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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevmem1.c */
- /* Generic and monobit "memory" (stored bitmap) device */
- /* for Ghostscript library. */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h" /* semi-public definitions */
- #include "gdevmem.h" /* private definitions */
- /* Define masks for little-endian operation. */
- const ushort gdev_mem_swapped_left_masks[17] = {
- 0xffff, 0xff7f, 0xff3f, 0xff1f, 0xff0f, 0xff07, 0xff03, 0xff01,
- 0xff00, 0x7f00, 0x3f00, 0x1f00, 0x0f00, 0x0700, 0x0300, 0x0100,
- 0x0000
- };
- /* ------ Generic code ------ */
- /* Return the appropriate memory device for a given */
- /* number of bits per pixel (0 if none suitable). */
- const gx_device_memory *
- gdev_mem_device_for_bits(int bits_per_pixel)
- { switch ( bits_per_pixel )
- {
- case 1: return &mem_mono_device;
- case 2: return &mem_mapped2_color_device;
- case 4: return &mem_mapped4_color_device;
- case 8: return &mem_mapped8_color_device;
- case 16: return &mem_true16_color_device;
- case 24: return &mem_true24_color_device;
- case 32: return &mem_true32_color_device;
- default: return 0;
- }
- }
- /* Compute the size of the bitmap storage, */
- /* including the space for the scan line pointer table. */
- /* Note that scan lines are padded to a multiple of 4 bytes, */
- /* and additional padding may be needed if the pointer table */
- /* must be aligned 0 mod 8. */
- private ulong
- mem_bitmap_bits_size(const gx_device_memory *dev)
- { return round_up((ulong)dev->height * gdev_mem_raster(dev),
- max(4, arch_align_long_mod));
- }
- ulong
- gdev_mem_bitmap_size(const gx_device_memory *dev)
- { return mem_bitmap_bits_size(dev) +
- (ulong)dev->height * sizeof(byte *);
- }
- /* Open a memory device, allocating the data area if appropriate, */
- /* and create the scan line table. */
- int
- mem_open(gx_device *dev)
- { byte *scan_line;
- uint raster = mdev->raster = gdev_mem_raster(mdev);
- byte **pptr;
- byte **pend;
- if ( mdev->memory_procs != 0 )
- { /* Allocate the data now. */
- ulong size = gdev_mem_bitmap_size(mdev);
- if ( (uint)size != size )
- return gs_error_limitcheck;
- mdev->base = (byte *)(*mdev->memory_procs->alloc)(1, (uint)size, "mem_open");
- if ( mdev->base == 0 )
- return gs_error_VMerror;
- }
- scan_line = mdev->base;
- pptr = (byte **)byte_ptr_add(scan_line, mem_bitmap_bits_size(mdev));
- pend = pptr + dev->height;
- mdev->line_ptrs = pptr;
- while ( pptr < pend )
- { *pptr++ = scan_line;
- scan_line = byte_ptr_add(scan_line, raster);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the initial transformation matrix */
- void
- mem_get_initial_matrix(gx_device *dev, gs_matrix *pmat)
- { pmat->xx = mdev->initial_matrix.xx;
- pmat->xy = mdev->initial_matrix.xy;
- pmat->yx = mdev->initial_matrix.yx;
- pmat->yy = mdev->initial_matrix.yy;
- pmat->tx = mdev->initial_matrix.tx;
- pmat->ty = mdev->initial_matrix.ty;
- }
- /* Test whether a device is a memory device */
- int
- gs_device_is_memory(const gx_device *dev)
- { /* We can't just compare the procs, or even an individual proc, */
- /* because we might be tracing. Compare the device name, */
- /* and hope for the best. */
- const char *name = dev->dname;
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
- if ( name[i] != "image("[i] ) return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Ensure that the data bytes are in big-endian order. */
