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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* gzpath.h */
- /* Private representation of paths for Ghostscript library */
- /* Requires gxfixed.h */
- #include "gxpath.h"
- /* Paths are represented as a linked list of line or curve segments, */
- /* similar to what pathforall reports. */
- /* Definition of a path segment: a segment start, a line, */
- /* or a Bezier curve. */
- typedef enum {
- s_start,
- s_line,
- s_line_close,
- s_curve
- } segment_type;
- #define segment_type_sizes\
- sizeof(subpath), sizeof(line_segment), sizeof(line_close_segment),\
- sizeof(curve_segment)
- #define segment_common\
- struct segment_s *prev;\
- struct segment_s *next;\
- segment_type type;\
- gs_fixed_point pt; /* initial point for starts, */\
- /* final point for others */
- /* A generic segment */
- typedef struct segment_s {
- segment_common
- } segment;
- /* A start segment. This serves as the head of a subpath. */
- typedef struct {
- segment_common
- segment *last; /* last segment of subpath, */
- /* points back to here if empty */
- int curve_count; /* # of curves */
- char closed; /* true if subpath is closed */
- } subpath;
- /* Line segments have no special data. */
- typedef struct {
- segment_common
- } line_segment;
- /* Line_close segments are for the lines appended by closepath. */
- /* They point back to the subpath being closed. */
- typedef struct {
- segment_common
- subpath *sub;
- } line_close_segment;
- /* Curve segments store the control points, not the coefficients. */
- /* We may want to change this someday. */
- typedef struct {
- segment_common
- gs_fixed_point p1, p2;
- } curve_segment;
- /* Here is the actual structure of a path. */
- struct gx_path_s {
- const gs_memory_procs *memory_procs;
- gs_fixed_rect bbox; /* bounding box (in device space) */
- segment *box_last; /* bbox incorporates segments */
- /* up to & including this one */
- subpath *first_subpath;
- subpath *current_subpath;
- int subpath_count;
- int curve_count;
- gs_fixed_point position; /* current position */
- char bbox_set; /* true if setbbox is in effect */
- char position_valid;
- char subpath_open;
- char shares_segments; /* if true, this path shares its */
- /* segment storage with the one in */
- /* the previous saved graphics state */
- };
- /* Macros equivalent to a few heavily used procedures. */
- /* Be aware that these macros may evaluate arguments more than once. */
- #define gx_path_current_point_inline(ppath,ppt)\
- ( !ppath->position_valid ? gs_note_error(gs_error_nocurrentpoint) :\
- ((ppt)->x = ppath->position.x, (ppt)->y = ppath->position.y, 0) )
- /* ...rel_point rather than ...relative_point is because */
- /* some compilers dislike identifiers of >31 characters. */
- #define gx_path_add_rel_point_inline(ppath,dx,dy)\
- ( !ppath->position_valid || ppath->bbox_set ?\
- gx_path_add_relative_point(ppath, dx, dy) :\
- (ppath->position.x += dx, ppath->position.y += dy,\
- ppath->subpath_open = 0) )
- /* ------ Clipping paths ------ */
- /*
- * For clipping, a path is represented as a list of rectangles.
- * Normally, a path is created as a list of segments;
- * installing it as a clipping path creates the rectangle list.
- * However, when the clipping path originates in some other way
- * (e.g., from initclip, or for clipping a cached character),
- * or if it is a non-trivial intersection of two paths,
- * the resulting clipping path exists only as a rectangle list;
- * clippath constructs the segment representation if needed.
- * Note that even if the path only exists as a rectangle list,
- * its bounding box (path.bbox) is still correct.
- */
- /*
- * Rectangle list structure.
- * Consecutive gx_clip_rect entries either have the same Y values,
- * or ymin of this entry >= ymax of the previous entry.
- * Note that the contents are like a gs_int_rect, not a gs_fixed_rect.
- */
- typedef struct gx_clip_rect_s gx_clip_rect;
- struct gx_clip_rect_s {
- gx_clip_rect *next, *prev;
- int ymin, ymax; /* ymax > ymin */
- int xmin, xmax; /* xmax > xmin */
- };
- /* There is a dummy first entry with xmin = xmax */
- /* to cover Y values starting at min_int, and a dummy last entry */
- /* to cover Y values ending at max_int. */
- /* This eliminates the need for end tests. */
- /* We also preallocate just one internal entry, so that */
- /* plain rectangular clipping regions don't need to allocate anything. */
- struct gx_clip_list_s {
- gx_clip_rect first, sole, last;
- int count; /* # of rectangles not counting */
- /* first or last */
- };
- #define clip_list_is_rectangle(clp) ((clp)->count <= 1)
- /* gx_clip_path is a 'subclass' of gx_path. */
- struct gx_clip_path_s {
- gx_path path;
- gs_fixed_rect cbox; /* an inner clipping rectangle */
- /* for a quick check */
- gx_clip_list list;
- char segments_valid; /* segment representation is valid */
- char shares_list; /* if true, this path shares its*/
- /* clip list storage with the one in */
- /* the previous saved graphics state */
- };
- #define gx_cpath_is_rectangle(pcpath, pbox)\
- (clip_list_is_rectangle(&(pcpath)->list) ?\
- (*(pbox) = (pcpath)->cbox, 1) : 0)