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- Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- *****************************************************
- * This file describes version 2.6.1 of Ghostscript. *
- *****************************************************
- ********
- ******** An overview of Ghostscript ********
- ********
- Ghostscript is the name of a set of software that provides:
- - An interpreter for the PostScript (TM) language, and
- - A set of C procedures (the Ghostscript library) that
- implement the graphics capabilities that appear as primitive
- operations in the PostScript language.
- The primary contact for Ghostscript is:
- Aladdin Enterprises
- P.O. box 60264
- Palo Alto, CA 94306
- voice (415)322-0103
- fax (415)322-1734
- ...{uunet,decwrl}!aladdin!ghost
- ghost@aladdin.com
- L. Peter Deutsch, president of Aladdin Enterprises, was the original
- creator, and is the primary developer and maintainer, of Ghostscript.
- Aladdin Enterprises owns the copyright in Ghostscript; Ghostscript is
- distributed with the GNU General Public License, and is also available for
- commercial licensing.
- The Ghostscript language interpreter and library are written entirely
- in C, with some assembly-language accelerators for MS-DOS platforms.
- Currently, Ghostscript is known to run on the following platform
- families:
- - IBM PC and compatibles with EGA, VGA, SuperVGA, or compatible
- graphics under MS-DOS 3.1, 3.3, or 5.0, with or without
- Microsoft Windows 3.0 or 3.1;
- - IBM PC and compatibles under OS/2 2.0 and 2.1;
- - A wide variety of Unix systems using X Windows version 11,
- release 3, 4, and 5, including Sun-3, Sun-4, Sun-386i,
- Sun SPARCStation 1 and 2; generic 80386 machines running 386/ix,
- ISC Unix, and SCO Unix; H-P 9000/300 and 9000/800;
- DECStation 2100 and 3100; VAX running Ultrix; Sequent Symmetry;
- Convex C1 and C2; Tektronix 4300; SGI Iris Indigo;
- - Sun workstations (Sun-3, SPARC, Sun-386i) running SunView;
- - VAX, VMS with X11R3/4/5 and gcc. (Ghostscript currently is
- not compatible with the DEC C compilers, because they
- interpret the ANSI C standard in a way different from all
- other known compilers.)
- It is very likely that Ghostscript will run under other versions of
- MS-DOS, and other versions of Unix that support X11, but it has not
- been tested in these environments. Ghostscript does NOT run well on
- PC-compatibles with Hercules display cards: text and graphics output
- interfere with each other.
- Other platforms
- ---------------
- Ghostscript has also been ported a number of platforms by users, who
- are willing to be contacted regarding problems on those specific
- platforms:
- - For information on a port to the Apple Macintosh, contact
- Martin Fong (mwfong@nisc.sri.com). (Aladdin Enterprises will be
- offering a Macintosh port in early 1993.)
- - For information on a port to the Acorn Archimedes, contact
- David Elworthy (David.Elworthy@cl.cam.ac.uk).
- - For information on two different ports to Win-OS/2, contact
- Gershon Elber (gershon@gr.cs.utah.edu) and/or Jim Yang
- (jyang@daedalus.caltech.edu).
- - For information on a port to the Atari ST, contact Tim
- Gallivan (timg@landau.ph.utexas.edu).
- ********
- ******** Related work
- ********
- There are two freely available X Windows screen previewers based on
- Ghostscript: Ghostview and GSPreview. For information on Ghostview,
- contact Tim Theisen (ghostview@cs.wisc.edu). For information on
- GSPreview, contact Richard Hesketh (rlh2@ukc.ac.uk).
- There is a freely available MS Windows screen previewer based on
- Ghostscript, called Ghostview for Windows. For information on Ghostview
- for Windows, contact Russell Lang (rjl@monu1.cc.monash.edu.au).
- A set of patches and additions for Kanji capability for Ghostscript
- version 2.4.1 is available for anonymous FTP from
- ftp.cs.titech.ac.jp:GNU/gs241j11.tar.Z. For more information, contact
- Mr. Norio Katayama (katayama@nacsis.ac.jp).
