home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* Copyright (C) 1989, 1992 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- This file is part of Ghostscript.
- Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- copies. */
- /* idict.c */
- /* Dictionaries for Ghostscript */
- #include "ghost.h"
- #include "alloc.h"
- #include "errors.h"
- #include "iname.h"
- #include "packed.h"
- #include "save.h" /* for value cache in names */
- #include "store.h"
- #include "iutil.h" /* for array_get and obj_eq */
- #include "ivmspace.h" /* for store check */
- #include "dict.h" /* interface definition */
- #include "dstack.h" /* ditto */
- /*
- * A dictionary is a structure of three elements (refs):
- *
- * count - a t_integer whose value says how many entries are
- * occupied (N), and whose size says how many elements the client
- * thinks the dictionary can hold (C). C may be less than M (see below).
- *
- * keys - a t_shortarray or t_array of M+1 elements, containing
- * the keys.
- *
- * values - a t_array of M+1 elements, containing the values.
- *
- * C < M is possible because on 32-bit systems, we round up M so that
- * M is a power of 2; this allows us to use masking rather than division
- * for computing the initial hash probe. However, C is always the
- * maxlength specified by the client, so clients get a consistent story.
- */
- #define dict_round_size (!arch_ints_are_short)
- #if dict_round_size
- # define hash_mod(hash, size) ((hash) & ((size) - 1))
- #else
- # define hash_mod(hash, size) ((hash) % (size))
- #endif
- /*
- * The first entry is always marked deleted, to reduce the cost of the
- * wrap-around check.
- *
- * In the packed form:
- * unused entries contain packed_key_empty;
- * deleted entries contain packed_key_deleted.
- * In the unpacked form:
- * unused entries contain a literal null;
- * deleted entries contain an executable null.
- *
- * Note that if the keys slot in the dictionary is new,
- * all the key slots are new (more recent than the last save).
- * We use this fact to avoid saving stores into packed keys
- * for newly created dictionaries.
- */
- #define dict_is_packed(dct) r_has_type(&(dct)->keys, t_shortarray)
- #define packed_key_empty (pt_tag(pt_integer) + 0)
- #define packed_key_deleted (pt_tag(pt_integer) + 1)
- #define packed_key_impossible pt_tag(pt_full_ref) /* never matches */
- #define packed_name_key(nidx)\
- ((nidx) <= packed_max_name_index ? pt_tag(pt_literal_name) + (nidx) :\
- packed_key_impossible)
- /*
- * Using a special mark for deleted entries causes lookup time to degrade
- * as entries are inserted and deleted. This is not a problem, because
- * entries are almost never deleted.
- */
- #define d_maxlength(dct) r_size(&(dct)->count)
- #define d_set_maxlength(dct,siz) r_set_size(&(dct)->count,siz)
- #define nslots(dct) r_size(&(dct)->values)
- #define npairs(dct) (nslots(dct) - 1)
- #define d_length(dct) ((uint)((dct)->count.value.intval))
- /* Define the size of the largest valid dictionary. */
- /* This is limited by the size field of the keys and values refs, */
- /* and by the enumeration interface, which requires the size to */
- /* fit in an int. */
- const uint dict_max_size = max_ushort / 2 - 2;
- /* Define whether dictionaries expand automatically when full. */
- int dict_auto_expand = 0;
- /* Define the hashing function for names. */
- /* We don't have to scramble the index, because */
- /* indices are assigned in a scattered order (see name_ref in iname.c). */
- #define dict_name_index_hash(nidx) (nidx)
- /* Define whether dictionaries are packed by default. */
- #define default_pack 1
- /* Forward references */
- private int dict_create_contents(P3(uint size, dict *pdict, int pack));
- /* Create a dictionary. */
- int
- dict_create(uint size, ref *pref)
- { ref arr;
