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- /* Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxcpath.c */
- /* Implementation of clipping paths */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxdevice.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gzcolor.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- #include "gxcpath.h"
- const uint gs_clip_path_sizeof = sizeof(gx_clip_path);
- /* Imported procedures */
- gx_device *gs_currentdevice(P1(gs_state *));
- void gx_set_device_only(P2(gs_state *, gx_device *));
- /* Forward references */
- private void clip_prepare(P1(gx_clip_list *));
- private void gx_clip_list_init(P1(gx_clip_list *));
- private void gx_clip_list_from_rectangle(P2(gx_clip_list *, gs_fixed_rect *));
- private int gx_clip_list_add_to_path(P2(gx_clip_list *, gx_path *));
- private void gx_clip_list_free(P2(gx_clip_list *, const gs_memory_procs *));
- private const gx_clip_list clip_list_empty =
- { { 0, 0, min_int, min_int, min_int, min_int },
- { 0, 0, min_int, max_int, 0, 0 },
- { 0, 0, max_int, max_int, max_int, max_int },
- 0
- };
- /* Debugging */
- #define clip_rect_print(str, ar)\
- if_debug6('q', "[q]%s %lx: (%d,%d),(%d,%d)\n", str, (ulong)ar,\
- (ar)->xmin, (ar)->ymin, (ar)->xmax, (ar)->ymax)
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /* Validate a clipping path that has gone through clip_prepare. */
- private void
- clip_list_validate(gx_clip_list *clp)
- { gx_clip_rect *prev = &clp->first;
- gx_clip_rect *ptr = prev;
- int wrong = 0;
- while ( ptr != 0 )
- { if ( ptr->ymin > ptr->ymax || ptr->xmin > ptr->xmax ||
- !(ptr->ymin >= prev->ymax ||
- ptr->ymin == prev->ymin && ptr->ymax == prev->ymax &&
- ptr->xmin >= prev->xmax)
- )
- { clip_rect_print("WRONG:", ptr);
- wrong = 1;
- }
- prev = ptr, ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* ------ Clipping path accessing ------ */
- /* Initialize a clipping path. */
- int
- gx_cpath_init(gx_clip_path *pcpath, const gs_memory_procs *mp)
- { static /*const*/ gs_fixed_rect null_rect = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
- gx_path_init(&pcpath->path, mp);
- return gx_cpath_from_rectangle(pcpath, &null_rect, mp);
- }
- /* Return the path of a clipping path. */
- int
- gx_cpath_path(gx_clip_path *pcpath, gx_path *ppath)
- { if ( !pcpath->segments_valid )
- { int code = gx_clip_list_add_to_path(&pcpath->list, &pcpath->path);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- pcpath->segments_valid = 1;
- }
- *ppath = pcpath->path;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the quick-check rectangle for a clipping path. */
- int
- gx_cpath_box_for_check(const gx_clip_path *pcpath, gs_fixed_rect *pbox)
- { *pbox = pcpath->cbox;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Test if a clipping path includes a rectangle. */
- /* The rectangle need not be oriented correctly, i.e. x0 > x1 is OK. */
- int
- gx_cpath_includes_rectangle(register const gx_clip_path *pcpath,
- fixed x0, fixed y0, fixed x1, fixed y1)
- { return
- (x0 <= x1 ?
- (pcpath->cbox.p.x <= x0 && x1 <= pcpath->cbox.q.x) :
- (pcpath->cbox.p.x <= x1 && x0 <= pcpath->cbox.q.x)) &&
- (y0 <= y1 ?
