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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevmswn.c */
- /*
- * Microsoft Windows 3.n driver for Ghostscript.
- * Original version by Russell Lang and Maurice Castro with help from
- * Programming Windows, 2nd Ed., Charles Petzold, Microsoft Press;
- * created from gdevbgi.c and gnuplot/term/win.trm 5th June 1992.
- * Extensively modified by L. Peter Deutsch, Aladdin Enterprises.
- */
- #include "gdevmswn.h"
- #include "gp.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gsprops.h"
- #include "gdevpccm.h"
- /* Forward references */
- private void near win_makeimg(P1(gx_device_win *));
- /* Define the repaint interval in milliseconds. */
- /* Suggested values: 10000 for 286, 5000 for 386, 3000 for 486. */
- #define repaint_interval 5000
- #define TIMER_ID 1
- /* Open the win driver */
- int
- win_open(gx_device *dev)
- { HDC hdc;
- int depth;
- WNDCLASS wndclass;
- static BOOL registered = FALSE;
- /* Initialize the scrolling information. */
- wdev->cxClient = wdev->cyClient = 0;
- wdev->nVscrollPos = wdev->nVscrollMax = 0;
- wdev->nHscrollPos = wdev->nHscrollMax = 0;
- wdev->update = wdev->timer = FALSE;
- if (dev->width == INITIAL_WIDTH)
- dev->width = (int)(8.5 * dev->x_pixels_per_inch);
- if (dev->height == INITIAL_HEIGHT)
- dev->height = (int)(11.0 * dev->y_pixels_per_inch);
- /* If this is the first instance, register the window classes. */
- if (!registered) {
- /* register the window class for graphics */
- wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
- wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndImgChildProc;
- wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wndclass.cbWndExtra = sizeof(LONG);
- wndclass.hInstance = phInstance;
- wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(phInstance,"grpicon");
- wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
- wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wndclass.lpszClassName = szAppName;
- RegisterClass(&wndclass);
- wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
- wndclass.lpfnWndProc = WndImgProc;
- wndclass.cbClsExtra = 0;
- wndclass.cbWndExtra = sizeof(LONG);
- wndclass.hInstance = phInstance;
- wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(phInstance,"grpicon");
- wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor((HINSTANCE)NULL, IDC_ARROW);
- wndclass.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
- wndclass.lpszMenuName = NULL;
- wndclass.lpszClassName = szImgName;
- RegisterClass(&wndclass);
- registered = TRUE;
- }
- win_makeimg(wdev);
- wdev->hdctext = NULL;
- /* Set parameters that were unknown before opening device */
- /* Find out if the device supports color */
- /* We recognize 2, 16 or 256 color devices */
- hdc = GetDC(wdev->hwndimgchild);
- depth = GetDeviceCaps(hdc,PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(hdc,BITSPIXEL);
- ReleaseDC(wdev->hwndimgchild,hdc);
- if ( depth >= 8 ) { /* use 64 static colors and 166 dynamic colors from 8 planes */
- static const gx_device_color_info win_256color = dci_color(8,31,4);
- dev->color_info = win_256color;
- wdev->nColors = 64;
- }
- else if ( depth >= 4 ) {
- static const gx_device_color_info win_16ega_color = dci_ega;
- static const gx_device_color_info win_16vga_color = dci_vga;
- hdc = GetDC(NULL);
- if (GetDeviceCaps(hdc, VERTRES) <= 350)
- dev->color_info = win_16ega_color;
- else
- dev->color_info = win_16vga_color;
- ReleaseDC(NULL,hdc);
- wdev->nColors = 16;
- }
- else { /* default is black_and_white */