- /* This is no longer needed. */
- void
- gdev_mem_ensure_byte_order(gx_device_memory *dev)
- {
- }
- /* Close a memory device, freeing the data area if appropriate. */
- int
- mem_close(gx_device *dev)
- { if ( mdev->memory_procs != 0 )
- (*mdev->memory_procs->free)((char *)mdev->base,
- 1, (uint)gdev_mem_bitmap_size(mdev), "mem_close");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a scan line to a client. */
- #undef chunk
- #define chunk byte
- int
- mem_get_bits(gx_device *dev, int y, byte *str, byte **actual_data)
- { byte *src;
- if ( y < 0 || y >= dev->height )
- return gs_error_rangecheck;
- src = scan_line_base(mdev, y);
- if ( actual_data == 0 )
- memcpy(str, src, gx_device_raster(dev, 0));
- else
- *actual_data = src;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the xfont procedure vector. */
- gx_xfont_procs *
- mem_get_xfont_procs(gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *target = mdev->target;
- return (target == 0 ? gx_default_get_xfont_procs(dev) :
- (*target->procs->get_xfont_procs)(target));
- }
- /* Return the xfont device. */
- gx_device *
- mem_get_xfont_device(gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *target = mdev->target;
- return (target == 0 ? gx_default_get_xfont_device(dev) :
- (*target->procs->get_xfont_device)(target));
- }
- /* ------ Monochrome ------ */
- /* Procedures */
- private dev_proc_copy_mono(mem_mono_copy_mono);
- private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(mem_mono_fill_rectangle);
- /* The device descriptor. */
- private gx_device_procs mem_mono_procs =
- mem_procs(gx_default_map_rgb_color, gx_default_map_color_rgb,
- mem_mono_copy_mono, gx_default_copy_color, mem_mono_fill_rectangle);
- /* The instance is public. */
- const gx_device_memory mem_mono_device =
- mem_device("image(mono)", 1, mem_mono_procs);
- /* Convert x coordinate to byte offset in scan line. */
- #define x_to_byte(x) ((x) >> 3)
- /* Fill a rectangle with a color. */
- #undef chunk
- #define chunk mono_chunk
- private int
- mem_mono_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index color)
- { uint bit;
- chunk right_mask;
- byte fill;
- declare_scan_ptr(dest);
- fit_fill(dev, x, y, w, h);
- setup_rect(dest);
- #define write_loop(stat)\
- { int line_count = h;\
- chunk *ptr = dest;\
- do { stat; inc_chunk_ptr(ptr, draster); }\
- while ( --line_count );\
- }
- #define write_partial(msk)\
- if ( fill ) write_loop(*ptr |= msk)\
- else write_loop(*ptr &= ~msk)
- switch ( color )
- {
- case 0: fill = mdev->invert; break;
- case 1: fill = ~mdev->invert; break;
- case gx_no_color_index: return 0; /* transparent */
- default: return -1; /* invalid */
- }
- bit = x & chunk_align_bit_mask;
- if ( bit + w <= chunk_bits )
- { /*
- * Only one word. We have to split following statement
- * because of a bug in the Xenix C compiler (it produces
- * a signed rather than an unsigned shift if we don't
- * split).
- */
- set_mono_thin_mask(right_mask, w, bit);
- }
- else
- { int byte_count;
- if ( bit )
- { chunk mask;
- set_mono_left_mask(mask, bit);
- write_partial(mask);
- dest++;
- w += bit - chunk_bits;
- }
- set_mono_right_mask(right_mask, w & chunk_bit_mask);
- if ( (byte_count = (w >> 3) & -chunk_bytes) != 0 )
- { write_loop(memset(ptr, fill, byte_count));
- inc_chunk_ptr(dest, byte_count);
- }
- }
- if ( right_mask )
- write_partial(right_mask);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a monochrome bitmap. */
