], v_limb);
- add_ssaaaa (cy_limb, prod_low,
- prod_high, prod_low, 0, cy_limb);
- add_ssaaaa (cy_limb, prodp[j],
- cy_limb, prod_low, 0, prodp[j]);
- j++;
- }
- while (j < 0);
- }
- prodp[0] = cy_limb;
- prodp++;
- }
- return usize + vsize - (cy_limb == 0);
- }
- n = (usize + 1) / 2;
- /* Is USIZE larger than 1.5 times VSIZE? Avoid Karatsuba's algorithm. */
- if (2 * usize > 3 * vsize)
- {
- /* If U has at least twice as many limbs as V. Split U in two
- pieces, U1 and U0, such that U = U0 + U1*(2**BITS_PER_MP_LIMB)**N,
- and recursively multiply the two pieces separately with V. */
- mp_size u0_size;
- mp_ptr tmp;
- mp_size tmp_size;
- /* V1 (the high part of V) is zero. */
- /* Calculate the length of U0. It is normally equal to n, but
- of course not for sure. */
- for (u0_size = n; u0_size > 0 && up[u0_size - 1] == 0; u0_size--)
- ;
- /* Perform (U0 * V). */
- if (u0_size >= vsize)
- prod_size = mpn_mul (prodp, up, u0_size, vp, vsize);
- else
- prod_size = mpn_mul (prodp, vp, vsize, up, u0_size);
- MPN_MUL_VERIFY (prodp, prod_size, up, u0_size, vp, vsize);
- /* We have to zero-extend the lower partial product to n limbs,
- since the mpn_add some lines below expect the first n limbs
- to be well defined. (This is normally a no-op. It may
- do something when U1 has many leading 0 limbs.) */
- while (prod_size < n)
- prodp[prod_size++] = 0;
- tmp = (mp_ptr) alloca ((usize + vsize - n) * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
- /* Perform (U1 * V). Make sure the first source argument to mpn_mul
- is not less than the second source argument. */
- if (vsize <= usize - n)
- tmp_size = mpn_mul (tmp, up + n, usize - n, vp, vsize);
- else
- tmp_size = mpn_mul (tmp, vp, vsize, up + n, usize - n);
- MPN_MUL_VERIFY (tmp, tmp_size, up + n, usize - n, vp, vsize);
- /* In this addition hides a potentially large copying of TMP. */
- if (prod_size - n >= tmp_size)
- cy = mpn_add (prodp + n, prodp + n, prod_size - n, tmp, tmp_size);
- else
- cy = mpn_add (prodp + n, tmp, tmp_size, prodp + n, prod_size - n);
- if (cy)
- abort (); /* prodp[prod_size] = cy; */
- alloca (0);
- return tmp_size + n;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Karatsuba's divide-and-conquer algorithm.
- Split U in two pieces, U1 and U0, such that
- U = U0 + U1*(B**n),
- and V in V1 and V0, such that
- V = V0 + V1*(B**n).
- UV is then computed recursively using the identity
- 2n n n n
- UV = (B + B )U V + B (U -U )(V -V ) + (B + 1)U V
- 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
- Where B = 2**BITS_PER_MP_LIMB.
- */
- /* It's possible to decrease the temporary allocation by using the
- prodp area for temporary storage of the middle term, and doing
- that recursive multiplication first. (Do this later.) */
- mp_size u0_size;
- mp_size v0_size;
- mp_size u0v0_size;
- mp_size u1v1_size;
- mp_ptr temp;
- mp_size temp_size;
- mp_size utem_size;
- mp_size vtem_size;
- mp_ptr ptem;
- mp_size ptem_size;
- int negflg;
- mp_ptr pp;
- pp = (mp_ptr) alloca (4 * n * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
- /* Calculate the lengths of U0 and V0. They are normally equal
- to n, but of course not for sure. */
- for (u0_size = n; u0_size > 0 && up[u0_size - 1] == 0; u0_size--)
- ;
- for (v0_size = n; v0_size > 0 && vp[v0_size - 1] == 0; v0_size--)
- ;
- /*** 1. PROD]2n..0] := U0 x V0
- (Recursive call to mpn_mul may NOT overwrite input operands.)
