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- This file is part of Ghostscript. Unlike the rest of Ghostscript, it
- consists entirely of information copied directly from public sources. It
- therefore is not covered by the Ghostscript copyright or license.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Mod.sources: Volume 4, Issue 42
- Submitted by: pyramid!octopus!pete (Pete Holzmann)
- This is part 1 of five parts of the first Usenet distribution of
- the Hershey Fonts. See the README file for more details.
- Peter Holzmann, Octopus Enterprises
- USPS: 19611 La Mar Court, Cupertino, CA 95014
- UUCP: {hplabs!hpdsd,pyramid}!octopus!pete
- Phone: 408/996-7746
- This distribution is made possible through the collective encouragement
- of the Usenet Font Consortium, a mailing list that sprang to life to get
- this accomplished and that will now most likely disappear into the mists
- of time... Thanks are especially due to Jim Hurt, who provided the packed
- font data for the distribution, along with a lot of other help.
- This file describes the Hershey Fonts in general, along with a description of
- the other files in this distribution and a simple re-distribution restriction.
- This distribution of the Hershey Fonts may be used by anyone for
- any purpose, commercial or otherwise, providing that:
- 1. The following acknowledgements must be distributed with
- the font data:
- - The Hershey Fonts were originally created by Dr.
- A. V. Hershey while working at the U. S.
- National Bureau of Standards.
- - The format of the Font data in this distribution
- was originally created by
- James Hurt
- Cognition, Inc.
- 900 Technology Park Drive
- Billerica, MA 01821
- (mit-eddie!ci-dandelion!hurt)
- 2. The font data in this distribution may be converted into
- any other format *EXCEPT* the format distributed by
- the U.S. NTIS (which organization holds the rights
- to the distribution and use of the font data in that
- particular format). Not that anybody would really
- *want* to use their format... each point is described
- in eight bytes as "xxx yyy:", where xxx and yyy are
- the coordinate values as ASCII numbers.
- *PLEASE* be reassured: The legal implications of NTIS' attempt to control
- a particular form of the Hershey Fonts *are* troubling. HOWEVER: We have
- been endlessly and repeatedly assured by NTIS that they do not care what
- we do with our version of the font data, they do not want to know about it,
- they understand that we are distributing this information all over the world,
- etc etc etc... but because it isn't in their *exact* distribution format, they
- just don't care!!! So go ahead and use the data with a clear conscience! (If
- you feel bad about it, take a smaller deduction for something on your taxes
- next week...)
- The Hershey Fonts:
- - are a set of more than 2000 glyph (symbol) descriptions in vector
- ( <x,y> point-to-point ) format
- - can be grouped as almost 20 'occidental' (english, greek,
- cyrillic) fonts, 3 or more 'oriental' (Kanji, Hiragana,
- and Katakana) fonts, and a few hundred miscellaneous
- symbols (mathematical, musical, cartographic, etc etc)
- - are suitable for typographic quality output on a vector device
- (such as a plotter) when used at an appropriate scale.
- - were digitized by Dr. A. V. Hershey while working for the U.S.
- Government National Bureau of Standards (NBS).
- - are in the public domain, with a few caveats:
- - They are available from NTIS (National Technical Info.
- Service) in a computer-readable from which is *not*
- in the public domain. This format is described in
- a hardcopy publication "Tables of Coordinates for
- Hershey's Repertory of Occidental Type Fonts and
- Graphic Symbols" available from NTIS for less than
- $20 US (phone number +1 703 487 4763).
- - NTIS does not care about and doesn't want to know about
- what happens to Hershey Font data that is not
- distributed in their exact format.
- - This distribution is not in the NTIS format, and thus is
- only subject to the simple restriction described
- at the top of this file.
- Hard Copy samples of the Hershey Fonts are best obtained by purchasing the
- book described above from NTIS. It contains a sample of all of the Occidental
- symbols (but none of the Oriental symbols).
- This distribution:
- - contains
- * a complete copy of the Font data using the original
- glyph-numbering sequence
- * a set of translation tables that could be used to generate
- ASCII-sequence fonts in various typestyles
- * a couple of sample programs in C and Fortran that are
- capable of parsing the font data and displaying it
- on a graphic device (we recommend that if you
- wish to write programs using the fonts, you should
- hack up one of these until it works on your system)
- - consists of the following files...
- hershey.doc - details of the font data format, typestyles and
- symbols included, etc.
- hersh.oc[1-4] - The Occidental font data (these files can
- be catenated into one large database)
- hersh.or[1-4] - The Oriental font data (likewise here)
- *.hmp - Occidental font map files. Each file is a translation
- table from Hershey glyph numbers to ASCII
- sequence for a particular typestyle.
- hershey.f77 - A fortran program that reads and displays all
- of the glyphs in a Hershey font file.
- hershey.c - The same, in C, using GKS, for MS-DOS and the
- PC-Color Graphics Adaptor.
