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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gdevprn.h */
- /* Common header file for memory-buffered printers */
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "string_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gsmatrix.h" /* for gxdevice.h */
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h"
- #include "gxclist.h"
- /* Define the page size parameters. */
- /* U.S. letter paper (8.5" x 11"). */
- /* A4 paper (210mm x 297mm). The dimensions are off by a few mm.... */
- #define DEFAULT_WIDTH_10THS_A4 83
- #define DEFAULT_HEIGHT_10THS_A4 117
- /* Choose a default. A4 may be set in the makefile. */
- #ifdef A4
- #else
- #endif
- /* Define the parameters for the printer rendering method. */
- /* If the entire bitmap fits in PRN_MAX_BITMAP, and there is at least */
- /* PRN_MIN_MEMORY_LEFT memory left after allocating it, render in RAM, */
- /* otherwise use a command list with a size of PRN_BUFFER_SPACE. */
- /* (These are "properties" that can be changed by a Ghostscript program.) */
- #if arch_ints_are_short
- /* 16-bit machines have little dinky RAMs.... */
- # define PRN_MAX_BITMAP 32000
- # define PRN_BUFFER_SPACE 25000
- # define PRN_MIN_MEMORY_LEFT 32000
- #else
- /* 32-bit machines have great big hulking RAMs.... */
- # define PRN_MAX_BITMAP 10000000L
- # define PRN_BUFFER_SPACE 1000000L
- # define PRN_MIN_MEMORY_LEFT 500000L
- #endif
- #define PRN_MIN_BUFFER_SPACE 10000 /* give up if less than this */
- /* Define the declaration macro for print_page procedures. */
- #define dev_proc_print_page(proc)\
- int proc(P2(gx_device_printer *, FILE *))
- /* Structure for generic printer devices. */
- /* This must be preceded by gx_device_common. */
- /* Printer devices are actually a union of a memory device */
- /* and a clist device, plus some additional state. */
- #define prn_fname_sizeof 80
- #define gx_prn_device_common\
- byte skip[max(sizeof(gx_device_memory), sizeof(gx_device_clist)) -\
- sizeof(gx_device) + sizeof(double) /* padding */];\
- /* The following is required only for devices where */\
- /* output_page is gdev_prn_output_page; */\
- /* it is ignored for other devices. */\
- dev_proc_print_page((*print_page));\
- /* ------ The following items must be set before ------ */\
- /* ------ calling the device open routine. ------ */\
- long max_bitmap; /* max size of non-buffered bitmap */\
- long use_buffer_space; /* space to use for buffer */\
- char fname[prn_fname_sizeof]; /* output file name */\
- /* ------ End of preset items ------ */\
- int file_is_new; /* boolean, true iff file just opened */\
- FILE *file; /* output file */\
- char ccfname[60]; /* clist file name */\
- FILE *ccfile; /* command list scratch file */\
- char cbfname[60]; /* clist block file name */\
- FILE *cbfile; /* command list block scratch file */\
- long buffer_space; /* amount of space for clist buffer, */\
- /* 0 means not using clist */\
- byte *buf; /* buffer for rendering */\
- int page_count; /* # of pages printed so far */\
- gx_device_procs *orig_procs; /* original procs */\
- gx_device_procs mod_procs /* modified procs */
- /* The device descriptor */
- typedef struct gx_device_printer_s gx_device_printer;
- struct gx_device_printer_s {
- gx_device_common;
- gx_prn_device_common;
- };
- /* Macro for casting gx_device argument */
- #define prn_dev ((gx_device_printer *)dev)
- /* Standard device procedures for printers */
- dev_proc_open_device(gdev_prn_open);
- dev_proc_output_page(gdev_prn_output_page);
- dev_proc_close_device(gdev_prn_close);
- dev_proc_map_rgb_color(gdev_prn_map_rgb_color);
- dev_proc_map_color_rgb(gdev_prn_map_color_rgb);
- dev_proc_get_props(gdev_prn_get_props);
- dev_proc_put_props(gdev_prn_put_props);
- /* Macro for generating procedure table */
- #define prn_procs(p_open, p_output_page, p_close)\
