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- /* Copyright (C) 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxpcopy.c */
- /* Path copying and flattening for Ghostscript library */
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- /* Forward declarations */
- private int copy_path(P4(const gx_path *, gx_path *, fixed, int));
- private int flatten_recur(P8(gx_path *,
- fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed));
- private int flatten_sample(P8(gx_path *, int,
- fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed, fixed));
- /* Copy a path */
- int
- gx_path_copy(const gx_path *ppath_old, gx_path *ppath, int init)
- { return copy_path(ppath_old, ppath, max_fixed, init);
- }
- /* Flatten a path. */
- /* If flatness is zero, use sampling rather than subdivision: */
- /* this is important for Type 1 fonts. */
- private fixed
- scale_flatness(floatp flatness)
- { fixed scaled_flat = float2fixed(flatness);
- return (scaled_flat > int2fixed(100) ? int2fixed(100) :
- scaled_flat < fixed_half ? fixed_0 :
- scaled_flat);
- }
- int
- gx_path_flatten(const gx_path *ppath_old, gx_path *ppath, floatp flatness, int in_BuildCharGlyph)
- { return copy_path(ppath_old, ppath,
- (in_BuildCharGlyph ? fixed_0 : scale_flatness(flatness)),
- 1);
- }
- /* Add a flattened curve to a path. */
- int
- gx_path_add_flattened_curve(gx_path *ppath,
- fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2, fixed y2, fixed x3, fixed y3,
- floatp flatness)
- { return flatten_recur(ppath, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3,
- scale_flatness(flatness));
- }
- /* Copy a path, optionally flattening it. */
- /* If the copy fails, free the new path. */
- private int
- copy_path(const gx_path *ppath_old, gx_path *ppath, fixed scaled_flat,
- int init)
- { gx_path old;
- const segment *pseg;
- int code;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- gx_dump_path(ppath_old, "before copy_path");
- #endif
- old = *ppath_old;
- if ( init )
- gx_path_init(ppath, ppath_old->memory_procs);
- pseg = (const segment *)(old.first_subpath);
- while ( pseg )
- { switch ( pseg->type )
- {
- case s_start:
- code = gx_path_add_point(ppath, pseg->pt.x, pseg->pt.y);
- break;
- case s_curve:
- { curve_segment *pc = (curve_segment *)pseg;
- if ( scaled_flat == max_fixed ) /* don't flatten */
- code = gx_path_add_curve(ppath,
- pc->p1.x, pc->p1.y,
- pc->p2.x, pc->p2.y,
- pc->pt.x, pc->pt.y);
- else
- code = flatten_recur(ppath,
- pc->p1.x, pc->p1.y,
- pc->p2.x, pc->p2.y,
- pc->pt.x, pc->pt.y,
- scaled_flat);
- break;
- }
- case s_line:
- code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, pseg->pt.x, pseg->pt.y);
- break;
- case s_line_close:
- code = gx_path_close_subpath(ppath);
- break;
- }
- if ( code )
- { gx_path_release(ppath);
- if ( ppath == ppath_old )
- *ppath = old;
- return code;
- }
- pseg = pseg->next;
- }
- if ( !old.subpath_open && old.position_valid )
- gx_path_add_point(ppath, old.position.x, old.position.y);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['p'] )
- gx_dump_path(ppath, "after copy_path");
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
- /* Internal routine to flatten a curve. */
- /* This calls itself recursively, using binary subdivision, */
- /* until the approximation is good enough to satisfy the */
- /* flatness requirement. The starting point is ppath->position, */
- /* which gets updated as line segments are added. */
- /* Maximum number of points for sampling if we want accurate rasterizing. */
- /* (num_sample_max - 1)^3 must fit into an int with a bit to spare. */
