home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // -*- C++ -*-
- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com)
- This file is part of groff.
- groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- #include "troff.h"
- #include "symbol.h"
- #include "dictionary.h"
- #include "hvunits.h"
- #include "env.h"
- #include "request.h"
- #include "node.h"
- #include "token.h"
- #include "div.h"
- #include "reg.h"
- #include "charinfo.h"
- #include "searchpath.h"
- #include "macropath.h"
- #include <math.h>
- symbol default_family("T");
- struct env_list {
- environment *env;
- env_list *next;
- env_list(environment *e, env_list *p) : env(e), next(p) {}
- };
- env_list *env_stack;
- const int NENVIRONMENTS = 10;
- environment *env_table[NENVIRONMENTS];
- dictionary env_dictionary(10);
- environment *curenv;
- static int next_line_number = 0;
- charinfo *field_delimiter_char;
- charinfo *padding_indicator_char;
- int translate_space_to_dummy = 0;
- class pending_output_line {
- node *nd;
- int no_fill;
- vunits vs;
- int ls;
- hunits width;
- int last_line; // Is it the last line of the paragraph?
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- public:
- pending_output_line *next;
- pending_output_line(node *, int, vunits, int, hunits,
- pending_output_line * = 0);
- ~pending_output_line();
- int output();
- friend void environment::mark_last_line();
- friend void environment::output(node *, int, vunits, int, hunits);
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- };
- pending_output_line::pending_output_line(node *n, int nf, vunits v, int l,
- hunits w, pending_output_line *p)
- : nd(n), no_fill(nf), vs(v), ls(l), width(w),
- last_line(0),
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- next(p)
- {
- }
- pending_output_line::~pending_output_line()
- {
- delete_node_list(nd);
- }
- int pending_output_line::output()
- {
- if (trap_sprung_flag)
- return 0;
- if (next && next->last_line && !no_fill) {
- curdiv->need(vs*ls + vunits(vresolution));
- if (trap_sprung_flag) {
- next->last_line = 0; // Try to avoid infinite loops.
- return 0;
- }
- }
- #endif
- curdiv->output(nd, no_fill, vs, ls, width);
- nd = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- void environment::output(node *nd, int no_fill, vunits vs, int ls,
- hunits width)
- {
- while (pending_lines) {
- if (widow_control && !pending_lines->no_fill && !pending_lines->next)
- break;
- if (!pending_lines->output())
- break;
- pending_output_line *tem = pending_lines;
- pending_lines = pending_lines->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- #else /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- output_pending_lines();
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- if (!trap_sprung_flag && !pending_lines
- && (!widow_control || no_fill)
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- )
- curdiv->output(nd, no_fill, vs, ls, width);
- else {
- for (pending_output_line **p = &pending_lines; *p; p = &(*p)->next)
- ;
- *p = new pending_output_line(nd, no_fill, vs, ls, width);
- }
- }
- // a line from .tl goes at the head of the queue
- void environment::output_title(node *nd, int no_fill, vunits vs, int ls,
- hunits width)
- {
- if (!trap_sprung_flag)
- curdiv->output(nd, no_fill, vs, ls, width);
- else
- pending_lines = new pending_output_line(nd, no_fill, vs, ls, width,
- pending_lines);
- }
- void environment::output_pending_lines()
- {
- while (pending_lines && pending_lines->output()) {
- pending_output_line *tem = pending_lines;
- pending_lines = pending_lines->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- }
- void environment::mark_last_line()
- {
- if (!widow_control || !pending_lines)
- return;
- for (pending_output_line *p = pending_lines; p->next; p = p->next)
- ;
- if (!p->no_fill)
- p->last_line = 1;
- }
- void widow_control_request()
- {
- int n;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&n))
- curenv->widow_control = n != 0;
- else
- curenv->widow_control = 1;
- skip_line();
- }
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- /* font_size functions */
- size_range *font_size::size_table = 0;
- int font_size::nranges = 0;
- extern "C" {
- static int compare_ranges(const void *p1, const void *p2)
- {
- return ((size_range *)p1)->min - ((size_range *)p2)->min;
- }
- }
- void font_size::init_size_table(int *sizes)
- {
- nranges = 0;
- while (sizes[nranges*2] != 0)
- nranges++;
- assert(nranges > 0);
- size_table = new size_range[nranges];
- for (int i = 0; i < nranges; i++) {
- size_table[i].min = sizes[i*2];
- size_table[i].max = sizes[i*2 + 1];
- }
- qsort(size_table, nranges, sizeof(size_range), compare_ranges);
- }
- font_size::font_size(int sp)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < nranges; i++) {
- if (sp < size_table[i].min) {
- if (i > 0 && size_table[i].min - sp >= sp - size_table[i - 1].max)
- p = size_table[i - 1].max;
- else
- p = size_table[i].min;
- return;
- }
- if (sp <= size_table[i].max) {
- p = sp;
- return;
- }
- }
- p = size_table[nranges - 1].max;
- }
- int font_size::to_units()
- {
- return scale(p, units_per_inch, sizescale*72);
- }
- // we can't do this in a static constructor because various dictionaries
- // have to get initialized first
- void init_environments()
- {
- curenv = env_table[0] = new environment("0");
- }
- void tab_character()
- {
- curenv->tab_char = get_optional_char();
- skip_line();
- }
- void leader_character()
- {
- curenv->leader_char = get_optional_char();
- skip_line();
- }
- void environment::add_char(charinfo *ci)
- {
- if (interrupted)
- ;
- // don't allow fields in dummy environments
- else if (ci == field_delimiter_char && !dummy) {
- if (current_field)
- wrap_up_field();
- else
- start_field();
- }
- else if (current_field && ci == padding_indicator_char)
- add_padding();
- else if (current_tab) {
- if (tab_contents == 0)
- tab_contents = new line_start_node;
- if (ci != hyphen_indicator_char)
- tab_contents = tab_contents->add_char(ci, this, &tab_width);
- else
- tab_contents = tab_contents->add_discretionary_hyphen();
- }
- else {
- if (line == 0)
- start_line();
- if (ci != hyphen_indicator_char)
- line = line->add_char(ci, this, &width_total);
- else
- line = line->add_discretionary_hyphen();
- }
- }
- node *environment::make_char_node(charinfo *ci)
- {
- return make_node(ci, this);
- }
- void environment::add_node(node *n)
- {
- assert(n != 0);
- if (current_tab || current_field)
- n->freeze_space();
- if (interrupted) {
- delete n;
- }
- else if (current_tab) {
- n->next = tab_contents;
- tab_contents = n;
- tab_width += n->width();
- }
- else {
- if (line == 0) {
- if (discarding && n->discardable()) {
- // XXX possibly: input_line_start -= n->width();
- delete n;
- return;
- }
- start_line();
- }
- width_total += n->width();
- space_total += n->nspaces();
- n->next = line;
- line = n;
- }
- }
- void environment::add_hyphen_indicator()
- {
- if (current_tab || interrupted || current_field
- || hyphen_indicator_char != 0)
- return;
- if (line == 0)
- start_line();
- line = line->add_discretionary_hyphen();
- }
- int environment::get_hyphenation_flags()
- {
- return hyphenation_flags;
- }
- int environment::get_hyphen_line_max()
- {
- return hyphen_line_max;
- }
- int environment::get_hyphen_line_count()
- {
- return hyphen_line_count;
- }
- int environment::get_center_lines()
- {
- return center_lines;
- }
- int environment::get_right_justify_lines()
- {
- return right_justify_lines;
- }
- void environment::add_italic_correction()
- {
- if (current_tab) {
- if (tab_contents)
- tab_contents = tab_contents->add_italic_correction(&tab_width);
- }
- else if (line)
- line = line->add_italic_correction(&width_total);
- }
- void environment::space_newline()
- {
- assert(!current_tab && !current_field);
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- hunits x = H0;
- if (!translate_space_to_dummy) {
- x = env_space_width(this);
- if (node_list_ends_sentence(line) == 1)
- x += env_sentence_space_width(this);
- }
- if (line != 0 && line->merge_space(x)) {
- width_total += x;
- return;
- }
- add_node(new word_space_node(x));
- possibly_break_line(spread_flag);
- spread_flag = 0;
- }
- void environment::space()
- {
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- if (current_field && padding_indicator_char == 0) {
- add_padding();
- return;
- }
- hunits x = translate_space_to_dummy ? H0 : env_space_width(this);
- node *p = current_tab ? tab_contents : line;
- hunits *tp = current_tab ? &tab_width : &width_total;
- if (p && p->nspaces() == 1 && p->width() == x
- && node_list_ends_sentence(p->next) == 1) {
- hunits xx = translate_space_to_dummy ? H0 : env_sentence_space_width(this);
- if (p->merge_space(xx)) {
- *tp += xx;
- return;
- }
- }
- if (p && p->merge_space(x)) {
- *tp += x;
- return;
- }
- add_node(new word_space_node(x));
- possibly_break_line(spread_flag);
- spread_flag = 0;
- }
- void environment::set_font(symbol nm)
- {
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- if (nm == symbol("P")) {
- if (family->make_definite(prev_fontno) < 0)
- return;
- int tem = fontno;
- fontno = prev_fontno;
- prev_fontno = tem;
- }
- else {
- int n = symbol_fontno(nm);
- if (n < 0) {
- n = next_available_font_position();
- if (!mount_font(n, nm))
- return;
- }
- if (family->make_definite(n) < 0)
- return;
- prev_fontno = fontno;
- fontno = n;
- }
- }
- void environment::set_font(int n)
- {
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- if (is_good_fontno(n)) {