- Thomas Wolff (wolff@inf.fu-berlin.de) is working on extending the
- Hershey fonts to include international characters.
- ********
- ******** Documentation overview ********
- ********
- All the file names mentioned in the documentation, except for README,
- are in lower case, which is the usual convention for Unix systems.
- On MS-DOS systems, all file names are actually upper-case.
- When you receive Ghostscript, you should start by reading:
- > README - this file.
- > readme.doc - information about problems and major changes new
- features in the current release.
- If you have used a previous release of Ghostscript, you probably
- should also read any more recent sections of:
- > NEWS - a complete, detailed history of changes in the most recent
- Ghostscript releases.
- Especially for new users
- ------------------------
- If you are a new user of Ghostscript, you should read:
- > use.doc - information about to install and use Ghostscript. This
- information is also contained in gs.1 - a `man' page for Ghostscript.
- > devices.doc - more detailed information about specific devices that
- Ghostscript knows about.
- > ps2epsi.doc, unix-lpr.doc - more detailed information about some of
- the shell scripts and batch files distributed with Ghostscript.
- If you are going to compile Ghostscript, rather than just use an
- executable you got from somewhere, you should read:
- > make.doc - how to install, compile and link Ghostscript.
- If you run into any questions, or if you are going to be using
- Ghostscript extensively, you should at least skim, and probably
- eventually read:
- > fonts.doc - information about the fonts distributed with
- Ghostscript, including how to add or replace fonts.
- > language.doc - A description of the Ghostscript language, and its
- differences from the documented PostScript language.
- > psfiles.doc - information about the .ps files distributed with
- Ghostscript (other than fonts).
- Especially for developers
- -------------------------
- If you are going to be writing a new driver for Ghostscript, you
- should read:
- > drivers.doc - the interface between Ghostscript and device drivers.
- > xfonts.doc - the interface between Ghostscript and platform-supplied
- fonts. (Read drivers.doc first.)
- If you are considering distributing Ghostscript in conjunction with a
- commercial product, you should read the COPYING license carefully,
- and you should also read:
- > commprod.doc - additional clarification of the circumstances under
- which Ghostscript can be distributed with a commercial product.
- Other files
- -----------
- > ps2epsi.doc - documentation for the PostScript to EPSI conversion
- utility.
- > helpers.doc - a note of thanks to all the people who have helped with
- Ghostscript development.
- > hershey.doc - information about the Hershey fonts, which are the
- basis of some of the Ghostscript fonts.
- > history.doc - a history of changes in older Ghostscript release.
- > humor.doc - a humorous comment on Ghostscript contributed by a user.
- > lib.doc - information about the Ghostscript library.
- > unix-lpr.doc - information about how to integrate Ghostscript with
- Unix printer spooling.
- ********
- ******** Trouble reporting ********
- ********
- Aladdin Enterprises doesn't have the resources to respond to questions
- from general users of Ghostscript. If you have problems with Ghostscript,
- and you have access to Usenet news, we suggest you post your question to
- gnu.ghostscript.bug. There are hundreds of Ghostscript user sites all
- over the world, and often another user will be able to help you. (If you
- have access to Internet mail, but not news, send e-mail to
- bug-ghostscript@prep.ai.mit.edu.) If you are having trouble with a
- specific device driver, look in the file devs.mak and see if it is a
- user-maintained driver. If so, please contact the person listed there
- directly; please do not contact Aladdin Enterprises regarding
- user-maintained drivers.
- Aladdin Enterprises does want Ghostscript to be of high quality, so if you
- have been running Ghostscript and encounter a problem, we will consider
- investigating it if you meet all the following criteria:
- - You are using the most recent version of Ghostscript.
- - You obtained Ghostscript directly from Aladdin Enterprises,
- or from a GNU distribution site on the Internet (i.e., not from a
- bulletin board system or a commercial system such as CompuServe or
- GEnie).
- - You have installed Ghostscript successfully, and used it
- successfully on other input data.
