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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gxstroke.c */
- /* Path stroking procedures for Ghostscript library */
- #include "math_.h"
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "gpcheck.h"
- #include "gserrors.h"
- #include "gxfixed.h"
- #include "gxarith.h"
- #include "gxmatrix.h"
- #include "gscoord.h"
- #include "gzstate.h"
- #include "gzdevice.h"
- #include "gzcolor.h" /* requires gxdevice.h */
- #include "gzline.h"
- #include "gzpath.h"
- /* Define the filling adjustment that actually produces no adjustment. */
- #define fill_no_adjust ((fixed)1)
- /*
- * Structure for a partial line (passed to the drawing routine).
- * Two of these are required to do joins right.
- * Each endpoint includes the two ends of the cap as well,
- * and the deltas for square and round cap computation.
- *
- * The deltas (co, cdelta, ce) are in clockwise order in device space
- * around the endpoint p: they are one-half the line width (suitably
- * transformed) at 90 degrees counter-clockwise, straight ahead,
- * and 90 degrees clockwise from the oriented line o->e,
- * where "90 degrees" is measured in *user* coordinates.
- * Note that the values at o are the negatives of the values at e.
- *
- * Initially, only o.p, e.p, e.cdelta, width, and thin are set.
- * compute_caps fills in the rest.
- */
- typedef gs_fixed_point _ss *p_ptr;
- typedef struct endpoint_s {
- gs_fixed_point p; /* the end of the line */
- gs_fixed_point co, ce; /* ends of the cap, p +/- width */
- gs_fixed_point cdelta; /* +/- cap length */
- } endpoint;
- typedef endpoint _ss *ep_ptr;
- typedef struct partial_line_s {
- endpoint o; /* starting coordinate */
- endpoint e; /* ending coordinate */
- gs_fixed_point width; /* one-half line width, see above */
- int thin; /* true if minimum-width line */
- } partial_line;
- typedef partial_line _ss *pl_ptr;
- /* Procedures that stroke a partial_line (the first pl_ptr argument). */
- /* If both partial_lines are non-null, the procedure creates */
- /* an appropriate join; otherwise, the procedure creates an */
- /* end cap. If the first int is 0, the procedure also starts with */
- /* an appropriate cap. */
- private int near stroke_add(P5(gx_path *, int, pl_ptr, pl_ptr, gs_state *));
- private int near stroke_fill(P5(gx_path *, int, pl_ptr, pl_ptr, gs_state *));
- /* Other forward declarations */
- private int near stroke(P4(const gx_path *, gx_path *,
- int near (*)(P5(gx_path *, int, pl_ptr, pl_ptr, gs_state *)),
- gs_state *));
- private void near adjust_stroke(P2(pl_ptr, gs_state *));
- private int near expand_dashes(P3(const subpath *, gx_path *, gs_state *));
- private void near compute_caps(P1(pl_ptr));
- private int near add_capped(P4(gx_path *, gs_line_cap,
- int (*)(P3(gx_path *, fixed, fixed)),
- ep_ptr));
- /* Stroke a path for drawing or saving */
- int
- gx_stroke_fill(const gx_path *ppath, gs_state *pgs)
- { return stroke(ppath, (gx_path *)0, stroke_fill, pgs);
- }
- int
- gx_stroke_add(const gx_path *ppath, gx_path *to_path, gs_state *pgs)
- { int code = stroke(ppath, to_path, stroke_add, pgs);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- if ( !ppath->subpath_open && ppath->position_valid )
- code = gx_path_add_point(to_path, ppath->position.x,
- ppath->position.y);
- return code;
- }
- /* Fill a partial stroked path. */
- /* Free variables: code, to_path, ppath, stroke_path_body, pgs, exit (label). */
- #define fill_stroke_path()\
- if(to_path==&stroke_path_body && !gx_path_is_void_inline(&stroke_path_body))\
- { code = gx_fill_path(to_path, pgs->dev_color, pgs, gx_rule_winding_number,\
- fill_no_adjust);\
- gx_path_release(to_path);\
- if ( code < 0 ) goto exit;\
- gx_path_init(to_path, ppath->memory_procs);\
- }
- /* Stroke a path. Call line_proc (stroke_add or stroke_fill) */
- /* for each line segment. */
- private int near
- stroke(const gx_path *ppath, gx_path *to_path,
- int near (*line_proc)(P5(gx_path *, int, pl_ptr, pl_ptr, gs_state *)),
- gs_state *pgs)
- { const subpath *psub;
- const subpath *save_psub = 0;
- int code = 0;
- const line_params *lp = pgs->line_params;
- int dash_count = lp->dash.pattern_size;
- gx_path fpath, dpath;
- gx_path stroke_path_body;
- float xx = pgs->ctm.xx, xy = pgs->ctm.xy;
- float yx = pgs->ctm.yx, yy = pgs->ctm.yy;
- int skewed = !is_fzero2(xy, yx);
- int uniform = (skewed ? 0 : xx == yy ? 1 : xx == -yy ? -1 : 0);
- /*
- * We are dealing with a reflected coordinate system
- * if (1,0) is counter-clockwise from (0,1).