- prev_fontno = fontno;
- fontno = n;
- }
- else
- error("bad font number");
- }
- void environment::set_family(symbol fam)
- {
- if (fam.is_null()) {
- if (prev_family->make_definite(fontno) < 0)
- return;
- font_family *tem = family;
- family = prev_family;
- prev_family = tem;
- }
- else {
- font_family *f = lookup_family(fam);
- if (f->make_definite(fontno) < 0)
- return;
- prev_family = family;
- family = f;
- }
- }
- void environment::set_size(int n)
- {
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- if (n == 0) {
- font_size temp = prev_size;
- prev_size = size;
- size = temp;
- int temp2 = prev_requested_size;
- prev_requested_size = requested_size;
- requested_size = temp2;
- }
- else {
- prev_size = size;
- size = font_size(n);
- prev_requested_size = requested_size;
- requested_size = n;
- }
- }
- void environment::set_char_height(int n)
- {
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- if (n == requested_size || n <= 0)
- char_height = 0;
- else
- char_height = n;
- }
- void environment::set_char_slant(int n)
- {
- if (interrupted)
- return;
- char_slant = n;
- }
- environment::environment(symbol nm)
- : name(nm),
- prev_line_length((units_per_inch*13)/2),
- line_length((units_per_inch*13)/2),
- prev_title_length((units_per_inch*13)/2),
- title_length((units_per_inch*13)/2),
- prev_size(sizescale*10),
- size(sizescale*10),
- requested_size(sizescale*10),
- prev_requested_size(sizescale*10),
- char_height(0),
- char_slant(0),
- space_size(12),
- sentence_space_size(12),
- adjust_mode(ADJUST_BOTH),
- fill(1),
- interrupted(0),
- prev_line_interrupted(0),
- center_lines(0),
- right_justify_lines(0),
- prev_vertical_spacing(points_to_units(12)),
- vertical_spacing(points_to_units(12)),
- prev_line_spacing(1),
- line_spacing(1),
- prev_indent(0),
- indent(0),
- have_temporary_indent(0),
- temporary_indent(0),
- underline_lines(0),
- input_trap_count(0),
- prev_text_length(0),
- width_total(0),
- space_total(0),
- input_line_start(0),
- control_char('.'),
- no_break_control_char('\''),
- hyphen_indicator_char(0),
- spread_flag(0),
- line(0),
- pending_lines(0),
- discarding(0),
- tabs(units_per_inch/2, TAB_LEFT),
- current_tab(TAB_NONE),
- current_field(0),
- margin_character_flags(0),
- margin_character_node(0),
- margin_character_distance(points_to_units(10)),
- numbering_nodes(0),
- number_text_separation(1),
- line_number_multiple(1),
- line_number_indent(0),
- no_number_count(0),
- tab_char(0),
- leader_char(charset_table['.']),
- hyphenation_flags(1),
- dummy(0),
- leader_node(0),
- widow_control(0),
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- hyphen_line_count(0),
- hyphen_line_max(-1),
- hyphenation_space(H0),
- hyphenation_margin(H0),
- composite(0)
- {
- prev_family = family = lookup_family(default_family);
- prev_fontno = fontno = 1;
- if (!is_good_fontno(1))
- fatal("font number 1 not a valid font");
- if (family->make_definite(1) < 0)
- fatal("invalid default family `%1'", default_family.contents());
- prev_fontno = fontno;
- }
- environment::environment(const environment *e)
- : name(e->name), // so that eg `.if "\n[.ev]"0"' works
- prev_line_length(e->prev_line_length),
- line_length(e->line_length),
- prev_title_length(e->prev_title_length),
- title_length(e->title_length),
- prev_size(e->prev_size),
- size(e->size),
- prev_requested_size(e->prev_requested_size),
- requested_size(e->requested_size),
- char_height(e->char_height),
- char_slant(e->char_slant),
- space_size(e->space_size),
- sentence_space_size(e->sentence_space_size),
- adjust_mode(e->adjust_mode),
- fill(e->fill),
- interrupted(0),
- prev_line_interrupted(0),
- center_lines(0),
- right_justify_lines(0),
- prev_vertical_spacing(e->prev_vertical_spacing),
- vertical_spacing(e->vertical_spacing),
- prev_line_spacing(e->prev_line_spacing),
- line_spacing(e->line_spacing),
- prev_indent(e->prev_indent),
- indent(e->indent),
- have_temporary_indent(0),
- temporary_indent(0),
- underline_lines(0),
- input_trap_count(0),
- prev_text_length(e->prev_text_length),
- width_total(0),
- space_total(0),
- input_line_start(0),
- control_char(e->control_char),
- no_break_control_char(e->no_break_control_char),
- hyphen_indicator_char(e->hyphen_indicator_char),
- spread_flag(0),
- line(0),
- pending_lines(0),
- discarding(0),
- tabs(e->tabs),
- current_tab(TAB_NONE),
- current_field(0),
- margin_character_flags(e->margin_character_flags),
- margin_character_node(e->margin_character_node),
- margin_character_distance(e->margin_character_distance),
- numbering_nodes(0),
- number_text_separation(e->number_text_separation),
- line_number_multiple(e->line_number_multiple),
- line_number_indent(e->line_number_indent),
- no_number_count(e->no_number_count),
- tab_char(e->tab_char),
- leader_char(e->leader_char),
- hyphenation_flags(e->hyphenation_flags),
- fontno(e->fontno),
- prev_fontno(e->prev_fontno),
- dummy(1),
- family(e->family),
- prev_family(e->prev_family),
- leader_node(0),
- widow_control(e->widow_control),
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- hyphen_line_max(e->hyphen_line_max),
- hyphen_line_count(0),
- hyphenation_space(e->hyphenation_space),
- hyphenation_margin(e->hyphenation_margin),
- composite(0)
- {
- }
- environment::~environment()
- {
- delete leader_node;
- delete_node_list(line);
- delete_node_list(numbering_nodes);
- }
- hunits environment::get_input_line_position()
- {
- hunits n;
- if (line == 0)
- n = -input_line_start;
- else
- n = width_total - input_line_start;
- if (current_tab)
- n += tab_width;
- return n;
- }
- void environment::set_input_line_position(hunits n)
- {
- input_line_start = line == 0 ? -n : width_total - n;
- if (current_tab)
- input_line_start += tab_width;
- }
- hunits environment::get_line_length()
- {
- return line_length;
- }
- hunits environment::get_saved_line_length()
- {
- if (line)
- return target_text_length + saved_indent;
- else
- return line_length;
- }
- vunits environment::get_vertical_spacing()
- {
- return vertical_spacing;
- }
- int environment::get_line_spacing()
- {
- return line_spacing;
- }
- int environment::get_bold()
- {
- return get_bold_fontno(fontno);
- }
- hunits environment::get_digit_width()
- {
- return env_digit_width(this);
- }
- int environment::get_adjust_mode()
- {
- return adjust_mode;
- }
- int environment::get_fill()
- {
- return fill;
- }
- hunits environment::get_indent()
- {
- return indent;
- }
- hunits environment::get_saved_indent()
- {
- if (line)
- return saved_indent;
- else if (have_temporary_indent)
- return temporary_indent;
- else
- return indent;
- }
- hunits environment::get_temporary_indent()
- {
- return temporary_indent;
- }
- hunits environment::get_title_length()
- {
- return title_length;
- }
- node *environment::get_prev_char()
- {
- for (node *n = current_tab ? tab_contents : line; n; n = n->next) {
- node *last = n->last_char_node();
- if (last)
- return last;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- hunits environment::get_prev_char_width()
- {
- node *last = get_prev_char();
- if (!last)
- return H0;
- return last->width();
- }
- hunits environment::get_prev_char_skew()
- {
- node *last = get_prev_char();
- if (!last)
- return H0;
- return last->skew();
- }
- vunits environment::get_prev_char_height()
- {
- node *last = get_prev_char();
- if (!last)
- return V0;
- vunits min, max;
- last->vertical_extent(&min, &max);
- return -min;
- }
- vunits environment::get_prev_char_depth()
- {
- node *last = get_prev_char();
- if (!last)
- return V0;
- vunits min, max;
- last->vertical_extent(&min, &max);
- return max;
- }
- hunits environment::get_text_length()
- {
- hunits n = line == 0 ? H0 : width_total;
- if (current_tab)
- n += tab_width;
- return n;
- }
- hunits environment::get_prev_text_length()
- {
- return prev_text_length;
- }
- static int sb_reg_contents = 0;
- static int st_reg_contents = 0;
- static int ct_reg_contents = 0;
- static int rsb_reg_contents = 0;
- static int rst_reg_contents = 0;
- static int skw_reg_contents = 0;
- static int ssc_reg_contents = 0;
- void environment::width_registers()
- {
- // this is used to implement \w; it sets the st, sb, ct registers
- vunits min = 0, max = 0, cur = 0;
- int character_type = 0;
- ssc_reg_contents = line ? line->subscript_correction().to_units() : 0;
- skw_reg_contents = line ? line->skew().to_units() : 0;
- line = reverse_node_list(line);
- vunits real_min = V0;
- vunits real_max = V0;
- vunits v1, v2;
- for (node *tem = line; tem; tem = tem->next) {
- tem->vertical_extent(&v1, &v2);
- v1 += cur;
- if (v1 < real_min)
- real_min = v1;
- v2 += cur;
- if (v2 > real_max)
- real_max = v2;
- if ((cur += tem->vertical_width()) < min)
- min = cur;
- else if (cur > max)
- max = cur;
- character_type |= tem->character_type();
- }
- line = reverse_node_list(line);
- st_reg_contents = -min.to_units();
- sb_reg_contents = -max.to_units();
- rst_reg_contents = -real_min.to_units();
- rsb_reg_contents = -real_max.to_units();
- ct_reg_contents = character_type;
- }
- node *environment::extract_output_line()
- {
- if (current_tab)
- wrap_up_tab();
- node *n = line;
- line = 0;
- return n;
- }
- /* environment related requests */
- void environment_switch()
- {
- int pop = 0; // 1 means pop, 2 means pop but no error message on underflow
- if (curenv->is_dummy())
- error("can't switch environments when current environment is dummy");
- else if (!has_arg())
- pop = 1;
- else {
- symbol nm;
- if (!tok.delimiter()) {
- // It looks like a number.