- Additional Work To Be Done (volunteers welcome!):
- - Integrate this complete set of data with the hershey font typesetting
- program recently distributed to mod.sources
- - Come up with an integrated data structure and supporting routines
- that make use of the ASCII translation tables
- - Digitize additional characters for the few places where non-ideal
- symbol substitutions were made in the ASCII translation tables.
- - Make a version of the demo program (hershey.c or hershey.f77) that
- uses the standard Un*x plot routines.
- - Write a banner-style program using Hershey Fonts for input and
- non-graphic terminals or printers for output.
- - Anything else you'd like!
- This file provides a brief description of the contents of the Occidental
- Hershey Font Files. For a complete listing of the fonts in hard copy, order
- NBS Special Publication 424, "A contribution to computer typesetting
- techniques: Tables of Coordinates for Hershey's Repertory of Occidental
- Type Fonts and Graphic Symbols". You can get it from NTIS (phone number is
- +1 703 487 4763) for less than twenty dollars US.
- Basic Glyph (symbol) data:
- hersh.oc1 - numbers 1 to 1199
- hersh.oc2 - numbers 1200 to 2499
- hersh.oc3 - numbers 2500 to 3199
- hersh.oc4 - numbers 3200 to 3999
- These four files contain approximately 19 different fonts in
- the A-Z alphabet plus greek and cyrillic, along with hundreds of special
- symbols, described generically below.
- There are also four files of Oriental fonts (hersh.or[1-4]). These
- files contain symbols from three Japanese alphabets (Kanji, Hiragana, and
- Katakana). It is unknown what other symbols may be contained therein, nor
- is it known what order the symbols are in (I don't know Japanese!).
- Back to the Occidental files:
- Fonts:
- Roman: Plain, Simplex, Duplex, Complex Small, Complex, Triplex
- Italic: Complex Small, Complex, Triplex
- Script: Simplex, Complex
- Gothic: German, English, Italian
- Greek: Plain, Simplex, Complex Small, Complex
- Cyrillic: Complex
- Symbols:
- Mathematical (227-229,232,727-779,732,737-740,1227-1270,2227-2270,
- 1294-1412,2294-2295,2401-2412)
- Daggers (for footnotes, etc) (1276-1279, 2276-2279)
- Astronomical (1281-1293,2281-2293)
- Astrological (2301-2312)
- Musical (2317-2382)
- Typesetting (ffl,fl,fi sorts of things) (miscellaneous places)
- Miscellaneous (mostly in 741-909, but also elsewhere):
- - Playing card suits
- - Meteorology
- - Graphics (lines, curves)
- - Electrical
- - Geometric (shapes)
- - Cartographic
- - Naval
- - Agricultural
- - Highways
- - Etc...
- ASCII sequence translation files:
- The Hershey glyphs, while in a particular order, are not in an
- ASCII sequence. I have provided translation files that give the
- sequence of glyph numbers that will most closely approximate the
- ASCII printing sequence (from space through ~, with the degree
- circle tacked on at the end) for each of the above fonts:
- File names are made up of fffffftt.hmp,
- where ffffff is the font style, one of:
- roman Roman
- greek Greek
- italic Italic
- script Script
- cyril Cyrillic (some characters not placed in
- the ASCII sequence)
- gothgr Gothic German
- gothgb Gothic English
- gothit Gothic Italian
- and tt is the font type, one of:
- p Plain (very small, no lower case)
- s Simplex (plain, normal size, no serifs)
- d Duplex (normal size, no serifs, doubled lines)
- c Complex (normal size, serifs, doubled lines)
- t Triplex (normal size, serifs, tripled lines)
- cs Complex Small (Complex, smaller than normal size)
- The three sizes are coded with particular base line (bottom of a capital
- letter) and cap line (top of a capital letter) values for 'y':
- Size Base Line Cap Line
- Very Small -5 +4
- Small -6 +7
- Normal -9 +12
- (Note: some glyphs in the 'Very Small' fonts are actually 'Small')
- The top line and bottom line, which are normally used to define vertical
- spacing, are not given. Maybe somebody can determine appropriate
- values for these!
- The left line and right line, which are used to define horizontal spacing,
- are provided with each character in the database.
- Format of Hershey glyphs:
- 5 bytes - glyphnumber
- 3 bytes - length of data length in 16-bit words including left&right numbers
- 1 byte - x value of left margin
- 1 byte - x value of right margin
- (length*2)-2 bytes - stroke data
- left&right margins and stroke data are biased by the value of the letter 'R'
- Subtract the letter 'R' to get the data.
- e.g. if the data byte is 'R', the data is 0
- if the data byte is 'T', the data is +2
- if the data byte is 'J', the data is -8
- and so on...
- The coordinate system is x-y, with the origin (0,0) in the center of the
- glyph. X increases to the right and y increases *down*.
- The stroke data is pairs of bytes, one byte for x followed by one byte for y.
- A ' R' in the stroke data indicates a 'lift pen and move' instruction.