- * See the note in stroke_add for the algorithm.
- */
- int reflected =
- (uniform ? uniform > 0 :
- skewed ? xy * yx < xx * yy :
- (xx < 0) == (yy < 0));
- float line_width = lp->width; /* this is *half* the line width! */
- int always_thin;
- double line_width_and_scale, line_width_scale_xx;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['o'] )
- { int count = lp->dash.pattern_size;
- int i;
- dprintf3("[o]half_width=%f, cap=%d, join=%d,\n",
- lp->width, (int)lp->cap, (int)lp->join);
- dprintf2(" miter_limit=%f, miter_check=%f,\n",
- lp->miter_limit, lp->miter_check);
- dprintf1(" dash pattern=%d", count);
- for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
- dprintf1(",%f", lp->dash.pattern[i]);
- dprintf4(",\n offset=%f, init(ink_on=%d, index=%d, dist_left=%f)\n",
- lp->dash.offset, lp->dash.init_ink_on, lp->dash.init_index,
- lp->dash.init_dist_left);
- }
- #endif
- if ( line_width < 0 ) line_width = -line_width;
- if ( is_fzero(line_width) )
- always_thin = 1;
- else if ( !skewed )
- { float xxa = xx, yya = yy;
- if ( xxa < 0 ) xxa = -xxa;
- if ( yya < 0 ) yya = -yya;
- always_thin = (max(xxa, yya) * line_width < 0.5);
- }
- else
- { /* The check is more complicated, but it's worth it. */
- float xsq = xx * xx + xy * xy;
- float ysq = yx * yx + yy * yy;
- float cross = xx * yx + xy * yy;
- if ( cross < 0 ) cross = 0;
- always_thin =
- ((max(xsq, ysq) + cross) * line_width * line_width < 0.5);
- }
- line_width_and_scale = line_width * (double)int2fixed(1);
- if ( !always_thin && uniform )
- { /* Precompute a value we'll need later. */
- line_width_scale_xx = line_width_and_scale * xx;
- if ( line_width_scale_xx < 0 )
- line_width_scale_xx = -line_width_scale_xx;
- }
- if_debug5('o', "[o]ctm=(%g,%g,%g,%g) thin=%d\n",
- xx, xy, yx, yy, always_thin);
- /* Start by flattening the path. We should do this on-the-fly.... */
- if ( !ppath->curve_count ) /* don't need to flatten */
- { psub = ppath->first_subpath;
- if ( !psub ) return 0;
- }
- else
- { if ( (code = gx_path_flatten(ppath, &fpath, pgs->flatness, (int)pgs->in_cachedevice)) < 0 )
- return code;
- psub = fpath.first_subpath;
- }
- if ( dash_count )
- gx_path_init(&dpath, ppath->memory_procs);
- if ( to_path == 0 )
- { /* We might try to defer this if it's expensive.... */
- to_path = &stroke_path_body;
- gx_path_init(to_path, ppath->memory_procs);
- }
- for ( ; ; )
- { const line_segment *pline;
- fixed x, y;
- partial_line pl, pl_prev, pl_first;
- int first = 0;
- int index = 0;
- if ( !psub )
- { /* Might just be the end of a dash expansion. */
- if ( save_psub )
- { gx_path_release(&dpath);
- psub = (const subpath *)save_psub->last->next;
- if ( !psub ) break;
- gx_path_init(&dpath, ppath->memory_procs);
- save_psub = 0;
- }
- else /* all done */
- break;
- }
- if ( dash_count && !save_psub )
- { code = expand_dashes(psub, &dpath, pgs);
- if ( code < 0 ) goto exit;
- save_psub = (subpath *)psub;
- psub = dpath.first_subpath;
- continue; /* psub might be null */
- }
- pline = (const line_segment *)(psub->next);
- x = psub->pt.x;
- y = psub->pt.y;
- while ( pline != 0 && pline->type != s_start )
- { fixed sx = pline->pt.x;
- fixed sy = pline->pt.y;
- /* Compute the width parameters in device space. */
- /* We work with unscaled values, for speed. */
