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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevdjtc.c */
- /* HP DeskJet 500C driver for Ghostscript */
- #include "gdevprn.h"
- #include "gdevpcl.h"
- #include "malloc_.h"
- /***
- *** Note: this driver was contributed by a user, Alfred Kayser:
- *** please contact AKayser@et.tudelft.nl if you have questions.
- ***/
- #ifndef SHINGLING /* Interlaced, multi-pass printing */
- #define SHINGLING 1 /* 0 = none, 1 = 50%, 2 = 25%, 2 is best & slowest */
- #endif
- #ifndef DEPLETION /* 'Intelligent' dot-removal */
- #define DEPLETION 1 /* 0 = none, 1 = 25%, 2 = 50%, 1 best for graphics? */
- #endif /* Use 0 for transparencies */
- #define X_DPI 300
- #define Y_DPI 300
- /* bytes per line for DeskJet Color */
- #define LINE_SIZE ((X_DPI * 85 / 10 + 63) / 64 * 8)
- /* The device descriptors */
- private dev_proc_print_page(djet500c_print_page);
- private gx_device_procs djet500c_procs =
- prn_color_procs(gdev_prn_open, gdev_prn_output_page, gdev_prn_close,
- gdev_pcl_3bit_map_rgb_color, gdev_pcl_3bit_map_color_rgb);
- gx_device_printer far_data gs_djet500c_device =
- prn_device(djet500c_procs, "djet500c",
- 85, /* width_10ths, 8.5" */
- 120, /* height_10ths, 12" */
- 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, /* margins */
- 3, djet500c_print_page);
- /* Forward references */
- private int djet500c_print_page(P2(gx_device_printer *, FILE *));
- static int mode2compress(P3(byte *row, byte *end_row, byte *compressed));
- /* The DeskJet 500C uses additive colors in separate planes. */
- /* We only keep one bit of color, with 1 = R, 2 = G, 4 = B. */
- /* Because the buffering routines assume 0 = white, */
- /* we complement all the color components. */
- /* Send the page to the printer. For speed, compress each scan line, */
- /* since computer-to-printer communication time is often a bottleneck. */
- /* The DeskJet Color can compress (mode 2) */
- private int
- djet500c_print_page(gx_device_printer *pdev, FILE *fprn)
- {
- byte *bitData=NULL;
- byte *plane1=NULL;
- byte *plane2=NULL;
- byte *plane3=NULL;
- int bitSize=0;
- int planeSize=0;
- /* select the most compressed mode available & clear tmp storage */
- /* put printer in known state */
- fputs("\033E",fprn);
- /* ends raster graphics to set raster graphics resolution */
- fputs("\033*rbC", fprn); /* was \033*rB */
- /* set raster graphics resolution -- 300 dpi */
- fputs("\033*t300R", fprn);
- /* A4, skip perf, def. paper tray */
- fputs("\033&l26a0l1H", fprn);
- /* RGB Mode */
- fputs("\033*r3U", fprn);
- /* set depletion level */
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*o%dD", DEPLETION);
- /* set shingling level */
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*o%dQ", SHINGLING);
- /* move to top left of page & set current position */
- fputs("\033*p0x0Y", fprn); /* cursor pos: 0,0 */
- fputs("\033*b2M", fprn); /* mode 2 compression for now */
- fputs("\033*r0A", fprn); /* start graf. left */
- /* Send each scan line in turn */
- { int lnum;
- int num_blank_lines = 0;
- int lineSize = gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line((gx_device *)pdev);
- if (lineSize>bitSize)
- {
- if (bitData) free(bitData);
- bitSize=lineSize;
- bitData=(byte*)malloc(bitSize+16);
- }
- for (lnum=0; lnum<pdev->height; lnum++)
- {
- byte *endData;
- gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(pdev, lnum, bitData, lineSize);
- /* Remove trailing 0s. */
- endData = bitData + lineSize;
- while ( (endData>bitData) && (endData[-1] == 0) )
- endData--;
- if (endData == bitData)
- num_blank_lines++;
- else
- { int count, k, i, lineLen;
- /* Pad with 0s to fill out the last */
- /* block of 8 bytes. */
- memset(endData, 0, 7);
- lineLen=((endData-bitData)+7)/8; /* Round to next 8multiple */
- if (planeSize<lineLen)
- {
- if (plane1) free(plane1);
- if (plane2) free(plane2);
- if (plane3) free(plane3);
- planeSize=lineLen;
