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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxpath.c */
- /* Internal path construction routines for Ghostscript library */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- /* These routines all assume that all points are */
- /* already in device coordinates, and in fixed representation. */
- /* As usual, they return either 0 or a (negative) error code. */
- /* Forward references */
- private subpath *path_alloc_copy(P1(gx_path *));
- private int gx_path_new_subpath(P1(gx_path *));
- #ifdef DEBUG
- void gx_print_segment(P1(const segment *));
- #endif
- /* Macro for checking a point against a preset bounding box. */
- #define check_in_bbox(ppath, px, py)\
- if ( px < ppath->bbox.p.x || px > ppath->bbox.q.x ||\
- py < ppath->bbox.p.y || py > ppath->bbox.q.y\
- )\
- return gs_error_rangecheck
- /* ------ Initialize/free paths ------ */
- /* Initialize a path */
- void
- gx_path_init(gx_path *ppath, const gs_memory_procs *pprocs)
- { ppath->memory_procs = pprocs;
- gx_path_reset(ppath);
- }
- void
- gx_path_reset(register gx_path *ppath)
- { ppath->box_last = 0;
- ppath->position_valid = 0;
- ppath->first_subpath = ppath->current_subpath = 0;
- ppath->subpath_count = 0;
- ppath->curve_count = 0;
- ppath->subpath_open = 0;
- ppath->shares_segments = 0;
- ppath->bbox_set = 0;
- }
- /* Release the contents of a path. We do this in reverse order */
- /* so as to maximize LIFO allocator behavior. */
- void
- gx_path_release(gx_path *ppath)
- { segment *pseg;
- if ( ppath->first_subpath == 0 ) return; /* empty path */
- if ( ppath->shares_segments ) return; /* segments are shared */
- pseg = (segment *)ppath->current_subpath->last;
- while ( pseg )
- { segment *prev = pseg->prev;
- static uint sizes[] = { segment_type_sizes };
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- dprintf("[p]release"), gx_print_segment(pseg);
- #endif
- (*ppath->memory_procs->free)((char *)pseg, 1, sizes[(int)pseg->type], "gx_path_release");
- pseg = prev;
- }
- ppath->first_subpath = 0; /* prevent re-release */
- }
- /* Mark a path as shared */
- void
- gx_path_share(gx_path *ppath)
- { if ( ppath->first_subpath ) ppath->shares_segments = 1;
- }
- /* ------ Incremental path building ------ */
- /* Macro for opening the current subpath. */
- /* ppath points to the path; psub has been set to ppath->current_subpath. */
- #define path_open()\
- if ( !ppath->subpath_open )\
- { int code;\
- if ( !ppath->position_valid )\
- return_error(gs_error_nocurrentpoint);\
- code = gx_path_new_subpath(ppath);\
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;\
- psub = ppath->current_subpath;\
- }
- /* Macros for allocating path segments. */
- /* Note that they assume that ppath points to the path, */
- /* and that psub points to the current subpath. */
- /* We have to split the macro into two because of limitations */
- /* on the size of a single statement (sigh). */
- #define p_alloc(pseg,size)\
- if_debug2('A', "[p]%lx<%u>\n", (ulong)pseg, size)
- #define path_unshare(ppath)\
- if(ppath->shares_segments)\
- if(!(psub = path_alloc_copy(ppath)))return_error(gs_error_limitcheck)
- #define path_alloc_segment(pseg,ctype,stype,cname)\
- path_unshare(ppath);\
- if( !(pseg = (ctype *)(*ppath->memory_procs->alloc)(1, sizeof(ctype), cname)) )\
- return_error(gs_error_limitcheck);\
- p_alloc((char *)pseg, sizeof(ctype));\
- pseg->type = stype, pseg->next = 0
- #define path_alloc_link(pseg)\
- { segment *prev = psub->last;\
- prev->next = (segment *)pseg;\
- pseg->prev = prev;\
- psub->last = (segment *)pseg;\
- }
- /* Open a new subpath */
- private int
- gx_path_new_subpath(gx_path *ppath)
- { subpath *psub = ppath->current_subpath;
- register subpath *spp;
- path_alloc_segment(spp, subpath, s_start, "gx_path_new_subpath");
- spp->last = (segment *)spp;
- spp->curve_count = 0;
- spp->closed = 0;
- spp->pt = ppath->position;
- ppath->subpath_open = 1;
- if ( !psub ) /* first subpath */
- { ppath->first_subpath = spp;
- spp->prev = 0;
- }
- else
- { segment *prev = psub->last;
- prev->next = (segment *)spp;
- spp->prev = prev;
- }
- ppath->current_subpath = spp;
