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- GNU Ghostscript 2.6.1 Amiga port, revised 29 January 1994
- =========================================================
- This port requires:
- - An Amiga equipped with an '020 CPU or any successor CPU model and and
- Kickstart 2.04 or higher.
- - Approx. 4.7 MBytes of hard disk space available.
- - A minimum of 1 MByte of chip memory, depending on what you will want to
- do with the interpreter. Printer output requires at least 2 MBytes of
- contiguous memory (any memory, not necessarily chip memory).
- - ixemul.library and a bunch of Postscript/Ghostscript fonts.
- New features in the revised v2.6.1 release
- ------------------------------------------
- By public request I have recompiled the program to use the built-in math
- library, so you no longer need an FPU to run the program. I also took a
- closer look at the code which tries to determine the printer page
- resolution: you will no longer have trouble with printers featuring
- built-in paper tractors. I tried all printer drivers to be found on the
- Workbench disk to make sure the printer support code really works. Good
- luck! Some small bugs were ironed out and I also took the time to add
- support for another two display drivers (the Picasso II driver which
- requires the Picasso monitor driver v2.14 to work correctly and the
- `custom' driver which requires asl.library v38 to be installed). The entire
- program was recompiled using GCC 2.4.5.
- New Amiga features in release v2.6.1
- ------------------------------------
- The v2.6.0 port used to implement only monochrome drivers, the v2.6.1 port
- supports colour output on most devices, exceptions where noted. You don't
- need a special brand of graphics hardware expansion, colour output will
- work on any Amiga model, provided there is enough memory available. All
- devices capable of doing colour output will reduce the number of colours to
- be displayed if in dire need of memory. As for the display oriented devices
- this will go mostly unnoticed as the Ghostscript halftoning algorithms will
- compensate for any colour reductions. However, printer output quality is
- very likely to suffer from colour reduction. So, watch out!
- As the display oriented devices start up in colour output mode, black &
- white rendering may be slightly slowed. The printer device is configured
- according to the Preferences settings; `Black & white' will result in
- monochrome output, `Grayscale 1' and `Grayscale 2' will also produce
- monochrome output but will internally use a true colour representation of
- the page, so does `Color'. Please note that `true colour' refers to the
- Amiga 12 bit colour model, at this time of writing 24 bit colour printing
- is not yet implemented.
- The default output device (a super-bitmap window to opened on the
- default public screen, such as Workbench) will take advantage of the
- Kickstart 3.0 pen sharing feature if enough colours (eight or more)
- are available.
- The v2.6.0 port used to rely on printer drivers to initialize their maximum
- page size information upon startup. Several users reported problems with
- certain drivers which would make this information available only after
- having been asked to do so. The v2.6.1 port now follows the programmers'
- guidelines how to determine the maximum page size closely. The driver may
- still complain if configured for `Grayscale 1', `Grayscale 2' or `Color'
- output and there is not enough memory available for the page to be
- displayed.
- Installation
- ------------
- Enter the command line interpreter, Create a directory on your hard disk
- drive, label it "ghostscript". Let's assume that the fully qualified name
- of this directory will be "Work:ghostscript". Enter this directory and
- unpack the archive "gs-2.6.1-amiga.lha". This will create the directory
- "doc" which contains the Ghostscript documentation files, and the directory
- "examples" which is to hold some Postscript example files. To add the fonts
- from the Ghostscript distribution (not included in this release) create a
- directory called "Fonts" in the directory "Work:ghostscript" and copy all
- the font files into it. You also need the `ixemul.library' included in the
- Amiga GCC distribution which should be copied to the `Libs:' directory. Now
- edit your `S:User-Startup' file, adding the following lines:
- Assign ghostscript: "Work:ghostscript"
- Path ghostscript: add
- Save the file back to disk and reboot your machine.
- Running the interpreter
- -----------------------
- Enter the command line interpreter, type "gs" and press return. The
- interpreter will be loaded and will try to initialize itself. If
- successfully initialized, a window should have been opened on the Workbench
- screen. The Shell window now should display the following text:
- Initializing... done.