- wdev->nColors = 2;
- }
- /* create palette for display */
- if ((wdev->limgpalette = win_makepalette(wdev))
- return win_nomemory();
- wdev->himgpalette = CreatePalette(wdev->limgpalette);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Make the output appear on the screen. */
- int
- win_sync_output(gx_device *dev)
- {
- if (wdev->timer)
- KillTimer(wdev->hwndimgchild, TIMER_ID);
- wdev->timer = FALSE;
- wdev->update = FALSE;
- if (gsview) {
- SendMessage(gsview_hwnd, WM_GSVIEW, SYNC_OUTPUT, (LPARAM)NULL);
- }
- else {
- if ( !IsWindow(wdev->hwndimg) ) { /* some clod closed the window */
- win_makeimg(wdev);
- }
- if ( !IsIconic(wdev->hwndimg) ) { /* redraw window */
- InvalidateRect(wdev->hwndimg, NULL, 1);
- UpdateWindow(wdev->hwndimg);
- }
- }
- return(0);
- }
- /* Make the window visible, and display the output. */
- int
- win_output_page(gx_device *dev, int copies, int flush)
- {
- if (wdev->timer)
- KillTimer(wdev->hwndimgchild, TIMER_ID);
- wdev->timer = FALSE;
- wdev->update = FALSE;
- if (gsview) {
- SendMessage(gsview_hwnd, WM_GSVIEW, OUTPUT_PAGE, (LPARAM)NULL);
- gsview_next = FALSE;
- /* wait for NEXT_PAGE message */
- while (!gsview_next)
- gp_check_interrupts();
- return(0);
- }
- else {
- if (IsIconic(wdev->hwndimg)) /* useless as an Icon so fix it */
- ShowWindow(wdev->hwndimg, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- BringWindowToTop(wdev->hwndimg);
- }
- return( win_sync_output(dev) );
- }
- /* Close the win driver */
- int
- win_close(gx_device *dev)
- {
- /* Free resources */
- if (wdev->timer)
- KillTimer(wdev->hwndimgchild, TIMER_ID);
- wdev->timer = FALSE;
- wdev->update = FALSE;
- DeleteObject(wdev->himgpalette);
- gs_free((char *)(wdev->limgpalette), 1, sizeof(LOGPALETTE) +
- (1<<(wdev->color_info.depth)) * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY),
- "win_close");
- if (gsview)
- DestroyWindow(wdev->hwndimgchild);
- else
- DestroyWindow(wdev->hwndimg);
- gp_check_interrupts(); /* process WIN_DESTROY message */
- return(0);
- }
- /* Map a r-g-b color to the colors available under Windows */
- gx_color_index
- win_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
- gx_color_value b)
- {
- switch(dev->color_info.depth) {
- case 8: {
- int i;
- LPLOGPALETTE lpal = wdev->limgpalette;
- byte cr, cg, cb;
- /* map colors to 0->255 in 32 steps */
- cr = win_color_value(r);
- cg = win_color_value(g);
- cb = win_color_value(b);
- /* search in palette */
- for ( i = 0, pep = &lpal->palPalEntry[i];
- i < wdev->nColors; i++, pep++
- )
- { if ( !((cr ^ pep->peRed) & 0xf8) &&
- !((cg ^ pep->peGreen) & 0xf8) &&
- !((cb ^ pep->peBlue) & 0xf8)
- )
- return((gx_color_index)i); /* found it */
- }
- /* next try adding it to palette */
- if (i < 220) { /* allow 36 for windows and other apps */
- LPLOGPALETTE lipal = wdev->limgpalette;
- wdev->nColors = i+1;
- DeleteObject(wdev->himgpalette);
- lipal->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;
- lipal->palPalEntry[i].peRed = cr;
- lipal->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = cg;
- lipal->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = cb;
- lipal->palNumEntries = wdev->nColors;
- wdev->himgpalette = CreatePalette(lipal);
- return((gx_color_index)i); /* return new palette index */
- }
- return(gx_no_color_index); /* not found - dither instead */
- }
- case 4:
- if ((r == g) && (g == b) && (r >= gx_max_color_value / 3 * 2 - 1)
- && (r < gx_max_color_value / 4 * 3))
- return ((gx_color_index)8); /* light gray */
