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- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* ialloc.c */
- /* Memory allocator for Ghostscript interpreter */
- #include "gx.h"
- #include "memory_.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "astate.h"
- #include "ivmspace.h"
- /* Import the debugging variables from gsmisc.c. */
- extern int gs_alloc_debug;
- extern byte gs_alloc_fill_alloc;
- extern byte gs_alloc_fill_free;
- /* Forward references */
- private int alloc_add_chunk(P2(alloc_state_ptr, uint));
- private char *alloc_large(P3(alloc_state_ptr, uint, const char *));
- private void alloc_free_large(P3(char *, uint, const char *));
- /* A public memory_procs for this allocator. */
- const gs_memory_procs alloc_memory_procs = {
- alloc,
- alloc_free
- };
- /* The only allocator instance (for now). */
- private alloc_state as_current;
- alloc_state_ptr alloc_state_current = &as_current;
- /* Debugging printout */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- # define alloc_print_block(rtag, tag, blk, sz)\
- fprintf(gs_debug_out, "[a:%c:%c:%s] %lx(%u)\n", rtag, tag,\
- client_name, (ulong)blk, sz)
- # define alloc_print(rtag, tag, blk, sz)\
- if ( gs_debug['A'] || (gs_debug['a'] && align_round(sz) > max_chain_size) )\
- alloc_print_block(rtag, tag, blk, sz)
- # define alloc_print_large(rtag, tag, blk, sz)\
- if ( gs_debug['A'] | gs_debug['a'] )\
- alloc_print_block(rtag, tag, blk, sz)
- #else
- # define alloc_print(rtag, tag, blk, sz)
- # define alloc_print_large(rtag, tag, blk, sz)
- #endif
- /* ------ Initialize/status ------ */
- /* Initialize the allocator */
- void
- alloc_init(const gs_memory_procs *mprocs, uint chunk_size)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- memset(ap, 0, sizeof(alloc_state)); /* do it all at once */
- ap->chunk_size = chunk_size;
- ap->big_size = chunk_size / 4;
- ap->mprocs = mprocs;
- ap->last_freed = 0;
- { extern void alloc_save_init(P0());
- alloc_save_init();
- }
- }
- /* Return the global/local attribute of the allocator. */
- uint
- alloc_current_local(void)
- { alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- return ap->local_attr;
- }
- /* Select the current local or global allocator. */
- /* Return the previous state. */
- /****** BOGUS ******/
- uint
- alloc_select_local(uint local)
- { alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- uint prev_local = ap->local_attr;
- ap->local_attr = local;
- return prev_local;
- }
- /* Return the status of the allocator: space used, total space. */
- void
- alloc_status(long *pused, long *ptotal)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- *pused = (ap->cbot - ap->cbase) + (ap->climit - ap->ctop) + ap->used;
- *ptotal = ap->total;
- }
- /* ------ Allocation and freeing ------ */
- /* Allocate an object. Return 0 if not enough room. */
- char *
- alloc(uint num_elts, uint elt_size, const char *client_name)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- uint size = num_elts * elt_size;
- uint block_size;
- uint left;
- if ( size >= ap->big_size )
- { /* Large object, do a separate malloc. */
- char *block = alloc_large(ap, size, client_name);
- if ( block != NULL ) return block;
- if ( size > ap->chunk_size )
- return 0; /* can't alloc */
- }
- block_size = align_round(size);
- if ( block_size <= max_chain_size )
- { /* See if we can use a freed block. */
- char **fptr = &ap->free[block_size >> log2_align_mod];
- char *block = *fptr;
- if ( block != 0 )
- { *fptr = *(char **)block;
- alloc_print('+', '#', block, size);
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset(block, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, block_size);
- return block;
- }
- }
- left = ap->ctop - ap->cbot;
- if ( block_size > left )
- { uint csize = ap->chunk_size;
- while ( !alloc_add_chunk(ap, csize) )
- { alloc_print('+', '?', (ulong)0, size);
- /* Things are desperate, but perhaps not hopeless. */
- if ( (csize >>= 1) < block_size )
- return 0; /* no hope */
- }
- }
- if ( elt_size == 1 )
- { /* Unaligned block */
- ap->ctop -= size;
- alloc_print('+', '>', ap->ctop, size);