- int n;
- if (get_integer(&n)) {
- if (n >= 0 && n < NENVIRONMENTS) {
- env_stack = new env_list(curenv, env_stack);
- if (env_table[n] == 0)
- env_table[n] = new environment(itoa(n));
- curenv = env_table[n];
- }
- else
- nm = itoa(n);
- }
- else
- pop = 2;
- }
- else {
- nm = get_long_name(1);
- if (nm.is_null())
- pop = 2;
- }
- if (!nm.is_null()) {
- environment *e = (environment *)env_dictionary.lookup(nm);
- if (!e) {
- e = new environment(nm);
- (void)env_dictionary.lookup(nm, e);
- }
- env_stack = new env_list(curenv, env_stack);
- curenv = e;
- }
- }
- if (pop) {
- if (env_stack == 0) {
- if (pop == 1)
- error("environment stack underflow");
- }
- else {
- curenv = env_stack->env;
- env_list *tem = env_stack;
- env_stack = env_stack->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- static symbol P_symbol("P");
- void font_change()
- {
- symbol s = get_name();
- int is_number = 1;
- if (s.is_null() || s == P_symbol) {
- s = P_symbol;
- is_number = 0;
- }
- else {
- for (const char *p = s.contents(); p != 0 && *p != 0; p++)
- if (!csdigit(*p)) {
- is_number = 0;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (is_number)
- curenv->set_font(atoi(s.contents()));
- else
- curenv->set_font(s);
- skip_line();
- }
- void family_change()
- {
- symbol s = get_name(1);
- if (!s.is_null())
- curenv->set_family(s);
- skip_line();
- }
- void point_size()
- {
- int n;
- if (has_arg() && get_number(&n, 'z', curenv->get_requested_point_size())) {
- if (n <= 0)
- n = 1;
- curenv->set_size(n);
- }
- else
- curenv->set_size(0);
- skip_line();
- }
- void space_size()
- {
- int n;
- if (get_integer(&n)) {
- curenv->space_size = n;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&n))
- curenv->sentence_space_size = n;
- else
- curenv->sentence_space_size = curenv->space_size;
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void fill()
- {
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- curenv->fill = 1;
- tok.next();
- }
- void no_fill()
- {
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- curenv->fill = 0;
- tok.next();
- }
- void center()
- {
- int n;
- if (!has_arg() || !get_integer(&n))
- n = 1;
- else if (n < 0)
- n = 0;
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- curenv->right_justify_lines = 0;
- curenv->center_lines = n;
- tok.next();
- }
- void right_justify()
- {
- int n;
- if (!has_arg() || !get_integer(&n))
- n = 1;
- else if (n < 0)
- n = 0;
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- curenv->center_lines = 0;
- curenv->right_justify_lines = n;
- tok.next();
- }
- void line_length()
- {
- hunits temp;
- if (has_arg() && get_hunits(&temp, 'm', curenv->line_length)) {
- if (temp < H0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "bad line length %1u", temp.to_units());
- temp = H0;
- }
- }
- else
- temp = curenv->prev_line_length;
- curenv->prev_line_length = curenv->line_length;
- curenv->line_length = temp;
- skip_line();
- }
- void title_length()
- {
- hunits temp;
- if (has_arg() && get_hunits(&temp, 'm', curenv->title_length)) {
- if (temp < H0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "bad title length %1u", temp.to_units());
- temp = H0;
- }
- }
- else
- temp = curenv->prev_title_length;
- curenv->prev_title_length = curenv->title_length;
- curenv->title_length = temp;
- skip_line();
- }
- void vertical_spacing()
- {
- vunits temp;
- if (has_arg() && get_vunits(&temp, 'p', curenv->vertical_spacing)) {
- if (temp <= V0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "vertical spacing must be greater than 0");
- temp = vresolution;
- }
- }
- else
- temp = curenv->prev_vertical_spacing;
- curenv->prev_vertical_spacing = curenv->vertical_spacing;
- curenv->vertical_spacing = temp;
- skip_line();
- }
- void line_spacing()
- {
- int temp;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&temp)) {
- if (temp < 1) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "value %1 out of range: interpreted as 1", temp);
- temp = 1;
- }
- }
- else
- temp = curenv->prev_line_spacing;
- curenv->prev_line_spacing = curenv->line_spacing;
- curenv->line_spacing = temp;
- skip_line();
- }
- void indent()
- {
- hunits temp;
- if (has_arg() && get_hunits(&temp, 'm', curenv->indent)) {
- if (temp < H0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "indent cannot be negative");
- temp = H0;
- }
- }
- else
- temp = curenv->prev_indent;
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- curenv->have_temporary_indent = 0;
- curenv->prev_indent = curenv->indent;
- curenv->indent = temp;
- tok.next();
- }
- void temporary_indent()
- {
- int err = 0;
- hunits temp;
- if (!get_hunits(&temp, 'm', curenv->get_indent()))
- err = 1;
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- if (temp < H0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "total indent cannot be negative");
- temp = H0;
- }
- if (!err) {
- curenv->temporary_indent = temp;
- curenv->have_temporary_indent = 1;
- }
- tok.next();
- }
- void underline()
- {
- int n;
- if (!has_arg() || !get_integer(&n))
- n = 1;
- if (n <= 0) {
- if (curenv->underline_lines > 0) {
- curenv->prev_fontno = curenv->fontno;
- curenv->fontno = curenv->pre_underline_fontno;
- }
- curenv->underline_lines = 0;
- }
- else {
- curenv->underline_lines = n;
- curenv->pre_underline_fontno = curenv->fontno;
- curenv->fontno = get_underline_fontno();
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void control_char()
- {
- curenv->control_char = '.';
- if (has_arg()) {
- if (tok.ch() == 0)
- error("bad control character");
- else
- curenv->control_char = tok.ch();
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void no_break_control_char()
- {
- curenv->no_break_control_char = '\'';
- if (has_arg()) {
- if (tok.ch() == 0)
- error("bad control character");
- else
- curenv->no_break_control_char = tok.ch();
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void margin_character()
- {
- charinfo *ci = get_optional_char();
- if (ci) {
- node *nd = curenv->make_char_node(ci);
- if (nd) {
- delete curenv->margin_character_node;
- curenv->margin_character_node = nd;
- curenv->margin_character_flags = (MARGIN_CHARACTER_ON
- hunits d;
- if (has_arg() && get_hunits(&d, 'm'))
- curenv->margin_character_distance = d;
- }
- }
- else {
- curenv->margin_character_flags &= ~MARGIN_CHARACTER_ON;
- if (curenv->margin_character_flags == 0) {
- delete curenv->margin_character_node;
- curenv->margin_character_node = 0;
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void number_lines()
- {
- delete_node_list(curenv->numbering_nodes);
- curenv->numbering_nodes = 0;
- if (has_arg()) {
- node *nd = 0;
- for (int i = '9'; i >= '0'; i--) {
- node *tem = make_node(charset_table[i], curenv);
- if (!tem) {
- skip_line();
- return;
- }
- tem->next = nd;
- nd = tem;
- }
- curenv->numbering_nodes = nd;
- curenv->line_number_digit_width = env_digit_width(curenv);
- int n;
- if (!tok.delimiter()) {
- if (get_integer(&n, next_line_number)) {
- next_line_number = n;
- if (next_line_number < 0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "negative line number");
- next_line_number = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- while (!tok.space() && !tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (has_arg()) {
- if (!tok.delimiter()) {
