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- % Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- %
- % This file is part of Ghostscript.
- %
- % Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- % WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- % to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- % particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- % to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- %
- % Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- % Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- % General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- % given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- % responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- % things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- % copies.
- % Extract the ASCII text from a PostScript file. Nothing is displayed.
- % Instead, ASCII information is written to stdout. If SIMPLE is defined,
- % just the text is written, with a guess at line breaks and word spacing.
- % If SIMPLE is not defined, lines are written to stdout as follows:
- %
- % F <height> <width> (<fontname>)
- % indicate font height and width of a space
- %
- % S <x> <y> (<string>) <width>
- % display a string
- %
- % P
- % end of page
- %
- % <height> is an integer expressed in tenths of a point
- % <width> is an integer in tenths of a point.
- % <x> and <y> are integer coordinates, in tenths of a point, with origin
- % at lower left.
- % <string> and <fontname> are strings represented with the standard
- % PostScript escape conventions.
- % The idea is similar to Glenn Reid's `distillery', only a lot more
- % simple-minded, and less robust.
- % Note that this code will only work in all cases if systemdict is writable
- % and if `binding' the definitions of operators defined as procedures
- % is deferred. For this reason, it is normally invoked with
- % gs -q -dNODISPLAY -dNOBIND -dWRITESYSTEMDICT ps2ascii.ps
- % Thanks to J Greely <jgreely@cis.ohio-state.edu> for improvements
- % to this code.
- /QUIET true def
- systemdict wcheck { systemdict } { userdict } ifelse begin
- /SIMPLE dup where { pop true } { false } ifelse def
- % Disable the display operators.
- /eofill { newpath } odef
- /erasepage { } odef
- /fill { newpath } odef
- /stroke { newpath } odef
- % The image operators must read the input, but do nothing.
- /colorimage { gsave nulldevice //colorimage grestore } odef
- /image { gsave nulldevice //image grestore } odef
- /imagemask { gsave nulldevice //imagemask grestore } odef
- % Redefine the end-of-page operators.
- /copypage { SIMPLE { (\014) } { (P\n) } ifelse //print } odef
- /showpage { copypage erasepage initgraphics } odef
- % Redefine `show'.
- % Set things up so our output will be in tenths of a point, with origin at
- % lower left. This isolates us from the peculiarities of individual devices.
- /.show.ident.matrix matrix def
- /.show.ident
- % { //.show.ident.matrix defaultmatrix
- % % Assume the original transformation is well-behaved.
- % 0.1 0 2 index dtransform abs exch abs max /.show.scale exch def
- % 0.1 dup 3 -1 roll scale
- { gsave initmatrix
- % Assume the original transformation is well-behaved.
- 0.1 0 dtransform abs exch abs max /.show.scale exch def
- 0.1 dup scale .show.ident.matrix currentmatrix
- grestore
- } bind def
- /.coord
- { transform .show.ident itransform
- exch round cvi exch round cvi
- } odef
- /.dcoord
- { % Transforming distances is trickier, because
- % the coordinate system might be rotated.
- .show.ident pop
- exch 0 dtransform
- % dup 0 ne { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } { pop abs } ifelse
- dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt
- .show.scale div round cvi
- exch 0 exch dtransform
- % exch dup 0 ne { dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt } { pop abs } ifelse
- dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt
- .show.scale div round cvi
- } odef
- % Define a way to store and retrieve integers that survives save/restore.
- /.i.string ( ) def
- /.iget { cvi } bind def
- /.iput { exch //.i.string exch copy cvs pop } bind def
- /.inew { //.i.string length string dup 3 -1 roll .iput } bind def
- /.show.x 0 .inew def
- /.show.y 0 .inew def
- /.show.height 1000 .inew def
- % Remember the last character of the previous string; if it was a
- % hyphen preceded by a letter, we didn't output the hyphen.
- /.show.last (\000) def
- % Make sure writing will work even if a program uses =string.
- /.show.string =string length string def
- /.show.=string =string length string def
- /.show==only
- { //=string //.show.=string copy pop
- dup type /stringtype eq
- { dup length //.show.string length le
- { dup rcheck { //.show.string copy } if
- } if
- } if
- //.stdout exch write==only
- //.show.=string //=string copy pop
- } odef
- /.showfont
- %(following comments are from J Greely)
- %old code - This didn't work right for me with all fonts.