- /* Fetch a chunk from the source. */
- /* The source data are always stored big-endian. */
- /* Note that the macros always cast cptr, */
- /* so it doesn't matter what the type of cptr is. */
- /* cshift = chunk_bits - shift. */
- #undef chunk
- #if arch_is_big_endian
- # define chunk uint
- # define cfetch_right(cptr, shift, cshift)\
- (cfetch_aligned(cptr) >> shift)
- # define cfetch_left(cptr, shift, cshift)\
- (cfetch_aligned(cptr) << shift)
- /* Fetch a chunk that straddles a chunk boundary. */
- # define cfetch2(cptr, cskew, skew)\
- (cfetch_left(cptr, cskew, skew) +\
- cfetch_right((chunk *)(cptr) + 1, skew, cskew))
- #else /* little-endian */
- # define chunk ushort
- private const ushort right_masks2[9] = {
- 0xffff, 0x7f7f, 0x3f3f, 0x1f1f, 0x0f0f, 0x0707, 0x0303, 0x0101, 0x0000
- };
- private const ushort left_masks2[9] = {
- 0xffff, 0xfefe, 0xfcfc, 0xf8f8, 0xf0f0, 0xe0e0, 0xc0c0, 0x8080, 0x0000
- };
- # define ccont(cptr, off) (((chunk *)(cptr))[off])
- # define cfetch_right(cptr, shift, cshift)\
- ((shift) < 8 ?\
- ((ccont(cptr, 0) >> (shift)) & right_masks2[shift]) +\
- (ccont(cptr, 0) << (cshift)) :\
- ((chunk)*(byte *)(cptr) << (cshift)) & 0xff00)
- # define cfetch_left(cptr, shift, cshift)\
- ((shift) < 8 ?\
- ((ccont(cptr, 0) << (shift)) & left_masks2[shift]) +\
- (ccont(cptr, 0) >> (cshift)) :\
- ((ccont(cptr, 0) & 0xff00) >> (cshift)) & 0xff)
- /* Fetch a chunk that straddles a chunk boundary. */
- /* We can avoid testing the shift amount twice */
- /* by expanding the cfetch_left/right macros in-line. */
- # define cfetch2(cptr, cskew, skew)\
- ((cskew) < 8 ?\
- ((ccont(cptr, 0) << (cskew)) & left_masks2[cskew]) +\
- (ccont(cptr, 0) >> (skew)) +\
- (((chunk)(((byte *)(cptr))[2]) << (cskew)) & 0xff00) :\
- (((ccont(cptr, 0) & 0xff00) >> (skew)) & 0xff) +\
- ((ccont(cptr, 1) >> (skew)) & right_masks2[skew]) +\
- (ccont(cptr, 1) << (cskew)))
- #endif
- /* Since source and destination are both always big-endian, */
- /* fetching an aligned chunk never requires byte swapping. */
- # define cfetch_aligned(cptr)\
- (*(chunk *)(cptr))
- /* copy_function and copy_shift get added together for dispatch */
- typedef enum {
- copy_or = 0, copy_store, copy_and, copy_funny
- } copy_function;
- /* copy_right/left is not an enum, because compilers complain about */
- /* an enumeration clash when these are added to a copy_function. */
- #define copy_right ((copy_function)0)
- #define copy_left ((copy_function)4)
- typedef struct {
- short invert;
- ushort op; /* copy_function */
- } copy_mode;
- /* Map from <c0,c1,invert> to copy_mode. */
- #define cm(i,op) { i, (ushort)op }
- private copy_mode copy_modes[9*2] = {
- cm(-1, copy_funny), /* NN */
- cm(-1, copy_and), /* N0 */
- cm(0, copy_or), /* N1 */
- cm(0, copy_and), /* 0N */
- cm(0, copy_funny), /* 00 */
- cm(0, copy_store), /* 01 */
- cm(-1, copy_or), /* 1N */
- cm(-1, copy_store), /* 10 */
- cm(0, copy_funny), /* 11 */
- cm(-1, copy_funny), /* NNi */
- cm(0, copy_or), /* N1i */
- cm(-1, copy_and), /* N0i */
- cm(-1, copy_or), /* 1Ni */
- cm(0, copy_funny), /* 11i */
- cm(-1, copy_store), /* 10i */
- cm(0, copy_and), /* 0Ni */
- cm(0, copy_store), /* 01i */
- cm(0, copy_funny) /* 00i */
- };
- private int
- mem_mono_copy_mono(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *base, int sourcex, int sraster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h, gx_color_index zero, gx_color_index one)