- pl.o.p.x = x, pl.o.p.y = y;
- pl.e.p.x = sx, pl.e.p.y = sy;
- if ( !always_thin )
- { fixed udx = sx - x, udy = sy - y;
- if ( !(udx | udy) ) /* degenerate */
- { /* Only consider a degenerate segment */
- /* if the entire subpath is degenerate and */
- /* we are using round caps or joins. */
- if ( index != 0 || (pline->next != 0 &&
- pline->next->type != s_start) ||
- (lp->cap != gs_cap_round &&
- lp->join != gs_join_round)
- )
- goto nd;
- /* Pick an arbitrary orientation. */
- udx = int2fixed(1);
- }
- if ( uniform != 0 )
- { /* We can save a lot of work in this case. */
- float dpx = udx, dpy = udy;
- float wl = line_width_scale_xx /
- hypot(dpx, dpy);
- pl.e.cdelta.x = (fixed)(dpx * wl);
- pl.e.cdelta.y = (fixed)(dpy * wl);
- pl.width.x = -pl.e.cdelta.y;
- pl.width.y = pl.e.cdelta.x;
- pl.thin = 0; /* if not always_thin, */
- /* then never thin. */
- }
- else
- { gs_point dpt; /* unscaled */
- float wl;
- gs_idtransform_inline(pgs,
- (float)udx, (float)udy, &dpt);
- wl = line_width_and_scale /
- hypot(dpt.x, dpt.y);
- /* Construct the width vector in */
- /* user space, still unscaled. */
- dpt.x *= wl;
- dpt.y *= wl;
- /*
- * We now compute both perpendicular
- * and (optionally) parallel half-widths,
- * as deltas in device space. We use
- * a fixed-point, unscaled version of
- * gs_dtransform. The second computation
- * folds in a 90-degree rotation (in user
- * space, before transforming) in the
- * direction that corresponds to clockwise
- * in device space.
- */
- pl.e.cdelta.x = (fixed)(dpt.x * xx);
- pl.e.cdelta.y = (fixed)(dpt.y * yy);
- if ( skewed )
- pl.e.cdelta.x += (fixed)(dpt.y * yx),
- pl.e.cdelta.y += (fixed)(dpt.x * xy);
- if ( reflected )
- dpt.x = -dpt.x, dpt.y = -dpt.y;
- pl.width.x = (fixed)(dpt.y * xx),
- pl.width.y = -(fixed)(dpt.x * yy);
- if ( skewed )
- pl.width.x -= (fixed)(dpt.x * yx),
- pl.width.y += (fixed)(dpt.y * xy);
- pl.thin =
- any_abs(pl.width.x) + any_abs(pl.width.y) <
- float2fixed(0.75);
- }
- if ( !pl.thin )
- { adjust_stroke(&pl, pgs);
- compute_caps(&pl);
- }
- }
- else /* always_thin */
- pl.e.cdelta.x = pl.e.cdelta.y = 0,
- pl.width.x = pl.width.y = 0,
- pl.thin = 1;
- if ( first++ == 0 ) pl_first = pl;
- if ( index++ )
- { code = (*line_proc)(to_path,
- (psub->closed ? 1 : index - 2),
- &pl_prev, &pl, pgs);
- if ( code < 0 ) goto exit;
- fill_stroke_path();
- }
- pl_prev = pl;
- x = sx, y = sy;
- nd: pline = (const line_segment *)(pline->next);
- }
- if ( index )
- { /* If closed, join back to start, else cap */
- code = (*line_proc)(to_path, index - 1, &pl_prev,
- (psub->closed ? &pl_first : (pl_ptr)0), pgs);
- if ( code < 0 ) goto exit;
- fill_stroke_path();
- }
- psub = (const subpath *)pline;
- }
- exit: if ( to_path == &stroke_path_body )
- gx_path_release(to_path); /* (only needed if error) */
- if ( dash_count ) gx_path_release(&dpath);
- if ( ppath->curve_count ) gx_path_release(&fpath);
- return code;
- }
- /* ------ Internal routines ------ */
- /* Adjust the endpoints and width of a stroke segment */
- /* to achieve more uniform rendering. */
- /* Only o.p, e.p, e.cdelta, and width have been set. */
- private void near
- adjust_stroke(pl_ptr plp, gs_state *pgs)
- { fixed _ss *pw;
- fixed _ss *pov;
- fixed _ss *pev;
- fixed w2;