- return pc_4bit_map_rgb_color(dev, r, g, b);
- }
- return (gx_default_map_rgb_color(dev,r,g,b));
- }
- /* Map a color code to r-g-b. */
- int
- win_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value prgb[3])
- {
- gx_color_value one;
- switch(dev->color_info.depth) {
- case 8:
- one = (gx_color_value) (gx_max_color_value / 255);
- prgb[0] = wdev->limgpalette->palPalEntry[(int)color].peRed * one;
- prgb[1] = wdev->limgpalette->palPalEntry[(int)color].peGreen * one;
- prgb[2] = wdev->limgpalette->palPalEntry[(int)color].peBlue * one;
- break;
- case 4:
- if (color == 8) /* VGA light gray */
- prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] = (gx_max_color_value / 4 * 3);
- else
- pc_4bit_map_color_rgb(dev, color, prgb);
- break;
- default:
- prgb[0] = prgb[1] = prgb[2] =
- (int)color ? gx_max_color_value : 0;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Standard properties for windows. */
- private const gs_prop_item win_props_std[] = {
- prop_def("HWResolution", prt_float_array),
- prop_def("HWSize", prt_int_array),
- /* Slots for arrays */
- prop_float, prop_float,
- prop_int, prop_int
- };
- /* Set window properties -- size and resolution. */
- /* We implement this ourselves so that we can do it without */
- /* closing and opening the device. */
- int
- win_put_props(gx_device *dev, gs_prop_item *plist, int count)
- { gs_prop_item *known[2];
- int code = 0;
- gx_device temp_dev;
- props_extract(plist, count, win_props_std, 2, known, 1);
- temp_dev = *dev;
- if ( known[1] != 0 )
- { if ( known[1]->value.a.size != 2 )
- known[1]->status = pv_typecheck,
- code = gs_error_typecheck;
- else
- { gs_prop_item *ap = known[1]->value.a.p.v;
- if ( ap[0].value.i <= 0 || ap[0].value.i > 0x7fff ||
- ap[1].value.i <= 0 || ap[1].value.i > 0x7fff
- )
- known[1]->status = pv_rangecheck,
- code = gs_error_rangecheck;
- else
- { temp_dev.width = ap[0].value.i;
- temp_dev.height = ap[1].value.i;
- }
- if ( code == 0 ) code = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( known[0] != 0 )
- { if ( known[0]->value.a.size != 2 )
- known[0]->status = pv_typecheck,
- code = gs_error_typecheck;
- else
- { gs_prop_item *ap = known[0]->value.a.p.v;
- if ( ap[0].value.f <= 0 || ap[1].value.f <= 0 )
- known[0]->status = pv_rangecheck,
- code = gs_error_rangecheck;
- else
- { temp_dev.x_pixels_per_inch = ap[0].value.f;
- temp_dev.y_pixels_per_inch = ap[1].value.f;
- }
- if ( code == 0 ) code = 1;
- }
- }
- if ( code < 0 )
- return_error(code);
- /* Hand off the change to the implementation. */
- if ( dev->is_open && code )
- { int ccode;
- (*wdev->free_bitmap)(wdev);
- ccode = (*wdev->alloc_bitmap)(wdev, &temp_dev);
- if ( ccode < 0 )
- { (*wdev->alloc_bitmap)(wdev, dev);
- return ccode;
- }
- }
- dev->x_pixels_per_inch = temp_dev.x_pixels_per_inch;
- dev->y_pixels_per_inch = temp_dev.y_pixels_per_inch;
- dev->width = temp_dev.width;
- dev->height = temp_dev.height;
- if (IsWindow(wdev->hwndimg) && IsWindow(wdev->hwndimgchild)) {
- RECT rect;
- /* erase bitmap - before window gets redrawn */
- (*dev->procs->fill_rectangle)(dev, 0, 0, dev->width, dev->height,
- win_map_rgb_color(dev, gx_max_color_value,
- gx_max_color_value, gx_max_color_value));
- /* cause scroll bars to be redrawn */
- GetClientRect(wdev->hwndimgchild,&rect);
- SendMessage(wdev->hwndimgchild, WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED,
- MAKELPARAM(rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top));
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- #undef wdev
- /* make image window */
