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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxdither.c */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxlum.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h"
- #include "gzcolor.h"
- #include "gzht.h"
- /*
- * Improved dithering for Ghostscript. The underlying device imaging
- * model supports dithering between two colors to generate intermediate
- * shades.
- *
- * The strategy is to first see if the color is either pure white or
- * pure black. In this case the problem is trivial.
- *
- * Next, if the device has high quality colors (at least 32 values
- * per axis), we ask it to map the color directly.
- *
- * Next, if the device is black and white, or the color happens
- * to be achromatic, we perform simple B/W dithering.
- *
- * Otherwise, things are a bit more complicated. If the device
- * supports N shades of each R, G and B independently, there are a total
- * of N*N*N colors. These colors form a 3-D grid in a cubical color
- * space. The following dithering technique works by locating the
- * color we want in this 3-D color grid and finding the eight colors
- * that surround it. In the case of dithering into 8 colors with 1
- * bit for each red, green and blue, these eight colors will always
- * be the same.
- *
- * Now we consider all possible diagonal paths between the eight colors
- * and chose the path that runs closest to our desired color in 3-D
- * color space. There are 28 such paths. Then we find the position
- * on the path that is closest to our color.
- *
- * The search is made faster by always reflecting our color into
- * the bottom octant of the cube and comparing it to 7 paths.
- * After the best path and the best position on that path are found,
- * the results are reflected back into the original color space.
- *
- * NOTE: This code has been tested for B/W and Color imaging with
- * 1, 2, 3 and 8 bits per component.
- *
- * --- original code by Paul Haeberli @ Silicon Graphics - 1990
- * --- extensively revised by L. Peter Deutsch, Aladdin Enterprises
- */
- extern void gx_color_load(P2(gx_device_color *, gs_state *));
- #define WEIGHT1 (unsigned long)(100) /* 1.0 */
- #define WEIGHT2 (unsigned long)(71) /* 1/sqrt(2.0) */
- #define WEIGHT3 (unsigned long)(62) /* 1/sqrt(3.0)+tad */
- #define DIAG_R (0x1)
- #define DIAG_G (0x2)
- #define DIAG_B (0x4)
- #define DIAG_RG (0x3)
- #define DIAG_GB (0x6)
- #define DIAG_BR (0x5)
- #define DIAG_RGB (0x7)
- private const unsigned short lum_w[8] = {
- (0*lum_blue_weight+0*lum_green_weight+0*lum_red_weight),
- (0*lum_blue_weight+0*lum_green_weight+1*lum_red_weight),
- (0*lum_blue_weight+1*lum_green_weight+0*lum_red_weight),
- (0*lum_blue_weight+1*lum_green_weight+1*lum_red_weight),
- (1*lum_blue_weight+0*lum_green_weight+0*lum_red_weight),
- (1*lum_blue_weight+0*lum_green_weight+1*lum_red_weight),
- (1*lum_blue_weight+1*lum_green_weight+0*lum_red_weight),
- (1*lum_blue_weight+1*lum_green_weight+1*lum_red_weight),
- };
- /* Compute a fractional color, the correctly rounded quotient of */
- /* f * max_gx_color_value / maxv. */
- #define _fc(f, maxv)\
- (gx_color_value)(((f) * (0xffffL * 2) + maxv) / (maxv * 2))
- /* We have to split up the following because of a bug in the IBM AIX 3.2 */
- /* C compiler. */
- private const gx_color_value
- q0[] = { 0 };
- private const gx_color_value
- q1[] = { 0, _fc(1,1) };
- private const gx_color_value