- if ( !pgs->stroke_adjust && plp->width.x != 0 && plp->width.y != 0 )
- return; /* don't adjust */
- if ( any_abs(plp->width.x) < any_abs(plp->width.y) )
- { /* More horizontal stroke */
- pw = &plp->width.y, pov = &plp->o.p.y, pev = &plp->e.p.y;
- }
- else
- { /* More vertical stroke */
- pw = &plp->width.x, pov = &plp->o.p.x, pev = &plp->e.p.x;
- }
- /* Round the larger component of the width up or down, */
- /* whichever way produces a result closer to the correct width. */
- /* Note that just rounding the larger component */
- /* may not produce the correct result. */
- w2 = fixed_rounded(*pw << 1); /* full line width */
- if ( w2 == 0 && *pw != 0 )
- { /* Make sure thin lines don't disappear. */
- w2 = (*pw < 0 ? -fixed_1 : fixed_1);
- }
- *pw = arith_rshift_1(w2);
- /* Only adjust the endpoints if the line is horizontal or vertical. */
- if ( *pov == *pev )
- { if ( w2 & fixed_1 ) /* odd width, move to half-pixel */
- { *pov = *pev = fixed_floor(*pov) + fixed_half;
- }
- else /* even width, move to pixel */
- { *pov = *pev = fixed_rounded(*pov);
- }
- }
- }
- /* Expand a dashed subpath into explicit segments. */
- /* The subpath contains no curves. */
- private int near
- expand_dashes(const subpath *psub, gx_path *ppath, gs_state *pgs)
- { const dash_params *dash = &pgs->line_params->dash;
- const float *pattern = dash->pattern;
- int count, ink_on, index;
- float dist_left;
- fixed x0 = psub->pt.x, y0 = psub->pt.y;
- fixed x, y;
- const segment *pseg;
- int wrap = (dash->init_ink_on && psub->closed ? -1 : 0);
- int drawing = wrap;
- int code;
- if ( (code = gx_path_add_point(ppath, x0, y0)) < 0 )
- return code;
- /* To do the right thing at the beginning of a closed path, */
- /* we have to skip any initial line, and then redo it at */
- /* the end of the path. Drawing = -1 while skipping, */
- /* 0 while drawing normally, and 1 on the second round. */
- top: count = dash->pattern_size;
- ink_on = dash->init_ink_on;
- index = dash->init_index;
- dist_left = dash->init_dist_left;
- x = x0, y = y0;
- pseg = (const segment *)psub;
- while ( (pseg = pseg->next) != 0 && pseg->type != s_start )
- { fixed sx = pseg->pt.x, sy = pseg->pt.y;
- fixed udx = sx - x, udy = sy - y;
- float length, dx, dy;
- float dist;
- if ( !(udx | udy) ) /* degenerate */
- dx = 0, dy = 0, length = 0;
- else
- { gs_point d;
- dx = udx, dy = udy; /* scaled as fixed */
- gs_idtransform_inline(pgs, dx, dy, &d);
- length = hypot(d.x, d.y) * (1 / (float)int2fixed(1));
- }
- dist = length;
- while ( dist > dist_left )
- { /* We are using up the dash element */
- float fraction = dist_left / length;
- fixed nx = x + (fixed)(dx * fraction);
- fixed ny = y + (fixed)(dy * fraction);
- if ( ink_on )
- { if ( drawing >= 0 )
- code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, nx, ny);
- }
- else
- { if ( drawing > 0 ) return 0; /* done */
- code = gx_path_add_point(ppath, nx, ny);
- drawing = 0;
- }
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- dist -= dist_left;
- ink_on = !ink_on;
- if ( ++index == count ) index = 0;
- dist_left = pattern[index];
- x = nx, y = ny;
- }
- dist_left -= dist;
- /* Handle the last dash of a segment. */
- if ( ink_on )
- { if ( drawing >= 0 )
- code =
- (pseg->type == s_line_close && drawing > 0 ?