- (pcpath->cbox.p.y <= y0 && y1 <= pcpath->cbox.q.y) :
- (pcpath->cbox.p.y <= y1 && y0 <= pcpath->cbox.q.y));
- }
- /* Release a clipping path. */
- void
- gx_cpath_release(gx_clip_path *pcpath)
- { if ( !pcpath->shares_list )
- gx_clip_list_free(&pcpath->list, pcpath->path.memory_procs);
- gx_path_release(&pcpath->path);
- }
- /* Share a clipping path. */
- void
- gx_cpath_share(gx_clip_path *pcpath)
- { gx_path_share(&pcpath->path);
- pcpath->shares_list = 1;
- }
- /* Create a rectangular clipping path. */
- /* The supplied rectangle may not be oriented correctly, */
- /* but it will be oriented correctly upon return. */
- int
- gx_cpath_from_rectangle(gx_clip_path *pcpath, gs_fixed_rect *pbox, const gs_memory_procs *mp)
- { gx_clip_list_from_rectangle(&pcpath->list, pbox);
- pcpath->cbox = *pbox;
- pcpath->segments_valid = 0;
- pcpath->shares_list = 0;
- gx_path_init(&pcpath->path, mp);
- pcpath->path.bbox = *pbox;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Intersect a new clipping path with an old one. */
- /* Note that it may overwrite its path argument; return 1 in this case, */
- /* otherwise 0 for success, <0 for failure as usual. */
- int
- gx_cpath_intersect(gs_state *pgs, gx_clip_path *pcpath, gx_path *ppath, int rule)
- { gs_fixed_rect old_box, new_box;
- int code;
- if ( gx_cpath_is_rectangle(pcpath, &old_box) &&
- gx_path_is_rectangle(ppath, &new_box)
- )
- { int changed = 0;
- /* Intersect the two rectangles if necessary. */
- if ( old_box.p.x > new_box.p.x )
- new_box.p.x = old_box.p.x, changed = 1;
- if ( old_box.p.y > new_box.p.y )
- new_box.p.y = old_box.p.y, changed = 1;
- if ( old_box.q.x < new_box.q.x )
- new_box.q.x = old_box.q.x, changed = 1;
- if ( old_box.q.y < new_box.q.y )
- new_box.q.y = old_box.q.y, changed = 1;
- if ( changed )
- { /* Store the new rectangle back into the new path. */
- register segment *pseg =
- (segment *)ppath->first_subpath;
- #define set_pt(pqx,pqy)\
- pseg->pt.x = new_box.pqx.x, pseg->pt.y = new_box.pqy.y
- set_pt(p, p); pseg = pseg->next;
- set_pt(q, p); pseg = pseg->next;
- set_pt(q, q); pseg = pseg->next;
- set_pt(p, q); pseg = pseg->next;
- if ( pseg != 0 ) /* might be an open rectangle */
- set_pt(p, p);
- #undef set_pt
- }
- ppath->bbox = new_box;
- gx_clip_list_from_rectangle(&pcpath->list, &new_box);
- pcpath->cbox = new_box;
- pcpath->path = *ppath;
- pcpath->segments_valid = 1;
- code = 1;
- }
- else
- { /* Not a rectangle. Intersect the slow way. */
- gx_device_accum adev;
- gx_device_color devc;
- gx_device *save_dev = gs_currentdevice(pgs);
- adev = gs_accum_device;
- adev.memory_procs = pcpath->path.memory_procs;
- (*adev.procs->open_device)((gx_device *)&adev);
- devc.color1 = devc.color2 = 0; /* arbitrary, but not */
- /* transparent */
- devc.halftone_level = 0;
- gx_set_device_only(pgs, (gx_device *)&adev);
- code = gx_fill_path(ppath, &devc, pgs, rule, fixed_half);
- gx_set_device_only(pgs, save_dev);
- if ( code < 0 ||
- (code = (*adev.procs->close_device)((gx_device *)&adev)) < 0
- )
- { gx_clip_list_free(&adev.list, adev.memory_procs);
- return code;
- }
- pcpath->list = adev.list;
- gx_path_init(&pcpath->path, pcpath->path.memory_procs);
- pcpath->path.bbox.p.x = int2fixed(adev.bbox.p.x);
- pcpath->path.bbox.p.y = int2fixed(adev.bbox.p.y);