- q2[] = { 0, _fc(1,2), _fc(2,2) };
- private const gx_color_value
- q3[] = { 0, _fc(1,3), _fc(2,3), _fc(3,3) };
- private const gx_color_value
- q4[] = { 0, _fc(1,4), _fc(2,4), _fc(3,4), _fc(4,4) };
- private const gx_color_value
- q5[] = { 0, _fc(1,5), _fc(2,5), _fc(3,5), _fc(4,5), _fc(5,5) };
- private const gx_color_value
- q6[] = { 0, _fc(1,6), _fc(2,6), _fc(3,6), _fc(4,6), _fc(5,6), _fc(6,6) };
- private const gx_color_value
- q7[] = { 0, _fc(1,7), _fc(2,7), _fc(3,7), _fc(4,7), _fc(5,7), _fc(6,7), _fc(7,7) };
- private const gx_color_value _ds *color_quo[8] =
- { q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5, q6, q7 };
- #define fractional_color(f, maxv)\
- ((maxv) <= 7 ? color_quo[maxv][f] : _fc(f, maxv))
- /* Render a gray, possibly by halftoning. */
- void
- gx_render_gray(frac gray, gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
- { device *pdev = pgs->device;
- gx_device *dev;
- uint max_value;
- unsigned long hsize;
- dev_proc_map_rgb_color((*map_rgb_color));
- /* Make a special check for black and white. */
- if ( gray == frac_0 )
- { pdevc->color2 = pdevc->color1 = pdev->black;
- pdevc->halftone_level = 0; /* pure color */
- return;
- }
- else if ( gray == frac_1 )
- { pdevc->color2 = pdevc->color1 = pdev->white;
- pdevc->halftone_level = 0; /* pure color */
- return;
- }
- /* get a few handy values */
- dev = pdev->info;
- map_rgb_color = dev->procs->map_rgb_color;
- hsize = (unsigned)pgs->halftone->order_size;
- max_value = dev->color_info.dither_gray - 1;
- { unsigned long nshades = hsize * max_value + 1;
- unsigned long lx = (nshades * gray) / (frac_1_long + 1);
- uint v = lx / hsize;
- gx_color_value lum = fractional_color(v, max_value);
- pdevc->halftone_level = lx % hsize;
- pdevc->color1 = (*map_rgb_color)(dev, lum, lum, lum);
- if ( pdevc->halftone_level == 0 )
- { /* Close enough to a pure color, */
- /* no dithering needed. */
- pdevc->color2 = pdevc->color1;
- }
- else
- { lum = fractional_color(v+1, max_value);
- pdevc->color2 =
- (*map_rgb_color)(dev, lum, lum, lum);
- }
- gx_color_load(pdevc, pgs);
- }
- return;
- }
- /* Render RGB, possibly by halftoning. */
- void
- gx_render_rgb(frac red, frac green, frac blue,
- gx_device_color *pdevc, gs_state *pgs)
- { device *pdev = pgs->device;
- gx_device *dev = pdev->info;
- uint max_value = dev->color_info.dither_rgb - 1;
- unsigned long hsize = (unsigned)pgs->halftone->order_size;
- dev_proc_map_rgb_color((*map_rgb_color)) = dev->procs->map_rgb_color;
- frac rem_r = red;
- frac rem_g = green;
- frac rem_b = blue;
- uint r, g, b;
- int adjust_r, adjust_b, adjust_g;
- frac amax;
- unsigned long dmax;
- int axisc, diagc;
- unsigned short lum_invert;
- unsigned long dot1, dot2, dot3;
- int level;
- /* Compute the quotient and remainder of each color component */
- /* with the actual number of available colors. */
- switch ( max_value )
- {
- case 1: /* 8 colors */
- if ( rem_r == frac_1 ) rem_r = 0, r = 1;
- else r = 0;
- if ( rem_g == frac_1 ) rem_g = 0, g = 1;
- else g = 0;
- if ( rem_b == frac_1 ) rem_b = 0, b = 1;
- else b = 0;
- break;
- default:
- { unsigned long want_r = (ulong)max_value * rem_r;
- unsigned long want_g = (ulong)max_value * rem_g;
- unsigned long want_b = (ulong)max_value * rem_b;
- /* We observe that if M = 2^n-1 and V < M^2, then */
- /* V / M = (V + (V >> n) + 1) >> n */
- /* V % M = (V + (V / M)) & M */
- r = ((want_r >> frac_bits) + want_r + 1) >> frac_bits;
