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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsdps1.c */
- /* Display PostScript graphics additions for Ghostscript library */
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- /* ------ Graphics state ------ */
- /* Set the bounding box for the current path. */
- int
- gs_setbbox(gs_state *pgs, floatp llx, floatp lly, floatp urx, floatp ury)
- { gs_rect ubox, dbox;
- gs_fixed_rect obox, bbox;
- gx_path *ppath = pgs->path;
- int code;
- if ( llx > urx || lly > ury )
- return_error(gs_error_rangecheck);
- /* Transform box to device coordinates. */
- ubox.p.x = llx;
- ubox.p.y = lly;
- ubox.q.x = urx;
- ubox.q.y = ury;
- if ( (code = gs_bbox_transform(&ubox, &ctm_only(pgs), &dbox)) < 0 )
- return code;
- /* Round the corners in opposite directions. */
- bbox.p.x = (fixed)floor(dbox.p.x * _fixed_scale);
- bbox.p.y = (fixed)floor(dbox.p.y * _fixed_scale);
- bbox.q.x = (fixed)ceil(dbox.q.x * _fixed_scale);
- bbox.q.y = (fixed)ceil(dbox.q.y * _fixed_scale);
- if ( gx_path_bbox(ppath, &obox) >= 0 )
- { /* Take the union of the bboxes. */
- ppath->bbox.p.x = min(obox.p.x, bbox.p.x);
- ppath->bbox.p.y = min(obox.p.y, bbox.p.y);
- ppath->bbox.q.x = max(obox.q.x, bbox.q.x);
- ppath->bbox.q.y = max(obox.q.y, bbox.q.y);
- }
- else /* empty path */
- { /* Just set the bbox. */
- ppath->bbox.p.x = bbox.p.x;
- ppath->bbox.p.y = bbox.p.y;
- ppath->bbox.q.x = bbox.q.x;
- ppath->bbox.q.y = bbox.q.y;
- ppath->bbox_set = 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Rectangles ------ */
- /* Append a list of rectangles to a path. */
- int
- gs_rectappend(gs_state *pgs, const gs_rect *pr, uint count)
- { for ( ; count != 0; count--, pr++ )
- { floatp px = pr->p.x, py = pr->p.y, qx = pr->q.x, qy = pr->q.y;
- int code;
- /* Ensure counter-clockwise drawing. */
- if ( (qx >= px) != (qy >= py) )
- qx = px, px = pr->q.x; /* swap x values */
- if ( (code = gs_moveto(pgs, px, py)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_lineto(pgs, qx, py)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_lineto(pgs, qx, qy)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_lineto(pgs, px, qy)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_closepath(pgs)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Clip to a list of rectangles. */
- int
- gs_rectclip(gs_state *pgs, const gs_rect *pr, uint count)
- { int code;
- if ( (code = gs_newpath(pgs)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_rectappend(pgs, pr, count)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_clip(pgs)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_newpath(pgs)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Fill a list of rectangles. */
- /* (We could do this a lot more efficiently.) */
- int
- gs_rectfill(gs_state *pgs, const gs_rect *pr, uint count)
- { int code;
- if ( (code = gs_gsave(pgs)) < 0 ) return code;
- if ( (code = gs_newpath(pgs)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_rectappend(pgs, pr, count)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_fill(pgs)) < 0
- )
- ;
- gs_grestore(pgs);
- return code;
- }
- /* Stroke a list of rectangles. */
- /* (We could do this a lot more efficiently.) */
- int
- gs_rectstroke(gs_state *pgs, const gs_rect *pr, uint count,
- const gs_matrix *pmat)
- { int code;
- if ( (code = gs_gsave(pgs)) < 0 ) return code;
- if ( (code = gs_newpath(pgs)) < 0 ||
- (code = gs_rectappend(pgs, pr, count)) < 0 ||
- (pmat != NULL && (code = gs_concat(pgs, pmat)) < 0) ||
- (code = gs_stroke(pgs)) < 0
- )
- ;
- gs_grestore(pgs);
- return code;
- }