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- /* Copyright (C) 1990, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
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- copies. */
- /* gxhint1.c */
- /* Font level hints for Type 1 fonts */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h" /* for gxchar */
- #include "gxdevmem.h" /* ditto */
- #include "gxchar.h"
- #include "gxfont.h"
- #include "gxtype1.h"
- /* ------ Initialization ------ */
- typedef zone_table(1) a_zone_table;
- typedef stem_table(1) a_stem_table;
- private void near
- compute_snaps(P6(const gs_matrix_fixed *, const a_stem_table *,
- stem_snap_table *, int, int, const char *));
- private alignment_zone *near
- compute_zones(P6(const gs_matrix_fixed *, const font_hints *,
- const a_zone_table *, const a_zone_table *, alignment_zone *, int));
- private void near
- transform_zone(P4(const gs_matrix_fixed *, const font_hints *,
- const float *, alignment_zone *));
- /* Compute the font-level hints from the font and the matrix. */
- /* We should cache this with the font/matrix pair.... */
- void
- compute_font_hints(font_hints *pfh, const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat,
- int log2_scale, const gs_type1_data *pdata)
- { alignment_zone *zp = &pfh->a_zones[0];
- set_pixel_scale(&pfh->scale, log2_scale);
- /* Figure out which hints, if any, to use, */
- /* and the orientation of the axes. */
- pfh->axes_swapped = pfh->x_inverted = pfh->y_inverted = 0;
- pfh->use_x_hints = pfh->use_y_hints = 0;
- if ( is_fzero(pmat->xy) )
- pfh->y_inverted = is_fneg(pmat->yy),
- pfh->use_y_hints = 1;
- else if ( is_fzero(pmat->xx) )
- pfh->y_inverted = is_fneg(pmat->xy),
- pfh->axes_swapped = 1,
- pfh->use_y_hints = 1;
- if ( is_fzero(pmat->yx) )
- pfh->x_inverted = is_fneg(pmat->xx),
- pfh->use_x_hints = 1;
- else if ( is_fzero(pmat->yy) )
- pfh->x_inverted = is_fneg(pmat->yx),
- pfh->axes_swapped = 1,
- pfh->use_x_hints = 1;
- if_debug6('y', "[y]ctm=[%g %g %g %g %g %g]\n",
- pmat->xx, pmat->xy, pmat->yx, pmat->yy,
- pmat->tx, pmat->ty);
- if_debug5('y', "[y]swapped=%d, x/y_hints=%d,%d, x/y_inverted=%d,%d\n",
- pfh->axes_swapped, pfh->use_x_hints, pfh->use_y_hints,
- pfh->x_inverted, pfh->y_inverted);
- /* Transform the actual hints. */
- pfh->snap_h.count = 0;
- if ( pfh->use_x_hints )
- { compute_snaps(pmat, (const a_stem_table *)&pdata->StdHW,
- &pfh->snap_h, 0, pfh->axes_swapped, "h");
- compute_snaps(pmat, (const a_stem_table *)&pdata->StemSnapH,
- &pfh->snap_h, 0, pfh->axes_swapped, "h");
- }
- pfh->snap_v.count = 0;
- if ( pfh->use_y_hints )
- { gs_fixed_point vw;
- fixed *vp = (pfh->axes_swapped ? &vw.x : &vw.y);
- /* Convert blue parameters to device pixels. */
- gs_distance_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0,
- (float)pdata->BlueFuzz, &vw);
- pfh->blue_fuzz = any_abs(*vp);
- gs_distance_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0, 1.0, &vw);
- pfh->suppress_overshoot =
- (any_abs(*vp) >> log2_scale) < pdata->BlueScale;
- gs_distance_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0, pdata->BlueShift, &vw);
- pfh->blue_shift = any_abs(*vp);
- /* Tweak up blue_shift if it is less than half a pixel. */
- /* See the discussion of BlueShift in section 5.7 of */
- /* "Adobe Type 1 Font Format." */
- if ( pfh->blue_shift < pfh->scale.half )
- pfh->blue_shift = pfh->scale.half;