- private void near
- win_makeimg(gx_device_win *wdev)
- { HMENU sysmenu;
- RECT rect;
- /* parent window */
- if (gsview) {
- wdev->hwndimg = gsview_hwnd;
- if (IsIconic(wdev->hwndimg))
- ShowWindow(wdev->hwndimg, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- }
- else {
- wdev->hwndimg = CreateWindow(szImgName, (LPSTR)szImgName,
- NULL, NULL, phInstance, (void FAR *)wdev);
- ShowWindow(wdev->hwndimg, SW_SHOWMINNOACTIVE);
- }
- /* child for graphics */
- GetClientRect(wdev->hwndimg, &rect);
- CreateWindow(szAppName, (LPSTR)szImgName,
- rect.left, rect.top,
- rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top,
- wdev->hwndimg, NULL, phInstance, (void FAR *)wdev);
- ShowWindow(wdev->hwndimgchild, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
- if (!gsview) {
- /* modify the menu to have the new items we want */
- sysmenu = GetSystemMenu(wdev->hwndimg,0); /* get the sysmenu */
- AppendMenu(sysmenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL);
- AppendMenu(sysmenu, MF_STRING, M_COPY_CLIP, "Copy to Clip&board");
- }
- }
- /* out of memory error message box */
- int
- win_nomemory(void)
- {
- MessageBox(hwndtext,(LPSTR)"Not enough memory",(LPSTR) szAppName, MB_ICONSTOP);
- return gs_error_limitcheck;
- }
- win_makepalette(gx_device_win *wdev)
- { int i, val;
- LPLOGPALETTE logpalette;
- logpalette = (LPLOGPALETTE)gs_malloc(1, sizeof(LOGPALETTE) +
- (1<<(wdev->color_info.depth)) * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY),
- "win_makepalette");
- if (logpalette == (LPLOGPALETTE)NULL)
- return(0);
- logpalette->palVersion = 0x300;
- logpalette->palNumEntries = wdev->nColors;
- for (i=0; i<wdev->nColors; i++) {
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peFlags = 0;
- switch (wdev->nColors) {
- case 64:
- /* colors are rrggbb */
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peRed = ((i & 0x30)>>4)*85;
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = ((i & 0xC)>>2)*85;
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = (i & 3)*85;
- break;
- case 16:
- /* colors are irgb */
- val = (i & 8 ? 255 : 128);
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peRed = i & 4 ? val : 0;
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peGreen = i & 2 ? val : 0;
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = i & 1 ? val : 0;
- if (i == 8) { /* light gray */
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peRed =
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peGreen =
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = 192;
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peRed =
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peGreen =
- logpalette->palPalEntry[i].peBlue = (i ? 255 : 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- return(logpalette);
- }
- void
- win_update(gx_device_win *wdev)
- {
- wdev->update = TRUE;
- if (!wdev->timer) {
- SetTimer(wdev->hwndimgchild, TIMER_ID, repaint_interval, NULL);
- wdev->timer = TRUE;
- }
- }
- /* child graphics window */
- WndImgChildProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- { gx_device_win *wdev;
- HDC hdc;
- RECT rect;
- HPALETTE oldpalette;
- int nVscrollInc, nHscrollInc;
- wdev = (gx_device_win *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, 0);
- switch(message) {
- case WM_CREATE:
- wdev = (gx_device_win *)(((CREATESTRUCT *)lParam)->lpCreateParams);
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, 0, (LONG)wdev);
- wdev->hwndimgchild = hwnd;
- if (gsview)