- pcpath->path.bbox.q.x = int2fixed(adev.bbox.q.x);
- pcpath->path.bbox.q.y = int2fixed(adev.bbox.q.y);
- /* Using the setbbox flag here is slightly bogus, */
- /* but it's as good a way as any to indicate that */
- /* the bbox is accurate. */
- pcpath->path.bbox_set = 1;
- /* Note that the result of the intersection might be */
- /* a single rectangle. This will cause clip_path_is_rect.. */
- /* to return true. This, in turn, requires that */
- /* we set pcpath->cbox correctly. */
- if ( clip_list_is_rectangle(&adev.list) )
- pcpath->cbox = pcpath->path.bbox;
- else
- { /* The quick check must fail. */
- pcpath->cbox.p.x = pcpath->cbox.p.y = 0;
- pcpath->cbox.q.x = pcpath->cbox.q.y = 0;
- }
- pcpath->segments_valid = 0;
- pcpath->shares_list = 0;
- code = 0;
- }
- return code;
- }
- /* ------ Clipping list routines ------ */
- /* Initialize a clip list. */
- private void
- gx_clip_list_init(gx_clip_list *clp)
- { *clp = clip_list_empty;
- }
- /* Initialize a clip list to a rectangle. */
- /* The supplied rectangle may not be oriented correctly, */
- /* but it will be oriented correctly upon return. */
- private void
- gx_clip_list_from_rectangle(gx_clip_list *clp, register gs_fixed_rect *rp)
- { gx_clip_list_init(clp);
- if ( rp->p.x > rp->q.x )
- { fixed t = rp->p.x; rp->p.x = rp->q.x; rp->q.x = t; }
- if ( rp->p.y > rp->q.y )
- { fixed t = rp->p.y; rp->p.y = rp->q.y; rp->q.y = t; }
- clp->sole.xmin = fixed2int_var(rp->p.x);
- clp->sole.ymin = fixed2int_var(rp->p.y);
- clp->sole.xmax = fixed2int_var_ceiling(rp->q.x);
- clp->sole.ymax = fixed2int_var_ceiling(rp->q.y);
- clp->count = 1;
- }
- /* Add a clip list to a path. */
- /* The current implementation is very inefficient. */
- private int
- gx_clip_list_add_to_path(gx_clip_list *clp, gx_path *ppath)
- { gx_clip_rect *rp;
- int code;
- clip_prepare(clp);
- for ( rp = &clp->first; rp != 0; rp = rp->next )
- { if ( rp->xmin < rp->xmax && rp->ymin < rp->ymax )
- { code = gx_path_add_rectangle(ppath,
- int2fixed(rp->xmin),
- int2fixed(rp->ymin),
- int2fixed(rp->xmax),
- int2fixed(rp->ymax));
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Free a clip list. */
- private void
- gx_clip_list_free(gx_clip_list *clp, const gs_memory_procs *mp)
- { gx_clip_rect *rp = clp->last.prev;
- if ( clp->count <= 1 ) return;
- clip_prepare(clp);
- while ( rp != &clp->first )
- { gx_clip_rect *prev = rp->prev;
- (*mp->free)((char *)rp, 1, sizeof(gx_clip_rect), "gx_clip_list_free");
- rp = prev;
- }
- gx_clip_list_init(clp);
- }
- /* Prepare a clip list for enumeration, */
- /* by splicing pointers to account for possible relocation. */
- private void
- clip_prepare(register gx_clip_list *clp)
- { if ( clp->count <= 1 )
- { clp->first.next = clp->last.prev = &clp->sole;
- clp->sole.prev = &clp->first;
- clp->sole.next = &clp->last;
- }
- else
- { clp->first.next->prev = &clp->first;
- clp->last.prev->next = &clp->last;
- }
- }
- /* ------ Rectangle list accumulator ------ */
- /* Device for accumulating a clipping region. */
- private dev_proc_open_device(accum_open);
- private dev_proc_close_device(accum_close);
- private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(accum_fill_rectangle);
- /* The device descriptor */
- /* Many of these procedures won't be called; they are set to NULL. */