- - Your problem is reproducible, and you can send us the input
- data that evokes it (by e-mail, anonymous FTP, or PC diskette).
- (But please do not send anything unless we ask you for it.)
- - Your bug report tells us what hardware, operating system,
- window system, and C compiler you are using.
- Bug reports that include suggested fixes are especially welcome.
- As time permits, Aladdin Enterprises will also respond to e-mail from
- the following classes of users:
- - Beta testers who have actually given us at least one report on
- some beta version supplied to them.
- - People developing drivers that are for, or applications that
- are based on, Ghostscript and that will be made freely available.
- - People who express serious interest in commercial licensing
- of Ghostscript.
- - Commercial licensees.
- Given the choice between the Internet and the UUCP address, remember
- that the Internet is not to be used for general commercial traffic:
- if you aren't sure whether you or your organization can use the
- Internet, use UUCP.
- Aladdin Enterprises owns or has access to the following hardware and
- software:
- 80486 PC, MS-DOS 5.0, Microsoft Windows 3.1;
- Borland C++ 3.1 (and several older versions);
- color SuperVGA display; Epson-compatible printer
- (the printer also is compatible with the IBM Proprinter);
- various H-P printers; Canon BubbleJet.
- SPARCstation, SunOS 4.1, cc and gcc, X11R5 and SunView;
- both monochrome and color displays.
- DECstation, Ultrix.
- If your problem turns out to be specific to some other hardware or
- software configuration, it may take longer to track down, since we
- will have to rely on other users to help.
- If you call on the phone, you will usually be talking to an answering
- machine. In this case, please leave a message with your name and
- phone number and the best time for us to return the call.
- ********
- ******** Things you can do to help ********
- ********
- There are some projects that users could do that are somewhat
- decoupled from the main body of the code, and that would help improve
- Ghostscript:
- - Since Aladdin Enterprises doesn't have ready access to Unix
- systems, someone else is needed to take responsibility for texinfo and/or
- man page documentation for Ghostscript. What this would involve is
- updating this documentation during the beta test period for each release,
- and sending it to Aladdin to be included in the final fileset. (Aladdin
- would continue to supply the plain-text documentation as it currently
- exists.)
- - Ghostscript needs some good, free, Type 1 (outline) fonts. Karl
- Berry is working on this, but it might go faster if he got some
- knowledgeable assistance. Contact karl@cs.umb.edu if you want to help
- with this.
- - Adobe has donated the specification of the Display PostScript C
- API to the X distribution. Implementing this API for Ghostscript might
- make Ghostscript a lot more useful, since it would then be "plug
- compatible" with Display PostScript in an important way. Contact
- ghost@aladdin.com if you would like to help with this.
- - On gray-scale displays, it might be worthwhile implementing
- anti-aliased fonts. To do this, one would modify the renderer so that it
- cached a high-resolution bitmap, and then did the anti-aliasing as it
- copied the bitmap to the device. This would allow simulating
- fractional-pixel positioning, which is one of the great benefits of
- anti-aliased fonts. Contact ghost@aladdin.com if this is of interest to
- you.
- - Ghostscript currently runs on Microsoft Windows 3.0 and 3.1 on
- top of MS-DOS, but does not yet run on Windows NT. If you are interested
- in helping port Ghostscript to run on Windows NT (presumably by getting it
- to run using Win32/Win32s), please contact ghost@aladdin.com.
- ********
- ******** Authors ********
- ********
- Ghostscript was originally created, and is primarily developed and
- maintained, by L. Peter Deutsch, President of Aladdin Enterprises.
- Special thanks are due to Russell Lang, for the gsview (Ghostview for
- Microsoft Windows) program and for contributing most of the code for the
- Microsoft Windows environment, and to Tim Theisen, for the Ghostview
- program for X Windows and for major contributions to the code for the X
- Windows environment.
- The file helpers.doc contains a list of all the many other people who have
- contributed significantly to improving Ghostscript.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems, Incorporated.