- SendMessage(gsview_hwnd, WM_GSVIEW, HWND_IMGCHILD, (LPARAM)wdev->hwndimgchild);
- #if WINVER >= 0x030a
- /* Enable Drag Drop */
- if (is_win31)
- DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
- #endif
- break;
- case WM_GSVIEW:
- switch(wParam) {
- case NEXT_PAGE:
- gsview_next = TRUE;
- return 0;
- (*wdev->copy_to_clipboard)(wdev);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case WM_TIMER:
- if ((wParam == TIMER_ID) && wdev->update) {
- InvalidateRect(wdev->hwndimgchild, (LPRECT)NULL, FALSE);
- UpdateWindow(wdev->hwndimgchild);
- wdev->update = FALSE;
- }
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- if (wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED)
- return(0);
- wdev->cyClient = HIWORD(lParam);
- wdev->cxClient = LOWORD(lParam);
- wdev->cyAdjust = min(wdev->height, wdev->cyClient) - wdev->cyClient;
- wdev->cyClient += wdev->cyAdjust;
- wdev->nVscrollMax = max(0, wdev->height - wdev->cyClient);
- wdev->nVscrollPos = min(wdev->nVscrollPos, wdev->nVscrollMax);
- SetScrollRange(hwnd, SB_VERT, 0, wdev->nVscrollMax, FALSE);
- SetScrollPos(hwnd, SB_VERT, wdev->nVscrollPos, TRUE);
- wdev->cxAdjust = min(wdev->width, wdev->cxClient) - wdev->cxClient;
- wdev->cxClient += wdev->cxAdjust;
- wdev->nHscrollMax = max(0, wdev->width - wdev->cxClient);
- wdev->nHscrollPos = min(wdev->nHscrollPos, wdev->nHscrollMax);
- SetScrollRange(hwnd, SB_HORZ, 0, wdev->nHscrollMax, FALSE);
- SetScrollPos(hwnd, SB_HORZ, wdev->nHscrollPos, TRUE);
- if (gsview && wdev->cxAdjust > 0) /* don't make gsview window grow */
- wdev->cxAdjust = 0;
- if (gsview && wdev->cyAdjust > 0)
- wdev->cyAdjust = 0;
- if ((wParam==SIZENORMAL) && (wdev->cxAdjust!=0 || wdev->cyAdjust!=0)) {
- GetWindowRect(GetParent(hwnd),&rect);
- MoveWindow(GetParent(hwnd),rect.left,rect.top,
- rect.right-rect.left+wdev->cxAdjust,
- rect.bottom-rect.top+wdev->cyAdjust, TRUE);
- wdev->cxAdjust = wdev->cyAdjust = 0;
- }
- if (gsview)
- SendMessage(gsview_hwnd, WM_GSVIEW, SCROLL_POSITION,
- MAKELPARAM(wdev->nHscrollPos, wdev->nVscrollPos));
- return(0);
- case WM_VSCROLL:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
- case SB_TOP:
- nVscrollInc = -wdev->nVscrollPos;
- break;
- case SB_BOTTOM:
- nVscrollInc = wdev->nVscrollMax - wdev->nVscrollPos;
- break;
- case SB_LINEUP:
- nVscrollInc = -wdev->cyClient/16;
- break;
- nVscrollInc = wdev->cyClient/16;
- break;
- case SB_PAGEUP:
- nVscrollInc = min(-1,-wdev->cyClient);
- break;
- nVscrollInc = max(1,wdev->cyClient);
- break;
- nVscrollInc = LOWORD(lParam) - wdev->nVscrollPos;
- break;
- default:
- nVscrollInc = 0;
- }
- if ((nVscrollInc = max(-wdev->nVscrollPos,
- min(nVscrollInc, wdev->nVscrollMax - wdev->nVscrollPos)))!=0) {
- wdev->nVscrollPos += nVscrollInc;
- ScrollWindow(hwnd,0,-nVscrollInc,NULL,NULL);
- SetScrollPos(hwnd,SB_VERT,wdev->nVscrollPos,TRUE);
- UpdateWindow(hwnd);
- }
- if (gsview)
- SendMessage(gsview_hwnd, WM_GSVIEW, SCROLL_POSITION,
- MAKELPARAM(wdev->nHscrollPos, wdev->nVscrollPos));
- return(0);
- case WM_HSCROLL:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
- case SB_LINEUP:
- nHscrollInc = -wdev->cxClient/16;
- break;
- nHscrollInc = wdev->cyClient/16;
- break;
- case SB_PAGEUP:
- nHscrollInc = min(-1,-wdev->cxClient);
- break;
- nHscrollInc = max(1,wdev->cxClient);
- break;
- nHscrollInc = LOWORD(lParam) - wdev->nHscrollPos;
- break;
- default:
- nHscrollInc = 0;
- }
- if ((nHscrollInc = max(-wdev->nHscrollPos,
- min(nHscrollInc, wdev->nHscrollMax - wdev->nHscrollPos)))!=0) {
- wdev->nHscrollPos += nHscrollInc;