- #if arch_sizeof_int == 2
- # define num_sample_max 26
- #else
- # define num_sample_max (1 << ((size_of(int) * 8 - 2) / 3))
- #endif
- /* Table of f(i) = 256 * sqrt(1 + (i/64)^2). */
- /* This is good to within 1% or better. */
- #define sqrt_index_shift 6 /* scaling of index */
- #define sqrt_value_shift 8 /* scaling of value */
- private int scaled_sqrt_tab[65] =
- { 256, 256, 256, 256, 256, 256, 257, 257,
- 257, 258, 259, 259, 260, 261, 262, 262,
- 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 269, 270, 272,
- 273, 274, 276, 277, 279, 281, 282, 284,
- 286, 288, 289, 291, 293, 295, 297, 299,
- 301, 304, 306, 308, 310, 312, 315, 317,
- 320, 322, 324, 327, 329, 332, 334, 337,
- 340, 342, 345, 348, 350, 353, 356, 359,
- 362
- };
- private int
- flatten_recur(gx_path *ppath,
- fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2, fixed y2, fixed x3, fixed y3,
- fixed scaled_flat)
- { fixed
- x0 = ppath->position.x,
- y0 = ppath->position.y;
- top:
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['2'] )
- dprintf4("[2]x0=%f y0=%f x1=%f y1=%f\n",
- fixed2float(x0), fixed2float(y0),
- fixed2float(x1), fixed2float(y1)),
- dprintf4(" x2=%f y2=%f x3=%f y3=%f\n",
- fixed2float(x2), fixed2float(y2),
- fixed2float(x3), fixed2float(y3));
- #endif
- /*
- * Compute the maximum distance of the curve from
- * the line (x0,y0)->(x3,y3). We do this conservatively
- * by observing that the curve is enclosed by the
- * quadrilateral of its control points, so we simply
- * compute the distances of (x1,y1) and (x2,y2)
- * from the line. Letting dx = x3-x0 and dy = y3-y0,
- * the distance of (xp,yp) from the line is
- * abs(N)/sqrt(D), where N = dy*(xp-x0)-dx*(yp-y0) and
- * D = dx*dx+dy*dy; hence we want to test abs(N) <= sqrt(D)*F,
- * where F is the flatness parameter from the graphics state.
- * We can do this more efficiently by letting t=dy/dx, and
- * testing abs(N1) <= sqrt(D1)*f, where N1=t*(xp-x0)-(yp-y0) and
- * D1 = 1+t*t. If dx < dy, we swap x and y for this
- * computation. This guarantees abs(t) <= 1, which allows us to
- * compute sqrt(1+t*t) by table lookup on the high bits of abs(t).
- *
- * To avoid replacing shallow curves by short straight lines,
- * we halve the flatness if the curve is very short.
- * We don't do anything about long, nearly flat curves.
- *
- * Note that if scaled_flat is very small, we don't do any of this;
- * instead, we just check whether abs(dx) and abs(dy) are
- * small enough to switch over to sampling rather than dividing.
- */
- { fixed dx3 = x3 - x0;
- fixed adx3 = any_abs(dx3);
- fixed dy3 = y3 - y0;
- fixed ady3 = any_abs(dy3);
- fixed flat = scaled_flat;
- /* We have to be quite careful to ensure that */
- /* none of the multiplications will overflow. */
- #define short_max 0x7ff0L
- #define reduce_3(ad3, maxv)\
- while ( ad3 > maxv )\
- adx3 >>= 1, ady3 >>= 1,\
- dx3 = arith_rshift_1(dx3), dy3 = arith_rshift_1(dy3)
- #define reduce_d(d)\
- for ( shift = 0; (d < 0 ? d < -short_max : d > short_max); shift++ )\
- d = arith_rshift_1(d)
- if ( adx3 > ady3 )
- { fixed d, dx, dy, dist;
- int shift;
- if ( scaled_flat == 0 )
- { if ( adx3 < int2fixed(num_sample_max - 1) / 2 )
- { int n = fixed2int_var_rounded(adx3) * 2 + 1;
- int code = flatten_sample(ppath, max(n, 3), x1, y1,
- x2, y2, x3, y3);
- if ( code <= 0 ) return code;
- }
- goto sub;
- }
- if ( adx3 < 16 ) flat >>= 1;
- reduce_3(ady3, short_max);
- d = (scaled_sqrt_tab[(ady3 << sqrt_index_shift) / adx3] * flat) >> sqrt_value_shift;
- dx = x1 - x0, dy = y1 - y0;
- reduce_d(dx);
- if ( ((dist = ((dx * dy3 / dx3) << shift) - dy) < 0 ?
