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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevbgi.c */
- /* Ghostscript driver for Borland Graphics Interface (BGI) */
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <graphics.h>
- #include <mem.h>
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gxxfont.h"
- #ifndef BGI_LIB /* may be set in makefile */
- # define BGI_LIB ""
- #endif
- /*
- * BGI supports these video cards:
- * Hercules, CGA, MCGA, EGA, VGA, AT&T 400, IBM 8514, PC3270.
- * Highest resolution mode is used with all these video cards.
- * EGA and VGA display 16 colors, the rest are black-and-white only.
- * In addition, the environment variable BGIUSER may be used
- * to define a user-supplied Super VGA driver: see the use.doc file
- * for details.
- */
- #define SUPER_VGA 999 /* bogus # for user-defined driver */
- /* See gxdevice.h for the definitions of the procedures. */
- dev_proc_open_device(bgi_open);
- dev_proc_close_device(bgi_close);
- dev_proc_map_rgb_color(bgi_map_rgb_color);
- dev_proc_map_color_rgb(bgi_map_color_rgb);
- dev_proc_fill_rectangle(bgi_fill_rectangle);
- dev_proc_tile_rectangle(bgi_tile_rectangle);
- dev_proc_copy_mono(bgi_copy_mono);
- dev_proc_copy_color(bgi_copy_color);
- dev_proc_draw_line(bgi_draw_line);
- dev_proc_get_xfont_procs(bgi_get_xfont_procs);
- /* The device descriptor */
- typedef struct gx_device_bgi_s gx_device_bgi;
- struct gx_device_bgi_s {
- gx_device_common;
- int display_mode;
- struct text_info text_mode;
- };
- #define bgi_dev ((gx_device_bgi *)dev)
- private gx_device_procs bgi_procs = {
- bgi_open,
- gx_default_get_initial_matrix,
- gx_default_sync_output,
- gx_default_output_page,
- bgi_close,
- bgi_map_rgb_color,
- bgi_map_color_rgb,
- bgi_fill_rectangle,
- bgi_tile_rectangle,
- bgi_copy_mono,
- bgi_copy_color,
- bgi_draw_line,
- gx_default_get_bits,
- gx_default_get_props,
- gx_default_put_props,
- bgi_get_xfont_procs
- };
- gx_device_bgi gs_bgi_device = {
- sizeof(gx_device_bgi),
- &bgi_procs,
- "bgi",
- 0, 0, /* width and height are set in bgi_open */
- 1, 1, /* density is set in bgi_open */
- no_margins,
- dci_black_and_white,
- 0 /* not open yet */
- };
- /* Detection procedure for user-defined driver. */
- private int huge
- detectVGA(void)
- { return gs_bgi_device.display_mode;
- }
- /* Open the BGI driver for graphics mode */
- int
- bgi_open(gx_device *dev)
- { int driver, mode;
- char *bgi_user = getenv("BGIUSER");
- char *bgi_path = getenv("BGIPATH");
- gettextinfo(&bgi_dev->text_mode);
- if ( bgi_path == NULL )
- bgi_path = BGI_LIB;
- if ( bgi_user != NULL )
- { /* A user-supplied driver is specified as "mode.dname", */
- /* where mode is a hex number and dname is the name */
- /* of the driver file. */
- char dname[40];
- if ( strlen(bgi_user) > sizeof(dname) ||
- sscanf(bgi_user, "%x.%s", &mode, dname) != 2
- )
- { eprintf("BGIUSER not in form nn.dname.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- gs_bgi_device.display_mode = mode; /* sigh.... */
- installuserdriver(dname, detectVGA);
- driver = DETECT;
- initgraph(&driver, &mode, bgi_path);
- driver = SUPER_VGA;
- }
- else /* not user-defined driver */
- { /* We include the CGA driver */
- /* in the Ghostscript executable, so end-users don't */
- /* have to have the BGI files. */
- if ( registerfarbgidriver(CGA_driver_far) < 0 )
- { eprintf("BGI: Can't register CGA driver!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- detectgraph(&driver, &mode);
- if ( driver < 0 )
- { eprintf("BGI: No graphics hardware detected!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- if ( driver == EGA64 )
- { /* Select 16 color video mode if video card is EGA with 64 Kb of memory */
- mode = EGA64LO;
- }
- /* Initialize graphics mode. */
- /* Following patch for AT&T 6300 is courtesy of */
- /* Allan Wax, Xerox Corp. */
- if ( driver == CGA )