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset(ap->ctop, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, size);
- return (char *)ap->ctop;
- }
- else
- { /* Aligned block */
- char *block = (char *)ap->cbot;
- ap->cbot += block_size;
- alloc_print('+', '<', block, size);
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset(block, gs_alloc_fill_alloc, block_size);
- return block;
- }
- }
- /* Free an object, if possible. */
- /* Note that if a save is in effect, objects in chunks older than */
- /* the save, and objects allocated with malloc before the save, */
- /* must not be freed. */
- void
- alloc_free(char *cobj, uint num_elts, uint elt_size, const char *client_name)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- uint size = num_elts * elt_size;
- uint block_size;
- if ( size >= ap->big_size )
- { /* Object was allocated with malloc. */
- alloc_free_large(cobj, size, client_name);
- return;
- }
- if ( gs_alloc_debug )
- memset(cobj, gs_alloc_fill_free, size);
- #define obj ((byte *)cobj)
- if ( obj == ap->ctop )
- { /* Don't free the object if we're in a save and */
- /* this object wasn't allocated since the save. */
- if ( ap->current.save_level == ap->save_level ||
- /* We know the current chunk is the same as */
- /* the one in as->saved->state */
- obj < ap->saved_ctop
- )
- ap->ctop += size;
- alloc_print('-', '>', obj, size);
- return;
- }
- else if ( obj + (block_size = align_round(size)) == ap->cbot )
- { /* Freeing an aligned object. Same check. */
- if ( ap->current.save_level == ap->save_level ||
- obj >= ap->saved_cbot
- )
- ap->cbot = obj;
- alloc_print('-', '<', obj, size);
- return;
- }
- else if ( !ptr_is_in_chunk(obj, &ap->current) )
- { /* In another chunk, check its save level. */
- /* We rely on the chunk list being ordered */
- /* by decreasing save level. */
- int level = ap->save_level;
- alloc_chunk *cp = ap->last_freed;
- if ( cp != 0 && ptr_is_in_chunk(obj, cp) ) /* cache hit */
- { if ptr_lt(obj, cp->bot) goto pxf;
- else goto pnf;
- }
- for ( cp = ap->current.next; cp != 0; cp = cp->next )
- { if ( cp->save_level == level )
- { if ( ptr_is_in_chunk(obj, cp) )
- { if ( ptr_lt(obj, cp->bot) ) goto pbf;
- /* Unaligned, not freeable. */
- alloc_print('-', '~', obj, size);
- goto pnf;
- }
- }
- else
- { /* This is the chunk that straddles the save. */
- /* Check whether the object being freed */
- /* was allocated since the save. */
- if ( ptr_between(obj, ap->saved_cbot, cp->bot) )
- goto pxf;
- goto pnf;
- }
- }
- pnf: /* Older save level, not freeable. */
- alloc_print('-', '\\', obj, size);
- return;
- pbf: /* If we get here, OK to put the block on a free list. */
- ap->last_freed = cp;
- pxf: ;
- }
- else if ( obj >= ap->cbot ) /* not aligned object, punt */
- { alloc_print('-', '~', obj, size);
- return;
- }
- else if ( ap->current.save_level < ap->save_level &&
- obj < ap->saved_cbot
- )
- { /* Current chunk straddles the current save, and */
- /* object is older than the current save. */
- /* (Same check as above.) */
- alloc_print('-', '!', obj, size);
- return;
- }
- /* Put on a free list if small enough */
- alloc_print('-', '#', obj, size);
- if ( block_size <= max_chain_size && block_size >= sizeof(char **) )
- { char **fptr = &ap->free[block_size >> log2_align_mod];
- *(char **)cobj = *fptr;
- *fptr = cobj;
- }
- #undef obj
- }
- /* Grow an object. This may require allocating a new copy. */
- /* Return 0 if not enough room. */
- /****** Note: the object must have been allocated at
- ****** the current save level. */
- byte *
- alloc_grow(byte *obj, uint old_num, uint new_num, uint elt_size,
- const char *client_name)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- uint old_size = old_num * elt_size;
- uint new_size = new_num * elt_size;
- byte *nobj;
- if ( new_size == old_size ) return obj;
- if ( new_size < ap->big_size ) /* try to grow in place */
- { uint old_block_size;
- uint new_block_size;
- if ( obj == ap->ctop )
- { /* Might be able to grow in place */
- uint diff = new_size - old_size;
- if ( diff <= ap->ctop - ap->cbot )
- { alloc_print('>', '>', obj, new_size);
- ap->ctop -= diff;
- memcpy(ap->ctop, obj, old_size);
- return ap->ctop;