- gx_path_close_subpath(ppath) :
- gx_path_add_line(ppath, sx, sy));
- }
- else
- { if ( drawing > 0 ) return 0; /* done */
- code = gx_path_add_point(ppath, sx, sy);
- drawing = 0;
- }
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- x = sx, y = sy;
- }
- /* Check for wraparound. */
- if ( wrap && drawing <= 0 )
- { /* We skipped some initial lines. */
- /* Go back and do them now. */
- drawing = 1;
- goto top;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Compute the intersection of two lines. This is a messy algorithm */
- /* that somehow ought to be useful in more places than just here.... */
- /* If the lines are (nearly) parallel, return -1 without setting *pi; */
- /* otherwise, return 0 if the intersection is beyond *pp1 and *pp2 in */
- /* the direction determined by *pd1 and *pd2, and 1 otherwise. */
- private int
- line_intersect(
- p_ptr pp1, /* point on 1st line */
- p_ptr pd1, /* slope of 1st line (dx,dy) */
- p_ptr pp2, /* point on 2nd line */
- p_ptr pd2, /* slope of 2nd line */
- p_ptr pi) /* return intersection here */
- { /* We don't have to do any scaling, the factors all work out right. */
- float u1 = pd1->x, v1 = pd1->y;
- float u2 = pd2->x, v2 = pd2->y;
- double denom = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1;
- float xdiff = pp2->x - pp1->x;
- float ydiff = pp2->y - pp1->y;
- double f1;
- double max_result = any_abs(denom) * (double)max_fixed;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['o'] )
- { dprintf4("[o]Intersect %f,%f(%f/%f)",
- fixed2float(pp1->x), fixed2float(pp1->y),
- fixed2float(pd1->x), fixed2float(pd1->y));
- dprintf4(" & %f,%f(%f/%f),\n",
- fixed2float(pp2->x), fixed2float(pp2->y),
- fixed2float(pd2->x), fixed2float(pd2->y));
- dprintf3("\txdiff=%f ydiff=%f denom=%f ->\n",
- xdiff, ydiff, denom);
- }
- #endif
- /* Check for degenerate result. */
- if ( any_abs(xdiff) >= max_result || any_abs(ydiff) >= max_result )
- { /* The lines are nearly parallel, */
- /* or one of them has zero length. Punt. */
- if_debug0('o', "\tdegenerate!\n");
- return -1;
- }
- f1 = (v2 * xdiff - u2 * ydiff) / denom;
- pi->x = pp1->x + (fixed)(f1 * u1);
- pi->y = pp1->y + (fixed)(f1 * v1);
- if_debug2('o', "\t%f,%f\n",
- fixed2float(pi->x), fixed2float(pi->y));
- return (f1 >= 0 && (v1 * xdiff >= u1 * ydiff ? denom >= 0 : denom < 0) ? 0 : 1);
- }
- #define lix plp->o.p.x
- #define liy plp->o.p.y
- #define litox plp->e.p.x
- #define litoy plp->e.p.y
- #define trsign(v, c) ((v) >= 0 ? (c) : -(c))
- /* Set up the width and delta parameters for a thin line. */
- /* We only approximate the width and height. */
- private void near
- set_thin_widths(register pl_ptr plp)
- { fixed dx = litox - lix, dy = litoy - liy;
- if ( any_abs(dx) > any_abs(dy) )
- { plp->width.x = plp->e.cdelta.y = 0;
- plp->width.y = -(plp->e.cdelta.x =
- trsign(dx, -fixed_half));
- }
- else
- { plp->width.y = plp->e.cdelta.x = 0;
- plp->width.x = -(plp->e.cdelta.y =
- trsign(dy, -fixed_half));
- }
- }
- /* Draw a line on the device. */
- private int near
- stroke_fill(gx_path *ppath, int first, register pl_ptr plp, pl_ptr nplp,
- gs_state *pgs)
- { if ( plp->thin )
- { /* Minimum-width line, don't have to be careful. */
- /* We do have to check for the entire line being */
- /* within the clipping rectangle, allowing for some */
- /* slop at the ends. */
- fixed dx = litox - lix, dy = litoy - liy;
- #define slop int2fixed(2)
- fixed xslop = trsign(dx, slop);
- fixed yslop = trsign(dy, slop);