- Ghostscript 2.6.1 (5/28/93)
- Copyright (C) 1990-1993 Aladdin Enterprises, Menlo Park, CA.
- All rights reserved.
- Ghostscript comes with NO WARRANTY: see the file COPYING for details.
- GS>
- At the command prompt, enter "(ghostscript:examples/golfer.ps) run" and
- press return. Click on the `Zoom' button in the top right corner of the
- window to bring it to full screen size, move the scrollers and watch what
- will happen. When rendering is finished, the Shell window will display the
- following text:
- >>showpage, press <return> to continue<<
- Press return to erase the contents of the window and to continue. The
- interpreter will be in interactive mode again, enter "quit" and press
- return to end this session.
- For more information refer to the documentation in the "ghostscript:doc"
- drawer.
- How to print a document
- -----------------------
- As the corresponding Ghostscript device will always keep the entire page in
- memory the printer need not be capable of strip-printing. The bad news is
- that the entire page will consume *a lot* of memory. This Amiga port will
- keep the page in any public memory area, so it will not necessarily eat up
- precious chip memory. This should make it possible to print pages on Amigas
- with only 1 MByte of chip memory or less, provided enough fast memory is
- available.
- Enter the command line interpreter, type "gs -sDEVICE=amiga_printer" and
- press return. This will invoke the Ghostscript interpreter with the
- "amiga_printer" device driver selected as the startup device. When the
- command prompt appears, enter "(ghostscript:examples/butterfly.ps) run" and
- press return. The rendered image will be sent to the printer. When printing
- is finished, press return and enter "quit" to end this session.
- Note: unless you want Ghostscript to prompt you to press return after each
- page is printed and ejected you should include "-dNOPAUSE" on the command
- line.
- Available device drivers
- ------------------------
- This port implements the following nine device drivers:
- amiga
- (This is the default output device)
- Rendering takes place in a super-bitmap window to be opened on the
- Workbench screen. This window contains scroller handles to move
- around in the bitmap. Usually, the bitmap will be four times as large
- as the screen the window opens upon.
- amiga_low
- Renders into a low-resolution custom screen.
- amiga_high
- Renders into a high-resolution custom screen.
- amiga_super
- Renders into a super-high-resolution custom screen.
- amiga_a2024¹
- Renders into an A2024 resolution custom screen.
- amiga_picassoii
- Renders into a Picasso II custom screen (note: a plain Intuition
- custom screen will be opened, this driver will not directly access
- the Picasso II hardware). The Picasso monitor driver v2.14 is
- required for this driver to work.
- amiga_custom
- Unlike the other display drivers which will open screens in
- predefined resolutions and modes the `amiga_custom' driver will let
- you select the display mode to use. On first invocation of the driver
- a screen mode requester will be opened for you to select the display
- mode to use. The name of the display mode selected will be stored in
- a local environment variable called "GSCUSTOMMODE". The next time you
- run the GhostScript interpreter with the `amiga_custom' device
- selected the device will try to read the contents of the
- "GSCUSTOMMODE" variable. The list of screen display modes available
- will be scanned for a mode which name matches the variable. Wildcard
- patterns are supported, so setting "GSCUSTOMMODE" to "#?lowres#?"
- will match any screen display mode with the string "lowres" in it,
- such as "NTSC:LowRes", "PAL:LowRes", etc. If you wish, you could set
- the global environment variable "GSCUSTOMMODE" to a special value
- which the `amiga_custom' device will always use. Please note that the
- screen mode requester will only be opened if no local or global
- environment variable "GSCUSTOMMODE" is defined.
- amiga_printer
- Outputs pages on the currently configured preferences printer.
- Respects density and resolution settings. Requires a lot of memory to
- run.
- amiga_ilbm¹
- Will prompt for a file name to save the current page contents to. The
- page will be saved as a standard IFF-ILBM picture, including DPI
- information, suitable for postprocessing using standard image
- processing and editing software.
