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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
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- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevpcfb.h */
- /* IBM PC frame buffer definitions for Ghostscript */
- #include "dos_.h"
- typedef union REGS registers;
- /* For testing, the 16-color display may be defined as a monochrome, */
- /* 8-color, or 16-color device. */
- #define ega_bits_of_color 2 /* 0, 1, or 2 */
- /* Range of r-g-b values */
- #define rgb_max ega_bits_of_color
- #ifndef USE_ASM
- # define USE_ASM 0 /* don't use assembly language */
- #endif
- /* Define the short (integer) version of "transparent" color. */
- /* ****** Depends on gx_no_color_index being all 1's. ******/
- #define no_color ((int)gx_no_color_index)
- /* Procedures */
- /* See gxdevice.h for the definitions of the procedures. */
- extern dev_proc_open_device(ega_open);
- extern dev_proc_close_device(ega_close);
- extern dev_proc_map_rgb_color(ega_map_rgb_color);
- extern dev_proc_map_color_rgb(ega_map_color_rgb);
- extern dev_proc_fill_rectangle(ega_fill_rectangle);
- extern dev_proc_tile_rectangle(ega_tile_rectangle);
- extern dev_proc_copy_mono(ega_copy_mono);
- extern dev_proc_copy_color(ega_copy_color);
- extern dev_proc_get_bits(ega_get_bits);
- /* Procedures used by gdevpcfb.c */
- extern void ega_set_signals(P1(gx_device *));
- extern int ega_get_mode(P0());
- extern void ega_set_mode(P1(int));
- /* Types for frame buffer pointers. */
- typedef byte *fb_ptr;
- typedef volatile byte *volatile_fb_ptr;
- /* Define the nominal page height in inches. */
- #ifdef A4
- # define PAGE_HEIGHT_INCHES 11.0
- #else
- # define PAGE_HEIGHT_INCHES 11.69
- #endif
- /* The device descriptor */
- typedef struct gx_device_ega_s gx_device_ega;
- struct gx_device_ega_s {
- gx_device_common;
- int raster; /* frame buffer bytes per line */
- int fb_seg_mult; /* multiplier for segment part */
- /* of frame buffer pointer */
- int fb_byte_mult; /* multiplier for word part ditto */
- #define mk_fb_ptr(x, y)\
- (fb_dev->fb_byte_mult == 0 ?\
- (fb_ptr)MK_PTR(regen + (y) * (fb_dev->fb_seg_mult), (x) >> 3) :\
- (fb_ptr)MK_PTR(regen + ((y) >> 4) * (fb_dev->fb_seg_mult),\
- (((y) & 15) * fb_dev->fb_byte_mult) + ((x) >> 3)))
- int video_mode;
- };
- /* Macro for creating instances */
- /* The initial parameters map an appropriate fraction of */
- /* the screen to a full-page coordinate space. */
- /* This may or may not be what is desired! */
- #define ega_device(dev_name, procs, fb_raster, screen_height, aspect_ratio, video_mode)\
- { sizeof(gx_device_ega),\
- &procs,\
- dev_name,\
- fb_raster * 8, screen_height,\
- (screen_height * (aspect_ratio)) / PAGE_HEIGHT_INCHES, /* x dpi */\
- screen_height / PAGE_HEIGHT_INCHES, /* y dpi */\
- no_margins,\
- { (rgb_max ? 3 : 1), /* num_components */\
- 4, /* depth */\
- (rgb_max ? rgb_max : 1), /* gray_max */\
- rgb_max,\
- 3, /* dither_gray */\
- (rgb_max ? rgb_max + 1 : 0) /* dither_rgb */\
- },\
- 0, /* not opened yet */\
- fb_raster,\
- (fb_raster & 15 ? fb_raster : fb_raster >> 4),\
- (fb_raster & 15 ? fb_raster : 0),\
- video_mode\
- }
- /* Define the device port and register numbers, and the regen map base */
- #define seq_addr 0x3c4
- #define s_map 2
- #define set_s_map(mask) outport2(seq_addr, s_map, mask)
- #define graph_addr 0x3ce
- #define g_const 0 /* set/reset */
- #define set_g_const(color) outport2(graph_addr, g_const, color)
- #define g_const_map 1 /* enable set/reset */
- #define set_g_const_map(map) outport2(graph_addr, g_const_map, map)
- #define g_function 3
- # define gf_WRITE 0
- # define gf_AND 8
- # define gf_OR 0x10
- # define gf_XOR 0x18
- #define set_g_function(func) outport2(graph_addr, g_function, func)
- #define g_read_plane 4
- #define set_g_read_plane(plane) outport2(graph_addr, g_read_plane, plane)
- #define g_mode 5
- # define gm_DATA 0
- # define gm_FILL 2
- #define set_g_mode(mode) outport2(graph_addr, g_mode, mode)
- #define g_mask 8
- #define set_g_mask(mask) outport2(graph_addr, g_mask, mask)
- #define select_g_mask() outportb(graph_addr, g_mask)
- #define out_g_mask(mask) outportb(graph_addr+1, mask)
- #define regen 0xa000
- /* Define access to the frame buffer and the video registers */
- /* according to whether we are on a DOS system or a Unix system. */
- #if defined(M_UNIX) || defined(M_XENIX) || defined(UNIX) || defined(SYSV)
- /* SCO Unix/Xenix or AT&T SVR4. */
- #undef outportb
- extern void outportb(P2(uint, byte));
- extern void outport2(P3(uint, byte, byte));
- /* Redefine mk_fb_ptr -- no segmented addressing. */
- #undef mk_fb_ptr
- extern fb_ptr fb_addr;
- #define mk_fb_ptr(x, y) (fb_addr + (y) * (fb_dev->raster) + ((x) >> 3))
- #else
- /* MS-DOS */
- /* outportb is defined in dos_.h */
- #define outport2(port, index, data)\
- (outportb(port, index), outportb((port)+1, data))
- #endif
- /* Fetch and discard a byte. Prevent the compiler from */
- /* optimizing this away. */
- static unsigned char byte_discard_;
- #define byte_discard(expr) byte_discard_ = (expr)