- if (get_integer(&n)) {
- if (n <= 0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "negative or zero line number multiple");
- }
- else
- curenv->line_number_multiple = n;
- }
- }
- else
- while (!tok.space() && !tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (has_arg()) {
- if (!tok.delimiter()) {
- if (get_integer(&n))
- curenv->number_text_separation = n;
- }
- else
- while (!tok.space() && !tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (has_arg() && !tok.delimiter() && get_integer(&n))
- curenv->line_number_indent = n;
- }
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void no_number()
- {
- int n;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&n))
- curenv->no_number_count = n > 0 ? n : 0;
- else
- curenv->no_number_count = 1;
- skip_line();
- }
- void no_hyphenate()
- {
- curenv->hyphenation_flags = 0;
- skip_line();
- }
- void hyphenate_request()
- {
- int n;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&n))
- curenv->hyphenation_flags = n;
- else
- curenv->hyphenation_flags = 1;
- skip_line();
- }
- void hyphen_char()
- {
- curenv->hyphen_indicator_char = get_optional_char();
- skip_line();
- }
- void hyphen_line_max_request()
- {
- int n;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&n))
- curenv->hyphen_line_max = n;
- else
- curenv->hyphen_line_max = -1;
- skip_line();
- }
- void environment::interrupt()
- {
- if (!dummy) {
- add_node(new transparent_dummy_node);
- interrupted = 1;
- }
- }
- void environment::newline()
- {
- if (underline_lines > 0) {
- if (--underline_lines == 0) {
- prev_fontno = fontno;
- fontno = pre_underline_fontno;
- }
- }
- if (current_field)
- wrap_up_field();
- if (current_tab)
- wrap_up_tab();
- // strip trailing spaces
- while (line != 0 && line->discardable()) {
- width_total -= line->width();
- space_total -= line->nspaces();
- node *tem = line;
- line = line->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- node *to_be_output = 0;
- hunits to_be_output_width;
- prev_line_interrupted = 0;
- if (dummy)
- space_newline();
- else if (interrupted) {
- interrupted = 0;
- // see environment::final_break
- prev_line_interrupted = exit_started ? 2 : 1;
- }
- else if (center_lines > 0) {
- --center_lines;
- hunits x = target_text_length - width_total;
- if (x > H0)
- saved_indent += x/2;
- to_be_output = line;
- to_be_output_width = width_total;
- line = 0;
- }
- else if (right_justify_lines > 0) {
- --right_justify_lines;
- hunits x = target_text_length - width_total;
- if (x > H0)
- saved_indent += x;
- to_be_output = line;
- to_be_output_width = width_total;
- line = 0;
- }
- else if (fill)
- space_newline();
- else {
- to_be_output = line;
- to_be_output_width = width_total;
- line = 0;
- }
- input_line_start = line == 0 ? H0 : width_total;
- if (to_be_output) {
- output_line(to_be_output, to_be_output_width);
- hyphen_line_count = 0;
- }
- if (input_trap_count > 0) {
- if (--input_trap_count == 0)
- spring_trap(input_trap);
- }
- }
- void environment::output_line(node *n, hunits width)
- {
- prev_text_length = width;
- if (margin_character_flags) {
- hunits d = line_length + margin_character_distance - saved_indent - width;
- if (d > 0) {
- n = new hmotion_node(d, n);
- width += d;
- }
- margin_character_flags &= ~MARGIN_CHARACTER_NEXT;
- node *tem;
- if (!margin_character_flags) {
- tem = margin_character_node;
- margin_character_node = 0;
- }
- else
- tem = margin_character_node->copy();
- tem->next = n;
- n = tem;
- width += tem->width();
- }
- node *nn = 0;
- while (n != 0) {
- node *tem = n->next;
- n->next = nn;
- nn = n;
- n = tem;
- }
- if (!saved_indent.is_zero())
- nn = new hmotion_node(saved_indent, nn);
- width += saved_indent;
- if (no_number_count > 0)
- --no_number_count;
- else if (numbering_nodes) {
- hunits w = (line_number_digit_width
- *(3+line_number_indent+number_text_separation));
- if (next_line_number % line_number_multiple != 0)
- nn = new hmotion_node(w, nn);
- else {
- hunits x = w;
- nn = new hmotion_node(number_text_separation*line_number_digit_width,
- nn);
- x -= number_text_separation*line_number_digit_width;
- char buf[30];
- sprintf(buf, "%3d", next_line_number);
- for (char *p = strchr(buf, '\0') - 1; p >= buf && *p != ' '; --p) {
- node *gn = numbering_nodes;
- for (int count = *p - '0'; count > 0; count--)
- gn = gn->next;
- gn = gn->copy();
- x -= gn->width();
- gn->next = nn;
- nn = gn;
- }
- nn = new hmotion_node(x, nn);
- }
- width += w;
- ++next_line_number;
- }
- output(nn, !fill, vertical_spacing, line_spacing, width);
- }
- void environment::start_line()
- {
- assert(line == 0);
- discarding = 0;
- line = new line_start_node;
- if (have_temporary_indent) {
- saved_indent = temporary_indent;
- have_temporary_indent = 0;
- }
- else
- saved_indent = indent;
- target_text_length = line_length - saved_indent;
- width_total = H0;
- space_total = 0;
- }
- hunits environment::get_hyphenation_space()
- {
- return hyphenation_space;
- }
- void hyphenation_space_request()
- {
- hunits n;
- if (get_hunits(&n, 'm')) {
- if (n < H0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "hyphenation space cannot be negative");
- n = H0;
- }
- curenv->hyphenation_space = n;
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- hunits environment::get_hyphenation_margin()
- {
- return hyphenation_margin;
- }
- void hyphenation_margin_request()
- {
- hunits n;
- if (get_hunits(&n, 'm')) {
- if (n < H0) {
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "hyphenation margin cannot be negative");
- n = H0;
- }
- curenv->hyphenation_margin = n;
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- breakpoint *environment::choose_breakpoint()
- {
- hunits x = width_total;
- int s = space_total;
- node *n = line;
- breakpoint *best_bp = 0; // the best breakpoint so far
- int best_bp_fits = 0;
- while (n != 0) {
- x -= n->width();
- s -= n->nspaces();
- breakpoint *bp = n->get_breakpoints(x, s);
- while (bp != 0) {
- if (bp->width <= target_text_length) {
- if (!bp->hyphenated) {
- breakpoint *tem = bp->next;
- bp->next = 0;
- while (tem != 0) {
- breakpoint *tem1 = tem;
- tem = tem->next;
- delete tem1;
- }
- if (best_bp_fits
- // Decide whether to use the hyphenated breakpoint.
- && (hyphen_line_max < 0
- // Only choose the hyphenated breakpoint if it would not
- // exceed the maximum number of consecutive hyphenated
- // lines.
- || hyphen_line_count + 1 <= hyphen_line_max)
- && !(adjust_mode == ADJUST_BOTH
- // Don't choose the hyphenated breakpoint if the line
- // can be justified by adding no more than
- // hyphenation_space to any word space.
- ? (bp->nspaces > 0
- && (((target_text_length - bp->width
- + (bp->nspaces - 1)*hresolution)/bp->nspaces)
- <= hyphenation_space))
- // Don't choose the hyphenated breakpoint if the line
- // is no more than hyphenation_margin short.
- : target_text_length - bp->width <= hyphenation_margin)) {
- delete bp;
- return best_bp;
- }
- if (best_bp)
- delete best_bp;
- return bp;
- }
- else {
- if ((adjust_mode == ADJUST_BOTH
- ? hyphenation_space == H0
- : hyphenation_margin == H0)
- && (hyphen_line_max < 0
- || hyphen_line_count + 1 <= hyphen_line_max)) {
- // No need to consider a non-hyphenated breakpoint.
- if (best_bp)
- delete best_bp;
- return bp;
- }
- // It fits but it's hyphenated.