- { register const byte *bptr; /* actually chunk * */
- int dbit, wleft;
- uint mask;
- copy_mode mode;
- #define function (copy_function)(mode.op)
- declare_scan_ptr_as(dbptr, byte *);
- #define optr ((chunk *)dbptr)
- register int skew;
- register uint invert;
- fit_copy(dev, base, sourcex, sraster, id, x, y, w, h);
- #if gx_no_color_index_value != -1 /* hokey! */
- if ( zero == gx_no_color_index ) zero = -1;
- if ( one == gx_no_color_index ) one = -1;
- #endif
- #define izero (int)zero
- #define ione (int)one
- mode =
- copy_modes[(mdev->invert & 9) + izero + izero + izero + ione + 4];
- #undef izero
- #undef ione
- invert = (uint)(int)mode.invert; /* load register */
- setup_rect_as(dbptr, byte *);
- bptr = base + ((sourcex & ~chunk_align_bit_mask) >> 3);
- dbit = x & chunk_align_bit_mask;
- skew = dbit - (sourcex & chunk_align_bit_mask);
- /* Macros for writing partial chunks. */
- /* The destination pointer is always named optr, */
- /* and must be declared as chunk *. */
- /* cinvert may be temporarily redefined. */
- #define cinvert(bits) ((bits) ^ invert)
- #define write_or_masked(bits, mask, off)\
- optr[off] |= (cinvert(bits) & mask)
- #define write_store_masked(bits, mask, off)\
- optr[off] = ((optr[off] & ~mask) | (cinvert(bits) & mask))
- #define write_and_masked(bits, mask, off)\
- optr[off] &= (cinvert(bits) | ~mask)
- /* Macros for writing full chunks. */
- #define write_or(bits) *optr |= cinvert(bits)
- #define write_store(bits) *optr = cinvert(bits)
- #define write_and(bits) *optr &= cinvert(bits)
- /* Macro for incrementing to next chunk. */
- #define next_x_chunk\
- bptr += chunk_bytes; dbptr += chunk_bytes
- /* Common macro for the end of each scan line. */
- #define end_y_loop(sdelta, ddelta)\
- if ( --h == 0 ) break;\
- bptr += sdelta; dbptr += ddelta
- if ( (wleft = w + dbit - chunk_bits) <= 0 )
- { /* The entire operation fits in one (destination) chunk. */
- set_mono_thin_mask(mask, w, dbit);
- #define write_single(wr_op, src)\
- for ( ; ; )\
- { wr_op(src, mask, 0);\
- end_y_loop(sraster, draster);\
- }
- #define write1_loop(src)\
- switch ( function ) {\
- case copy_or: write_single(write_or_masked, src); break;\
- case copy_store: write_single(write_store_masked, src); break;\
- case copy_and: write_single(write_and_masked, src); break;\
- default: goto funny;\
- }
- if ( skew >= 0 ) /* single -> single, right/no shift */
- { int cskew = chunk_bits - skew;
- write1_loop(cfetch_right(bptr, skew, cskew));
- }
- else if ( wleft <= skew ) /* single -> single, left shift */
- { int cskew = chunk_bits + skew;
- skew = -skew;
- write1_loop(cfetch_left(bptr, skew, cskew));
- }
- else /* double -> single */
- { int cskew = -skew;
- skew += chunk_bits;
- write1_loop(cfetch2(bptr, cskew, skew));
- }
- #undef write1_loop
- #undef write_single
- }
- else if ( wleft <= skew )
- { /* 1 source chunk -> 2 destination chunks. */
- /* This is an important special case for */
- /* both characters and halftone tiles. */
- register uint bits;
- uint rmask;
- int cskew = chunk_bits - skew;
- set_mono_left_mask(mask, dbit);
- set_mono_right_mask(rmask, wleft);
- #undef cinvert
- #define cinvert(bits) (bits) /* pre-inverted here */
- #if arch_is_big_endian /* no byte swapping */
- # define write_1to2(wr_op)\
- for ( ; ; )\
- { bits = cfetch_aligned(bptr) ^ invert;\
- wr_op(bits >> skew, mask, 0);\