- private gx_device_procs accum_procs = {
- accum_open,
- NULL, /* get_initial_matrix */
- NULL, /* sync_output */
- NULL, /* output_page */
- accum_close,
- NULL, /* map_rgb_color */
- NULL, /* map_color_rgb */
- accum_fill_rectangle
- };
- const gx_device_accum gs_accum_device =
- { sizeof(gx_device_accum),
- &accum_procs,
- "clip list accumulator",
- 0, 0, 1, 1, no_margins, dci_black_and_white, 0 /* generic */
- };
- #define adev ((gx_device_accum *)dev)
- /* Initialize the accumulation device. */
- private int
- accum_open(register gx_device *dev)
- { gx_clip_list_init(&adev->list);
- adev->last = &adev->list.first;
- adev->bbox.p.x = adev->bbox.p.y = max_int;
- adev->bbox.q.x = adev->bbox.q.y = min_int;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close the accumulation device. */
- private int
- accum_close(gx_device *dev)
- { if ( adev->list.count >= 2 )
- { /* 'sole' isn't good for much of anything, */
- /* and it complicates the bookkeeping.... */
- gx_clip_rect *last = adev->last;
- gx_clip_rect *ar =
- (gx_clip_rect *)(*adev->memory_procs->alloc)(1, sizeof(gx_clip_rect), "accum_close");
- if ( ar == 0 ) return_error(gs_error_VMerror);
- *ar = adev->list.sole;
- adev->list.sole.prev->next = ar;
- if ( last == &adev->list.sole )
- last = ar;
- else
- adev->list.sole.next->prev = ar;
- adev->list.last.prev = last;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['q'] )
- { gx_clip_rect *rp = &adev->list.first;
- adev->last->next = 0;
- while ( rp != 0 )
- { clip_rect_print(" ", rp);
- rp = rp->next;
- }
- }
- clip_prepare(&adev->list); /* just for clip_list_validate */
- clip_list_validate(&adev->list);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Accumulate one rectangle. */
- #define accum_alloc(s, ar, px, py, qx, qy)\
- { ar = (adev->list.count == 0 ? &adev->list.sole :\
- (gx_clip_rect *)(*adev->memory_procs->alloc)(1, sizeof(gx_clip_rect), "accum_rect"));\
- if ( ar == 0 ) return_error(gs_error_VMerror);\
- ar->xmin = px, ar->ymin = py, ar->xmax = qx, ar->ymax = qy;\
- adev->list.count++;\
- clip_rect_print(s, ar);\
- }
- #define accum_add_last(ar)\
- adev->last->next = ar, ar->prev = adev->last, adev->last = ar
- #define accum_add_after(ar, rprev)\
- ar->prev = rprev, ar->next = rprev->next;\
- if ( rprev != adev->last ) rprev->next->prev = ar;\
- else adev->last = ar;\
- rprev->next = ar
- #define accum_add_before(ar, rnext)\
- ar->prev = rnext->prev, ar->next = rnext,\
- rnext->prev->next = ar, rnext->prev = ar
- /* Add a rectangle to the list. It would be wonderful if rectangles */
- /* were always presented in the correct order, but they aren't, */
- /* because the fill loop works by trapezoids, not by scan lines. */
- /* All we can count on is that they are disjoint and *approximately* */
- /* in order. */
- #undef adev
- private int
- accum_add_rect(gx_device_accum *adev, int x, int y, int xe, int ye)
- { gx_clip_rect *nr, *ar, *rptr;
- int ymin, ymax;
- top: rptr = adev->last;
- accum_alloc("accum", nr, x, y, xe, ye);
- if ( y >= rptr->ymax ||
- y == rptr->ymin && ye == rptr->ymax && x >= rptr->xmax
- )
- { accum_add_last(nr);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Work backwards till we find the insertion point. */
- while ( ye <= rptr->ymin ) rptr = rptr->prev;
- ymin = rptr->ymin;