- { /* The actual hardware might be an AT&T 6300. */
- /* Try initializing it that way. */
- int save_mode = mode;
- driver = ATT400, mode = ATT400HI;
- initgraph(&driver, &mode, bgi_path);
- if ( graphresult() != grOk )
- { /* Nope, it was a real CGA. */
- closegraph();
- driver = CGA, mode = save_mode;
- initgraph(&driver, &mode, bgi_path);
- }
- }
- else
- initgraph(&driver, &mode, bgi_path);
- }
- { int code = graphresult();
- if ( code != grOk )
- { eprintf1("Error initializing BGI driver: %s\n",
- grapherrormsg(code));
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* Set parameters that were unknown before opening device */
- /* Size and nominal density of screen. */
- /* The following algorithm maps an appropriate fraction of */
- /* the display screen to an 8.5" x 11" coordinate space. */
- /* This may or may not be what is desired! */
- if ( dev->width == 0 )
- dev->width = getmaxx() + 1;
- if ( dev->height == 0 )
- dev->height = getmaxy() + 1;
- if ( dev->y_pixels_per_inch == 1 )
- { /* Get the aspect ratio from the driver. */
- int arx, ary;
- getaspectratio(&arx, &ary);
- dev->y_pixels_per_inch = dev->height / 11.0;
- dev->x_pixels_per_inch =
- dev->y_pixels_per_inch * ((float)ary / arx);
- }
- /* Find out if the device supports color */
- /* (default initialization is monochrome). */
- /* We only recognize 16-color devices right now. */
- if ( getmaxcolor() > 1 )
- { static gx_device_color_info bgi_16color = dci_color(4, 2, 3);
- dev->color_info = bgi_16color;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close the BGI driver */
- int
- bgi_close(gx_device *dev)
- { closegraph();
- textmode(bgi_dev->text_mode.currmode);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Map a r-g-b color to the 16 colors available with an EGA/VGA video card. */
- gx_color_index
- bgi_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
- gx_color_value b)
- { return (gx_color_index)
- ((r > gx_max_color_value / 4 ? 4 : 0) +
- (g > gx_max_color_value / 4 ? 2 : 0) +
- (b > gx_max_color_value / 4 ? 1 : 0) +
- (r > gx_max_color_value / 4 * 3 ||
- g > gx_max_color_value / 4 * 3 ? 8 : 0));
- }
- /* Map a color code to r-g-b. Surprisingly enough, this is algorithmic. */
- int
- bgi_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value prgb[3])
- {
- #define icolor (int)color
- gx_color_value one =
- (icolor & 8 ? gx_max_color_value : gx_max_color_value / 3);
- prgb[0] = (icolor & 4 ? one : 0);
- prgb[1] = (icolor & 2 ? one : 0);
- prgb[2] = (icolor & 1 ? one : 0);
- return 0;
- #undef icolor
- }
- /* Copy a monochrome bitmap. The colors are given explicitly. */
- /* Color = gx_no_color_index means transparent (no effect on the image). */
- int
- bgi_copy_mono(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *base, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
- { const byte *ptr_line = base + (sourcex >> 3);
- int left_bit = 0x80 >> (sourcex & 7);
- int dest_y = y, end_x = x + w;
- int invert = 0;
- int color;
- if ( zero == gx_no_color_index )
- { if ( one == gx_no_color_index ) return 0;
- color = (int)one;
- }
- else
- { if ( one == gx_no_color_index )
- { color = (int)zero;
- invert = -1;
- }
- else
- { /* Pre-clear the rectangle to zero */
- setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, (int)zero);
- bar(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1);
- color = (int)one;
- }
- }
- while ( h-- ) /* for each line */
- { const byte *ptr_source = ptr_line;
- register int dest_x = x;
- register int bit = left_bit;
- while ( dest_x < end_x ) /* for each bit in the line */
- { if ( (*ptr_source ^ invert) & bit )
- putpixel(dest_x, dest_y, color);
- dest_x++;
- if ( (bit >>= 1) == 0 )
- bit = 0x80, ptr_source++;
- }
- dest_y++;
- ptr_line += raster;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a color pixel map. This is just like a bitmap, except that */