- ppath->subpath_count++;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- dprintf("[p]"), gx_print_segment((const segment *)spp);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Add a point to the current path (moveto). */
- int
- gx_path_add_point(register gx_path *ppath, fixed x, fixed y)
- { if ( ppath->bbox_set )
- check_in_bbox(ppath, x, y);
- ppath->subpath_open = 0;
- ppath->position_valid = 1;
- ppath->position.x = x;
- ppath->position.y = y;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Add a relative point to the current path (rmoveto). */
- int
- gx_path_add_relative_point(register gx_path *ppath, fixed dx, fixed dy)
- { if ( !ppath->position_valid )
- return_error(gs_error_nocurrentpoint);
- if ( ppath->bbox_set )
- check_in_bbox(ppath, ppath->position.x + dx, ppath->position.y + dy);
- ppath->subpath_open = 0;
- ppath->position.x += dx;
- ppath->position.y += dy;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Set the segment point and the current point in the path. */
- /* Assumes ppath points to the path. */
- #define path_set_point(pseg, fx, fy)\
- (pseg)->pt.x = ppath->position.x = (fx),\
- (pseg)->pt.y = ppath->position.y = (fy)
- /* Add a line to the current path (lineto). */
- int
- gx_path_add_line(gx_path *ppath, fixed x, fixed y)
- { subpath *psub = ppath->current_subpath;
- register line_segment *lp;
- if ( ppath->bbox_set )
- check_in_bbox(ppath, x, y);
- path_open();
- path_alloc_segment(lp, line_segment, s_line, "gx_path_add_line");
- path_alloc_link(lp);
- path_set_point(lp, x, y);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- dprintf("[p]"), gx_print_segment((segment *)lp);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Add a rectangle to the current path. */
- /* This is a special case of adding a parallelogram. */
- int
- gx_path_add_rectangle(gx_path *ppath, fixed x0, fixed y0, fixed x1, fixed y1)
- { return gx_path_add_pgram(ppath, x0, y0, x0, y1, x1, y1);
- }
- /* Add a parallelogram to the current path. */
- /* This is equivalent to an add_point, three add_lines, */
- /* and a close_subpath. */
- int
- gx_path_add_pgram(gx_path *ppath,
- fixed x0, fixed y0, fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2, fixed y2)
- { int code;
- if ( (code = gx_path_add_point(ppath, x0, y0)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, x1, y1)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, x2, y2)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, x0 + x2 - x1, y0 + y2 - y1)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_close_subpath(ppath)) < 0
- ) return code;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Add a curve to the current path (curveto). */
- int
- gx_path_add_curve(gx_path *ppath,
- fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2, fixed y2, fixed x3, fixed y3)
- { subpath *psub = ppath->current_subpath;
- register curve_segment *lp;
- if ( ppath->bbox_set )
- { check_in_bbox(ppath, x1, y1);
- check_in_bbox(ppath, x2, y2);
- check_in_bbox(ppath, x3, y3);
- }
- path_open();
- path_alloc_segment(lp, curve_segment, s_curve, "gx_path_add_curve");
- path_alloc_link(lp);
- lp->p1.x = x1;
- lp->p1.y = y1;
- lp->p2.x = x2;
- lp->p2.y = y2;
- path_set_point(lp, x3, y3);
- psub->curve_count++;
- ppath->curve_count++;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- dprintf("[p]"), gx_print_segment((segment *)lp);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Add an approximation of an arc to the current path.
- * Parameters are the initial and final points of the arc,
- * and the point at which the extended tangents meet.
- * We assume that the arc is less than a semicircle.
- * The arc may go either clockwise or counterclockwise.
- * The approximation is a very simple one: a single curve
- * whose other two control points are a fraction F of the way
- * to the intersection of the tangents, where
- * F = (4/3)(1 / (1 + sqrt(1+(d/r)^2)))
- * where r is the radius and d is the distance from either tangent
- * point to the intersection of the tangents. This produces
- * a curve whose center point, as well as its ends, lies on
- * the desired arc.
- *
- * Because F has to be computed in user space, we let the client
- * compute it and pass it in as an argument.