- prn_matrix_procs(p_open, gx_default_get_initial_matrix, p_output_page, p_close)
- #define prn_matrix_procs(p_open,p_get_initial_matrix, p_output_page, p_close)\
- prn_color_matrix_procs(p_open, p_get_initial_matrix, p_output_page, p_close,\
- gdev_prn_map_rgb_color, gdev_prn_map_color_rgb)
- /* See gdev_prn_open for explanation of the NULLs below. */
- #define prn_color_procs(p_open, p_output_page, p_close, p_map_rgb_color, p_map_color_rgb)\
- prn_color_matrix_procs(p_open, gx_default_get_initial_matrix, p_output_page, p_close, p_map_rgb_color, p_map_color_rgb)
- #define prn_color_matrix_procs(p_open, p_get_initial_matrix, p_output_page, p_close, p_map_rgb_color, p_map_color_rgb) {\
- p_open,\
- p_get_initial_matrix,\
- NULL, /* sync_output */\
- p_output_page,\
- p_close,\
- p_map_rgb_color,\
- p_map_color_rgb,\
- NULL, /* fill_rectangle */\
- NULL, /* tile_rectangle */\
- NULL, /* copy_mono */\
- NULL, /* copy_color */\
- NULL, /* draw_line */\
- NULL, /* get_bits */\
- gdev_prn_get_props,\
- gdev_prn_put_props\
- }
- /* The standard printer device procedures */
- /* (using gdev_prn_open/output_page/close). */
- extern gx_device_procs prn_std_procs;
- /* Macro for generating the device descriptor. */
- /*
- * The computations of page width and height in pixels should really be
- * ((int)(page_width_inches*x_dpi))
- * but some compilers (the Ultrix 3.X pcc compiler and the HPUX compiler)
- * can't cast a computed float to an int. That's why we specify
- * the page width and height in inches/10 instead of inches.
- *
- * Note that the macro is broken up so as to be usable for devices that
- * add further initialized state to the printer device.
- */
- #define prn_device_body(devtype, procs, dev_name, width_10ths, height_10ths, x_dpi, y_dpi, l_margin, b_margin, r_margin, t_margin, num_comp, depth, max_gray, max_rgb, dither_gray, dither_rgb, print_page)\
- sizeof(devtype),\
- &procs,\
- dev_name,\
- (int)((long)width_10ths * x_dpi / 10), /* width */\
- (int)((long)height_10ths * y_dpi / 10), /* height */\
- x_dpi,\
- y_dpi,\
- l_margin, b_margin, r_margin, t_margin,\
- { num_comp, depth, max_gray, max_rgb, dither_gray, dither_rgb },\
- 0, /* not initialized yet */\
- { 0 }, /* skip */\
- print_page,\
- { 0 }, /* fname */\
- 0, 0, { 0 }, 0, { 0 }, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, { 0 } /* ... mod_procs */
- #define prn_device_std_body(devtype, procs, dev_name, width_10ths, height_10ths, x_dpi, y_dpi, l_margin, b_margin, r_margin, t_margin, color_bits, print_page)\
- prn_device_body(devtype, procs, dev_name,\
- width_10ths, height_10ths, x_dpi, y_dpi,\
- l_margin, b_margin, r_margin, t_margin,\
- (color_bits > 1 ? 3 : 1),\
- ((color_bits > 1) & (color_bits < 8) ? 8 : color_bits),\
- (color_bits >= 8 ? 255 : 1),\
- (color_bits >= 8 ? 255 : color_bits > 1 ? 1 : 0),\
- (color_bits >= 8 ? 5 : 2),\
- (color_bits >= 8 ? 5 : color_bits > 1 ? 2 : 0),\
- print_page)
- #define prn_device(procs, dev_name, width_10ths, height_10ths, x_dpi, y_dpi, l_margin, b_margin, r_margin, t_margin, color_bits, print_page)\
- { prn_device_std_body(gx_device_printer, procs, dev_name,\
- width_10ths, height_10ths, x_dpi, y_dpi,\
- l_margin, b_margin, r_margin, t_margin,\
- color_bits, print_page)\
- }
- /* Common procedures defined in gdevprn.c */
- int gdev_prn_open_printer(P2(gx_device *dev, int binary_mode));
- #define gdev_prn_file_is_new(pdev) ((pdev)->file_is_new)
- #define gdev_prn_raster(pdev) gx_device_raster((gx_device *)(pdev), 0)
- int gdev_prn_get_bits(P4(gx_device_printer *, int, byte *, byte **));
- int gdev_prn_copy_scan_lines(P4(gx_device_printer *, int, byte *, uint));
- int gdev_prn_close_printer(P1(gx_device *));
- #define gdev_mem_bytes_per_scan_line(dev)\
- gdev_prn_raster((gx_device_printer *)(dev))
- #define gdev_prn_transpose_8x8(inp,ils,outp,ols)\
- memflip8x8(inp,ils,outp,ols)