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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gsmisc.c */
- /* Miscellaneous utilities for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "errno_.h"
- #include "malloc_.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- /* Define private replacements for stdin, stdout, and stderr. */
- FILE *gs_stdin, *gs_stdout, *gs_stderr;
- /* Ghostscript writes debugging output to gs_debug_out. */
- /* We define gs_debug and gs_debug_out even if DEBUG isn't defined, */
- /* so that we can compile individual modules with DEBUG set. */
- char gs_debug[128];
- FILE *gs_debug_out;
- /* We define gs_log_errors here for the same reason. */
- int gs_log_errors = 0;
- /* We can turn on allocator debugging even if DEBUG isn't defined. */
- int gs_alloc_debug = 0;
- byte gs_alloc_fill_alloc = 0xa1;
- byte gs_alloc_fill_free = 0xf1;
- /* ------ Substitutes for missing C library functions ------ */
- #ifdef memory__need_memset /* see memory_.h */
- void
- memset(void *dest, register char ch, uint len)
- { if ( ch == 0 )
- bzero(dest, len);
- else if ( len > 0 )
- { register char *p = dest;
- register uint count = len;
- do { *p++ = ch; } while ( --count );
- }
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef memory__need_memchr /* see memory_.h */
- const char *
- memchr(const char *ptr, char ch, uint len)
- { if ( len > 0 )
- { register const char *p = ptr;
- register uint count = len;
- do { if ( *p == ch ) return p; p++; } while ( --count );
- }
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* ------ Ghostscript utilities ------ */
- /* Generate a block of unique IDs. */
- static ulong gs_next_id = 0;
- ulong
- gs_next_ids(uint count)
- { ulong id;
- if ( gs_next_id == 0 ) gs_next_id++;
- id = gs_next_id;
- gs_next_id += count;
- return id;
- }
- /*
- * Versions of malloc and free compatible with Ghostscript's
- * model of memory management. We keep track of all allocated
- * blocks so we can free them at cleanup time.
- */
- const gs_memory_procs gs_default_memory_procs = {
- gs_malloc,
- gs_free
- };
- /* We must make sure that malloc_blocks leave the block aligned. */
- typedef struct malloc_block_s malloc_block;
- #define malloc_block_data\
- malloc_block *next;\
- uint size;\
- const char *cname
- struct malloc_block_data_s { malloc_block_data; };
- struct malloc_block_s {
- malloc_block_data;
- /* ANSI C does not allow zero-size arrays, so we need the following */
- /* unnecessary and wasteful workaround: */
- #define _npad (-sizeof(struct malloc_block_data_s) & 7)
- byte _pad[(_npad == 0 ? 8 : _npad)]; /* pad to double */
- #undef _npad
- };
- private malloc_block *malloc_list = 0;
- char *
- gs_malloc(uint num_elts, uint elt_size, const char *client_name)
- { char *ptr;
- const char *msg = "";
- if ( elt_size != 0 &&
- num_elts > (max_uint - sizeof(malloc_block)) / elt_size
- )
- { /* Can't represent the size in a uint! */
- msg = "too large for size_t";
- ptr = 0;
- }
- else
- { uint size = num_elts * elt_size;
- ptr = malloc(size + sizeof(malloc_block));
- if ( ptr == 0 )
- msg = "failed";
- else
- { malloc_block *bp = (malloc_block *)ptr;
- bp->next = malloc_list;
- bp->size = size;
- bp->cname = client_name;
- malloc_list = bp;
- msg = "OK";
- ptr = (char *)(bp + 1);
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- { /* Clear the block in an attempt to track down */
- /* uninitialized data errors. */
- memset(ptr, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, size);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( gs_alloc_debug || !*msg )
- dprintf5("gs_malloc(%s)(%u, %u) = 0x%lx: %s\n", client_name,
- num_elts, elt_size, (ulong)ptr, msg);
- return ptr;
- }
- void
- gs_free(char *ptr, uint num_elts, uint elt_size, const char *client_name)
- { malloc_block *bp = malloc_list;
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- dprintf4("gs_free(%s)(0x%lx, %u, %u)\n", client_name,
- (ulong)ptr, num_elts, elt_size);
- if ( ptr == (char *)(bp + 1) )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( bp->size != num_elts * elt_size )
- lprintf5("%s: free 0x%lx(%u,%u) size ~= %u\n",
- client_name, (ulong)ptr, num_elts, elt_size,
- bp->size);
- #endif
- malloc_list = bp->next;
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset((char *)(bp + 1), gs_alloc_fill_free, bp->size);
- free(bp);
- }
- else
- { malloc_block *np;
- for ( ; (np = bp->next) != 0; bp = np )
- { if ( ptr == (char *)(np + 1) )
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( np->size != num_elts * elt_size )
- lprintf5("%s: free 0x%lx(%u,%u) size ~= %u\n",
- client_name, (ulong)ptr, num_elts, elt_size,
- np->size);
- #endif
- bp->next = np->next;
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset((char *)(np + 1), gs_alloc_fill_free, np->size);
