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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxccache.c */
- /* Fast case character cache routines for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h" /* requires gsstate.h */
- #include "gzcolor.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gxcpath.h"
- #include "gxdevmem.h"
- #include "gxchar.h"
- #include "gxcache.h"
- #include "gxfont.h"
- #include "gxfdir.h"
- #include "gxxfont.h"
- #include "gscspace.h" /* for gsimage.h */
- #include "gsimage.h"
- /* Import one routine from gxccman.c */
- extern cached_fm_pair *gx_add_fm_pair(P4(gs_font_dir *,
- gs_font *, const gs_uid *, const gs_state *));
- /* Look up, and if necessary add, a font/matrix pair in the cache */
- cached_fm_pair *
- gx_lookup_fm_pair(register const gs_state *pgs)
- { float mxx = pgs->char_tm.xx, mxy = pgs->char_tm.xy,
- myx = pgs->char_tm.yx, myy = pgs->char_tm.yy;
- gs_font *font = pgs->font;
- register gs_font_dir *dir = font->dir;
- register cached_fm_pair *pair =
- dir->fmcache.mdata + dir->fmcache.mnext;
- int count = dir->fmcache.mmax;
- gs_uid uid;
- if ( font->FontType == ft_composite )
- { uid_set_invalid(&uid);
- }
- else
- { uid = font->data.base.UID;
- if ( uid_is_valid(&uid) )
- font = 0;
- }
- while ( count-- )
- { if ( pair == dir->fmcache.mdata )
- pair += dir->fmcache.mmax;
- pair--;
- /* We either have a non-zero font and an invalid UID, */
- /* or a zero font and a valid UID: */
- if ( (font != 0 ? pair->font == font :
- uid_equal(&pair->UID, &uid)) &&
- pair->mxx == mxx && pair->mxy == mxy &&
- pair->myx == myx && pair->myy == myy
- )
- { if ( pair->font == 0 )
- pair->font = pgs->font;
- return pair;
- }
- }
- return gx_add_fm_pair(dir, pgs->font, &uid, pgs);
- }
- /* Look up a glyph in the cache. */
- /* Return the cached_char or 0. */
- cached_char *
- gx_lookup_cached_char(const gs_state *pgs, const cached_fm_pair *pair,
- gs_glyph glyph, int wmode)
- { gs_font_dir *dir = pgs->font->dir;
- register cached_char *cc = *chars_head(dir, glyph, pair);
- while ( cc != 0 )
- { if ( cc->code == glyph && cc->head.pair == pair && cc->wmode == wmode )
- { if_debug3('K', "[K]found 0x%lx for glyph=0x%lx, wmode=%d\n",
- (ulong)cc, (ulong)glyph, wmode);
- return cc;
- }
- cc = cc->next;
- }
- if_debug2('K', "[K]not found: glyph=0x%lx, wmode=%d\n",
- (ulong)glyph, wmode);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Look up a character in an external font. */
- /* Return the cached_char or 0. */
- cached_char *
- gx_lookup_xfont_char(const gs_state *pgs, cached_fm_pair *pair,
- gs_char chr, gs_glyph glyph, gs_proc_glyph_name_t name_proc, int wmode)
- { gs_font *font = pair->font;
- gx_xfont *xf;
- gx_xglyph xg;
- gs_int_point wxy;
- gs_int_rect bbox;
- cached_char *cc;
- if ( font == 0 )
- return NULL;
- if ( !pair->xfont_tried )
- { /* Look for an xfont now. */
- gx_lookup_xfont(pgs, pair,
- font->data.base.nearest_encoding_index);
- pair->xfont_tried = 1;
- }
- xf = pair->xfont;
- if ( xf == 0 )
- return NULL;
- /***** The following is wrong. We should only use the nearest *****/
- /***** registered encoding if the character is really the same. *****/
- xg = (*xf->common.procs->char_xglyph)(xf, chr, font->data.base.nearest_encoding_index, glyph, name_proc);
- if ( xg == gx_no_xglyph )
- return NULL;
- if ( (*xf->common.procs->char_metrics)(xf, xg, wmode, &wxy, &bbox) < 0 )
- return NULL;
- cc = gx_alloc_char_bits(font->dir, NULL, bbox.q.x - bbox.p.x,
- bbox.q.y - bbox.p.y);
- if ( cc == 0 )
- return NULL;
- /* Success. Make the cache entry. */
- cc->code = glyph;
- cc->wmode = wmode;
- cc->xglyph = xg;
- cc->wxy.x = int2fixed(wxy.x);
- cc->wxy.y = int2fixed(wxy.y);
- cc->offset.x = int2fixed(-bbox.p.x);
- cc->offset.y = int2fixed(-bbox.p.y);
- if_debug5('k', "[k]xfont %s char %d/0x%x#0x%lx=>0x%lx\n",
- font->font_name.chars,
- font->data.base.nearest_encoding_index, (int)chr,
- (ulong)glyph, (ulong)xg);
- if_debug6('k', " wxy=(%d,%d) bbox=(%d,%d),(%d,%d)\n",
- wxy.x, wxy.y, bbox.p.x, bbox.p.y, bbox.q.x, bbox.q.y);
- gx_add_cached_char(font->dir, NULL, cc, pair, 1);