- ymax = rptr->ymax;
- if ( ye > ymax )
- { if ( y >= ymax )
- { /* Insert between two bands. */
- accum_add_after(nr, rptr);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Split off the top part of the new rectangle. */
- accum_alloc("a.top", ar, x, ymax, xe, ye);
- accum_add_after(ar, rptr);
- ye = nr->ymax = ymax;
- clip_rect_print(" ymax", nr);
- }
- /* Here we know ymin < ye <= ymax; */
- /* rptr points to the last node with this value of ymin/ymax. */
- /* Split the existing band if necessary. */
- if ( ye < ymax )
- { gx_clip_rect *rsplit = rptr;
- while ( rsplit->ymax == ymax )
- { accum_alloc("s.top", ar, rsplit->xmin, ye, rsplit->xmax, ymax);
- accum_add_after(ar, rptr);
- rsplit->ymax = ye;
- rsplit = rsplit->prev;
- }
- ymax = ye;
- }
- if ( y > ymin )
- { gx_clip_rect *rbot = rptr, *rsplit;
- while ( rbot->prev->ymin == ymin )
- rbot = rbot->prev;
- for ( rsplit = rbot; ; )
- { accum_alloc("s.bot", ar, rsplit->xmin, ymin, rsplit->xmax, y);
- accum_add_before(ar, rbot);
- rsplit->ymin = y;
- if ( rsplit == rptr ) break;
- rsplit = rsplit->next;
- }
- ymin = y;
- }
- /* Search for the X insertion point. */
- /* The new rectangle is guaranteed disjoint from all the old ones. */
- while ( rptr->ymin == ymin && x < rptr->xmax )
- { rptr = rptr->prev;
- }
- if ( y < ymin )
- { /* Continue with the bottom part of the new rectangle. */
- nr->ymin = ymin;
- clip_rect_print(" ymin", nr);
- accum_add_after(nr, rptr);
- ye = ymin;
- goto top;
- }
- accum_add_after(nr, rptr);
- return 0;
- }
- #define adev ((gx_device_accum *)dev)
- private int
- accum_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index color)
- { int xe, ye;
- if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 ) return 0;
- xe = x + w, ye = y + h;
- /* Update the bounding box. */
- if ( x < adev->bbox.p.x ) adev->bbox.p.x = x;
- if ( y < adev->bbox.p.y ) adev->bbox.p.y = y;
- if ( xe > adev->bbox.q.x ) adev->bbox.q.x = xe;
- if ( ye > adev->bbox.q.y ) adev->bbox.q.y = ye;
- return accum_add_rect(adev, x, y, xe, ye);
- }
- /* ------ Rectangle list clipper ------ */
- /* Device for clipping with a region. */
- private dev_proc_open_device(clip_open);
- private dev_proc_get_initial_matrix(clip_get_initial_matrix);
- private dev_proc_map_rgb_color(clip_map_rgb_color);
- private dev_proc_map_color_rgb(clip_map_color_rgb);
- private dev_proc_fill_rectangle(clip_fill_rectangle);
- private dev_proc_tile_rectangle(clip_tile_rectangle);
- private dev_proc_copy_mono(clip_copy_mono);
- private dev_proc_copy_color(clip_copy_color);
- private dev_proc_get_bits(clip_get_bits);
- private dev_proc_get_props(clip_get_props);
- private dev_proc_put_props(clip_put_props);
- private dev_proc_map_cmyk_color(clip_map_cmyk_color);
- private dev_proc_get_xfont_procs(clip_get_xfont_procs);
- private dev_proc_get_xfont_device(clip_get_xfont_device);
- /* The device descriptor. */
- private gx_device_procs clip_procs = {
- clip_open,
- clip_get_initial_matrix,
- gx_default_sync_output,
- gx_default_output_page,
- gx_default_close_device,
- clip_map_rgb_color,
- clip_map_color_rgb,
- clip_fill_rectangle,
- clip_tile_rectangle,
- clip_copy_mono,
- clip_copy_color,
- gx_default_draw_line,
- clip_get_bits,
- clip_get_props,
- clip_put_props,
- clip_map_cmyk_color,