- if (!best_bp_fits) {
- if (best_bp)
- delete best_bp;
- best_bp = bp;
- bp = bp->next;
- best_bp_fits = 1;
- }
- else {
- breakpoint *tem = bp;
- bp = bp->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- if (best_bp)
- delete best_bp;
- best_bp = bp;
- bp = bp->next;
- }
- }
- n = n->next;
- }
- if (best_bp) {
- if (!best_bp_fits)
- warning(WARN_BREAK, "can't break line");
- return best_bp;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- void environment::hyphenate_line()
- {
- if (line == 0)
- return;
- hyphenation_type prev_type = line->get_hyphenation_type();
- for (node **startp = &line->next; *startp != 0; startp = &(*startp)->next) {
- hyphenation_type this_type = (*startp)->get_hyphenation_type();
- if (prev_type == HYPHEN_BOUNDARY && this_type == HYPHEN_MIDDLE)
- break;
- prev_type = this_type;
- }
- if (*startp == 0)
- return;
- node *tem = *startp;
- int i = 0;
- do {
- ++i;
- tem = tem->next;
- } while (tem != 0 && tem->get_hyphenation_type() == HYPHEN_MIDDLE);
- int inhibit = (tem != 0 && tem->get_hyphenation_type() == HYPHEN_INHIBIT);
- node *end = tem;
- hyphen_list *sl = 0;
- tem = *startp;
- node *forward = 0;
- while (tem != end) {
- sl = tem->get_hyphen_list(sl);
- node *tem1 = tem;
- tem = tem->next;
- tem1->next = forward;
- forward = tem1;
- }
- if (!inhibit) {
- // this is for characters like hyphen and emdash
- int prev_code = 0;
- for (hyphen_list *h = sl; h; h = h->next) {
- h->breakable = (prev_code != 0
- && h->next != 0
- && h->next->hyphenation_code != 0);
- prev_code = h->hyphenation_code;
- }
- }
- if (hyphenation_flags != 0
- && !inhibit
- // this may not be right if we have extra space on this line
- && !((hyphenation_flags & HYPHEN_LAST_LINE)
- && curdiv->distance_to_next_trap() <= line_spacing*vertical_spacing)
- && i >= 4)
- hyphenate(sl, hyphenation_flags);
- while (forward != 0) {
- node *tem1 = forward;
- forward = forward->next;
- tem1->next = 0;
- tem = tem1->add_self(tem, &sl);
- }
- *startp = tem;
- }
- static node *node_list_reverse(node *n)
- {
- node *res = 0;
- while (n) {
- node *tem = n;
- n = n->next;
- tem->next = res;
- res = tem;
- }
- return res;
- }
- static void distribute_space(node *n, int nspaces, hunits desired_space,
- int force_reverse = 0)
- {
- static int reverse = 0;
- if (force_reverse || reverse)
- n = node_list_reverse(n);
- for (node *tem = n; tem; tem = tem->next)
- tem->spread_space(&nspaces, &desired_space);
- if (force_reverse || reverse)
- (void)node_list_reverse(n);
- if (!force_reverse)
- reverse = !reverse;
- assert(desired_space.is_zero() && nspaces == 0);
- }
- void environment::possibly_break_line(int forced)
- {
- if (!fill || current_tab || current_field || dummy)
- return;
- while (line != 0 && (forced || width_total > target_text_length)) {
- hyphenate_line();
- breakpoint *bp = choose_breakpoint();
- if (bp == 0)
- // we'll find one eventually
- return;
- node *pre, *post;
- node **ndp = &line;
- while (*ndp != bp->nd)
- ndp = &(*ndp)->next;
- bp->nd->split(bp->index, &pre, &post);
- *ndp = post;
- hunits extra_space_width = H0;
- switch(adjust_mode) {
- if (bp->nspaces != 0)
- extra_space_width = target_text_length - bp->width;
- break;
- saved_indent += (target_text_length - bp->width)/2;
- break;
- saved_indent += target_text_length - bp->width;
- break;
- }
- distribute_space(pre, bp->nspaces, extra_space_width);
- hunits output_width = bp->width + extra_space_width;
- input_line_start -= output_width;
- if (bp->hyphenated)
- hyphen_line_count++;
- else
- hyphen_line_count = 0;
- delete bp;
- space_total = 0;
- width_total = 0;
- node *first_non_discardable = 0;
- for (node *tem = line; tem != 0; tem = tem->next)
- if (!tem->discardable())
- first_non_discardable = tem;
- node *to_be_discarded;
- if (first_non_discardable) {
- to_be_discarded = first_non_discardable->next;
- first_non_discardable->next = 0;
- for (tem = line; tem != 0; tem = tem->next) {
- width_total += tem->width();
- space_total += tem->nspaces();
- }
- discarding = 0;
- }
- else {
- discarding = 1;
- to_be_discarded = line;
- line = 0;
- }
- // Do output_line() here so that line will be 0 iff the
- // the environment will be empty.
- output_line(pre, output_width);
- while (to_be_discarded != 0) {
- tem = to_be_discarded;
- to_be_discarded = to_be_discarded->next;
- input_line_start -= tem->width();
- delete tem;
- }
- if (line != 0) {
- if (have_temporary_indent) {
- saved_indent = temporary_indent;
- have_temporary_indent = 0;
- }
- else
- saved_indent = indent;
- target_text_length = line_length - saved_indent;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- Do the break at the end of input after the end macro (if any).
- Unix troff behaves as follows: if the last line is
- foo bar\c
- it will output foo on the current page, and bar on the next page;
- if the last line is
- foo\c
- or
- foo bar
- everything will be output on the current page. This behaviour must be
- considered a bug.
- The problem is that some macro packages rely on this. For example,
- the ATK macros have an end macro that emits \c if it needs to print a
- table of contents but doesn't do a 'bp in the end macro; instead the
- 'bp is done in the bottom of page trap. This works with Unix troff,
- provided that the current environment is not empty at the end of the
- input file.
- The following will make macro packages that do that sort of thing work
- even if the current environment is empty at the end of the input file.
- If the last input line used \c and this line occurred in the end macro,
- then we'll force everything out on the current page, but we'll make
- sure that the environment isn't empty so that we won't exit at the
- bottom of this page.
- */
- void environment::final_break()
- {
- if (prev_line_interrupted == 2) {
- do_break();
- add_node(new transparent_dummy_node);
- }
- else
- do_break();
- }
- void environment::do_break()
- {
- if (curdiv == topdiv && topdiv->before_first_page) {
- topdiv->begin_page();
- return;
- }
- if (current_tab)
- wrap_up_tab();
- if (line) {
- line = new space_node(H0, line); // this is so that hyphenation works
- space_total++;
- possibly_break_line();
- }
- while (line != 0 && line->discardable()) {
- width_total -= line->width();
- space_total -= line->nspaces();
- node *tem = line;
- line = line->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- discarding = 0;
- input_line_start = H0;
- if (line != 0) {
- if (fill) {
- switch (adjust_mode) {
- saved_indent += (target_text_length - width_total)/2;
- break;
- saved_indent += target_text_length - width_total;
- break;
- }
- }
- node *tem = line;
- line = 0;
- output_line(tem, width_total);
- hyphen_line_count = 0;
- }
- prev_line_interrupted = 0;
- mark_last_line();
- output_pending_lines();
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- }
- int environment::is_empty()
- {
- return !current_tab && line == 0 && pending_lines == 0;
- }
- void break_request()
- {
- while (!tok.newline() && !tok.eof())
- tok.next();
- if (break_flag)
- curenv->do_break();
- tok.next();
- }
- void title()
- {
- if (curdiv == topdiv && topdiv->before_first_page) {
- handle_initial_title();
- return;
- }
- node *part[3];
- hunits part_width[3];
- part[0] = part[1] = part[2] = 0;
- environment env(curenv);
- environment *oldenv = curenv;
- curenv = &env;
- read_title_parts(part, part_width);
- curenv = oldenv;
- curenv->size = env.size;
- curenv->prev_size = env.prev_size;
- curenv->requested_size = env.requested_size;
- curenv->prev_requested_size = env.prev_requested_size;
- curenv->char_height = env.char_height;
- curenv->char_slant = env.char_slant;
- curenv->fontno = env.fontno;
- curenv->prev_fontno = env.prev_fontno;
- node *n = 0;
- node *p = part[2];
- while (p != 0) {
- node *tem = p;
- p = p->next;
- tem->next = n;
- n = tem;
- }
- hunits title_length(curenv->title_length);
- hunits f = title_length - part_width[1];
- hunits f2 = f/2;
- n = new hmotion_node(f2 - part_width[2], n);
- p = part[1];
- while (p != 0) {
- node *tem = p;
- p = p->next;
- tem->next = n;
- n = tem;
- }
- n = new hmotion_node(f - f2 - part_width[0], n);
- p = part[0];
- while (p != 0) {
- node *tem = p;
- p = p->next;
- tem->next = n;
- n = tem;
- }
- curenv->output_title(n, !curenv->fill, curenv->vertical_spacing,
- curenv->line_spacing, title_length);
- curenv->hyphen_line_count = 0;
- tok.next();
- }
- void adjust()
- {
- curenv->adjust_mode |= 1;
- if (has_arg()) {
- switch (tok.ch()) {
- case 'l':
- curenv->adjust_mode = ADJUST_LEFT;
- break;
- case 'r':
- curenv->adjust_mode = ADJUST_RIGHT;
- break;
- case 'c':
- curenv->adjust_mode = ADJUST_CENTER;
- break;
- case 'b':
- case 'n':
- curenv->adjust_mode = ADJUST_BOTH;
- break;
- default:
- int n;
- if (get_integer(&n)) {
- if (n < 0)
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "negative adjustment mode");
- else if (n > 5) {
- curenv->adjust_mode = 5;
- warning(WARN_RANGE, "adjustment mode `%1' out of range", n);
- }
- else
- curenv->adjust_mode = n;
- }
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- void no_adjust()
- {
- curenv->adjust_mode &= ~1;
- skip_line();