- %
- % { 0 currentfont /FontBBox get dup 3 get exch 1 get sub
- % currentfont /FontMatrix get dtransform dtransform
- % exch abs exch abs max round
- % (F ) //print //.stdout exch write==only (\n) //print
- % } odef
- %
- %unfortunately, my way bombs on one of my test files in
- %--%show_continue--(?!). It's from dvi2ps, which molests
- %the fonts in some way. --jgreely
- { gsave
- % If we can't get the height and width of the font from
- % the FontBBox, we just measure some characters.
- currentfont /FontBBox .knownget not { {0 0 0 0} } if
- aload pop exch 4 -1 roll sub 3 1 roll exch sub
- 2 copy max 0 ne
- { currentfont /FontMatrix get dtransform
- }
- { % Unfortunately, charpath is broken in some versions,
- % so we use stringwidth and fudge.
- (X) stringwidth pop dup 1.3 mul
- }
- ifelse .dcoord exch
- currentfont /FontName .knownget not { () } if
- dup type /nametype eq { //.show.string cvs } if
- grestore
- % Stack: height width fontname
- { pop pop //.show.height exch .iput }
- { (F ) //print 3
- { 2 index .show==only ( ) //print 3 -1 roll } repeat
- pop pop pop (\n) //print
- }
- ifelse
- } odef
- % Define the letters -- characters which, if they occur followed by a hyphen
- % at the end of a line, cause the hyphen and line break to be ignored.
- /.letter.chars 100 dict def
- mark
- 65 1 90 { dup 32 add } for
- counttomark { StandardEncoding exch get .letter.chars exch dup put } repeat
- pop
- % Define a set of characters which, if they occur at the start of a line,
- % are taken as indicating a paragraph break.
- /.break.chars 50 dict def
- mark
- /bullet /dagger /daggerdbl /periodcentered /section
- counttomark { .break.chars exch dup put } repeat
- pop
- % Define character translation to ASCII.
- % We have to do this for the entire character set.
- /.char.map 500 dict def
- /.chars.def { counttomark 2 idiv { .char.map 3 1 roll put } repeat pop } def
- % Encode the printable ASCII characters.
- mark 32 1 126
- { 1 string dup 0 4 -1 roll put
- dup 0 get StandardEncoding exch get exch
- }
- for .chars.def
- % Encode accents.
- mark
- /acute (') /caron (^) /cedilla (,) /circumflex (^)
- /dieresis (") /grave (`) /ring (*) /tilde (~)
- .chars.def
- % Encode the ISO accented characters.
- mark 192 1 255
- { ISOLatin1Encoding exch get =string cvs
- dup 0 1 getinterval 1 index dup length 1 sub 1 exch getinterval
- .char.map 2 index known .char.map 2 index known and
- { .char.map 3 -1 roll get .char.map 3 -1 roll get concatstrings
- .char.map 3 1 roll put
- }
- { pop pop pop
- }
- ifelse
- }
- for .chars.def
- % Encode the remaining standard and ISO alphabetic characters.
- mark
- /AE (AE) /Eth (DH) /OE (OE) /Thorn (Th)
- /ae (ae) /eth (dh)
- /ffi (ffi) /ffl (ffl) /fi (fi) /fl (fl)
- /germandbls (ss) /oe (oe) /thorn (th)
- .chars.def
- % Encode the other standard and ISO characters.
- mark
- /brokenbar (|) /bullet (*) /copyright ((C)) /currency (#)
- /dagger (#) /daggerdbl (##) /degree (o) /divide (/) /dotaccent (.)
- /dotlessi (i)
- /ellipsis (...) /emdash (--) /endash (-) /exclamdown (!)
- /florin (f) /fraction (/)
- /guillemotleft (<<) /guillemotright (>>)
- /guilsingleft (<) /guilsingright (>) /hungarumlaut ("") /logicalnot (~)
- /macron (_) /minus (-) /mu (u) /multiply (*)
- /ogonek (,) /onehalf (1/2) /onequarter (1/4) /onesuperior (1)
- /ordfeminine (-a) /ordmasculine (-o)
- /paragraph (||) /periodcentered (*) /perthousand (o/oo) /plusminus (+-)
- /questiondown (?) /quotedblbase (") /quotedblleft (") /quotedblright (")
- /quotesinglbase (,) /quotesingle (') /registered ((R))
- /section ($) /sterling (#)
- /threequarters (3/4) /threesuperior (3) /trademark ((TM)) /twosuperior (2)
- /yen (Y)
- .chars.def
- % Encode a few common Symbol characters.