- -dist : dist) > d )
- goto sub; /* not flat enough */
- dx = x2 - x0, dy = y2 - y0;
- reduce_d(dx);
- if ( ((dist = ((dx * dy3 / dx3) << shift) - dy) < 0 ?
- -dist : dist) > d )
- goto sub; /* not flat enough */
- }
- else if ( ady3 != 0 )
- { fixed d, dy, dx, dist;
- int shift;
- if ( scaled_flat == 0 )
- { if ( ady3 < int2fixed(num_sample_max - 1) / 2 )
- { int n = fixed2int_var_rounded(ady3) * 2 + 1;
- int code = flatten_sample(ppath, max(n, 3), x1, y1,
- x2, y2, x3, y3);
- if ( code <= 0 ) return code;
- }
- else goto sub;
- }
- if ( ady3 < 16 ) flat >>= 1;
- reduce_3(adx3, short_max);
- d = (scaled_sqrt_tab[(adx3 << sqrt_index_shift) / ady3] * flat) >> sqrt_value_shift;
- dy = y1 - y0, dx = x1 - x0;
- reduce_d(dy);
- if ( ((dist = ((dy * dx3 / dy3) << shift) - dx) < 0 ?
- -dist : dist) > d )
- goto sub; /* not flat enough */
- dy = y2 - y0, dx = x2 - x0;
- reduce_d(dy);
- if ( ((dist = ((dy * dx3 / dy3) << shift) - dx) < 0 ?
- -dist : dist) > d )
- goto sub; /* not flat enough */
- }
- else /* adx3 = ady3 = 0 */
- { /* (x0,y0) is the same point as (x3,y3). */
- /* This is an anomalous case. If the entire curve */
- /* is a single point, stop now, otherwise subdivide. */
- if ( x1 != x0 || y1 != y0 || x2 != x0 || y2 != y0 )
- goto sub;
- }
- }
- /* Curve is flat enough. Add a line and exit. */
- if_debug2('2', "[2]\t*** x=%f, y=%f ***\n",
- fixed2float(x3), fixed2float(y3));
- return gx_path_add_line(ppath, x3, y3);
- /* Curve isn't flat enough. Break into two pieces and recur. */
- /* Algorithm is from "The Beta2-split: A special case of the */
- /* Beta-spline Curve and Surface Representation," B. A. Barsky */
- /* and A. D. DeRose, IEEE, 1985, courtesy of Crispin Goswell. */
- sub:
- /* We have to define midpoint carefully to avoid overflow. */
- /* (If it overflows, something really pathological is going on, */
- /* but we could get infinite recursion that way....) */
- #define midpoint(a,b)\
- (arith_rshift_1(a) + arith_rshift_1(b) + ((a) & (b) & 1))
- { fixed x01 = midpoint(x0, x1), y01 = midpoint(y0, y1);
- fixed x12 = midpoint(x1, x2), y12 = midpoint(y1, y2);
- fixed x02 = midpoint(x01, x12), y02 = midpoint(y01, y12);
- int code;
- /* Update x/y1, x/y2, and x/y0 now for the second half. */
- x2 = midpoint(x2, x3), y2 = midpoint(y2, y3);
- x1 = midpoint(x12, x2), y1 = midpoint(y12, y2);
- code = flatten_recur(ppath, x01, y01, x02, y02,
- (x0 = midpoint(x02, x1)), (y0 = midpoint(y02, y1)),
- scaled_flat);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- } goto top;
- }
- /* Flatten a segment of the path by repeated sampling. */
- /* n is the number of points to sample, including the endpoints; */
- /* we require n >= 3. */
- /* If n or any of the coefficient values are too large, */
- /* return 1 and let the recursive subdivider whittle them down further. */
- private int
- flatten_sample(gx_path *ppath, int n,
- fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2, fixed y2, fixed x3, fixed y3)
- { const fixed
- x0 = ppath->position.x,
- y0 = ppath->position.y;
- /* We spell out some multiplies by 3, */