- clip_get_xfont_procs,
- clip_get_xfont_device
- };
- const gx_device_clip gs_clip_device =
- { sizeof(gx_device_clip),
- &clip_procs,
- "clipper",
- 0, 0, 1, 1, no_margins, dci_black_and_white, 0 /* generic */
- };
- #define rdev ((gx_device_clip *)dev)
- /* Declare and initialize the cursor variables. */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- private ulong clip_in, clip_down, clip_down2, clip_up, clip_x, clip_no_x;
- # define inc(v) v++
- #else
- # define inc(v) 0
- #endif
- #define DECLARE_CLIP\
- register gx_clip_rect *rptr = rdev->current.rptr;\
- gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- /* Check whether the rectangle x,y,w,h falls within the current entry. */
- #define xywh_in_ryptr()\
- ((y >= rptr->ymin && y + h <= rptr->ymax &&\
- x >= rptr->xmin && x + w <= rptr->xmax) ? (inc(clip_in), 1) : 0)
- /*
- * Warp the cursor forward or backward to the first rectangle row that
- * could include a given y value. Assumes rptr is set, and updates it.
- * Specifically, after warp_cursor, y < rptr->ymax and y >= rptr->prev->ymax.
- * Note that ye <= rptr->ymin is possible.
- */
- #define warp_cursor(y)\
- while ( (y) >= rptr->ymax ) { inc(clip_up); rptr = rptr->next; };\
- while ( rptr->prev != 0 && (y) < rptr->prev->ymax )\
- { inc(clip_down); rptr = rptr->prev; }
- /*
- * Enumerate the rectangles of the x,w,y,h argument that fall within
- * the clipping region. Usage:
- * (adjust for yc > y if necessary)
- * ... xc, yc, xec, yec ... [must be an expression statement]
- * (about to set yc to yec)
- */
- #define BEGIN_CLIP\
- if ( w <= 0 || h <= 0 ) return 0;\
- { int yc;\
- const int xe = x + w, ye = y + h;\
- warp_cursor(y);\
- rdev->current.rptr = rptr;\
- yc = rptr->ymin;\
- if ( yc < y ) yc = y;\
- else if ( yc >= ye ) return 0;
- #define FOR_CLIP\
- for ( ; ; )\
- { const int ymax = rptr->ymax;\
- int yec = ymax;\
- if ( yec > ye ) yec = ye;\
- if_debug2('q', "[q]yc=%d yec=%d\n", yc, yec);\
- do \
- { int xc = rptr->xmin;\
- int xec = rptr->xmax;\
- if ( xc < x ) xc = x;\
- if ( xec > xe ) xec = xe;\
- if ( xec > xc )\
- { int code;\
- clip_rect_print("match", rptr);\
- if_debug2('q', "[q]xc=%d xec=%d\n", xc, xec);\
- inc(clip_x);\
- code =
- #define NEXT_CLIP\
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;\
- }\
- else inc(clip_no_x);\
- }\
- while ( (rptr = rptr->next) != 0 && rptr->ymax == ymax );\
- if ( rptr == 0 || (yec = rptr->ymin) >= ye ) break;
- #define END_CLIP\
- yc = yec;\
- }\
- }
- /* Open a clipping device */
- private int
- clip_open(register gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- /* Fix up possible dangling pointers. */
- clip_prepare(&rdev->list);
- /* Initialize the cursor. */
- rdev->current.rptr = &rdev->list.first;
- rdev->color_info = tdev->color_info;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Forward non-displaying operations to the target device. */
- private void
- clip_get_initial_matrix(gx_device *dev, gs_matrix *pmat)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- (*tdev->procs->get_initial_matrix)(tdev, pmat);
- }
- private gx_color_index
- clip_map_rgb_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value r, gx_color_value g,
- gx_color_value b)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->map_rgb_color)(tdev, r, g, b);