- }
- }
- old_block_size = align_round(old_size);
- new_block_size = align_round(new_size);
- if ( obj + old_block_size == ap->cbot )
- { /* Might be able to grow in place */
- uint diff = new_block_size - old_block_size;
- if ( diff <= ap->ctop - ap->cbot )
- { alloc_print('>', '<', obj, new_size);
- ap->cbot += diff;
- return obj;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Can't grow in place. Allocate a new object and copy. */
- nobj = (byte *)alloc(new_num, elt_size, client_name);
- if ( nobj == 0 )
- return 0;
- memcpy(nobj, obj, old_size);
- alloc_free((char *)obj, old_num, elt_size, client_name);
- alloc_print('>', '&', obj, new_size);
- return nobj;
- }
- /* Shrink an object. */
- /****** Note: the object must have been allocated at
- ****** the current save level. */
- byte *
- alloc_shrink(byte *obj, uint old_num, uint new_num, uint elt_size,
- const char *client_name)
- { register alloc_state_ptr ap = alloc_state_current;
- uint old_size = old_num * elt_size;
- uint new_size = new_num * elt_size;
- if ( new_size == old_size ) return obj;
- if ( old_size >= ap->big_size )
- { /* Allocate a new block. */
- byte *nobj = (byte *)alloc(new_num, elt_size, client_name);
- if ( nobj == 0 ) return obj; /* can't shrink, leave as is */
- memcpy(nobj, obj, new_size);
- alloc_free((char *)obj, old_num, elt_size, client_name);
- alloc_print('<', '&', obj, new_size);
- return nobj;
- }
- else if ( obj == ap->ctop )
- { /* Move the object up in place. */
- /* memcpy doesn't do this properly. */
- register byte *from = obj + new_size;
- register byte *to = obj + old_size;
- while ( from > obj ) *--to = *--from;
- obj = ap->ctop = to;
- }
- else
- { uint new_block_size = align_round(new_size);
- alloc_free((char *)(obj + new_block_size),
- 1, align_round(old_size) - new_block_size,
- "alloc_shrink");
- }
- alloc_print('<', ' ', obj, new_size);
- return obj;
- }
- /* ------ Private routines ------ */
- /* Allocate (with malloc) an object too large to be put in a chunk. */
- /* Return NULL on failure. */
- private char *
- alloc_large(alloc_state_ptr ap, uint size, const char *client_name)
- { alloc_block *mblock = (alloc_block *)
- (*ap->mprocs->alloc)(1, alloc_block_size + size, client_name);
- char *block;
- if ( mblock == NULL ) return NULL;
- block = (char *)mblock + alloc_block_size;
- alloc_print_large('+', '*', block, size);
- mblock->next = ap->malloc_chain;
- mblock->size = size;
- mblock->save_level = ap->save_level;
- mblock->cap = ap;
- ap->malloc_chain = mblock;
- ap->used += size;
- ap->total += size;
- return block;
- }
- /* Allocate a new chunk. Return true if successful. */
- #define chunk_head_size align_round(sizeof(alloc_chunk))
- private int
- alloc_add_chunk(register alloc_state_ptr ap, uint csize)
- { char *space =
- (*ap->mprocs->alloc)(1, chunk_head_size + csize, "alloc chunk");
- long discard;
- if ( space == NULL )
- return 0;
- ap->num_chunks++;
- /* Accumulate statistics */
- ap->total += csize;
- alloc_status(&ap->used, &discard);
- /* Stash the state of the old chunk */
- if ( ap->current_ptr != 0 ) /* check for very first chunk */
- *ap->current_ptr = ap->current;
- /* Initialize the new chunk */
- ap->cbase = ap->cbot = (byte *)space + chunk_head_size;
- ap->climit = ap->ctop = ap->cbot + csize;
- ap->current.next = ap->current_ptr;
- ap->current.save_level = ap->save_level;
- ap->current_ptr = (alloc_chunk *)space;
- return 1;
- }
- #undef chunk_head_size
- /* Free a large object (allocated with malloc). */
- private void
- alloc_free_large(char *cobj, uint size, const char *client_name)
- { alloc_block **prev;
- alloc_block *mblock = (alloc_block *)(cobj - alloc_block_size);
- alloc_state_ptr ap = mblock->cap;
- if ( mblock->save_level == ap->save_level )
- for ( prev = &ap->malloc_chain; *prev != 0; prev = &mblock->next )
- { mblock = *prev;
- if ( (char *)mblock + alloc_block_size == cobj )
- { *prev = mblock->next;
- ap->used -= size;
- ap->total -= size;
- (*ap->mprocs->free)((char *)mblock,
- 1, size + alloc_block_size,
- "large object");
- alloc_print_large('-', '*', cobj, size);
- return;
- }
- }
- alloc_print('-', '?', cobj, size);
- }