- g = ((want_g >> frac_bits) + want_g + 1) >> frac_bits;
- b = ((want_b >> frac_bits) + want_b + 1) >> frac_bits;
- rem_r = ((uint)want_r + r) & frac_1;
- rem_g = ((uint)want_g + g) & frac_1;
- rem_b = ((uint)want_b + b) & frac_1;
- }
- }
- /* Check for no dithering required */
- if ( !(rem_r | rem_g | rem_b) )
- { pdevc->color2 = pdevc->color1 =
- (*map_rgb_color)(dev, fractional_color(r, max_value),
- fractional_color(g, max_value),
- fractional_color(b, max_value));
- pdevc->halftone_level = 0;
- return;
- }
- if_debug9('c', "[c]rgb=%x,%x,%x -->\n %x+%x,%x+%x,%x+%x -->\n",
- (unsigned)red, (unsigned)green, (unsigned)blue,
- (unsigned)r, (unsigned)rem_r, (unsigned)g, (unsigned)rem_g,
- (unsigned)b, (unsigned)rem_b);
- /* flip the remainder color into the 0, 0, 0 octant */
- lum_invert = 0;
- #define half (frac_1/2)
- if ( rem_r > half )
- rem_r = frac_1 - rem_r,
- adjust_r = -1, r++, lum_invert += lum_red_weight * 2;
- else
- adjust_r = 1;
- if ( rem_g > half )
- rem_g = frac_1 - rem_g,
- adjust_g = -1, g++, lum_invert += lum_green_weight * 2;
- else
- adjust_g = 1;
- if ( rem_b > half )
- rem_b = frac_1 - rem_b,
- adjust_b = -1, b++, lum_invert += lum_blue_weight * 2;
- else
- adjust_b = 1;
- pdevc->color1 = (*map_rgb_color)(dev, fractional_color(r, max_value),
- fractional_color(g, max_value),
- fractional_color(b, max_value));
- /*
- * Dot the color with each axis to find the best one of 7;
- * find the color at the end of the axis chosen.
- */
- if ( rem_g > rem_r )
- { if ( rem_b > rem_g )
- amax = rem_b, axisc = DIAG_B;
- else
- amax = rem_g, axisc = DIAG_G;
- if ( rem_b > rem_r )
- dmax = (unsigned long)rem_g+rem_b, diagc = DIAG_GB;
- else
- dmax = (unsigned long)rem_r+rem_g, diagc = DIAG_RG;
- }
- else
- { if ( rem_b > rem_r )
- amax = rem_b, axisc = DIAG_B;
- else
- amax = rem_r, axisc = DIAG_R;
- if ( rem_b > rem_g )
- dmax = (unsigned long)rem_b+rem_r, diagc = DIAG_BR;
- else
- dmax = (unsigned long)rem_r+rem_g, diagc = DIAG_RG;
- }
- dot1 = amax*WEIGHT1;
- dot2 = dmax*WEIGHT2;
- dot3 = (ulong)rem_r+rem_g+rem_b; /* rgb axis */
- if ( dot1 > dot2 )
- { if ( dot3*WEIGHT3 > dot1 )
- diagc = DIAG_RGB,
- level = (hsize * dot3) / (3 * frac_1_long);
- else
- diagc = axisc,
- level = (hsize * amax) / frac_1_long;
- }
- else
- { if ( dot3*WEIGHT3 > dot2 )
- diagc = DIAG_RGB,
- level = (hsize * dot3) / (3 * frac_1_long);
- else
- level = (hsize * dmax) / (2 * frac_1_long);
- };
- if_debug9('c', " %x+%x,%x+%x,%x+%x; adjust=%d,%d,%d;\n",
- (unsigned)r, (unsigned)rem_r, (unsigned)g, (unsigned)rem_g,
- (unsigned)b, (unsigned)rem_b,
- adjust_r, adjust_g, adjust_b);
- if ( (pdevc->halftone_level = level) == 0 )
- pdevc->color2 = pdevc->color1;
- else
- { gx_color_index color2;
- /* construct the second color, inverting back to original space if needed */
- if (diagc & DIAG_R) r += adjust_r;
- if (diagc & DIAG_G) g += adjust_g;
- if (diagc & DIAG_B) b += adjust_b;
- /* get the second device color, sorting by luminance */
- color2 = (*map_rgb_color)(dev, fractional_color(r, max_value),
- fractional_color(g, max_value),
- fractional_color(b, max_value));
- if ( lum_w[diagc] < lum_invert )
- { pdevc->color2 = pdevc->color1;
- pdevc->color1 = color2;
- pdevc->halftone_level = level = hsize - level;
- }
- else
- pdevc->color2 = color2;
- gx_color_load(pdevc, pgs);
- }
- if_debug5('c', "[c]diagc=%d; color1=%lx, color2=%lx, level=%d/%d\n",
- diagc, (ulong)pdevc->color1, (ulong)pdevc->color2,
- level, (unsigned)hsize);
- }