- ScrollWindow(hwnd,-nHscrollInc,0,NULL,NULL);
- SetScrollPos(hwnd,SB_HORZ,wdev->nHscrollPos,TRUE);
- UpdateWindow(hwnd);
- }
- if (gsview)
- SendMessage(gsview_hwnd, WM_GSVIEW, SCROLL_POSITION,
- MAKELPARAM(wdev->nHscrollPos, wdev->nVscrollPos));
- return(0);
- case WM_KEYDOWN:
- switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
- case VK_HOME:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_VSCROLL,SB_TOP,0L);
- break;
- case VK_END:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_VSCROLL,SB_BOTTOM,0L);
- break;
- case VK_PRIOR:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_VSCROLL,SB_PAGEUP,0L);
- break;
- case VK_NEXT:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_VSCROLL,SB_PAGEDOWN,0L);
- break;
- case VK_UP:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_VSCROLL,SB_LINEUP,0L);
- break;
- case VK_DOWN:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_VSCROLL,SB_LINEDOWN,0L);
- break;
- case VK_LEFT:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_HSCROLL,SB_PAGEUP,0L);
- break;
- case VK_RIGHT:
- SendMessage(hwnd,WM_HSCROLL,SB_PAGEDOWN,0L);
- break;
- }
- return(0);
- case WM_PAINT:
- {
- int sx,sy,wx,wy,dx,dy;
- hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
- oldpalette = SelectPalette(hdc,wdev->himgpalette,NULL);
- RealizePalette(hdc);
- SetMapMode(hdc, MM_TEXT);
- SetBkMode(hdc,OPAQUE);
- GetClientRect(hwnd, &rect);
- SetViewportExt(hdc, rect.right, rect.bottom);
- dx = rect.left; /* destination */
- dy = rect.top;
- wx = rect.right-rect.left; /* width */
- wy = rect.bottom-rect.top;
- sx = rect.left; /* source */
- sy = rect.top;
- sx += wdev->nHscrollPos; /* scrollbars */
- sy += wdev->nVscrollPos;
- if (sx+wx > wdev->width)
- wx = wdev->width - sx;
- if (sy+wy > wdev->height)
- wy = wdev->height - sy;
- (*wdev->repaint)(wdev,hdc,dx,dy,wx,wy,sx,sy);
- SelectPalette(hdc,oldpalette,NULL);
- EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
- return 0;
- }
- #if WINVER >= 0x030a
- if (is_win31)
- SendMessage(hwndtext, message, wParam, lParam);
- case WM_DESTROY:
- /* disable Drag Drop */
- if (is_win31)
- DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, FALSE);
- break;
- #endif
- }
- not_ours:
- return DefWindowProc((HWND)hwnd, (WORD)message, (WORD)wParam, (DWORD)lParam);
- }
- /* parent overlapped window */
- WndImgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
- {
- gx_device_win *wdev;
- wdev = (gx_device_win *)GetWindowLong(hwnd, 0);
- switch(message) {
- case WM_CREATE:
- wdev = (gx_device_win *)(((CREATESTRUCT *)lParam)->lpCreateParams);
- wdev->hwndimg = hwnd;
- SetWindowLong(hwnd, 0, (LONG)wdev);
- #if WINVER >= 0x030a
- /* Enable Drag Drop */
- if (is_win31)
- DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, TRUE);
- #endif
- break;
- switch(LOWORD(wParam)) {
- case M_COPY_CLIP:
- (*wdev->copy_to_clipboard)(wdev);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case WM_KEYDOWN:
- case WM_KEYUP:
- if (wdev->hwndimgchild) {
- SendMessage(wdev->hwndimgchild, message, wParam, lParam);
- return 0;
- }
- break;
- case WM_SIZE:
- if (wParam != SIZE_MINIMIZED && wdev->hwndimgchild!=(HWND)NULL)
- SetWindowPos(wdev->hwndimgchild, (HWND)NULL, 0, 0,
- LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam),
- return(0);
- #if WINVER >= 0x030a
- if (is_win31)
- SendMessage(hwndtext, message, wParam, lParam);
- break;
- case WM_DESTROY:
- if (is_win31)
- DragAcceptFiles(hwnd, FALSE);
- #endif
- break;
- }
- return DefWindowProc(hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
- }