- int code = alloc_array(&arr, a_all, sizeof(dict) / sizeof(ref), "dict_create");
- dict *pdict = (dict *)arr.value.refs;
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- code = dict_create_contents(size, pdict, default_pack);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- make_tav_new(pref, t_dictionary, a_all, pdict, pdict);
- return 0;
- }
- private int
- dict_create_unpacked_keys(uint asize, dict *pdict)
- { int code = alloc_array(&pdict->keys, a_all, asize, "dict_create(keys)");
- ref *kp;
- ref *zp;
- register uint i;
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- ref_mark_new(&pdict->keys);
- for ( zp = kp = pdict->keys.value.refs, i = asize; i; zp++, i-- )
- make_null_new(zp);
- r_set_attrs(kp, a_executable); /* wraparound entry */
- return 0;
- }
- private int
- dict_create_contents(uint size, dict *pdict, int pack)
- { uint csize = (size == 0 ? 1 : size); /* client-specified size */
- uint asize = csize;
- int code;
- register uint i;
- ref *zp;
- #if dict_round_size
- /* Round up the actual allocated size to the next higher */
- /* power of 2, so we can use & instead of %. */
- while ( asize & (asize - 1) ) asize = (asize | (asize >> 1)) + 1;
- #endif
- asize++; /* allow room for wraparound entry */
- code = alloc_array(&pdict->values, a_all, asize, "dict_create(values)");
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- ref_mark_new(&pdict->values);
- for ( zp = pdict->values.value.refs, i = asize; i; zp++, i-- )
- make_null_new(zp);
- if ( pack )
- { uint ksize = (asize + packed_per_ref - 1) / packed_per_ref;
- ref arr;
- ref_packed *pkp;
- ref_packed *pzp;
- code = alloc_array(&arr, a_all, ksize, "dict_create(packed keys)");
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- pkp = (ref_packed *)arr.value.refs;
- make_tasv_new(&pdict->keys, t_shortarray, a_all, asize,
- packed, pkp);
- for ( pzp = pkp, i = 0; i < asize || i % packed_per_ref; pzp++, i++ )
- *pzp = packed_key_empty;
- *pkp = packed_key_deleted; /* wraparound entry */
- }
- else /* not packed */
- { int code = dict_create_unpacked_keys(asize, pdict);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- make_tv_new(&pdict->count, t_integer, intval, 0);
- d_set_maxlength(pdict, csize);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Define a macro for searching a packed dictionary. Free variables:
- * ref_packed kpack - holds the packed key.
- * uint hash - holds the hash of the name.
- * dict *pdict - points to the dictionary.
- * uint size - holds npairs(pdict).
- * Note that the macro is *not* enclosed in {}, so that we can access
- * the values of kbot and kp after leaving the loop.
- *
- * We break the macro into two to avoid overflowing some preprocessors.
- */
- #define packed_search_1(del,pre,post,miss)\
- const ref_packed *kbot = pdict->keys.value.packed;\
- register const ref_packed *kp;\
- for ( kp = kbot + hash_mod(hash, size) + 2; ; )\
- { if ( *--kp == kpack )\
- { pre (pdict->values.value.refs + (kp - kbot));\
- post;\
- }\
- else if ( !packed_ref_is_name(kp) )\
- { /* Empty, deleted, or wraparound. Figure out which. */\
- if ( *kp == packed_key_empty ) miss;\
- if ( kp == kbot ) break; /* wrap */\
- else { del; }\
- }\
- }
- #define packed_search_2(del,pre,post,miss)\
- for ( kp += size + 1; ; )\
- { if ( *--kp == kpack )\
- { pre (pdict->values.value.refs + (kp - kbot));\
- post;\
- }\
- else if ( !packed_ref_is_name(kp) )\
- { /* Empty, deleted, or wraparound. Figure out which. */\
- if ( *kp == packed_key_empty ) miss;\
- if ( kp == kbot ) break; /* wrap */\
- else { del; }\
- }\
- }
- /*
- * Look up in a stack of dictionaries. Store a pointer to the value slot
- * where found, or to the (value) slot for inserting.
- * Return 1 if found, 0 if not and there is room for a new entry in
- * the top dictionary on the stack, or e_dictfull if the top dictionary
- * is full and the key is missing.