- if_debug6('y', "[y]blue_fuzz=%d->%g, blue_scale=%g, blue_shift=%g->%g, sup_ov=%d\n",
- pdata->BlueFuzz, fixed2float(pfh->blue_fuzz),
- pdata->BlueScale,
- pdata->BlueShift, fixed2float(pfh->blue_shift),
- pfh->suppress_overshoot);
- zp = compute_zones(pmat, pfh,
- (const a_zone_table *)&pdata->BlueValues,
- (const a_zone_table *)&pdata->FamilyBlues,
- zp, 1);
- zp = compute_zones(pmat, pfh,
- (const a_zone_table *)&pdata->OtherBlues,
- (const a_zone_table *)&pdata->FamilyOtherBlues,
- zp, max_OtherBlues);
- compute_snaps(pmat, (const a_stem_table *)&pdata->StdVW,
- &pfh->snap_v, 1, !pfh->axes_swapped, "v");
- compute_snaps(pmat, (const a_stem_table *)&pdata->StemSnapV,
- &pfh->snap_v, 1, !pfh->axes_swapped, "v");
- }
- pfh->a_zone_count = zp - &pfh->a_zones[0];
- }
- /* Transform one set of stem snap widths. */
- private void near
- compute_snaps(const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat, const a_stem_table *pst,
- stem_snap_table *psst, int from_y, int to_y, const char *tname)
- { gs_fixed_point wxy;
- fixed *wp = (to_y ? &wxy.y : &wxy.x);
- int i;
- int j = psst->count;
- for ( i = 0; i < pst->count; i++, j++ )
- { float w = pst->values[i];
- if ( from_y )
- gs_distance_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0, w, &wxy);
- else
- gs_distance_transform2fixed(pmat, w, 0.0, &wxy);
- psst->data[j] = any_abs(*wp);
- if_debug3('y', "[y]snap_%s[%d]=%g\n", tname, j,
- fixed2float(psst->data[j]));
- }
- psst->count = j;
- }
- /* Compute the alignment zones for one set of 'blue' values. */
- private alignment_zone *near
- compute_zones(const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat, const font_hints *pfh,
- const a_zone_table *blues, const a_zone_table *family_blues,
- alignment_zone *zp, int bottom_count)
- { int i;
- fixed fuzz = pfh->blue_fuzz;
- int inverted =
- (pfh->axes_swapped ? pfh->x_inverted : pfh->y_inverted);
- for ( i = 0; i < blues->count; i += 2, zp++ )
- { const float *vp = &blues->values[i];
- zp->is_top_zone = i >> 1 >= bottom_count;
- transform_zone(pmat, pfh, vp, zp);
- if_debug5('y', "[y]blues[%d]=%g,%g -> %g,%g\n",
- i >> 1, vp[0], vp[1],
- fixed2float(zp->v0), fixed2float(zp->v1));
- if ( i < family_blues->count )
- { /* Check whether family blues should supersede. */
- alignment_zone fz;
- const float *fvp = &family_blues->values[i];
- fixed diff;
- transform_zone(pmat, pfh, fvp, &fz);
- if_debug5('y', "[y]f_blues[%d]=%g,%g -> %g,%g\n",
- i >> 1, fvp[0], fvp[1],
- fixed2float(fz.v0), fixed2float(fz.v1));
- diff = (zp->v1 - zp->v0) - (fz.v1 - fz.v0);
- if ( diff > -pfh->scale.unit && diff < pfh->scale.unit )
- zp->v0 = fz.v0, zp->v1 = fz.v1;
- }
- /* Compute the flat position, and add the fuzz. */
- if ( (inverted ? zp->is_top_zone : !zp->is_top_zone) )
- zp->flat = zp->v1, zp->v0 -= fuzz;
- else
- zp->flat = zp->v0, zp->v1 += fuzz;
- }
- return zp;
- }
- /* Transform a single alignment zone to device coordinates, */
- /* taking axis swapping into account. */
- private void near
- transform_zone(const gs_matrix_fixed *pmat, const font_hints *pfh,
- const float *vp, alignment_zone *zp)
- { gs_fixed_point p0, p1;
- fixed v0, v1;
- gs_point_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0, vp[0], &p0);
- gs_point_transform2fixed(pmat, 0.0, vp[1], &p1);
- if ( pfh->axes_swapped ) v0 = p0.x, v1 = p1.x;
- else v0 = p0.y, v1 = p1.y;
- if ( v0 <= v1 ) zp->v0 = v0, zp->v1 = v1;
- else zp->v0 = v1, zp->v1 = v0;
- }