- plane1=(byte*)malloc(planeSize+8);
- plane2=(byte*)malloc(planeSize+8);
- plane3=(byte*)malloc(planeSize+8);
- }
- /* Transpose the data to get pixel planes. */
- for (k=i=0; k<lineLen; i+=8, k++)
- {
- register ushort t, c;
- /* Three smaller loops are better optimizable and use less
- vars, so most of them can be in registers even on pc's */
- for (c=t=0;t<8;t++)
- c = (c<<1) | (bitData[t+i]&4);
- plane3[k] = ~(byte)(c>>2);
- for (c=t=0;t<8;t++)
- c = (c<<1) | (bitData[t+i]&2);
- plane2[k] = ~(byte)(c>>1);
- for (c=t=0;t<8;t++)
- c = (c<<1) | (bitData[t+i]&1);
- plane1[k] = ~(byte)(c);
- }
- /* Skip blank lines if any */
- if (num_blank_lines > 0)
- { /* move down from current position */
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*b%dY", num_blank_lines);
- num_blank_lines = 0;
- }
- /* Transfer raster graphics */
- /* in the order R, G, B. */
- /* lineLen is at least bitSize/8, so bitData can easily be used to store
- lineLen of bytes */
- /* P.s. mode9 compression is akward(??) to use, because the lineLenght's
- are different, so we are stuck with mode 2, which is good enough */
- /* set the line width */
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*r%dS", lineLen*8);
- count = mode2compress(plane1, plane1 + lineLen, bitData);
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*b%dV", count);
- fwrite(bitData, sizeof(byte), count, fprn);
- count = mode2compress(plane2, plane2 + lineLen, bitData);
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*b%dV", count);
- fwrite(bitData, sizeof(byte), count, fprn);
- count = mode2compress(plane3, plane3 + lineLen, bitData);
- fprintf(fprn, "\033*b%dW", count);
- fwrite(bitData, sizeof(byte), count, fprn);
- }
- }
- }
- /* end raster graphics */
- fputs("\033*rbC", fprn); /* was \033*rB */
- fputs("\033*r1U", fprn); /* back to 1 plane */
- /* put printer in known state */
- fputs("\033E",fprn);
- /* eject page */
- fputs("\033&l0H", fprn);
- /* release allocated memory */
- if (bitData) free(bitData);
- if (plane1) free(plane1);
- if (plane2) free(plane2);
- if (plane3) free(plane3);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Mode 2 Row compression routine for the HP DeskJet & LaserJet IIp.
- * Compresses data from row up to end_row, storing the result
- * starting at compressed. Returns the number of bytes stored.
- * Runs of K<=127 literal bytes are encoded as K-1 followed by
- * the bytes; runs of 2<=K<=127 identical bytes are encoded as
- * 257-K followed by the byte.
- * In the worst case, the result is N+(N/127)+1 bytes long,
- * where N is the original byte count (end_row - row).
- * I can't use the general pcl version, because it assume even linelength's
- */
- static int
- mode2compress(byte *row, byte *end_row, byte *compressed)
- {
- register byte *exam; /* word being examined in the row to compress */
- register byte *cptr = compressed; /* output pointer into compressed bytes */
- int i, count, len;
- byte test;
- exam = row;
- while (1)
- {
- test = *exam++;
- /* Advance exam until test==*exam or exam==end_row */
- while ((test != *exam) && (exam < end_row))
- test = *exam++;
- /* row points to start of differing bytes,
- exam points to start of consequtive series
- or to end of row */
- if (exam<end_row) exam--;
- len=exam-row;
- while (len>0)
- {
- count=len;
- if (count>127) count=127;
- *cptr++=count-1;
- for (i=0;i<count;i++) *cptr++ = *row++;
- len-=count;
- }
- if (exam>=end_row) break; /* done */
- exam++; /* skip first same byte */
- while ((test == *exam) && (exam < end_row)) /* skip all same bytes */
- exam++;
- /* exam points now first different word or to end of data */
- len = exam-row;
- while (len>0)
- {
- count=len;
- if (count>127) count=127;
- *cptr++=(257-count);
- *cptr++=test;
- len-=count;
- }
- if (exam>=end_row) break; /* end of data */
- row = exam; /* row points to first dissimular byte */
- }
- return (cptr-compressed);
- }