- ________________ ________________
- |________________||____U0 x V0_____| */
- if (u0_size >= v0_size)
- u0v0_size = mpn_mul (pp, up, u0_size, vp, v0_size);
- else
- u0v0_size = mpn_mul (pp, vp, v0_size, up, u0_size);
- MPN_MUL_VERIFY (pp, u0v0_size, up, u0_size, vp, v0_size);
- /* Zero-extend to 2n limbs. */
- while (u0v0_size < 2 * n)
- pp[u0v0_size++] = 0;
- /*** 2. PROD]4n..2n] := U1 x V1
- (Recursive call to mpn_mul may NOT overwrite input operands.)
- ________________ ________________
- |_____U1 x V1____||____U0 x V0_____| */
- u1v1_size = mpn_mul (pp + 2*n,
- up + n, usize - n,
- vp + n, vsize - n);
- MPN_MUL_VERIFY (pp + 2*n, u1v1_size,
- up + n, usize - n, vp + n, vsize - n);
- prod_size = 2 * n + u1v1_size;
- /*** 3. PTEM]2n..0] := (U1-U0) x (V0-V1)
- (Recursive call to mpn_mul may overwrite input operands.)
- ________________
- |_(U1-U0)(V0-V1)_| */
- temp = (mp_ptr) alloca ((2 * n + 1) * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
- if (usize - n > u0_size
- || (usize - n == u0_size
- && mpn_cmp (up + n, up, u0_size) >= 0))
- {
- utem_size = usize - n
- + mpn_sub (temp, up + n, usize - n, up, u0_size);
- negflg = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- utem_size = u0_size
- + mpn_sub (temp, up, u0_size, up + n, usize - n);
- negflg = 1;
- }
- if (vsize - n > v0_size
- || (vsize - n == v0_size
- && mpn_cmp (vp + n, vp, v0_size) >= 0))
- {
- vtem_size = vsize - n
- + mpn_sub (temp + n, vp + n, vsize - n, vp, v0_size);
- negflg ^= 1;
- }
- else
- {
- vtem_size = v0_size
- + mpn_sub (temp + n, vp, v0_size, vp + n, vsize - n);
- /* No change of NEGFLG. */
- }
- ptem = (mp_ptr) alloca (2 * n * BYTES_PER_MP_LIMB);
- if (utem_size >= vtem_size)
- ptem_size = mpn_mul (ptem, temp, utem_size, temp + n, vtem_size);
- else
- ptem_size = mpn_mul (ptem, temp + n, vtem_size, temp, utem_size);
- MPN_MUL_VERIFY (ptem, ptem_size, temp, utem_size, temp + n, vtem_size);
- /*** 4. TEMP]2n..0] := PROD]2n..0] + PROD]4n..2n]
- ________________
- |_____U1 x V1____|
- ________________
- |_____U0_x_V0____| */
- cy = mpn_add (temp, pp, 2*n, pp + 2*n, u1v1_size);
- if (cy != 0)
- {
- temp[2*n] = cy;
- temp_size = 2*n + 1;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Normalize temp. pp[2*n-1] might have been zero in the
- mpn_add call above, and thus temp might be unnormalized. */
- for (temp_size = 2*n; temp_size > 0 && temp[temp_size - 1] == 0;
- temp_size--)
- ;
- }
- if (prod_size - n >= temp_size)
- cy = mpn_add (pp + n, pp + n, prod_size - n, temp, temp_size);
- else
- {
- /* This is a weird special case that should not happen (often)! */
- cy = mpn_add (pp + n, temp, temp_size, pp + n, prod_size - n);
- prod_size = temp_size + n;
- }
- if (cy != 0)
- {
- pp[prod_size] = cy;
- prod_size++;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (prod_size > 4 * n)
- abort();
- #endif
- if (negflg)
- prod_size = prod_size
- + mpn_sub (pp + n, pp + n, prod_size - n, ptem, ptem_size);
- else
- {
- if (prod_size - n < ptem_size)
- abort();
- cy = mpn_add (pp + n, pp + n, prod_size - n, ptem, ptem_size);
- if (cy != 0)
- {
- pp[prod_size] = cy;
- prod_size++;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if (prod_size > 4 * n)
- abort();
- #endif
- }
- }
- MPN_COPY (prodp, pp, prod_size);
- alloca (0);
- return prod_size;
- }
- }