- /* each pixel takes 4 bits instead of 1 when device driver has color. */
- int
- bgi_copy_color(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *base, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h)
- { if ( gx_device_has_color(dev) )
- { /* color device, four bits per pixel */
- const byte *line = base + (sourcex >> 1);
- int dest_y = y, end_x = x + w;
- if ( w <= 0 ) return 0;
- while ( h-- ) /* for each line */
- { const byte *source = line;
- register int dest_x = x;
- if ( sourcex & 1 ) /* odd nibble first */
- { int color = *source++ & 0xf;
- putpixel(dest_x, dest_y, color);
- dest_x++;
- }
- /* Now do full bytes */
- while ( dest_x < end_x )
- { int color = *source >> 4;
- putpixel(dest_x, dest_y, color);
- dest_x++;
- if ( dest_x < end_x )
- { color = *source++ & 0xf;
- putpixel(dest_x, dest_y, color);
- dest_x++;
- }
- }
- dest_y++;
- line += raster;
- }
- }
- else /* monochrome device: one bit per pixel */
- { /* bitmap is the same as bgi_copy_mono: one bit per pixel */
- bgi_copy_mono(dev, base, sourcex, raster, id, x, y, w, h,
- (gx_color_index)BLACK, (gx_color_index)WHITE);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Fill a rectangle. */
- int
- bgi_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index color)
- { setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, (int)color);
- bar(x, y, x + w - 1, y + h - 1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Tile a rectangle. If neither color is transparent, */
- /* pre-clear the rectangle to color0 and just tile with color1. */
- /* This is faster because of how bgi_copy_mono is implemented. */
- /* Note that this also does the right thing for colored tiles. */
- int
- bgi_tile_rectangle(gx_device *dev, const gx_bitmap *tile,
- int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index czero, gx_color_index cone,
- int px, int py)
- { int tw = tile->size.x, th = tile->size.y;
- int rw, rh, tx, ty;
- int code;
- byte image[4+4+256];
- if ( w >> 1 < tw || h >> 1 < th ||
- czero == gx_no_color_index || cone == gx_no_color_index ||
- imagesize(x, y, x + tw - 1, y + th - 1) > sizeof(image)
- )
- { if ( czero != gx_no_color_index && cone != gx_no_color_index )
- { bgi_fill_rectangle(dev, x, y, w, h, czero);
- czero = gx_no_color_index;
- }
- return gx_default_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, w, h, czero, cone, px, py);
- }
- /* Handle edge strips. We know w and h are both large. */
- rh = h % th;
- if ( rh )
- { code = gx_default_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y + h - rh, w, rh, czero, cone, px, py);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- h -= rh;
- }
- rw = w % tw;
- if ( rw )
- { code = gx_default_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x + w - rw, y, rw, h, czero, cone, px, py);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- w -= rw;
- }
- /* Now w and h are multiples of tw and th respectively, */
- /* and greater than 1. Start by doing one tile the slow way. */
- code = gx_default_tile_rectangle(dev, tile, x, y, tw, th, czero, cone, px, py);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- /* Now replicate the tile. */
- getimage(x, y, x + tw - 1, y + th - 1, &image[0]);
- for ( ty = h; (ty -= th) >= 0; )
- { for ( tx = w; (tx -= tw) >= 0; )
- putimage(x + tx, y + ty, &image[0], COPY_PUT);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Draw a line */
- int
- bgi_draw_line(gx_device *dev, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1,
- gx_color_index color)
- { setcolor((int)color);
- setlinestyle(SOLID_LINE, 0, NORM_WIDTH); /* solid, one pixel wide */
- line(x0, y0, x1, y1);
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Platform font procedures ------ */
- /*
- * Note: Stroked BGI fonts lie about their height and baseline:
- * the textheight is actually the position of the baseline,
- * and the only way to find the actual height is to scan the bits.