- wr_op(bits << cskew, rmask, 1);\
- end_y_loop(sraster, draster);\
- }
- #else /* byte swapping */
- # define write_1to2(wr_op)\
- for ( ; ; )\
- { wr_op(cfetch_right(bptr, skew, cskew) ^ invert, mask, 0);\
- wr_op(cfetch_left(bptr, cskew, skew) ^ invert, rmask, 1);\
- end_y_loop(sraster, draster);\
- }
- #endif
- switch ( function )
- {
- case copy_or: write_1to2(write_or_masked); break;
- case copy_store: write_1to2(write_store_masked); break;
- case copy_and: write_1to2(write_and_masked); break;
- default: goto funny;
- }
- #undef cinvert
- #define cinvert(bits) ((bits) ^ invert)
- #undef write_1to2
- }
- else
- { /* More than one source chunk and more than one */
- /* destination chunk are involved. */
- uint rmask;
- int words = (wleft & ~chunk_bit_mask) >> 3;
- uint sskip = sraster - words;
- uint dskip = draster - words;
- register uint bits;
- set_mono_left_mask(mask, dbit);
- set_mono_right_mask(rmask, wleft & chunk_bit_mask);
- if ( skew == 0 ) /* optimize the aligned case */
- {
- #define write_aligned(wr_op, wr_op_masked)\
- for ( ; ; )\
- { int count = wleft;\
- /* Do first partial chunk. */\
- wr_op_masked(cfetch_aligned(bptr), mask, 0);\
- /* Do full chunks. */\
- while ( (count -= chunk_bits) >= 0 )\
- { next_x_chunk; wr_op(cfetch_aligned(bptr)); }\
- /* Do last chunk */\
- if ( count > -chunk_bits )\
- { wr_op_masked(cfetch_aligned(bptr + chunk_bytes), rmask, 1); }\
- end_y_loop(sskip, dskip);\
- }
- switch ( function )
- {
- case copy_or:
- write_aligned(write_or, write_or_masked);
- break;
- case copy_store:
- write_aligned(write_store, write_store_masked);
- break;
- case copy_and:
- write_aligned(write_and, write_and_masked);
- break;
- default:
- goto funny;
- }
- #undef write_aligned
- }
- else /* not aligned */
- { int ccase =
- (skew >= 0 ? copy_right :
- ((bptr += chunk_bytes), copy_left))
- + (int)function;
- int cskew = -skew & chunk_bit_mask;
- skew &= chunk_bit_mask;
- for ( ; ; )
- { int count = wleft;
- #define prefetch_right\
- bits = cfetch_right(bptr, skew, cskew)
- #define prefetch_left\
- bits = cfetch2(bptr - chunk_bytes, cskew, skew)
- #define write_unaligned(wr_op, wr_op_masked)\
- wr_op_masked(bits, mask, 0);\
- /* Do full chunks. */\
- while ( count >= chunk_bits )\
- { bits = cfetch2(bptr, cskew, skew);\
- next_x_chunk; wr_op(bits); count -= chunk_bits;\
- }\
- /* Do last chunk */\
- if ( count > 0 )\
- { bits = cfetch_left(bptr, cskew, skew);\
- if ( count > skew ) bits += cfetch_right(bptr + chunk_bytes, skew, cskew);\
- wr_op_masked(bits, rmask, 1);\
- }
- switch ( ccase )
- {
- case copy_or + copy_left:
- prefetch_left; goto uor;
- case copy_or + copy_right:
- prefetch_right;
- uor: write_unaligned(write_or, write_or_masked);
- break;
- case copy_store + copy_left:
- prefetch_left; goto ustore;
- case copy_store + copy_right:
- prefetch_right;
- ustore: write_unaligned(write_store, write_store_masked);
- break;
- case copy_and + copy_left:
- prefetch_left; goto uand;
- case copy_and + copy_right:
- prefetch_right;
- uand: write_unaligned(write_and, write_and_masked);
- break;
- default:
- goto funny;
- }
- end_y_loop(sskip, dskip);
- #undef write_unaligned
- #undef prefetch_left
- #undef prefetch_right
- }
- }
- }
- #undef end_y_loop
- #undef next_x_chunk
- return 0;
- /* Handle the funny cases that aren't supposed to happen. */
- funny: return (invert ? -1 : mem_mono_fill_rectangle(dev, x, y, w, h, zero));
- #undef optr
- }