- mark
- /asteriskmath (*) /copyrightsans ((C)) /copyrightserif ((C))
- /greaterequal (>=) /lessequal (<=) /registersans ((R)) /registerserif ((R))
- /trademarksans ((TM)) /trademarkserif ((TM))
- .chars.def
- % Write out a string. If it ends in a letter and a hyphen,
- % don't write the hyphen, and set .show.last to a hyphen;
- % otherwise, set .show.last to the character (or \000 if it was a hyphen).
- /.show.write % <string>
- { dup length 1 ge
- { dup dup length 1 sub get
- dup 45 eq % hyphen
- { 1 index length 1 gt
- { 1 index dup length 2 sub get }
- { //.show.last 0 get }
- ifelse
- currentfont /Encoding get exch get
- //.letter.chars exch known
- { % Remove the hyphen
- exch dup length 1 sub 0 exch getinterval exch
- }
- { pop 0
- }
- ifelse
- }
- if
- //.show.last 0 3 -1 roll put
- }
- if
- { dup currentfont /Encoding get exch get
- dup //.char.map exch .knownget
- { //.stdout exch writestring pop pop
- }
- { currentfont /Encoding dup StandardEncoding eq
- exch ISOLatin1Encoding eq or
- { % Untranslated character in standard encoding
- pop //.stdout exch write
- }
- { % Character in non-standard encoding, substitute
- pop pop //.stdout (*) writestring
- }
- ifelse
- }
- ifelse
- }
- forall
- } odef
- /.showstring
- { currentpoint .coord
- 3 -1 roll dup stringwidth 1 index 0 rmoveto
- .dcoord pop
- % Stack: x y string width
- { 2 index //.show.y .iget ne
- { % Try to figure out whether we have a line break
- % or a paragraph break.
- 2 index //.show.y .iget sub abs
- //.show.height .iget 1.3 mul ge
- 2 index length 0 gt
- { 2 index 0 get currentfont /Encoding get exch get
- //.break.chars exch known { pop true } if
- }
- if
- { (\n\n) % Paragraph
- }
- { ( ) % Line
- }
- ifelse //print
- //.show.y 3 index .iput
- //.show.x 4 index .iput
- }
- { % If the word processor split a hyphenated word within
- % the same line, put out the hyphen now.
- //.show.last 0 get 45 eq { (-) //print } if
- }
- ifelse
- 3 index //.show.x .iget 10 add gt
- { ( ) //print
- }
- if
- 4 1 roll .show.write pop add //.show.x exch .iput
- }
- { (S ) //print
- 4 -1 roll .show==only ( ) //print
- 3 -1 roll .show==only ( ) //print
- exch .show==only ( ) //print
- .show==only (\n) //print
- }
- ifelse
- } odef
- /show
- { .showfont .showstring
- } odef
- % Redefine the other string display operators in terms of `show'.
- /.show1.string ( ) def
- /.show1 { //.show1.string exch 0 exch put //.show1.string .showstring } odef
- /ashow
- { .showfont
- { .show1 2 copy rmoveto } forall
- pop pop
- } odef
- /awidthshow
- { .showfont
- { dup .show1 4 index eq { 4 index 4 index rmoveto } if
- 2 copy rmoveto
- }
- forall
- pop pop pop pop pop
- } odef
- /widthshow
- { .showfont
- //.show1.string 0 4 -1 roll put
- { //.show1.string search not { exit } if
- .showstring .showstring
- 2 index 2 index rmoveto
- } loop
- .showstring pop pop
- } odef
- /kshow
- { .showfont
- { .show1 dup exec } forall pop
- } odef
- % Redirect the printing operators.
- /.stdout (_temp_.out) (w) file def
- /.stderr (_temp_.err) (w) file def
- /print { //.stdout exch writestring } odef
- end
- % Bind the operators we just defined, and all the others if we didn't
- % do it before. Also reenable 'bind' for future files.
- .bindoperators
- NOBIND currentdict systemdict ne and
- { systemdict begin .bindoperators end }
- if
- { /bind /.bind load def }
- if
- % Make systemdict read-only if it wasn't already.
- systemdict wcheck { systemdict readonly pop } if