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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1990, 1991 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsmatrix.c */
- /* Matrix operators for Ghostscript library */
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- /* The identity matrix */
- /* This should be private (static), but the interpreter */
- /* has to be able to fill in the "unused" words. */
- /*static*/ gs_matrix gs_identity_matrix =
- { identity_matrix_body };
- /* ------ Matrix creation ------ */
- /* Create an identity matrix */
- void
- gs_make_identity(gs_matrix *pmat)
- { *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
- }
- /* Create a translation matrix */
- int
- gs_make_translation(floatp dx, floatp dy, register gs_matrix *pmat)
- { *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
- pmat->tx = dx;
- pmat->ty = dy;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Create a scaling matrix */
- int
- gs_make_scaling(floatp sx, floatp sy, register gs_matrix *pmat)
- { *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
- pmat->xx = sx;
- pmat->yy = sy;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Create a rotation matrix. */
- /* The angle is in degrees. */
- int
- gs_make_rotation(floatp ang, register gs_matrix *pmat)
- { float theta = ang * (M_PI / 180.0);
- *pmat = gs_identity_matrix;
- pmat->xx = pmat->yy = cos(theta);
- pmat->yx = -(pmat->xy = sin(theta));
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Matrix arithmetic ------ */
- /* Multiply two matrices. We should check for floating exceptions, */
- /* but for the moment it's just too awkward. */
- /* Since this is used heavily, we check for shortcuts. */
- int
- gs_matrix_multiply(const gs_matrix *pm1, const gs_matrix *pm2, register gs_matrix *pmr)
- { float xx1 = pm1->xx, yy1 = pm1->yy;
- float tx1 = pm1->tx, ty1 = pm1->ty;
- float xx2 = pm2->xx, yy2 = pm2->yy;
- float xy2 = pm2->xy, yx2 = pm2->yx;
- if ( !is_skewed(pm1) )
- { pmr->tx = tx1 * xx2 + pm2->tx;
- pmr->ty = ty1 * yy2 + pm2->ty;
- if ( is_fzero(xy2) )
- pmr->xy = 0;
- else
- pmr->xy = xx1 * xy2,
- pmr->ty += tx1 * xy2;
- pmr->xx = xx1 * xx2;
- if ( is_fzero(yx2) )
- pmr->yx = 0;
- else
- pmr->yx = yy1 * yx2,
- pmr->tx += ty1 * yx2;
- pmr->yy = yy1 * yy2;
- }
- else
- { pmr->xx = xx1 * xx2 + pm1->xy * yx2;
- pmr->xy = xx1 * xy2 + pm1->xy * yy2;
- pmr->yy = pm1->yx * xy2 + yy1 * yy2;
- pmr->yx = pm1->yx * xx2 + yy1 * yx2;
- pmr->tx = tx1 * xx2 + ty1 * yx2 + pm2->tx;
- pmr->ty = tx1 * xy2 + ty1 * yy2 + pm2->ty;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Invert a matrix. Return gs_error_undefinedresult if not invertible. */
- int
- gs_matrix_invert(register const gs_matrix *pm, register gs_matrix *pmr)
- { /* We have to be careful about fetch/store order, */
- /* because pm might be the same as pmr. */
- if ( !is_skewed(pm) )
- { if ( is_fzero(pm->xx) || is_fzero(pm->yy) )
- return_error(gs_error_undefinedresult);
- pmr->tx = - (pmr->xx = 1.0 / pm->xx) * pm->tx;
- pmr->xy = 0.0;
- pmr->yx = 0.0;
- pmr->ty = - (pmr->yy = 1.0 / pm->yy) * pm->ty;
- }
- else
- { double det = pm->xx * pm->yy - pm->xy * pm->yx;
- float mxx = pm->xx, mtx = pm->tx;
- if ( det == 0 ) return_error(gs_error_undefinedresult);
- pmr->xx = pm->yy / det;
- pmr->xy = - pm->xy / det;
- pmr->yx = - pm->yx / det;
- pmr->yy = mxx / det; /* xx is already changed */
- pmr->tx = - (mtx * pmr->xx + pm->ty * pmr->yx);
- pmr->ty = - (mtx * pmr->xy + pm->ty * pmr->yy); /* tx is already changed */
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Rotate a matrix, possibly in place. The angle is in degrees. */
- int
- gs_matrix_rotate(register const gs_matrix *pm, floatp ang, register gs_matrix *pmr)
- { float mxx, mxy;
- int quads;
- float tsin, tcos;
- /* We do some special checking for multiples of 90, */
- /* so we don't get any rounding errors. */
- if ( ang >= -360 && ang <= 360 &&
- ang == (quads = (int)ang / 90) * 90
- )
- { int isin = 0, icos = 1, t;
- quads &= 3;
- while ( quads-- ) t = isin, isin = icos, icos = -t;
- tsin = isin, tcos = icos;
- }
- else
- { float theta = ang * (M_PI / 180.0);
- tsin = sin(theta);
- tcos = cos(theta);
- }
- mxx = pm->xx, mxy = pm->xy;
- pmr->xx = tcos * mxx + tsin * pm->yx;
- pmr->xy = tcos * mxy + tsin * pm->yy;
- pmr->yx = tcos * pm->yx - tsin * mxx;
- pmr->yy = tcos * pm->yy - tsin * mxy;
- pmr->tx = pm->tx;
- pmr->ty = pm->ty;
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Coordinate transformations (floating point) ------ */
- /* Note that all the transformation routines take separate */
- /* x and y arguments, but return their result in a point. */
- /* Transform a point. */
- int
- gs_point_transform(floatp x, floatp y, register const gs_matrix *pmat,
- register gs_point *ppt)
- { ppt->x = x * pmat->xx + pmat->tx;