- if ( gx_cpath_includes_rectangle(pgs->clip_path,
- lix - xslop, liy - yslop,
- litox + xslop, litoy + yslop) )
- return gz_draw_line_fixed(lix, liy, litox, litoy,
- pgs->dev_color, pgs);
- #undef slop
- #undef trsign
- /* We didn't set up the endpoint parameters before, */
- /* because the line was thin. stroke_add will do this. */
- }
- /* General case: construct a path for the fill algorithm. */
- return stroke_add(ppath, first, plp, nplp, pgs);
- }
- #undef lix
- #undef liy
- #undef litox
- #undef litoy
- /* Add a segment to the path. This handles all the complex cases. */
- private int near add_capped(P4(gx_path *, gs_line_cap, int (*)(P3(gx_path *, fixed, fixed)), ep_ptr));
- private int near
- stroke_add(gx_path *ppath, int first, register pl_ptr plp, pl_ptr nplp,
- gs_state *pgs)
- { int code;
- if ( plp->thin )
- { /* We didn't set up the endpoint parameters before, */
- /* because the line was thin. Do it now. */
- set_thin_widths(plp);
- adjust_stroke(plp, pgs);
- compute_caps(plp);
- }
- if ( (code = add_capped(ppath, (first == 0 ? pgs->line_params->cap : gs_cap_butt), gx_path_add_point, &plp->o)) < 0 )
- return code;
- if ( nplp == 0 )
- { code = add_capped(ppath, pgs->line_params->cap, gx_path_add_line, &plp->e);
- }
- else if ( pgs->line_params->join == gs_join_round )
- { code = add_capped(ppath, gs_cap_round, gx_path_add_line, &plp->e);
- }
- else if ( nplp->thin ) /* no join */
- { code = add_capped(ppath, gs_cap_butt, gx_path_add_line, &plp->e);
- }
- else /* join_bevel or join_miter */
- { gs_fixed_point jp1, jp2;
- /*
- * Set np to whichever of nplp->o.co or .ce
- * is outside the current line. We observe that
- * point (x2,y2) is counter-clockwise from (x1,y1)
- * relative to the origin iff x1*y2 < x2*y1.
- * In this case x1,y1 are plp->width,
- * x2,y2 are nplp->width, and the origin is
- * their common point (plp->e.p, nplp->o.p).
- */
- float wx1 = plp->width.x, wy1 = plp->width.y;
- float wx2 = nplp->width.x, wy2 = nplp->width.y;
- int ccw = wx1 * wy2 < wx2 * wy1;
- p_ptr outp, np, np1, np2;
- /* Initialize for a bevel join. */
- jp1.x = plp->e.co.x, jp1.y = plp->e.co.y;
- jp2.x = plp->e.ce.x, jp2.y = plp->e.ce.y;
- if ( ccw )
- outp = &jp2, np2 = np = &nplp->o.co, np1 = &plp->e.p;
- else
- outp = &jp1, np1 = np = &nplp->o.ce, np2 = &plp->e.p;
- if_debug1('o', "[o]use %s\n", (ccw ? "co (ccw)" : "ce (cw)"));
- /* Don't bother with the miter check if the two */
- /* points to be joined are very close together, */
- /* namely, in the same square half-pixel. */
- if ( pgs->line_params->join == gs_join_miter &&
- !(fixed2long(outp->x << 1) == fixed2long(np->x << 1) &&
- fixed2long(outp->y << 1) == fixed2long(np->y << 1))
- )
- { /*
- * Check whether a miter join is appropriate.
- * Let a, b be the angles of the two lines.
- * We check tan(a-b) against the miter_check
- * by using the following formula:
- * If tan(a)=u1/v1 and tan(b)=u2/v2, then
- * tan(a-b) = (u1*v2 - u2*v1) / (u1*u2 + v1*v2).
- * We can do all the computations unscaled,
- * because we're only concerned with ratios.
- */
- float u1 = plp->e.cdelta.x, v1 = plp->e.cdelta.y;
- float u2 = nplp->o.cdelta.x, v2 = nplp->o.cdelta.y;
- double num = u1 * v2 - u2 * v1;
- double denom = u1 * u2 + v1 * v2;
- float check = pgs->line_params->miter_check;
- /*
- * We will want either tan(a-b) or tan(b-a)
- * depending on the orientations of the lines.
- * Fortunately we know the relative orientations already.