- * Note that pdbot <= pdtop, and the search starts at pdtop.
- */
- int
- dict_lookup(const ref *pdbot, const ref *pdtop, const ref *pkey,
- ref **ppvalue /* result is stored here */)
- { const ref *pdref = pdtop;
- uint nidx;
- ref_packed kpack;
- uint hash;
- int ktype;
- int full = 1; /* gets set to 0 or e_dictfull */
- /* Compute hash. The only types we bother with are strings, */
- /* names, and (unlikely, but worth checking for) integers. */
- switch ( r_type(pkey) )
- {
- case t_name:
- nidx = name_index(pkey);
- nh: hash = dict_name_index_hash(nidx);
- kpack = packed_name_key(nidx);
- ktype = t_name;
- break;
- case t_string: /* convert to a name first */
- { ref nref;
- int code = name_ref(pkey->value.bytes,
- r_size(pkey), &nref, 1);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- nidx = name_index(&nref);
- } goto nh;
- case t_integer:
- hash = (uint)pkey->value.intval * 30503;
- kpack = packed_key_impossible;
- ktype = -1;
- break;
- default:
- hash = r_btype(pkey) * 99; /* yech */
- kpack = packed_key_impossible;
- ktype = -1;
- }
- do
- { dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
- uint size = npairs(pdict);
- register int etype;
- /* Search the dictionary */
- if ( dict_is_packed(pdict) )
- { const ref_packed *pslot = 0;
- packed_search_1(if ( pslot == 0 ) pslot = kp,
- *ppvalue =, return 1, goto miss);
- packed_search_2(if ( pslot == 0 ) pslot = kp,
- *ppvalue =, return 1, goto miss);
- /* Double wraparound. */
- /* Set full = e_dictfull if first dict and */
- /* dict is full (pslot == 0). */
- if ( full > 0 ) /* first dictionary */
- { if ( pslot == 0 )
- full = e_dictfull;
- else
- { *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs +
- (pslot - kbot),
- full = 0;
- }
- }
- goto next_dict;
- miss: /* Key is missing, not double wrap. */
- if ( full > 0 ) /* first dictionary */
- { if ( pslot == 0 ) pslot = kp;
- *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs +
- (pslot - kbot),
- full = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- { ref *kbot = pdict->keys.value.refs;
- register ref *kp;
- ref *pslot = 0;
- int wrap = 0;
- for ( kp = kbot + hash_mod(hash, size) + 2; ; )
- { --kp;
- if ( (etype = r_type(kp)) == ktype )
- { /* Fast comparison if both keys are names */
- if ( name_index(kp) == nidx )
- { *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs + (kp - kbot);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- else if ( etype == t_null )
- { /* Empty, deleted, or wraparound. */
- /* Figure out which. */
- if ( kp == kbot ) /* wrap */
- { if ( wrap++ ) /* wrapped twice */
- { if ( full > 0 )
- { if ( pslot != 0 )
- break;
- full = e_dictfull;
- }
- goto next_dict;
- }
- kp += size + 1;
- }
- else if ( r_has_attr(kp, a_executable) )
- { /* Deleted entry, save the slot. */
- if ( pslot == 0 ) pslot = kp;
- }
- else /* key not found */
- break;
- }
- else
- { if ( obj_eq(kp, pkey) )
- { *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs + (kp - kbot);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( full > 0 )
- { *ppvalue = pdict->values.value.refs +
- ((pslot != 0 ? pslot : kp) - kbot);
- full = 0;
- }
- }
- next_dict: ;
- }
- while ( --pdref >= pdbot );
- return full;
- }
- /*
- * Look up a name on the dictionary stack.
- * Return the pointer to the value if found, 0 if not.
- * This is just an optimization of dict_lookup with a different interface.