- ppt->y = y * pmat->yy + pmat->ty;
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
- ppt->x += y * pmat->yx;
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
- ppt->y += x * pmat->xy;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Inverse-transform a point. */
- /* Return gs_error_undefinedresult if the matrix is not invertible. */
- int
- gs_point_transform_inverse(floatp x, floatp y, register const gs_matrix *pmat,
- register gs_point *ppt)
- { if ( !is_skewed(pmat) )
- { if ( is_fzero(pmat->xx) || is_fzero(pmat->yy) )
- return_error(gs_error_undefinedresult);
- ppt->x = (x - pmat->tx) / pmat->xx;
- ppt->y = (y - pmat->ty) / pmat->yy;
- return 0;
- }
- else
- { /* There are faster ways to do this, */
- /* but we won't implement one unless we have to. */
- gs_matrix imat;
- int code = gs_matrix_invert(pmat, &imat);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- return gs_point_transform(x, y, &imat, ppt);
- }
- }
- /* Transform a distance. */
- int
- gs_distance_transform(floatp dx, floatp dy, register const gs_matrix *pmat,
- register gs_point *pdpt)
- { pdpt->x = dx * pmat->xx;
- pdpt->y = dy * pmat->yy;
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
- pdpt->x += dy * pmat->yx;
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
- pdpt->y += dx * pmat->xy;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Inverse-transform a distance. */
- /* Return gs_error_undefinedresult if the matrix is not invertible. */
- int
- gs_distance_transform_inverse(floatp dx, floatp dy,
- register const gs_matrix *pmat, register gs_point *pdpt)
- { if ( !is_skewed(pmat) )
- { if ( is_fzero(pmat->xx) || is_fzero(pmat->yy) )
- return_error(gs_error_undefinedresult);
- pdpt->x = dx / pmat->xx;
- pdpt->y = dy / pmat->yy;
- }
- else
- { double det = pmat->xx * pmat->yy - pmat->xy * pmat->yx;
- if ( det == 0 ) return_error(gs_error_undefinedresult);
- pdpt->x = (dx * pmat->yy - dy * pmat->yx) / det;
- pdpt->y = (dy * pmat->xx - dx * pmat->xy) / det;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Transform or inverse-transform a bounding box. */
- /* Return gs_error_undefinedresult if the matrix is not invertible. */
- private int
- bbox_transform_either(gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
- gs_rect *pbox_out,
- int (*point_xform)(P4(floatp, floatp, const gs_matrix *, gs_point *)),
- int (*distance_xform)(P4(floatp, floatp, const gs_matrix *, gs_point *)))
- { int code;
- gs_point p, w, h;
- double xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax; /* gs_point uses double */
- /* We must recompute the max and min after transforming, */
- /* since a rotation may be involved. */
- if ( (code = (*point_xform)(pbox_in->p.x, pbox_in->p.y, pmat, &p)) < 0 ||
- (code = (*distance_xform)(pbox_in->q.x - pbox_in->p.x, 0.0, pmat, &w)) < 0 ||
- (code = (*distance_xform)(0.0, pbox_in->q.y - pbox_in->p.y, pmat, &h)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- xmin = xmax = p.x;
- if ( w.x < 0 ) xmin += w.x;
- else xmax += w.x;
- if ( h.x < 0 ) xmin += h.x;
- else xmax += h.x;
- ymin = ymax = p.y;
- if ( w.y < 0 ) ymin += w.y;
- else ymax += w.y;
- if ( h.y < 0 ) ymin += h.y;
- else ymax += h.y;
- pbox_out->p.x = xmin, pbox_out->p.y = ymin;
- pbox_out->q.x = xmax, pbox_out->q.y = ymax;
- return 0;
- }
- int
- gs_bbox_transform(gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
- gs_rect *pbox_out)
- { return bbox_transform_either(pbox_in, pmat, pbox_out,
- gs_point_transform, gs_distance_transform);
- }
- int
- gs_bbox_transform_inverse(gs_rect *pbox_in, const gs_matrix *pmat,
- gs_rect *pbox_out)
- { return bbox_transform_either(pbox_in, pmat, pbox_out,
- gs_point_transform_inverse, gs_distance_transform_inverse);
- }
- /* ------ Coordinate transformations (to fixed point) ------ */
- /* Transform a point with a fixed-point result. */
- int
- gs_point_transform2fixed(register const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat,
- floatp x, floatp y, gs_fixed_point *ppt)
- { ppt->x = float2fixed(x * pmat->xx) + pmat->tx_fixed;
- ppt->y = float2fixed(y * pmat->yy) + pmat->ty_fixed;
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
- ppt->x += float2fixed(y * pmat->yx);
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
- ppt->y += float2fixed(x * pmat->xy);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Transform a distance with a fixed-point result. */
- int
- gs_distance_transform2fixed(register const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat,
- floatp dx, floatp dy, gs_fixed_point *ppt)
- { ppt->x = float2fixed(dx * pmat->xx);
- ppt->y = float2fixed(dy * pmat->yy);
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
- ppt->x += float2fixed(dy * pmat->yx);
- if ( !is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
- ppt->y += float2fixed(dx * pmat->xy);
- return 0;
- }