- */
- /* Define xfont procedures. */
- private xfont_proc_lookup_font(bgi_lookup_font);
- private xfont_proc_char_xglyph(bgi_char_xglyph);
- private xfont_proc_char_metrics(bgi_char_metrics);
- private xfont_proc_render_char(bgi_render_char);
- private xfont_proc_release(bgi_release);
- private gx_xfont_procs bgi_xfont_procs = {
- bgi_lookup_font,
- bgi_char_xglyph,
- bgi_char_metrics,
- bgi_render_char,
- bgi_release
- };
- /* Return the xfont procedure record. */
- gx_xfont_procs *
- bgi_get_xfont_procs(gx_device *dev)
- { return &bgi_xfont_procs;
- }
- /* Define a BGI xfont. */
- typedef struct bgi_xfont_s {
- gx_xfont_common common;
- const char _ds *fname;
- int index; /* BGI font index */
- gs_int_point ratio; /* scaling ratio for character */
- int base_size; /* height of 4x 'A' */
- int baseline;
- } bgi_xfont;
- private bgi_xfont all_fonts[] = {
- { { &bgi_xfont_procs}, "Helvetica", SANS_SERIF_FONT },
- { { &bgi_xfont_procs}, "Times-Roman", SIMPLEX_FONT },
- { { &bgi_xfont_procs}, "Times-Bold", BOLD_FONT }
- };
- /* Keep a record of a character temporarily rendered to the screen. */
- typedef struct char_image_s {
- char str[2];
- gs_int_point size;
- uint image_size;
- char *image;
- } char_image;
- /* Forward references */
- private bgi_xfont *char_set_font(P1(gx_xfont *));
- private int char_set_image(P2(byte, char_image *));
- private void char_bbox(P3(bgi_xfont *, char_image *, gs_int_rect *));
- private void char_restore_image(P1(char_image *));
- /* Look up a font. */
- gx_xfont *
- bgi_lookup_font(gx_device *dev, const byte *fname, uint len,
- int encoding_index, const gs_uid *puid, const gs_matrix *pmat,
- const gs_memory_procs *mprocs)
- { float px, py;
- int i;
- if ( pmat->xy != 0 || pmat->yx != 0 || pmat->xx <= 0 || pmat->yy >= 0 )
- return NULL; /* unsupported transformation */
- px = pmat->xx * 1000;
- py = pmat->yy * -1000;
- for ( i = 0; i < countof(all_fonts); i++ )
- { bgi_xfont *pf = &all_fonts[i];
- if ( strlen(pf->fname) == len && !memcmp(pf->fname, fname, len) )
- { long rx, ry;
- bgi_xfont *spf;
- settextstyle(pf->index, HORIZ_DIR, 1);
- if ( pf->base_size == 0 ) /* not set yet */
- { setusercharsize(1, 1, 1, 1);
- pf->base_size = textheight("A");
- }
- rx = px * 64 / pf->base_size;
- ry = py * 64 / pf->base_size;
- if ( rx <= 0 || ry <= 0 )
- return NULL;
- spf = (bgi_xfont *)(*mprocs->alloc)(1,
- sizeof(bgi_xfont), "bgi_lookup_font");
- if ( spf == 0 )
- return NULL;
- *spf = *pf;
- spf->ratio.x = rx;
- spf->ratio.y = ry;
- char_set_font((gx_xfont *)spf);
- spf->baseline = textheight("A"); /* (see above) */
- return (gx_xfont *)spf;
- }
- }
- return NULL; /* unsupported font name */
- }
- /* Convert a character name or index to an xglyph code. */
- gx_xglyph
- bgi_char_xglyph(gx_xfont *xf, gs_char chr, int encoding_index,
- gs_glyph glyph, gs_proc_glyph_name_t glyph_name_proc)
- { if ( (encoding_index & ~1) != 0 || /* Standard & ISOLatin1 only */
- chr < 32 || chr > 126 /* ASCII only */
- )
- return gx_no_xglyph;
- return chr;
- }
- /* Get the metrics for a character. */
- int
- bgi_char_metrics(gx_xfont *xf, gx_xglyph xg, int wmode,
- gs_int_point *pwidth, gs_int_rect *pbbox)
- { bgi_xfont *pf = char_set_font(xf);
- char_image ci;
- if ( wmode != 0 )
- return gs_error_undefined;
- if ( char_set_image((byte)xg, &ci) < 0 )
- return gs_error_ioerror;
- char_bbox(pf, &ci, pbbox);
- pwidth->x = textwidth(ci.str);
- pwidth->y = 0;