- return cc;
- }
- /* Copy a cached character to the screen. */
- /* Assume the caller has already done gx_color_load. */
- /* Return 0 if OK, 1 if we couldn't do the operation but no error */
- /* occurred, or a negative error code. */
- int
- gx_image_cached_char(register gs_show_enum *penum, register cached_char *cc)
- { register gs_state *pgs = penum->pgs;
- int x, y, w, h;
- int code;
- gs_fixed_point pt;
- gx_device *dev = pgs->device->info;
- gx_device_clip cdev;
- gx_xfont *xf;
- top: code = gx_path_current_point_inline(pgs->path, &pt);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- /* If the character doesn't lie entirely within the */
- /* quick-check clipping rectangle, we have to */
- /* set up an intermediate clipping device. */
- pt.x -= cc->offset.x;
- x = fixed2int_var_rounded(pt.x) + penum->ftx;
- pt.y -= cc->offset.y;
- y = fixed2int_var_rounded(pt.y) + penum->fty;
- w = cc->width;
- h = cc->height;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['K'] )
- { if ( cc_has_bits(cc) )
- debug_dump_bytes(cc_bits(cc),
- cc_bits(cc) + cc->raster * h,
- "[K]bits");
- else
- dputs("[K]no bits\n");
- dprintf3("[K]copying 0x%lx, offset=(%g,%g)\n", (ulong)cc,
- fixed2float(-cc->offset.x),
- fixed2float(-cc->offset.y));
- dprintf6(" at (%g,%g)+(%d,%d)->(%d,%d)\n",
- fixed2float(pt.x), fixed2float(pt.y),
- penum->ftx, penum->fty, x, y);
- }
- #endif
- if ( (x < penum->ibox.p.x || x + w > penum->ibox.q.x ||
- y < penum->ibox.p.y || y + h > penum->ibox.q.y) &&
- dev != (gx_device *)&cdev /* might be 2nd time around */
- )
- { /* Check for the character falling entirely outside */
- /* the clipping region. */
- if ( x >= penum->obox.q.x || x + w <= penum->obox.p.x ||
- y >= penum->obox.q.y || y + h <= penum->obox.p.y
- )
- return 0; /* nothing to do */
- cdev = gs_clip_device;
- cdev.target = dev;
- cdev.list = pgs->clip_path->list;
- dev = (gx_device *)&cdev;
- (*dev->procs->open_device)(dev);
- if_debug0('K', "[K](clipping)\n");
- }
- /* If an xfont can render this character, use it. */
- if ( cc->xglyph != gx_no_xglyph && (xf = cc->head.pair->xfont) != 0 )
- { int cx = x + fixed2int(cc->offset.x);
- int cy = y + fixed2int(cc->offset.y);
- if ( color_is_pure(pgs->dev_color) )
- { code = (*xf->common.procs->render_char)(xf,
- cc->xglyph, dev, cx, cy,
- pgs->dev_color->color1, 0);
- if ( code >= 0 )
- return_check_interrupt(0);
- }
- /* Can't render directly. If we don't have a bitmap yet, */
- /* get it from the xfont now. */
- if ( !cc_has_bits(cc) )
- { gx_device_memory mdev;
- mdev = mem_mono_device;
- mdev.target = dev;
- gx_open_cache_device(&mdev, cc);
- code = (*xf->common.procs->render_char)(xf,
- cc->xglyph, (gx_device *)&mdev,
- cx - x, cy - y,
- (gx_color_index)1, 1);
- if ( code < 0 )
- return_check_interrupt(1);
- gx_add_char_bits(cc->head.pair->font->dir,
- &mdev, cc, 1);
- /* gx_add_char_bits may change width, height, */
- /* raster, and/or offset. It's easiest to */
- /* start over from the top. */
- goto top;
- }
- }
- /* No xfont. Render from the cached bits. */
- if ( color_is_pure(pgs->dev_color) )
- { code = (*dev->procs->copy_mono)
- (dev, cc_bits(cc), 0, cc->raster, cc->id,
- x, y, w, h,
- gx_no_color_index, pgs->dev_color->color1);
- }
- else
- { /* Use imagemask to render the character. */
- gs_image_enum *pie =
- (gs_image_enum *)gs_malloc(1,
- gs_image_enum_sizeof,
- "image_char(image_enum)");
- gs_matrix mat;
- int iy;
- if ( pie == 0 )
- return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- /* Make a matrix that will place the image */
- /* at (x,y) with no transformation. */
- gs_make_translation((floatp)-x, (floatp)-y, &mat);
- gs_matrix_multiply(&ctm_only(pgs), &mat, &mat);
- code = gs_imagemask_init(pie, pgs, w, h, 0, &mat, 0);
- switch ( code )
- {
- case 1: /* empty image */
- code = 0;
- default:
- break;
- case 0:
- for ( iy = 0; iy < h && code >= 0; iy++ )
- code = gs_image_next(pie, cc_bits(cc) + iy *
- cc->raster, (w + 7) >> 3);
- gs_image_cleanup(pie);
- }
- gs_free((char *)pie, 1, gs_image_enum_sizeof,
- "image_char(image_enum)");
- }
- return_check_interrupt(code);
- }