- }
- private int
- clip_map_color_rgb(gx_device *dev, gx_color_index color,
- gx_color_value prgb[3])
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->map_color_rgb)(tdev, color, prgb);
- }
- private int
- clip_get_props(gx_device *dev, gs_prop_item *plist)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_props)(tdev, plist);
- }
- private int
- clip_put_props(gx_device *dev, gs_prop_item *plist, int count)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->put_props)(tdev, plist, count);
- }
- private gx_color_index
- clip_map_cmyk_color(gx_device *dev, gx_color_value c, gx_color_value m,
- gx_color_value y, gx_color_value k)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->map_cmyk_color)(tdev, c, m, y, k);
- }
- private gx_xfont_procs *
- clip_get_xfont_procs(gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_xfont_procs)(tdev);
- }
- private gx_device *
- clip_get_xfont_device(gx_device *dev)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_xfont_device)(tdev);
- }
- /* Fill a rectangle */
- private int
- clip_fill_rectangle(gx_device *dev, int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index color)
- dev_proc_fill_rectangle((*fill)) = tdev->procs->fill_rectangle;
- if ( xywh_in_ryptr() )
- return (*fill)(tdev, x, y, w, h, color);
- (*fill)(tdev, xc, yc, xec - xc, yec - yc, color);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Tile a rectangle */
- private int
- clip_tile_rectangle(gx_device *dev, const gx_bitmap *tile,
- int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1, int phase_x, int phase_y)
- dev_proc_tile_rectangle((*fill)) = tdev->procs->tile_rectangle;
- int code;
- if ( xywh_in_ryptr() )
- return (*fill)(tdev, tile, x, y, w, h, color0, color1, phase_x, phase_y);
- (*fill)(tdev, tile, xc, yc, xec - xc, yec - yc, color0, color1, phase_x, phase_y);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a monochrome rectangle */
- private int
- clip_copy_mono(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *data, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h,
- gx_color_index color0, gx_color_index color1)
- dev_proc_copy_mono((*copy)) = tdev->procs->copy_mono;
- if ( xywh_in_ryptr() )
- return (*copy)(tdev, data, sourcex, raster, id, x, y, w, h, color0, color1);
- if ( yc > y ) data += (yc - y) * raster;
- (*copy)(tdev, data, sourcex + xc - x, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, xc, yc, xec - xc, yec - yc, color0, color1);
- data += (yec - yc) * raster;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Copy a color rectangle */
- private int
- clip_copy_color(gx_device *dev,
- const byte *data, int sourcex, int raster, gx_bitmap_id id,
- int x, int y, int w, int h)
- dev_proc_copy_color((*copy)) = tdev->procs->copy_color;
- if ( xywh_in_ryptr() )
- return (*copy)(tdev, data, sourcex, raster, id, x, y, w, h);
- if ( yc > y ) data += (yc - y) * raster;
- (*copy)(tdev, data, sourcex + xc - x, raster, gx_no_bitmap_id, xc, yc, xec - xc, yec - yc);
- data += (yec - yc) * raster;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Get bits back from the device. */
- private int
- clip_get_bits(gx_device *dev, int y, byte *data, byte **actual_data)
- { gx_device *tdev = rdev->target;
- return (*tdev->procs->get_bits)(tdev, y, data, actual_data);
- }