- */
- ref *
- dict_find_name_by_index(uint nidx)
- { ds_ptr pdref = dsp;
- /* Since we know the hash function is the identity function, */
- /* there's no point in allocating a separate variable for it. */
- #define hash dict_name_index_hash(nidx)
- ref_packed kpack = packed_name_key(nidx);
- do
- { dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
- uint size = npairs(pdict);
- if ( dict_is_packed(pdict) )
- { packed_search_1(0, return, 0, goto miss);
- packed_search_2(0, return, 0, break);
- miss: ;
- }
- else
- { ref *kbot = pdict->keys.value.refs;
- register ref *kp;
- int wrap = 0;
- /* Search the dictionary */
- for ( kp = kbot + hash_mod(hash, size) + 2; ; )
- { --kp;
- if ( r_has_type(kp, t_name) )
- { if ( name_index(kp) == nidx )
- return pdict->values.value.refs +
- (kp - kbot);
- }
- else if ( r_has_type(kp, t_null) )
- { /* Empty, deleted, or wraparound. */
- /* Figure out which. */
- if ( !r_has_attr(kp, a_executable) )
- break;
- if ( kp == kbot ) /* wrap */
- { if ( wrap++ )
- break; /* 2 wraps */
- kp += size + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- while ( --pdref >= dsbot );
- return (ref *)0;
- #undef hash
- }
- /*
- * Enter a key-value pair in a dictionary.
- * The caller is responsible for ensuring key is not a null.
- * Return 0, e_dictfull, or e_VMerror if the key was a string
- * and a VMerror occurred when converting it to a name.
- */
- int
- dict_put(ref *pdref /* t_dictionary */, const ref *pkey, const ref *pvalue)
- { ref *pvslot;
- top: if ( dict_find(pdref, pkey, &pvslot) <= 0 ) /* not found */
- { /* Check for overflow */
- dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
- ref kname;
- uint index = pvslot - pdict->values.value.refs;
- if ( d_length(pdict) == d_maxlength(pdict) )
- { int code;
- ulong new_size;
- if ( !dict_auto_expand )
- return_error(e_dictfull);
- /* We might have maxlength < npairs, if */
- /* dict_round_size is true. */
- new_size = (ulong)npairs(pdict) * 3 / 2 + 2;
- if ( new_size > dict_max_size )
- { if ( d_maxlength(pdict) == dict_max_size )
- return_error(e_dictfull);
- new_size = dict_max_size;
- }
- if ( new_size > npairs(pdict) )
- { code = dict_resize(pdref, (uint)new_size);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- }
- else
- { /* maxlength < npairs, we can grow in place */
- ref_save(&pdict->count, "dict_put(size)");
- d_set_maxlength(pdict, npairs(pdict));
- }
- goto top; /* keep things simple */
- }
- /* If the key is a string, convert it to a name. */
- if ( r_has_type(pkey, t_string) )
- { int code = name_from_string(pkey, &kname);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- pkey = &kname;
- }
- if ( dict_is_packed(pdict) )
- { ref_packed *kp;
- if ( !r_has_type(pkey, t_name) ||
- name_index(pkey) > packed_max_name_index
- )
- { /* Change to unpacked representation. */
- /* We can't just use dict_resize, */
- /* because the values slots mustn't move. */
- uint count = nslots(pdict);
- const ref_packed *okp =
- pdict->keys.value.packed;
- ref old_keys;
- int code;
- ref *nkp;
- make_array(&old_keys, 0,
- (count + packed_per_ref - 1) /
- packed_per_ref,
- (ref *)okp);
- if ( alloc_save_new_mask )
- alloc_save_change(&pdict->keys, "dict_unpack(keys)");
- code = dict_create_unpacked_keys(count, pdict);
- if ( code < 0 ) return code;
- for ( nkp = pdict->keys.value.refs; count--; okp++, nkp++ )
- if ( packed_ref_is_name(okp) )
- packed_get(okp, nkp);