- }
- void input_trap()
- {
- curenv->input_trap_count = 0;
- int n;
- if (has_arg() && get_integer(&n)) {
- if (n <= 0)
- warning(WARN_RANGE,
- "number of lines for input trap must be greater than zero");
- else {
- symbol s = get_name(1);
- if (!s.is_null()) {
- curenv->input_trap_count = n;
- curenv->input_trap = s;
- }
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- /* tabs */
- // must not be R or C or L or a legitimate part of a number expression
- const char TAB_REPEAT_CHAR = 'T';
- struct tab {
- tab *next;
- hunits pos;
- tab_type type;
- tab(hunits, tab_type);
- enum { BLOCK = 1024 };
- static tab *free_list;
- void *operator new(size_t);
- void operator delete(void *);
- };
- tab *tab::free_list = 0;
- void *tab::operator new(size_t n)
- {
- assert(n == sizeof(tab));
- if (!free_list) {
- free_list = (tab *)new char[sizeof(tab)*BLOCK];
- for (int i = 0; i < BLOCK - 1; i++)
- free_list[i].next = free_list + i + 1;
- free_list[BLOCK-1].next = 0;
- }
- tab *p = free_list;
- free_list = (tab *)(free_list->next);
- p->next = 0;
- return p;
- }
- #ifdef __GNUG__
- /* cfront can't cope with this. */
- inline
- #endif
- void tab::operator delete(void *p)
- {
- if (p) {
- ((tab *)p)->next = free_list;
- free_list = (tab *)p;
- }
- }
- tab::tab(hunits x, tab_type t) : next(0), pos(x), type(t)
- {
- }
- tab_stops::tab_stops(hunits distance, tab_type type)
- : initial_list(0)
- {
- repeated_list = new tab(distance, type);
- }
- tab_stops::~tab_stops()
- {
- clear();
- }
- tab_type tab_stops::distance_to_next_tab(hunits curpos, hunits *distance)
- {
- hunits lastpos = 0;
- for (tab *tem = initial_list; tem && tem->pos <= curpos; tem = tem->next)
- lastpos = tem->pos;
- if (tem) {
- *distance = tem->pos - curpos;
- return tem->type;
- }
- if (repeated_list == 0)
- return TAB_NONE;
- hunits base = lastpos;
- for (;;) {
- for (tem = repeated_list; tem && tem->pos + base <= curpos; tem = tem->next)
- lastpos = tem->pos;
- if (tem) {
- *distance = tem->pos + base - curpos;
- return tem->type;
- }
- assert(lastpos > 0);
- base += lastpos;
- }
- return TAB_NONE;
- }
- const char *tab_stops::to_string()
- {
- static char *buf = 0;
- static int buf_size = 0;
- // figure out a maximum on the amount of space we can need
- int count = 0;
- for (tab *p = initial_list; p; p = p->next)
- ++count;
- for (p = repeated_list; p; p = p->next)
- ++count;
- // (10 for digits + 1 for u + 1 for 'C' or 'R') + 2 for ' &' + 1 for '\0'
- int need = count*12 + 3;
- if (buf == 0 || need > buf_size) {
- if (buf)
- a_delete buf;
- buf_size = need;
- buf = new char[buf_size];
- }
- char *ptr = buf;
- for (p = initial_list; p; p = p->next) {
- strcpy(ptr, itoa(p->pos.to_units()));
- ptr = strchr(ptr, '\0');
- *ptr++ = 'u';
- *ptr = '\0';
- switch (p->type) {
- case TAB_LEFT:
- break;
- case TAB_RIGHT:
- *ptr++ = 'R';
- break;
- case TAB_CENTER:
- *ptr++ = 'C';
- break;
- case TAB_NONE:
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- if (repeated_list)
- *ptr++ = TAB_REPEAT_CHAR;
- for (p = repeated_list; p; p = p->next) {
- strcpy(ptr, itoa(p->pos.to_units()));
- ptr = strchr(ptr, '\0');
- *ptr++ = 'u';
- *ptr = '\0';
- switch (p->type) {
- case TAB_LEFT:
- break;
- case TAB_RIGHT:
- *ptr++ = 'R';
- break;
- case TAB_CENTER:
- *ptr++ = 'C';
- break;
- case TAB_NONE:
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- *ptr++ = '\0';
- return buf;
- }
- tab_stops::tab_stops() : initial_list(0), repeated_list(0)
- {
- }
- tab_stops::tab_stops(const tab_stops &ts)
- : initial_list(0), repeated_list(0)
- {
- tab **p = &initial_list;
- tab *t = ts.initial_list;
- while (t) {
- *p = new tab(t->pos, t->type);
- t = t->next;
- p = &(*p)->next;
- }
- p = &repeated_list;
- t = ts.repeated_list;
- while (t) {
- *p = new tab(t->pos, t->type);
- t = t->next;
- p = &(*p)->next;
- }
- }
- void tab_stops::clear()
- {
- while (initial_list) {
- tab *tem = initial_list;
- initial_list = initial_list->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- while (repeated_list) {
- tab *tem = repeated_list;
- repeated_list = repeated_list->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- }
- void tab_stops::add_tab(hunits pos, tab_type type, int repeated)
- {
- for (tab **p = repeated ? &repeated_list : &initial_list; *p; p = &(*p)->next)
- ;
- *p = new tab(pos, type);
- }
- void tab_stops::operator=(const tab_stops &ts)
- {
- clear();
- tab **p = &initial_list;
- tab *t = ts.initial_list;
- while (t) {
- *p = new tab(t->pos, t->type);
- t = t->next;
- p = &(*p)->next;
- }
- p = &repeated_list;
- t = ts.repeated_list;
- while (t) {
- *p = new tab(t->pos, t->type);
- t = t->next;
- p = &(*p)->next;
- }
- }
- void set_tabs()
- {
- hunits pos;
- hunits prev_pos = 0;
- int first = 1;
- int repeated = 0;
- tab_stops tabs;
- while (has_arg()) {
- if (tok.ch() == TAB_REPEAT_CHAR) {
- tok.next();
- repeated = 1;
- prev_pos = 0;
- }
- if (!get_hunits(&pos, 'm', prev_pos))
- break;
- tab_type type = TAB_LEFT;
- if (tok.ch() == 'C') {
- tok.next();
- type = TAB_CENTER;
- }
- else if (tok.ch() == 'R') {
- tok.next();
- type = TAB_RIGHT;
- }
- else if (tok.ch() == 'L') {
- tok.next();
- }
- if (pos <= prev_pos && !first)
- warning(WARN_RANGE,
- "positions of tab stops must be strictly increasing");
- else {
- tabs.add_tab(pos, type, repeated);
- prev_pos = pos;
- first = 0;
- }
- }
- curenv->tabs = tabs;
- skip_line();
- }
- const char *environment::get_tabs()
- {
- return tabs.to_string();
- }
- #if 0
- tab_stops saved_tabs;
- void tabs_save()
- {
- saved_tabs = curenv->tabs;
- skip_line();
- }
- void tabs_restore()
- {
- curenv->tabs = saved_tabs;
- skip_line();
- }
- #endif
- tab_type environment::distance_to_next_tab(hunits *distance)
- {
- return curenv->tabs.distance_to_next_tab(get_input_line_position(), distance);
- }
- void field_characters()
- {
- field_delimiter_char = get_optional_char();
- if (field_delimiter_char)
- padding_indicator_char = get_optional_char();
- else
- padding_indicator_char = 0;
- skip_line();
- }
- void environment::wrap_up_tab()
- {
- if (!current_tab)
- return;
- if (line == 0)
- start_line();
- hunits tab_amount;
- switch (current_tab) {
- case TAB_RIGHT:
- tab_amount = tab_distance - tab_width;
- line = make_tab_node(tab_amount, line);
- break;
- case TAB_CENTER:
- tab_amount = tab_distance - tab_width/2;
- line = make_tab_node(tab_amount, line);
- break;
- case TAB_NONE:
- case TAB_LEFT:
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- width_total += tab_amount;
- width_total += tab_width;
- if (current_field) {
- if (tab_precedes_field) {
- pre_field_width += tab_amount;
- tab_precedes_field = 0;
- }
- field_distance -= tab_amount;
- field_spaces += tab_field_spaces;
- }
- if (tab_contents != 0) {
- for (node *tem = tab_contents; tem->next != 0; tem = tem->next)
- ;
- tem->next = line;
- line = tab_contents;
- }
- tab_field_spaces = 0;
- tab_contents = 0;
- tab_width = H0;
- tab_distance = H0;
- current_tab = TAB_NONE;
- }
- node *environment::make_tab_node(hunits d, node *next)
- {
- if (leader_node != 0 && d < 0) {
- error("motion generated by leader cannot be negative");
- delete leader_node;
- leader_node = 0;
- }
- if (!leader_node)
- return new hmotion_node(d, next);
- node *n = new hline_node(d, leader_node, next);
- leader_node = 0;
- return n;
- }
- void environment::handle_tab(int is_leader)
- {
- hunits d;
- if (current_tab)
- wrap_up_tab();
- charinfo *ci = is_leader ? leader_char : tab_char;
- delete leader_node;
- leader_node = ci ? make_char_node(ci) : 0;
- tab_type t = distance_to_next_tab(&d);
- switch (t) {
- case TAB_NONE:
- return;
- case TAB_LEFT:
- add_node(make_tab_node(d));
- return;
- case TAB_RIGHT:
- case TAB_CENTER:
- tab_width = 0;
- tab_distance = d;
- tab_contents = 0;
- current_tab = t;
- tab_field_spaces = 0;
- return;
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- }
- void environment::start_field()
- {
- assert(!current_field);
- hunits d;
- if (distance_to_next_tab(&d) != TAB_NONE) {
- pre_field_width = get_text_length();
- field_distance = d;
- current_field = 1;
- field_spaces = 0;
- tab_field_spaces = 0;
- for (node *p = line; p; p = p->next)
- if (p->nspaces()) {
- p->freeze_space();
- space_total--;
- }
- tab_precedes_field = current_tab != TAB_NONE;
- }
- else
- error("zero field width");
- }
- void environment::wrap_up_field()
- {
- if (!current_tab && field_spaces == 0)
- add_padding();
- hunits padding = field_distance - (get_text_length() - pre_field_width);
- if (current_tab && tab_field_spaces != 0) {
- hunits tab_padding = scale(padding,
- tab_field_spaces,
- field_spaces + tab_field_spaces);
- padding -= tab_padding;
- distribute_space(tab_contents, tab_field_spaces, tab_padding, 1);
- tab_field_spaces = 0;
- tab_width += tab_padding;
- }
- if (field_spaces != 0) {
- distribute_space(line, field_spaces, padding, 1);
- width_total += padding;
- if (current_tab) {
- // the start of the tab has been moved to the right by padding, so
- tab_distance -= padding;
- if (tab_distance <= H0) {
- // use the next tab stop instead
- current_tab = tabs.distance_to_next_tab(get_input_line_position()