- /* for the benefit of compilers that don't optimize this. */
- const fixed
- x01 = x1 - x0,
- cx = (x01 << 1) + x01, /* 3*(x1-x0) */
- x12 = x2 - x1,
- bx = (x12 << 1) + x12 - cx, /* 3*(x2-2*x1+x0) */
- ax = x3 - bx - cx - x0; /* x3-3*x2+3*x1-x0 */
- const fixed
- y01 = y1 - y0,
- cy = (y01 << 1) + y01,
- y12 = y2 - y1,
- by = (y12 << 1) + y12 - cy,
- ay = y3 - by - cy - y0;
- const int
- n1 = n - 1,
- n12 = n1 * n1,
- n13 = n12 * n1;
- fixed ptx = x0, pty = y0;
- fixed x, y;
- /*
- * If all the coefficients lie between min_fast and max_fast,
- * we can do everything in fixed point. In this case we compute
- * successive values by finite differences, using the formulas:
- x(t) =
- a*t^3 + b*t^2 + c*t + d =>
- dx(t) = x(t+e)-x(t) =
- a*(3*t^2*e + 3*t*e^2 + e^3) + b*(2*t*e + e^2) + c*e =
- (3*a*e)*t^2 + (3*a*e^2 + 2*b*e)*t + (a*e^3 + b*e^2 + c*e) =>
- d2x(t) = dx(t+e)-dx(t) =
- (3*a*e)*(2*t*e + e^2) + (3*a*e^2 + 2*b*e)*e =
- (6*a*e^2)*t + (6*a*e^3 + 2*b*e^2) =>
- d3x(t) = d2x(t+e)-d2x(t) =
- 6*a*e^3;
- x(0) = d, dx(0) = (a*e^3 + b*e^2 + c*e),
- d2x(0) = 6*a*e^3 + 2*b*e^2;
- * In these formulas, e = 1/n1; of course, there are separate
- * computations for the x and y values.
- */
- #define max_fast (max_fixed / 6)
- #define min_fast (-max_fast)
- int i;
- /*
- * We do exact rational arithmetic to avoid accumulating error.
- * Each quantity is represented as I+R/n13, where I is an "integer"
- * and the "remainder" R lies in the range 0 <= R < n13. Note that
- * R may temporarily exceed n13; for this reason, we require that
- * n13 have at least one free high-order bit (below the sign).
- */
- fixed idx, idy, id2x, id2y, id3x, id3y; /* I */
- int rx, ry, rdx, rdy, rd2x, rd2y, rd3x, rd3y;
- if_debug6('2', "[2]ax=%f bx=%f cx=%f\n ay=%f by=%f cy=%f\n",
- fixed2float(ax), fixed2float(bx), fixed2float(cx),
- fixed2float(ay), fixed2float(by), fixed2float(cy));
- #define in_range(v) (v < max_fast && v > min_fast)
- if ( n1 < num_sample_max && /* so n13 fits */
- in_range(ax) && in_range(bx) && in_range(cx) &&
- in_range(ay) && in_range(by) && in_range(cy)
- )
- { x = x0, y = y0;
- rx = ry = 0;
- /* Fast check for n == 3, a common special case */
- /* for small characters. */
- if ( n == 3 )
- #define poly2(a,b,c)\
- arith_rshift_1(arith_rshift_1(arith_rshift_1(a) + b) + c)
- idx = poly2(ax, bx, cx),
- idy = poly2(ay, by, cy),
- rdx = rdy = 0;
- #undef poly2
- else
- { fixed bx2 = bx << 1, by2 = by << 1;
- fixed ax6 = ((ax << 1) + ax) << 1,
- ay6 = ((ay << 1) + ay) << 1;
- fixed qx, qy;
- #define adjust_rem(r, q)\
- if ( r < 0 ) r += n13, q--
- #define adjust_rem_loop(r, q)\
- while ( r < 0 ) r += n13, q--;\
- while ( r >= n13 ) r -= n13, q++
- /* We can compute all the remainders as ints, */
- /* because we know they are less than n13. */
- /* bx/y terms */
- id2x = bx2 / n12, id2y = by2 / n12;
- rd2x = ((int)bx2 - (int)id2x * n12) * n1,
- rd2y = ((int)by2 - (int)id2y * n12) * n1;
- idx = bx / n12, idy = by / n12;
- rdx = ((int)bx - (int)idx * n12) * n1,
- rdy = ((int)by - (int)idy * n12) * n1;
- /* cx/y terms */