- if ( pwidth->x == pbbox->q.x && pbbox->p.x == 0 )
- { /* This is a badly designed font with no inter-character */
- /* spacing. Add 1 pixel. */
- pwidth->x++;
- }
- char_restore_image(&ci);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Render a character. */
- int
- bgi_render_char(gx_xfont *xf, gx_xglyph xg, gx_device *target,
- int xo, int yo, gx_color_index color, int required)
- { bgi_xfont *pf = char_set_font(xf);
- char_image ci;
- gs_int_rect bbox;
- int xi, yi;
- if ( target->dname == gs_bgi_device.dname )
- { /* Write directly to a BGI device. */
- ci.str[0] = (char)xg;
- ci.str[1] = 0;
- setcolor((int)color);
- outtextxy(xo, yo - pf->baseline, ci.str);
- return 0;
- }
- if ( !required )
- return gs_error_ioerror; /* any error will do */
- if ( char_set_image((byte)xg, &ci) < 0 )
- return gs_error_ioerror;
- char_bbox(pf, &ci, &bbox);
- for ( yi = bbox.p.y; yi < bbox.q.y; yi++ )
- { for ( xi = bbox.p.x; xi < bbox.q.x; xi++ )
- if ( getpixel(xi, yi + pf->baseline) != WHITE )
- { (*target->procs->fill_rectangle)(target,
- xi + xo, yi + yo, 1, 1, color);
- }
- }
- char_restore_image(&ci);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Release an xfont. */
- private int
- bgi_release(gx_xfont *xf, const gs_memory_procs *mprocs)
- { if ( mprocs != NULL )
- (*mprocs->free)((char *)xf, 1, sizeof(bgi_xfont),
- "bgi_release");
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Font utilities ------ */
- /* Set up a font. */
- private bgi_xfont *
- char_set_font(gx_xfont *xf)
- { bgi_xfont *pf = (bgi_xfont *)xf;
- settextstyle(pf->index, HORIZ_DIR, 0);
- setusercharsize(pf->ratio.x, 64, pf->ratio.y, 64);
- return pf;
- }
- /* Write a character onto the screen. */
- private int
- char_set_image(byte ch, char_image *pci)
- { char *str = pci->str;
- int w, h;
- uint size;
- char *image;
- str[0] = ch;
- str[1] = 0;
- w = textwidth(str);
- h = textheight(str) << 1; /* (see above) */
- if ( w != 0 && h != 0 )
- { size = imagesize(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1);
- image = malloc(size);
- if ( image == 0 ) return -1; /* allocation failed */
- getimage(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1, image);
- setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL, WHITE);
- bar(0, 0, w - 1, h - 1); /* clear */
- setcolor(BLACK);
- outtextxy(0, 0, str);
- }
- else
- { size = 0;
- image = 0;
- }
- pci->size.x = w;
- pci->size.y = h;
- pci->image_size = size;
- pci->image = image;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Find the bounding box of a character. */
- /* The character is already on the screen. */
- private void
- char_bbox(bgi_xfont *pf, char_image *pci, gs_int_rect *pbbox)
- { int x0 = pci->size.x, y0 = pci->size.y, x1 = -1, y1 = 0;
- int x, y;
- int base = pf->baseline;
- for ( y = pci->size.y; --y >= 0; )
- for ( x = pci->size.x; --x >= 0; )
- if ( getpixel(x, y) != WHITE )
- { if ( x < x0 ) x0 = x;
- if ( x > x1 ) x1 = x;
- if ( y < y0 ) y0 = y;
- if ( y > y1 ) y1 = y;
- }
- if ( x0 > x1 ) /* blank */
- pbbox->p.x = pbbox->q.x = pbbox->p.y = pbbox->q.y = 0;
- else
- { pbbox->p.x = x0;
- pbbox->p.y = y0 - base;
- pbbox->q.x = x1 + 1;
- pbbox->q.y = y1 + 1 - base;
- }
- }
- /* Restore the image under the character. */
- private void
- char_restore_image(char_image *pci)
- { if ( pci->image != 0 ) /* might have been empty */
- { putimage(0, 0, pci->image, COPY_PUT);
- free(pci->image);
- }
- }