- alloc_free_array(&old_keys,
- "dict_unpack(old keys)");
- return dict_put(pdref, pkey, pvalue);
- }
- kp = (ref_packed *)(pdict->keys.value.packed + index);
- if ( alloc_save_new_mask &&
- !r_has_attr(&pdict->keys, l_new)
- )
- { /* See initial comment for why it is safe */
- /* not to save the change if the keys */
- /* array itself is new. */
- alloc_save_change(pdict->keys.value.refs + (index / packed_per_ref), "dict_put(key)");
- }
- *kp = pt_tag(pt_literal_name) + name_index(pkey);
- }
- else
- { ref *kp = pdict->keys.value.refs + index;
- if_debug2('d', "[d]%lx fill key %lx\n",
- (ulong)pdict, (ulong)kp);
- if ( !r_is_global(pkey) && r_is_global(pdref) )
- return_error(e_invalidaccess);
- ref_assign_old(kp, pkey, "dict_put(key)"); /* set key of pair */
- }
- ref_save(&pdict->count, "dict_put(count)");
- pdict->count.value.intval++;
- /* If the key is a name, update its 1-element cache. */
- if ( r_has_type(pkey, t_name) )
- { name *pname = pkey->value.pname;
- if ( pname->pvalue == pv_no_defn &&
- (pdict == systemdict->value.pdict ||
- pdict == userdict->value.pdict) &&
- /* Only set the cache if we aren't inside */
- /* a save. This way, we never have to */
- /* undo setting the cache. */
- alloc_save_level() == 0
- )
- { /* Set the cache */
- pname->pvalue = pvslot;
- }
- else /* The cache is worthless */
- pname->pvalue = pv_other;
- }
- }
- if_debug6('d', "[d]in %lx put %lx: %lx %lx -> %lx %lx\n",
- (ulong)pdref->value.pdict, (ulong)pvslot,
- ((ulong *)pvslot)[0], ((ulong *)pvslot)[1],
- ((ulong *)pvalue)[0], ((ulong *)pvalue)[1]);
- /* Check the value. */
- if ( !r_is_global(pvalue) && r_is_global(pdref) )
- return_error(e_invalidaccess);
- ref_assign_old(pvslot, pvalue, "dict_put(value)");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Remove an element from a dictionary. */
- int
- dict_undef(ref *pdref, const ref *pkey)
- { ref *pvslot;
- dict *pdict;
- uint index;
- if ( dict_find(pdref, pkey, &pvslot) <= 0 )
- return_error(e_undefined);
- /* Remove the entry from the dictionary. */
- pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
- index = pvslot - pdict->values.value.refs;
- if ( dict_is_packed(pdict) )
- { ref_packed *pkp =
- (ref_packed *)(pdict->keys.value.packed + index);
- /* Since packed arrays don't have room for a saved bit, */
- /* always save the entire ref containing this key. */
- /* This wastes a little space, but undef is rare. */
- /* See the initial comment for why it is safe not to save */
- /* the change if the keys array itself is new. */
- if ( alloc_save_new_mask && !r_has_attr(&pdict->keys, l_new) )
- alloc_save_change(pdict->keys.value.refs + (index / packed_per_ref), "dict_undef(key)");
- /* Accumulating deleted entries slows down lookup. */
- /* Detect the easy case where we can use an empty entry */
- /* rather than a deleted one, namely, when the next entry */
- /* in the probe order is empty. */
- if ( pkp[-1] == packed_key_empty )
- *pkp = packed_key_empty;
- else
- *pkp = packed_key_deleted;
- }
- else /* not packed */
- { ref *kp = pdict->keys.value.refs + index;
- make_null_old(kp, "dict_undef(key)");
- /* Accumulating deleted entries slows down lookup. */
- /* Detect the easy case where we can use an empty entry */
- /* rather than a deleted one, namely, when the next entry */
- /* in the probe order is empty. */
- if ( !r_has_type(kp - 1, t_null) || /* full entry */