- ¹) Monochrome output only
- Properties
- ----------
- With Ghostscript 2.6.1 one can specify several driver specific options on
- the command line. As for the Amiga drivers, they support the following
- properties:
- - PageWidth and PageHeight
- The dimensions of the page to render into. The physical page size
- Ghostscript will use for rendering is limited by these dimensions. On
- startup The Amiga drivers will default to a page size roughly equivalent
- to A4 unless different dimensions are specified. The size definitions may
- include measuring units (e.g. "-sPageWidth=21cm"), the following units
- are supported: pt (points, the default if no unit is given), pc (picas),
- in (inches), cm (centimeters), mm (millimeters), dd (didôt points), cc
- (ciceros).
- - OutputFile
- The amiga_ilbm device pays attention to this property, which it will use
- to construct the output file names for pages to be saved with. Thus,
- `-sOutputFile="ram:page"' yields the files "ram:page0001.ilbm",
- "ram:page0002.ilbm", etc.
- Not all devices will pay attention to DPI page resolutions.
- Installing fonts
- ----------------
- The Ghostscript distribution includes a number of public-domain or
- otherwise freely distributable fonts. However, these are mostly of poor
- quality. In order to install a new font or to replace a font with a
- different one, the following steps are required:
- 1. The font must be converted to Ghostscript format. For font files in
- BDF-format (such as the fonts included in the X-Windows distribution)
- this requires processing with the "bdftops" script file (syntax is
- "bdftops <Source file> <Destination file>"). Fonts in standard ASCII text
- format (".PFA" format) or packed binary file format (".PFB" format), such
- as most Adobe-Type-1 hinted outline fonts to be purchased from various
- vendors, need not be converted as this is the native format Ghostscript
- expects.
- 2. Copy the resulting output file to the "ghostscript:fonts" drawer, choose
- a suitable name (see the file "ghostscript:fontmap" for more
- information).
- 3. Edit the file "ghostscript:fontmap" to include the font which will make
- it visible to the interpreter. Read this file carefully as it gives basic
- hints how to name a font file and how to edit the corresponding font
- entry.
- The Workbench window
- --------------------
- The default output device (the Workbench window) can be controlled both by
- mouse and by keyboard:
- Cursor keys will move the currently visible area of the page, holding
- down a Shift or Control key will increase the size of the scrolling
- steps.
- Control+C and Escape will send the interpreter a signal to terminate
- processing, so does clicking the window close button.
- By default the page size will always be four times as large as the
- currently visible portion of the Workbench screen, see the section entitled
- "Page sizes and resolutions" for more information.
- Troubleshooting
- ---------------
- This interpreter implementation requires a lot of chip memory to run. In
- order to assure that enough memory will be available, close any Workbench
- drawers or Shell windows which are not necessarily require to run the
- interpreter.
- Most Postscript documents use hard-coded document page sizes, i.e. the
- output page size will not be scaled to fit the currently set output page
- size. In these cases you may want to make use of the Postscript "scale"
- operator. Say, you wish to preview the file "butterfly.ps" in just half its
- size. Enter "0.5 dup scale" and press return, now enter "(butterfly.ps)
- run" and press return; et voilà: the butterfly will be rendered just half
- as large as usual.
- Some documents, such as "porsche.ps", contain no "showpage" command to
- finish the batch job. In this case, type "showpage" and press return or
- enter "erasepage" and press return to clear the page.
- About the Amiga port
- --------------------
- This port is based on Ghostscript 2.6.1. It was implemented using GCC
- 2.4.5, so you will have to refer to the file "COPYING" for copying and
- licensing information.
- This Amiga port was created by:
- Olaf `Olsen' Barthel
- Brabeckstrasse 35
- D-30559 Hannover
- Federal Republic of Germany
- eMail: olsen@sourcery.han.de
- The source code is included in the "amiga-src" drawer.