- */
- int
- gx_path_add_arc(gx_path *ppath,
- fixed x0, fixed y0, fixed x3, fixed y3, fixed xt, fixed yt, floatp fraction)
- { return gx_path_add_curve(ppath,
- x0 + (fixed)((xt - x0) * fraction),
- y0 + (fixed)((yt - y0) * fraction),
- x3 + (fixed)((xt - x3) * fraction),
- y3 + (fixed)((yt - y3) * fraction),
- x3, y3);
- }
- /* Append a path to another path, and reset the first path. */
- /* Currently this is only used to append a path to its parent */
- /* (the path in the previous graphics context). */
- int
- gx_path_add_path(gx_path *ppath, gx_path *ppfrom)
- { subpath *psub;
- path_unshare(ppfrom);
- path_unshare(ppath);
- if ( ppfrom->first_subpath ) /* i.e. ppfrom not empty */
- { if ( ppath->first_subpath ) /* i.e. ppath not empty */
- { subpath *psub = ppath->current_subpath;
- segment *pseg = psub->last;
- subpath *pfsub = ppfrom->first_subpath;
- pseg->next = (segment *)pfsub;
- pfsub->prev = pseg;
- }
- else
- ppath->first_subpath = ppfrom->first_subpath;
- ppath->current_subpath = ppfrom->current_subpath;
- ppath->subpath_count += ppfrom->subpath_count;
- ppath->curve_count += ppfrom->curve_count;
- }
- /* Transfer the remaining state. */
- ppath->position = ppfrom->position;
- ppath->position_valid = ppfrom->position_valid;
- ppath->subpath_open = ppfrom->subpath_open;
- gx_path_reset(ppfrom); /* reset the source path */
- return 0;
- }
- /* Close the current subpath. */
- int
- gx_path_close_subpath(gx_path *ppath)
- { subpath *psub = ppath->current_subpath;
- register line_close_segment *lp;
- if ( !ppath->subpath_open ) return 0;
- path_alloc_segment(lp, line_close_segment, s_line_close,
- "gx_path_close_subpath");
- path_alloc_link(lp);
- path_set_point(lp, psub->pt.x, psub->pt.y);
- lp->sub = psub;
- psub->closed = 1;
- ppath->subpath_open = 0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- if ( lp != 0 )
- dprintf("[p]"), gx_print_segment((segment *)lp);
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Copy the current path, because it was shared. */
- /* Return a pointer to the current subpath, or 0. */
- private subpath *
- path_alloc_copy(gx_path *ppath)
- { gx_path path_new;
- int code;
- code = gx_path_copy(ppath, &path_new, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return 0;
- *ppath = path_new;
- ppath->shares_segments = 0;
- return ppath->current_subpath;
- }
- /* ------ Debugging printout ------ */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /* Forward references */
- void gx_path_print(P1(const gx_path *));
- /* Print out a path with a label */
- void
- gx_dump_path(const gx_path *ppath, const char *tag)
- { dprintf2("[p]Path %lx %s:\n", (ulong)ppath, tag);
- gx_path_print(ppath);
- }
- /* Print a path */
- void
- gx_path_print(const gx_path *ppath)
- { const segment *pseg = (const segment *)ppath->first_subpath;
- dprintf4(" subpaths=%d, curves=%d, point=(%f,%f)\n",
- ppath->subpath_count, ppath->curve_count,
- fixed2float(ppath->position.x),
- fixed2float(ppath->position.y));
- dprintf5(" box=(%f,%f),(%f,%f) last=%lx\n",
- fixed2float(ppath->bbox.p.x), fixed2float(ppath->bbox.p.y),
- fixed2float(ppath->bbox.q.x), fixed2float(ppath->bbox.q.y),
- (ulong)ppath->box_last);
- while ( pseg )
- { gx_print_segment(pseg);
- pseg = pseg->next;
- }
- }
- void
- gx_print_segment(const segment *pseg)
- { char out[80];
- sprintf(out, " %lx<%lx,%lx>: %%s (%6g,%6g) ",
- (ulong)pseg, (ulong)pseg->prev, (ulong)pseg->next,
- fixed2float(pseg->pt.x), fixed2float(pseg->pt.y));
- switch ( pseg->type )
- {
- case s_start:
- #define psub ((const subpath *)pseg)
- dprintf1(out, "start");
- dprintf2("#curves=%d last=%lx",
- psub->curve_count, (ulong)psub->last);
- #undef psub
- break;
- case s_curve:
- dprintf1(out, "curve");
- #define pcur ((const curve_segment *)pseg)
- dprintf4("\n\tp1=(%f,%f) p2=(%f,%f)",
- fixed2float(pcur->p1.x), fixed2float(pcur->p1.y),
- fixed2float(pcur->p2.x), fixed2float(pcur->p2.y));
- #undef pcur
- break;
- case s_line:
- dprintf1(out, "line");
- break;
- case s_line_close:
- #define plc ((const line_close_segment *)pseg)
- dprintf1(out, "close");
- dprintf1(" %lx", (ulong)(plc->sub));
- #undef plc
- break;
- default:
- { char t[20];
- sprintf(t, "type 0x%x", pseg->type);
- dprintf1(out, t);
- }
- }
- dputc('\n');
- }
- /* Print a clipping path */
- void
- gx_cpath_print(const gx_clip_path *pcpath)
- { if ( pcpath->segments_valid )
- gx_path_print(&pcpath->path);
- else
- dputs(" (segments not valid)\n");
- dprintf5(" cbox=(%f,%f),(%f,%f) count=%d\n",
- fixed2float(pcpath->cbox.p.x), fixed2float(pcpath->cbox.p.y),
- fixed2float(pcpath->cbox.q.x), fixed2float(pcpath->cbox.q.y),
- pcpath->list.count);
- /****** SHOULD PRINT CLIP LIST ******/
- }
- #endif /* DEBUG */