home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // -*- C++ -*-
- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
- Written by James Clark (jjc@jclark.com)
- This file is part of groff.
- groff is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- groff is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
- with groff; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
- struct hyphen_list {
- unsigned char hyphen;
- unsigned char breakable;
- unsigned char hyphenation_code;
- hyphen_list *next;
- hyphen_list(unsigned char code, hyphen_list *p = 0);
- };
- void hyphenate(hyphen_list *, unsigned);
- class ascii_output_file;
- struct breakpoint;
- struct vertical_size;
- struct charinfo;
- class macro;
- class troff_output_file;
- class tfont;
- class environment;
- class glyph_node;
- class diverted_space_node;
- class token_node;
- struct node {
- node *next;
- node();
- node(node *n);
- node *add_char(charinfo *c, environment *, hunits *widthp);
- virtual ~node();
- virtual node *copy() = 0;
- virtual hunits width();
- virtual hunits subscript_correction();
- virtual hunits italic_correction();
- virtual hunits left_italic_correction();
- virtual hunits skew();
- virtual int nspaces();
- virtual int merge_space(hunits);
- virtual vunits vertical_width();
- virtual node *last_char_node();
- virtual void vertical_extent(vunits *min, vunits *max);
- virtual int character_type();
- virtual void set_vertical_size(vertical_size *);
- virtual int ends_sentence();
- virtual node *merge_self(node *);
- virtual node *add_discretionary_hyphen();
- virtual node *add_self(node *, hyphen_list **);
- virtual hyphen_list *get_hyphen_list(hyphen_list *s = 0);
- virtual void ascii_print(ascii_output_file *);
- virtual void asciify(macro *);
- virtual int discardable();
- virtual void spread_space(int *, hunits *);
- virtual void freeze_space();
- virtual breakpoint *get_breakpoints(hunits width, int nspaces,
- breakpoint *rest = 0,
- int is_inner = 0);
- virtual int nbreaks();
- virtual void split(int, node **, node **);
- virtual hyphenation_type get_hyphenation_type();
- virtual int reread(int *);
- virtual token_node *get_token_node();
- virtual int overlaps_vertically();
- virtual int overlaps_horizontally();
- virtual units size();
- virtual int interpret(macro *);
- virtual node *merge_glyph_node(glyph_node *);
- virtual tfont *get_tfont();
- virtual void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- virtual void zero_width_tprint(troff_output_file *);
- node *add_italic_correction(hunits *);
- virtual int same(node *) = 0;
- virtual const char *type() = 0;
- };
- inline node::node() : next(0)
- {
- }
- inline node::node(node *n) : next(n)
- {
- }
- inline node::~node()
- {
- }
- // 0 means it doesn't, 1 means it does, 2 means it's transparent
- int node_list_ends_sentence(node *);
- struct breakpoint {
- breakpoint *next;
- hunits width;
- int nspaces;
- node *nd;
- int index;
- char hyphenated;
- };
- class line_start_node : public node {
- public:
- line_start_node() {}
- node *copy() { return new line_start_node; }
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- void asciify(macro *);
- };
- class space_node : public node {
- private:
- #if 0
- enum { BLOCK = 1024 };
- static space_node *free_list;
- void operator delete(void *);
- #endif
- protected:
- hunits n;
- char set;
- space_node(hunits, int, node * = 0);
- public:
- space_node(hunits d, node *p = 0);
- #if 0
- ~space_node();
- void *operator new(size_t);
- #endif
- node *copy();
- int nspaces();
- hunits width();
- int discardable();
- int merge_space(hunits);
- void freeze_space();
- void spread_space(int*, hunits*);
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- breakpoint *get_breakpoints(hunits width, int nspaces, breakpoint *rest = 0,
- int is_inner = 0);
- int nbreaks();
- void split(int, node **, node **);
- void ascii_print(ascii_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class word_space_node : public space_node {
- protected:
- word_space_node(hunits, int, node * = 0);
- public:
- word_space_node(hunits, node * = 0);
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class unbreakable_space_node : public word_space_node {
- unbreakable_space_node(hunits, int, node * = 0);
- public:
- unbreakable_space_node(hunits, node * = 0);
- node *copy();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- breakpoint *get_breakpoints(hunits width, int nspaces, breakpoint *rest = 0,
- int is_inner = 0);
- int nbreaks();
- void split(int, node **, node **);
- int merge_space(hunits);
- };
- class diverted_space_node : public node {
- public:
- vunits n;
- diverted_space_node(vunits d, node *p = 0);
- node *copy();
- int reread(int *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class diverted_copy_file_node : public node {
- symbol filename;
- public:
- vunits n;
- diverted_copy_file_node(symbol s, node *p = 0);
- node *copy();
- int reread(int *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class extra_size_node : public node {
- vunits n;
- public:
- extra_size_node(vunits i) : n(i) {}
- void set_vertical_size(vertical_size *);
- node *copy();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class vertical_size_node : public node {
- vunits n;
- public:
- vertical_size_node(vunits i) : n(i) {}
- void set_vertical_size(vertical_size *);
- void asciify(macro *);
- node *copy();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class hmotion_node : public node {
- protected:
- hunits n;
- public:
- hmotion_node(hunits i, node *next = 0) : node(next), n(i) {}
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- hunits width();