- */
- if ( !ccw ) /* have plp - nplp, want vice versa */
- num = -num;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['o'] )
- { dprintf4("[o]Miter check: u1/v1=%f/%f, u2/v2=%f/%f,\n",
- u1, v1, u2, v2);
- dprintf3(" num=%f, denom=%f, check=%f\n",
- num, denom, check);
- }
- #endif
- /* Use a miter if num / denom >= check. */
- /* If check > 0, num < 0 always passes; */
- /* if check < 0, num >= 0 always fails. */
- if ( denom < 0 ) num = -num, denom = -denom;
- if ( check > 0 ?
- (num < 0 || num >= denom * check) :
- (num < 0 && num >= denom * check)
- )
- { /* OK to use a miter join. */
- gs_fixed_point mpt;
- if_debug0('o', " ... passes.\n");
- /* Compute the intersection of */
- /* the extended edge lines. */
- if ( line_intersect(outp, &plp->e.cdelta, np,
- &nplp->o.cdelta, &mpt) == 0
- )
- outp->x = mpt.x,
- outp->y = mpt.y;
- }
- }
- if ( (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, jp1.x, jp1.y)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, np1->x, np1->y)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, np2->x, np2->y)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, jp2.x, jp2.y)) < 0
- )
- return code;
- }
- if ( code < 0 || (code = gx_path_close_subpath(ppath)) < 0 )
- return code;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Routines for cap computations */
- /* Compute the endpoints of the two caps of a segment. */
- private void near
- compute_caps(register pl_ptr plp)
- { fixed wx2 = plp->width.x;
- fixed wy2 = plp->width.y;
- plp->o.co.x = plp->o.p.x + wx2, plp->o.co.y = plp->o.p.y + wy2;
- plp->o.cdelta.x = -plp->e.cdelta.x,
- plp->o.cdelta.y = -plp->e.cdelta.y;
- plp->o.ce.x = plp->o.p.x - wx2, plp->o.ce.y = plp->o.p.y - wy2;
- plp->e.co.x = plp->e.p.x - wx2, plp->e.co.y = plp->e.p.y - wy2;
- plp->e.ce.x = plp->e.p.x + wx2, plp->e.ce.y = plp->e.p.y + wy2;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['o'] )
- dprintf4("[o]Stroke o=(%f,%f) e=(%f,%f)\n",
- fixed2float(plp->o.p.x), fixed2float(plp->o.p.y),
- fixed2float(plp->e.p.x), fixed2float(plp->e.p.y)),
- dprintf4("\twxy=(%f,%f) lxy=(%f,%f)\n",
- fixed2float(wx2), fixed2float(wy2),
- fixed2float(plp->e.cdelta.x), fixed2float(plp->e.cdelta.y));
- #endif
- }
- /* Add a properly capped line endpoint to the path. */
- /* The first point may require either moveto or lineto. */
- private int near
- add_capped(gx_path *ppath, gs_line_cap type,
- int (*add_proc)(P3(gx_path *, fixed, fixed)), /* gx_path_add_point/line */
- register ep_ptr endp)
- { int code;
- #define px endp->p.x
- #define py endp->p.y
- #define xo endp->co.x
- #define yo endp->co.y
- #define xe endp->ce.x
- #define ye endp->ce.y
- #define cdx endp->cdelta.x
- #define cdy endp->cdelta.y
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if ( gs_debug['o'] )
- dprintf4("[o]cap: p=(%g,%g), co=(%g,%g),\n",
- fixed2float(px), fixed2float(py),
- fixed2float(xo), fixed2float(yo)),
- dprintf4("[o]\tce=(%g,%g), cd=(%g,%g)\n",
- fixed2float(xe), fixed2float(ye),
- fixed2float(cdx), fixed2float(cdy));
- #endif
- switch ( type )
- {
- case gs_cap_round:
- { fixed xm = px + cdx;
- fixed ym = py + cdy;
- if ( (code = (*add_proc)(ppath, xo, yo)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_arc(ppath, xo, yo, xm, ym,
- xo + cdx, yo + cdy, quarter_arc_fraction)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_arc(ppath, xm, ym, xe, ye,
- xe + cdx, ye + cdy, quarter_arc_fraction)) < 0
- ) return code;
- }
- break;
- case gs_cap_square:
- if ( (code = (*add_proc)(ppath, xo + cdx, yo + cdy)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, xe + cdx, ye + cdy)) < 0
- ) return code;
- break;
- case gs_cap_butt:
- if ( (code = (*add_proc)(ppath, xo, yo)) < 0 ||
- (code = gx_path_add_line(ppath, xe, ye)) < 0
- ) return code;
- }
- return code;
- }