- - tab_width,
- &tab_distance);
- if (current_tab == TAB_NONE || current_tab == TAB_LEFT) {
- width_total += tab_width;
- if (current_tab == TAB_LEFT) {
- line = make_tab_node(tab_distance, line);
- width_total += tab_distance;
- current_tab = TAB_NONE;
- }
- if (tab_contents != 0) {
- for (node *tem = tab_contents; tem->next != 0; tem = tem->next)
- ;
- tem->next = line;
- line = tab_contents;
- tab_contents = 0;
- }
- tab_width = H0;
- tab_distance = H0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- current_field = 0;
- }
- void environment::add_padding()
- {
- if (current_tab) {
- tab_contents = new space_node(H0, tab_contents);
- tab_field_spaces++;
- }
- else {
- if (line == 0)
- start_line();
- line = new space_node(H0, line);
- field_spaces++;
- }
- }
- typedef int (environment::*INT_FUNCP)();
- typedef vunits (environment::*VUNITS_FUNCP)();
- typedef hunits (environment::*HUNITS_FUNCP)();
- typedef const char *(environment::*STRING_FUNCP)();
- class int_env_reg : public reg {
- INT_FUNCP func;
- public:
- int_env_reg(INT_FUNCP);
- const char *get_string();
- int get_value(units *val);
- };
- class vunits_env_reg : public reg {
- public:
- vunits_env_reg(VUNITS_FUNCP f);
- const char *get_string();
- int get_value(units *val);
- };
- class hunits_env_reg : public reg {
- public:
- hunits_env_reg(HUNITS_FUNCP f);
- const char *get_string();
- int get_value(units *val);
- };
- class string_env_reg : public reg {
- public:
- string_env_reg(STRING_FUNCP);
- const char *get_string();
- };
- int_env_reg::int_env_reg(INT_FUNCP f) : func(f)
- {
- }
- int int_env_reg::get_value(units *val)
- {
- *val = (curenv->*func)();
- return 1;
- }
- const char *int_env_reg::get_string()
- {
- return itoa((curenv->*func)());
- }
- vunits_env_reg::vunits_env_reg(VUNITS_FUNCP f) : func(f)
- {
- }
- int vunits_env_reg::get_value(units *val)
- {
- *val = (curenv->*func)().to_units();
- return 1;
- }
- const char *vunits_env_reg::get_string()
- {
- return itoa((curenv->*func)().to_units());
- }
- hunits_env_reg::hunits_env_reg(HUNITS_FUNCP f) : func(f)
- {
- }
- int hunits_env_reg::get_value(units *val)
- {
- *val = (curenv->*func)().to_units();
- return 1;
- }
- const char *hunits_env_reg::get_string()
- {
- return itoa((curenv->*func)().to_units());
- }
- string_env_reg::string_env_reg(STRING_FUNCP f) : func(f)
- {
- }
- const char *string_env_reg::get_string()
- {
- return (curenv->*func)();
- }
- class horizontal_place_reg : public general_reg {
- public:
- horizontal_place_reg();
- int get_value(units *);
- void set_value(units);
- };
- horizontal_place_reg::horizontal_place_reg()
- {
- }
- int horizontal_place_reg::get_value(units *res)
- {
- *res = curenv->get_input_line_position().to_units();
- return 1;
- }
- void horizontal_place_reg::set_value(units n)
- {
- curenv->set_input_line_position(hunits(n));
- }
- const char *environment::get_font_family_string()
- {
- return family->nm.contents();
- }
- const char *environment::get_name_string()
- {
- return name.contents();
- }
- // Convert a quantity in scaled points to ascii decimal fraction.
- const char *sptoa(int sp)
- {
- assert(sp > 0);
- assert(sizescale > 0);
- if (sizescale == 1)
- return itoa(sp);
- if (sp % sizescale == 0)
- return itoa(sp/sizescale);
- // See if 1/sizescale is exactly representable as a decimal fraction,
- // ie its only prime factors are 2 and 5.
- int n = sizescale;
- int power2 = 0;
- while ((n & 1) == 0) {
- n >>= 1;
- power2++;
- }
- int power5 = 0;
- while ((n % 5) == 0) {
- n /= 5;
- power5++;
- }
- if (n == 1) {
- int decimal_point = power5 > power2 ? power5 : power2;
- if (decimal_point <= 10) {
- int factor = 1;
- int t;
- for (t = decimal_point - power2; --t >= 0;)
- factor *= 2;
- for (t = decimal_point - power5; --t >= 0;)
- factor *= 5;
- if (factor == 1 || sp <= INT_MAX/factor)
- return iftoa(sp*factor, decimal_point);
- }
- }
- double s = double(sp)/double(sizescale);
- double factor = 10.0;
- double val = s;
- int decimal_point = 0;
- do {
- double v = ceil(s*factor);
- if (v > INT_MAX)
- break;
- val = v;
- factor *= 10.0;
- } while (++decimal_point < 10);
- return iftoa(int(val), decimal_point);
- }
- const char *environment::get_point_size_string()
- {
- return sptoa(curenv->get_point_size());
- }
- const char *environment::get_requested_point_size_string()
- {
- return sptoa(curenv->get_requested_point_size());
- }
- #define init_int_env_reg(name, func) \
- number_reg_dictionary.define(name, new int_env_reg(&environment::func))
- #define init_vunits_env_reg(name, func) \
- number_reg_dictionary.define(name, new vunits_env_reg(&environment::func))
- #define init_hunits_env_reg(name, func) \
- number_reg_dictionary.define(name, new hunits_env_reg(&environment::func))
- #define init_string_env_reg(name, func) \
- number_reg_dictionary.define(name, new string_env_reg(&environment::func))
- void init_env_requests()
- {
- init_request("it", input_trap);
- init_request("ad", adjust);
- init_request("na", no_adjust);
- init_request("ev", environment_switch);
- init_request("lt", title_length);
- init_request("ps", point_size);
- init_request("ft", font_change);
- init_request("fam", family_change);
- init_request("ss", space_size);
- init_request("fi", fill);
- init_request("nf", no_fill);
- init_request("ce", center);
- init_request("rj", right_justify);
- init_request("vs", vertical_spacing);
- init_request("ls", line_spacing);
- init_request("ll", line_length);
- init_request("in", indent);
- init_request("ti", temporary_indent);
- init_request("ul", underline);
- init_request("cu", underline);
- init_request("cc", control_char);
- init_request("c2", no_break_control_char);
- init_request("br", break_request);
- init_request("tl", title);
- init_request("ta", set_tabs);
- init_request("fc", field_characters);
- init_request("mc", margin_character);
- init_request("nn", no_number);
- init_request("nm", number_lines);
- init_request("tc", tab_character);
- init_request("lc", leader_character);
- init_request("hy", hyphenate_request);
- init_request("hc", hyphen_char);
- init_request("nh", no_hyphenate);
- init_request("hlm", hyphen_line_max_request);
- init_request("wdc", widow_control_request);
- #endif /* WIDOW_CONTROL */
- #if 0
- init_request("tas", tabs_save);
- init_request("tar", tabs_restore);
- #endif
- init_request("hys", hyphenation_space_request);
- init_request("hym", hyphenation_margin_request);
- init_int_env_reg(".f", get_font);
- init_int_env_reg(".b", get_bold);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".i", get_indent);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".in", get_saved_indent);
- init_int_env_reg(".j", get_adjust_mode);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".k", get_text_length);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".l", get_line_length);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".ll", get_saved_line_length);
- init_int_env_reg(".L", get_line_spacing);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".n", get_prev_text_length);
- init_string_env_reg(".s", get_point_size_string);
- init_string_env_reg(".sr", get_requested_point_size_string);
- init_int_env_reg(".ps", get_point_size);
- init_int_env_reg(".psr", get_requested_point_size);
- init_int_env_reg(".u", get_fill);
- init_vunits_env_reg(".v", get_vertical_spacing);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".w", get_prev_char_width);
- init_int_env_reg(".ss", get_space_size);
- init_int_env_reg(".sss", get_sentence_space_size);
- init_string_env_reg(".fam", get_font_family_string);
- init_string_env_reg(".ev", get_name_string);
- init_int_env_reg(".hy", get_hyphenation_flags);
- init_int_env_reg(".hlm", get_hyphen_line_max);
- init_int_env_reg(".hlc", get_hyphen_line_count);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".lt", get_title_length);
- init_string_env_reg(".tabs", get_tabs);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".csk", get_prev_char_skew);
- init_vunits_env_reg(".cht", get_prev_char_height);
- init_vunits_env_reg(".cdp", get_prev_char_depth);
- init_int_env_reg(".ce", get_center_lines);
- init_int_env_reg(".rj", get_right_justify_lines);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".hys", get_hyphenation_space);
- init_hunits_env_reg(".hym", get_hyphenation_margin);
- number_reg_dictionary.define("ln", new variable_reg(&next_line_number));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("ct", new variable_reg(&ct_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("sb", new variable_reg(&sb_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("st", new variable_reg(&st_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("rsb", new variable_reg(&rsb_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("rst", new variable_reg(&rst_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("ssc", new variable_reg(&ssc_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("skw", new variable_reg(&skw_reg_contents));
- number_reg_dictionary.define("hp", new horizontal_place_reg);
- }
- // Hyphenation - TeX's hyphenation algorithm with a less fancy implementation.