- idx += qx = cx / n1, idy += qy = cy / n1;
- rdx += ((int)cx - (int)qx * n1) * n12,
- rdy += ((int)cy - (int)qy * n1) * n12;
- /* ax/y terms */
- idx += qx = ax / n13, idy += qy = ay / n13;
- rdx += (int)ax - (int)qx * n13,
- rdy += (int)ay - (int)qy * n13;
- id2x += id3x = ax6 / n13, id2y += id3y = ay6 / n13;
- rd2x += rd3x = (int)ax6 - (int)id3x * n13,
- rd2y += rd3y = (int)ay6 - (int)id3y * n13;
- adjust_rem_loop(rdx, idx);
- adjust_rem_loop(rdy, idy);
- adjust_rem_loop(rd2x, id2x);
- adjust_rem_loop(rd2y, id2y);
- adjust_rem(rd3x, id3x);
- adjust_rem(rd3y, id3y);
- #undef adjust_rem
- #undef adjust_rem_loop
- }
- }
- else
- { /* Subdivide some more. */
- return 1;
- }
- if_debug1('2', "[2]sampling n=%d\n", n);
- for ( i = 1; ; )
- { int code;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['2'] )
- dprintf4("[2]dx=%f+%d, dy=%f+%d\n",
- fixed2float(idx), rdx,
- fixed2float(idy), rdy),
- dprintf4(" d2x=%f+%d, d2y=%f+%d\n",
- fixed2float(id2x), rd2x,
- fixed2float(id2y), rd2y),
- dprintf4(" d3x=%f+%d, d3y=%f+%d\n",
- fixed2float(id3x), rd3x,
- fixed2float(id3y), rd3y);
- #endif
- #define accum(i, r, di, dr)\
- if ( (r += dr) >= n13 ) r -= n13, i += di + 1;\
- else i += di
- accum(x, rx, idx, rdx);
- accum(y, ry, idy, rdy);
- if_debug3('2', "[2]%s x=%g, y=%g\n",
- (((x ^ ptx) | (y ^ pty)) & float2fixed(-0.5) ?
- "add" : "skip"),
- fixed2float(x), fixed2float(y));
- /* Skip very short segments */
- if ( ((x ^ ptx) | (y ^ pty)) & float2fixed(-0.5) )
- { if ( (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, x, y)) < 0 )
- return code;
- ptx = x, pty = y;
- }
- if ( ++i >= n1 )
- break; /* don't bother with last accum */
- accum(idx, rdx, id2x, rd2x);
- accum(id2x, rd2x, id3x, rd3x);
- accum(idy, rdy, id2y, rd2y);
- accum(id2y, rd2y, id3y, rd3y);
- #undef accum
- }
- if_debug2('2', "[2]last x=%g, y=%g\n",
- fixed2float(x3), fixed2float(y3));
- return gx_path_add_line(ppath, x3, y3);
- }
- /*
- * The rest of this file is an analysis that will eventually
- * allow us to rasterize curves on the fly, by finding points
- * where Y reaches a local maximum or minimum, which allows us to
- * divide the curve into locally Y-monotonic sections.
- */
- /*
- Let y(t) = a*t^3 + b*t^2 + c*t + d, 0 <= t <= 1.
- Then dy(t) = 3*a*t^2 + 2*b*t + c.
- y(t) has a local minimum or maximum (or inflection point)
- precisely where dy(t) = 0. Now the roots of dy(t) are
- ( -2*b +/- sqrt(4*b^2 - 12*a*c) ) / 6*a
- = ( -b +/- sqrt(b*2 - 3*a*c) ) / 3*a
- (Note that real roots exist iff b^2 >= 3*a*c.)
- We want to know if these lie in the range (0..1).
- (We don't care about the endpoints.) Call such a root
- a "valid zero." We proceed as follows:
- If sign(3*a + 2*b + c) ~= sign(c), a valid zero exists.
- If sign(a) = sign(b), no valid zero exists.
- Otherwise, we look for a local extremum of dy(t) by observing
- d2y(t) = 6*a*t + 2*b
- which has a zero only at
- t1 = -b / 3*a
- Now if t1 <= 0 or t1 >= 1, no valid zero exists. Otherwise,
- we compute
- dy(t1) = c - (b^2 / 3*a)
- Then a valid zero exists (at t1) iff sign(dy(t1)) ~= sign(c).
- */