- free(np);
- return;
- }
- }
- lprintf4("%s: free 0x%lx(%u,%u) not found\n",
- client_name, (ulong)ptr, num_elts, elt_size);
- free((char *)((malloc_block *)ptr - 1));
- }
- }
- void
- gs_malloc_release(void)
- { malloc_block *bp = malloc_list;
- malloc_block *np;
- for ( ; bp != 0; bp = np )
- { np = bp->next;
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset((char *)(bp + 1), gs_alloc_fill_free, bp->size);
- free(bp);
- }
- malloc_list = 0;
- }
- /* Transpose an 8 x 8 block of bits. line_size is the raster of */
- /* the input data. dist is the distance between output bytes. */
- /* This routine may be supplanted by assembly code. */
- #if !USE_ASM
- #if 1 /* This is the better of the two algorithms. */
- void
- memflip8x8(const byte *inp, int line_size, byte *outp, int dist)
- { register uint ae, bf, cg, dh;
- { const byte *ptr4 = inp + (line_size << 2);
- ae = ((uint)*inp << 8) + *ptr4;
- inp += line_size, ptr4 += line_size;
- bf = ((uint)*inp << 8) + *ptr4;
- inp += line_size, ptr4 += line_size;
- cg = ((uint)*inp << 8) + *ptr4;
- inp += line_size, ptr4 += line_size;
- dh = ((uint)*inp << 8) + *ptr4;
- }
- /* Check for all 8 bytes being the same. */
- /* This is especially worth doing for the case where all are zero. */
- if ( ae == bf && ae == cg && ae == dh && (ae >> 8) == (ae & 0xff) )
- { if ( ae == 0 ) goto store;
- *outp = -((ae >> 7) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -((ae >> 6) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -((ae >> 5) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -((ae >> 4) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -((ae >> 3) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -((ae >> 2) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -((ae >> 1) & 1);
- outp += dist;
- *outp = -(ae & 1);
- return;
- }
- { register uint temp;
- /* Transpose a block of bits between registers. */
- #define transpose(r,s,mask,shift)\
- r ^= (temp = ((s >> shift) ^ r) & mask);\
- s ^= temp << shift
- /* Transpose blocks of 4 x 4 */
- #define transpose4(r) transpose(r,r,0x00f0,4)
- transpose4(ae);
- transpose4(bf);
- transpose4(cg);
- transpose4(dh);
- /* Transpose blocks of 2 x 2 */
- transpose(ae, cg, 0x3333, 2);
- transpose(bf, dh, 0x3333, 2);
- /* Transpose blocks of 1 x 1 */
- transpose(ae, bf, 0x5555, 1);
- transpose(cg, dh, 0x5555, 1);
- }
- store: *outp = ae >> 8;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = bf >> 8;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = cg >> 8;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = dh >> 8;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)ae;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)bf;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)cg;
- outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)dh;
- }
- #else /* This looked like a good idea, but it's no faster. */
- /* Transpose an 8 x 8 block of bits. line_size is the raster of */
- /* the input data. dist is the distance between output bytes. */
- void
- memflip8x8(const byte *inp, int line_size, byte *outp, int dist)
- { /* Define a table that spreads the bits of its index as follows: */
- /* 0->0-3, 1->8-11, 2->16-19, 3->24-27, */
- /* 4->4-7, 5->12-15, 6->20-23, 7->28-31. */
- #define b4(v) v,v+0xf,v+0xf00,v+0xf0f
- #define b8(v) b4(v),b4(v+0xf0000)
- #define b16(v) b8(v),b8(v+0xf000000)
- static const ulong spread[256] =
- { b16(0), b16(0xf0), b16(0xf000), b16(0xf0f0),
- b16(0xf00000), b16(0xf000f0), b16(0xf0f000), b16(0xf0f0f0),
- b16(0xf0000000), b16(0xf00000f0), b16(0xf000f000), b16(0xf000f0f0),
- b16(0xf0f00000), b16(0xf0f000f0), b16(0xf0f0f000), b16(0xf0f0f0f0)
- };
- register ulong hi, lo, temp;
- hi = spread[*inp] & 0x88888888;
- inp += line_size;
- hi |= spread[*inp] & 0x44444444;
- inp += line_size;
- hi |= spread[*inp] & 0x22222222;
- inp += line_size;
- hi |= spread[*inp] & 0x11111111;
- inp += line_size;
- lo = spread[*inp] & 0x88888888;
- inp += line_size;
- lo |= spread[*inp] & 0x44444444;
- inp += line_size;
- lo |= spread[*inp] & 0x22222222;
- inp += line_size;
- lo |= spread[*inp] & 0x11111111;
- temp = (hi & 0xf0f0f0f0) | ((lo >> 4) & 0x0f0f0f0f);
- *outp = (byte)((uint)(temp >> 16) >> 8); outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)(temp >> 16); outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)((uint)temp >> 8); outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)(temp); outp += dist;
- temp = ((hi << 4) & 0xf0f0f0f0) | (lo & 0x0f0f0f0f);
- *outp = (byte)((uint)(temp >> 16) >> 8); outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)(temp >> 16); outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)((uint)temp >> 8); outp += dist;
- *outp = (byte)(temp);
- }
- #endif /* memflip8x8 */
- #endif /* !USE_ASM */