- r_has_attr(kp - 1, a_executable) /* deleted or wraparound */
- )
- r_set_attrs(kp, a_executable); /* mark as deleted */
- }
- ref_save(&pdict->count, "dict_undef(count)");
- pdict->count.value.intval--;
- /* If the key is a name, update its 1-element cache. */
- if ( r_has_type(pkey, t_name) )
- { name *pname = pkey->value.pname;
- if ( pv_valid(pname->pvalue) &&
- (pdict == systemdict->value.pdict ||
- pdict == userdict->value.pdict) )
- { /* Clear the cache */
- pname->pvalue = pv_no_defn;
- }
- }
- make_null_old(pvslot, "dict_undef(value)");
- return 0;
- }
- /* Return the number of elements in a dictionary. */
- uint
- dict_length(const ref *pdref /* t_dictionary */)
- { return d_length(pdref->value.pdict);
- }
- /* Return the capacity of a dictionary. */
- uint
- dict_maxlength(const ref *pdref /* t_dictionary */)
- { return d_maxlength(pdref->value.pdict);
- }
- /* Copy one dictionary into another. */
- int
- dict_copy(const ref *pdrfrom /* t_dictionary */, ref *pdrto /* t_dictionary */)
- { int index = dict_first(pdrfrom);
- ref elt[2];
- int code;
- while ( (index = dict_next(pdrfrom, index, elt)) >= 0 )
- if ( (code = dict_put(pdrto, &elt[0], &elt[1])) < 0 )
- return code;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Resize a dictionary. */
- int
- dict_resize(ref *pdrfrom, uint new_size)
- { dict *pdict = pdrfrom->value.pdict;
- uint count = nslots(pdict);
- dict dnew;
- ref drto;
- int code;
- uint local;
- if ( new_size < d_length(pdict) )
- { if ( !dict_auto_expand )
- return_error(e_dictfull);
- new_size = d_length(pdict);
- }
- local = alloc_select_local(r_local(pdrfrom));
- if ( (code = dict_create_contents(new_size, &dnew, dict_is_packed(pdict))) < 0 )
- { alloc_select_local(local);
- return code;
- }
- make_tav_new(&drto, t_dictionary, a_all, pdict, &dnew);
- dict_copy(pdrfrom, &drto); /* can't fail */
- /* Free the old dictionary */
- alloc_free_array(&pdict->values, "dict_resize(old values)");
- if ( dict_is_packed(pdict) )
- { /* We reset the size so alloc_free_array will know */
- /* how big the keys are in refs.... */
- r_set_size(&pdict->keys,
- (count + packed_per_ref - 1) / packed_per_ref);
- }
- alloc_free_array(&pdict->keys, "dict_resize(old keys)");
- /* ... but now we have to reset it, so that if we are in a save, */
- /* the correct value gets saved by ref_assign_old. */
- r_set_size(&pdict->keys, count);
- ref_assign_old(&pdict->keys, &dnew.keys, "dict_resize(keys)");
- ref_assign_old(&pdict->values, &dnew.values, "dict_resize(values)");
- ref_save(&pdict->count, "dict_resize(size)");
- d_set_maxlength(pdict, new_size);
- alloc_select_local(local);
- return 0;
- }
- /* Prepare to enumerate a dictionary. */
- int
- dict_first(const ref *pdref)
- { return (int)nslots(pdref->value.pdict);
- }
- /* Enumerate the next element of a dictionary. */
- int
- dict_next(const ref *pdref, int index, ref *eltp /* ref eltp[2] */)
- { dict *pdict = pdref->value.pdict;
- ref *vp = pdict->values.value.refs + index;
- while ( vp--, --index >= 0 )
- { array_get(&pdict->keys, (long)index, eltp);
- /* Make sure this is a valid entry. */
- if ( r_has_type(eltp, t_name) ||
- (!dict_is_packed(pdict) && !r_has_type(eltp, t_null))
- )
- { eltp[1] = *vp;
- if_debug6('d', "[d]%lx index %d: %lx %lx, %lx %lx\n",
- (ulong)pdict, index,
- ((ulong *)eltp)[0], ((ulong *)eltp)[1],
- ((ulong *)vp)[0], ((ulong *)vp)[1]);
- return index;
- }
- }
- return -1; /* no more elements */
- }