- struct trie_node;
- class trie {
- trie_node *tp;
- virtual void do_match(int len, void *val) = 0;
- virtual void do_delete(void *) = 0;
- void delete_trie_node(trie_node *);
- public:
- trie() : tp(0) {}
- virtual ~trie(); // virtual to shut up g++
- void insert(const char *, int, void *);
- // find calls do_match for each match it finds
- void find(const char *pat, int patlen);
- void clear();
- };
- class hyphen_trie : private trie {
- int *h;
- void do_match(int i, void *v);
- void do_delete(void *v);
- void insert_pattern(const char *pat, int patlen, int *num);
- public:
- hyphen_trie() {}
- ~hyphen_trie() {}
- void hyphenate(const char *word, int len, int *hyphens);
- void read_patterns_file(const char *name);
- };
- struct hyphenation_language {
- symbol name;
- dictionary exceptions;
- hyphen_trie patterns;
- hyphenation_language(symbol nm) : name(nm), exceptions(501) {}
- ~hyphenation_language() { }
- };
- dictionary language_dictionary(5);
- hyphenation_language *current_language = 0;
- static void set_hyphenation_language()
- {
- symbol nm = get_name(1);
- if (!nm.is_null()) {
- current_language = (hyphenation_language *)language_dictionary.lookup(nm);
- if (!current_language) {
- current_language = new hyphenation_language(nm);
- (void)language_dictionary.lookup(nm, (void *)current_language);
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- const int WORD_MAX = 1024;
- static void hyphen_word()
- {
- if (!current_language) {
- error("no current hyphenation language");
- skip_line();
- return;
- }
- char buf[WORD_MAX + 1];
- unsigned char pos[WORD_MAX + 2];
- for (;;) {
- tok.skip();
- if (tok.newline() || tok.eof())
- break;
- int i = 0;
- int npos = 0;
- while (i < WORD_MAX && !tok.space() && !tok.newline() && !tok.eof()) {
- charinfo *ci = tok.get_char(1);
- if (ci == 0) {
- skip_line();
- return;
- }
- tok.next();
- if (ci->get_ascii_code() == '-') {
- if (i > 0 && (npos == 0 || pos[npos - 1] != i))
- pos[npos++] = i;
- }
- else {
- int c = ci->get_hyphenation_code();
- if (c == 0)
- break;
- buf[i++] = c;
- }
- }
- if (i > 0) {
- pos[npos] = 0;
- buf[i] = 0;
- unsigned char *tem = new unsigned char[npos + 1];
- memcpy(tem, pos, npos+1);
- tem = (unsigned char *)current_language->exceptions.lookup(symbol(buf),
- tem);
- if (tem)
- a_delete tem;
- }
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- struct trie_node {
- char c;
- trie_node *down;
- trie_node *right;
- void *val;
- trie_node(char, trie_node *);
- };
- trie_node::trie_node(char ch, trie_node *p)
- : c(ch), right(p), down(0), val(0)
- {
- }
- trie::~trie()
- {
- clear();
- }
- void trie::clear()
- {
- delete_trie_node(tp);
- tp = 0;
- }
- void trie::delete_trie_node(trie_node *p)
- {
- if (p) {
- delete_trie_node(p->down);
- delete_trie_node(p->right);
- if (p->val)
- do_delete(p->val);
- delete p;
- }
- }
- void trie::insert(const char *pat, int patlen, void *val)
- {
- trie_node **p = &tp;
- assert(patlen > 0 && pat != 0);
- for (;;) {
- while (*p != 0 && (*p)->c < pat[0])
- p = &((*p)->right);
- if (*p == 0 || (*p)->c != pat[0])
- *p = new trie_node(pat[0], *p);
- if (--patlen == 0) {
- (*p)->val = val;
- break;
- }
- ++pat;
- p = &((*p)->down);
- }
- }
- void trie::find(const char *pat, int patlen)
- {
- trie_node *p = tp;
- for (int i = 0; p != 0 && i < patlen; i++) {
- while (p != 0 && p->c < pat[i])
- p = p->right;
- if (p != 0 && p->c == pat[i]) {
- if (p->val != 0)
- do_match(i+1, p->val);
- p = p->down;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- struct operation {
- operation *next;
- short distance;
- short num;
- operation(int, int, operation *);
- };
- operation::operation(int i, int j, operation *op)
- : num(i), distance(j), next(op)
- {
- }
- void hyphen_trie::insert_pattern(const char *pat, int patlen, int *num)
- {
- operation *op = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < patlen+1; i++)
- if (num[i] != 0)
- op = new operation(num[i], patlen - i, op);
- insert(pat, patlen, op);
- }
- void hyphen_trie::hyphenate(const char *word, int len, int *hyphens)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < len+1; j++)
- hyphens[j] = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < len - 1; j++) {
- h = hyphens + j;
- find(word + j, len - j);
- }
- }
- inline int max(int m, int n)
- {
- return m > n ? m : n;
- }
- void hyphen_trie::do_match(int i, void *v)
- {
- operation *op = (operation *)v;
- while (op != 0) {
- h[i - op->distance] = max(h[i - op->distance], op->num);
- op = op->next;
- }
- }
- void hyphen_trie::do_delete(void *v)
- {
- operation *op = (operation *)v;
- while (op) {
- operation *tem = op;
- op = tem->next;
- delete tem;
- }
- }
- void hyphen_trie::read_patterns_file(const char *name)
- {
- clear();
- char buf[WORD_MAX];
- int num[WORD_MAX+1];
- errno = 0;
- char *path = 0;
- FILE *fp = macro_path.open_file(name, &path);
- if (fp == 0) {
- error("can't find hyphenation patterns file `%1'", name);
- return;
- }
- int c = getc(fp);
- for (;;) {
- for (;;) {
- if (c == '%') {
- do {
- c = getc(fp);
- } while (c != EOF && c != '\n');
- }
- if (c == EOF || !csspace(c))
- break;
- c = getc(fp);
- }
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- int i = 0;
- num[0] = 0;
- do {
- if (csdigit(c))
- num[i] = c - '0';
- else {
- buf[i++] = c;
- num[i] = 0;
- }
- c = getc(fp);
- } while (i < WORD_MAX && c != EOF && !csspace(c) && c != '%');
- insert_pattern(buf, i, num);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- a_delete path;
- return;
- }
- void hyphenate(hyphen_list *h, unsigned flags)
- {
- if (!current_language)
- return;
- while (h && h->hyphenation_code == 0)
- h = h->next;
- int len = 0;
- char hbuf[WORD_MAX+2];
- char *buf = hbuf + 1;
- for (hyphen_list *tem = h; tem && len < WORD_MAX; tem = tem->next) {
- if (tem->hyphenation_code != 0)
- buf[len++] = tem->hyphenation_code;
- else
- break;
- }
- if (len > 2) {
- buf[len] = 0;
- unsigned char *pos = (unsigned char *)current_language->exceptions.lookup(buf);
- if (pos != 0) {
- int j = 0;
- int i = 1;
- for (tem = h; tem != 0; tem = tem->next, i++)
- if (pos[j] == i) {
- tem->hyphen = 1;
- j++;
- }
- }
- else {
- hbuf[0] = hbuf[len+1] = '.';
- int num[WORD_MAX+3];
- current_language->patterns.hyphenate(hbuf, len+2, num);
- int i;
- num[2] = 0;
- if (flags & 8)
- num[3] = 0;
- if (flags & 4)
- --len;
- for (i = 2, tem = h; i < len && tem; tem = tem->next, i++)
- if (num[i] & 1)
- tem->hyphen = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- static void hyphenation_patterns_file()
- {
- symbol name = get_long_name(1);
- if (!name.is_null()) {
- if (!current_language)
- error("no current hyphenation language");
- else
- current_language->patterns.read_patterns_file(name.contents());
- }
- skip_line();
- }
- class hyphenation_language_reg : public reg {
- public:
- const char *get_string();
- };
- const char *hyphenation_language_reg::get_string()
- {
- return current_language ? current_language->name.contents() : "";
- }
- void init_hyphen_requests()
- {
- init_request("hw", hyphen_word);
- init_request("hla", set_hyphenation_language);
- init_request("hpf", hyphenation_patterns_file);
- number_reg_dictionary.define(".hla", new hyphenation_language_reg);
- }