- void ascii_print(ascii_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class space_char_hmotion_node : public hmotion_node {
- public:
- space_char_hmotion_node(hunits i, node *next = 0);
- node *copy();
- void ascii_print(ascii_output_file *);
- void asciify(macro *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class vmotion_node : public node {
- vunits n;
- public:
- vmotion_node(vunits i) : n(i) {}
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- node *copy();
- vunits vertical_width();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class hline_node : public node {
- hunits x;
- node *n;
- public:
- hline_node(hunits i, node *c, node *next = 0) : node(next), x(i), n(c) {}
- ~hline_node();
- node *copy();
- hunits width();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class vline_node : public node {
- vunits x;
- node *n;
- public:
- vline_node(vunits i, node *c, node *next= 0) : node(next), x(i), n(c) {}
- ~vline_node();
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- hunits width();
- vunits vertical_width();
- void vertical_extent(vunits *, vunits *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class dummy_node : public node {
- public:
- dummy_node(node *nd = 0) : node(nd) {}
- node *copy();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- hyphenation_type get_hyphenation_type();
- };
- class transparent_dummy_node : public node {
- public:
- transparent_dummy_node() {}
- node *copy();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- int ends_sentence();
- hyphenation_type get_hyphenation_type();
- };
- class zero_width_node : public node {
- node *n;
- public:
- zero_width_node(node *gn);
- ~zero_width_node();
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- void append(node *);
- int character_type();
- void vertical_extent(vunits *min, vunits *max);
- };
- class left_italic_corrected_node : public node {
- node *n;
- hunits x;
- public:
- left_italic_corrected_node(node * = 0);
- ~left_italic_corrected_node();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- void ascii_print(ascii_output_file *);
- void asciify(macro *);
- node *copy();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- hunits width();
- node *last_char_node();
- void vertical_extent(vunits *, vunits *);
- int ends_sentence();
- int overlaps_horizontally();
- int overlaps_vertically();
- hyphenation_type get_hyphenation_type();
- tfont *get_tfont();
- int character_type();
- hunits skew();
- hunits italic_correction();
- hunits subscript_correction();
- hyphen_list *get_hyphen_list(hyphen_list *ss = 0);
- node *add_self(node *, hyphen_list **);
- node *merge_glyph_node(glyph_node *);
- };
- class overstrike_node : public node {
- node *list;
- hunits max_width;
- public:
- overstrike_node();
- ~overstrike_node();
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- void overstrike(node *); // add another node to be overstruck
- hunits width();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class bracket_node : public node {
- node *list;
- hunits max_width;
- public:
- bracket_node();
- ~bracket_node();
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- void bracket(node *); // add another node to be overstruck
- hunits width();
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class special_node : public node {
- macro mac;
- void tprint_start(troff_output_file *);
- void tprint_char(troff_output_file *, unsigned char);
- void tprint_end(troff_output_file *);
- public:
- special_node(const macro &);
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- struct hvpair {
- hunits h;
- vunits v;
- hvpair();
- };
- class draw_node : public node {
- int npoints;
- font_size sz;
- char code;
- hvpair *point;
- public:
- draw_node(char, hvpair *, int, font_size);
- ~draw_node();
- hunits width();
- vunits vertical_width();
- node *copy();
- void tprint(troff_output_file *);
- int same(node *);
- const char *type();
- };
- class charinfo;
- node *make_node(charinfo *ci, environment *);
- int character_exists(charinfo *, environment *);
- int same_node_list(node *n1, node *n2);
- node *reverse_node_list(node *n);
- void delete_node_list(node *);
- node *copy_node_list(node *);
- int get_bold_fontno(int f);
- inline hyphen_list::hyphen_list(unsigned char code, hyphen_list *p)
- : hyphenation_code(code), next(p), hyphen(0), breakable(0)
- {
- }
- extern void read_desc();
- extern int mount_font(int n, symbol, symbol = NULL_SYMBOL);
- extern void mount_style(int n, symbol);
- extern int is_good_fontno(int n);
- extern int symbol_fontno(symbol);
- extern int next_available_font_position();
- extern void init_size_table(int *);
- extern int get_underline_fontno();
- class output_file {
- char make_g_plus_plus_shut_up;
- public:
- output_file();
- virtual ~output_file();
- virtual void trailer(vunits page_length);
- virtual void flush() = 0;
- virtual void transparent_char(unsigned char) = 0;
- virtual void print_line(hunits x, vunits y, node *n,
- vunits before, vunits after) = 0;
- virtual void begin_page(int pageno, vunits page_length) = 0;
- virtual void copy_file(hunits x, vunits y, const char *filename) = 0;
- virtual int is_printing() = 0;
- #ifdef COLUMN
- virtual void vjustify(vunits, symbol);
- #endif /* COLUMN */
- };
- extern char *pipe_command;
- #endif
- extern output_file *the_output;
- extern void init_output();
- int in_output_page_list(int n);
- class font_family {
- int *map;
- int map_size;
- public:
- const symbol nm;
- font_family(symbol);
- ~font_family();
- make_definite(int);
- static void invalidate_fontno(int);
- };
- font_family *lookup_family(symbol);